Do You Need Visa to Visit Kyrgyzstan?

Do You Need Visa to Visit Kyrgyzstan? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Kyrgyzstan

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Kyrgyzstan

There are different types of visas available for Kyrgyzstan. You will be required a visa even if you are transiting through Kyrgyzstan unless you are from a visa-exempt group.

You can realize your planned trip to Kyrgyzstan by obtaining a Kyrgyzstan visa. Foreign nationals can apply to Kyrgyzstan short-term visas, e-Visa, via the embassy or on arrival for temporary reasons (tourism, business, cultural, and other short-term purposes). The Kyrgyz Republic applies a visa-free regime for citizens of 69 countries (with different lengths of stay).

Upon arrival in the Kyrgyz Republic, foreign country citizens, except counties, included in the list (list of foreign countries with conditions for the release from registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving in the Kyrgyz Republic at the place of their stay in authorized state bodies, as well as hotels) are required to register on the basis of the place of stay within 5 working days of the date of entry.

Kyrgyzstan E-Visa

All nationals who normally require a visa to enter Kyrgyzstan are eligible to apply for an e-Visa. Citizens of all countries can apply for an electronic Kyrgyz Republic visa for 30 to 90 days. Citizens of certain countries are eligible for a visa at the border provided they meet the required criteria. Furthermore, you can also apply for a visa in Kyrgyzstan embassies/consulates.


Kyrgyzstan E-visa Eligible Countries:

You can check your eligibility through this website. Currently, foreign citizens and stateless persons with electronic visas of the Kyrgyz Republic may cross the State Border of the Kyrgyz Republic at the following international checkpoints.

  • Manas-airport
  • Osh-airport
  • Chon-Kapka-avtodorozhnyi
  • Chaldybar- avtodorozhnyi
  • Ak-Jol- avtodorozhnyi
  • Ak-Tilek- avtodorozhnyi
  • Dostuk- avtodorozhnyi
  • Kyzyl-Bel- avtodorozhnyi
  • Kulundu- avtodorozhnyi
  • Bor-Dobo- avtodorozhnyi
  • Irkeshtam- avtodorozhnyi
  • Torugart-avtodorozhnyi



Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (E-visa)

Tourist visa ('TS') is issued to an applicant wishing to visit the Republic of Kyrgyz for tourism purposes for a period of up to 60 days.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (e-Visa) fee is 41-52 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Tourist - Single entry (1 months)



Tourist - Single entry (2 months)




 Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Tourist Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (E-visa)

Business Visa ('B') is issued to the applicant, entering the Kyrgyz Republic for business purposes, to participate in negotiations, conferences and meetings, sporting events, organized by state offices and local governments, international organizations, and legal entities for up to 60 days.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Original Invitation Letter by the Company/Organization

  • Written invitation by the state body of the Kyrgyz Republic or written invitation by the legal entity registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic (with the indication of the stay duration) with the documents certifying the nature of the business trip

6. Certificate of Registration in the Justice Authority of the Kyrgyz Republic

7. Founders Agreement of an Organization

8. Charter of an Organization

9. Certificates from the:

  • Tax authority on the absence of debt
  • The social fund on the absence of debt

10. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Business - Single entry (1 month)



Business - Single entry (2 months)



Business - Multiple entry (1 months)



Business - Multiple entry (2 months)




 Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Business Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (E-visa)

The Guest visa will be issued to the applicant for a period of up to 60 days, entering the Kyrgyz Republic for various private purposes, visiting friends and acquaintances, or receiving medical services.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Written Request

  • From the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic with a copy of his/her internal passport (ID-card)

6. Invitation or Proof from a Health Organization

  • Registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, with an indication of the timing of treatment, its cost, and necessity in the accompanying persons (in order to receive medical services) (not mandatory)

7. Documents Confirming Advance Payment for Treatment

  • Or the possibility of payment after treatment (in order to receive medical services) (not mandatory)

8. Copy of a Document Confirming the Permanent Residence of the Inviting Party in the Territory of the Kyrgyz Republic

9. Reference from a Place of Work

  • Or any other document about the financial viability of inviting party or applicant, a notarized obligation

10. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Guest - Single entry (1 month)



Guest - Single entry (2 months)



Guest - Multiple entry (1 month)



Guest - Multiple entry (2 months)




 Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Guest Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (E-visa)

Family visa ('F') is issued to members of the Family (spouses, underage children, and dependent parents) of a foreign citizen who resides in the Republic of Kyrgyz with Employment ('W1' 'W2'), Study ('S') in the category of visas and on the basis of a residence permit.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Documents Approving Kinship Between Applicant and Members of His/Her Family

  • Copies of certified marriage and birth certificates (in case of married couples/defendants)

6. Copy of the Family Member’s Passport Photo Page and Valid Visa

7. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Family visa - Single entry (1 month)



Family visa - Single entry (3 months)



Family visa - Single entry (6 months)



Family visa - Multiple entry (1 months)



Family visa - Multiple entry (3 months)



Family visa - Multiple entry (6 months)



Family visa - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Family Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (E-visa)

Investment visa (Type 'I') is issued to an investor or head of a foreign investment company engaged in investment activities in the Kyrgyz Republic and submitted the necessary supporting documents proving the contribution to the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, its money and assets equivalent to the sum of 10 (ten) million soms, intended for industrial, industrial, agricultural, banking, energy, education, health, and civil engineering purposes, as well as information and communication technologies.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Written Request

  • From the authorized state body in the field of investment policy, signed by the head or deputy head of that state body

6. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

There are no visa fees in case a person applying for Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (e-Visa).

Type of Visa



Investment - Multiple entry (12 months)



Investment - Multiple entry (24 months)



Investment - Multiple entry (36 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Investment Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (E-visa)

The Leave (L) visa will be issued to the applicant for a period of up to 10 days for departure from the Kyrgyz Republic to foreign citizens who have violated the terms of their stay on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Letter from the National Security Authority

  • The authorized state body in the interior affairs or the authorized body in the field of migration

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61.80 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Leave visa (10 days)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Leave Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (E-visa)

Mountain Tourism (MT) visas are issued to a foreign citizen to visit the Kyrgyz Republic for the purpose of Alpine tourism (alpinism, climbing, snowboarding, rafting, freeriding, etc.)


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Written Application

  • From tourist organization or personal application from the applicant

6. Route of the Tour

  • Plan of corresponding tour organization

7. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Mountain Tourism - Single entry (1 month)



Mountain Tourism - Single entry (3 months)



Mountain Tourism - Multiple entry (1 month)



Mountain Tourism - Multiple entry (3 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Mountain Tourism Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (E-visa)

Visas for visiting Relatives (RL) or family reunions will be issued for a period of up to 1 year to an applicant entering the Kyrgyz Republic for temporary or permanent residence or refugee status.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Written Request

  • From the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic with a copy of his/her internal passport (ID-card)

6. The Document on the Consideration of the Applicants’ Application for a Residence Permit or the Granting of Citizenship (in case the applicant is in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic)

7. Application from State Body in the Sphere of Migration and Personal Application from Person, Recognized as Refugee (in case of issuing leave/entry visa)

8. Copy of a Document Confirming the Permanent Residence of the Inviting Party in the Territory of the Kyrgyz Republic

9. Marriage Registration Certificate

  • Or other documents confirming the applicant's kinship with a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic

10. Reference from a Place of Work or Any Other Document about Financial Viability of Inviting Party or Applicant, a Notarized Obligation

11. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Relatives - Single entry (1 month)



Relatives - Single entry (3 months)



Relatives - Single entry (6 months)



Relatives - Multiple entry (1 month)



Relatives - Multiple entry (3 months)



Relatives - Multiple entry (6 months)



Relatives - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Relatives Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (E-visa)

The Religious Visa (Type "R") is issued to a missionary who intends to visit the Kyrgyz Republic in cooperation with religious organizations, subject to a permit issued by the State Religious Affairs Authority, for a period of up to 60 days.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Invitation Letter

  • Issued by an authorized state body on religious affairs, stating the purpose and duration of the applicants stay in the Kyrgyz Republic

6. Route of the Tour

7. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Religion - Single entry (1 month)



Religion - Single entry (2 months)



Religion - Multiple entry (1 month)



Religion - Multiple entry (2 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Religion Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (E-visa)

The Study Visa (Type 'S') is issued to an applicant entering the Kyrgyz Republic for education. The Study Visa (Type 'S') is issued in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 1 year in the case of studies in educational institutions registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. There are two types of Study Visa.

Visa for Prospective University Students for admission to the educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Visa for Students for further education in the Kyrgyz Republic in educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Written Request

  • From the head of the educational institution registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic

6. Supporting Documents that Show Your Reason for a Trip

     Only for Students Visa:

  • Copy of the individual contract between the applicant and the educational organization registered in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic

7. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Study for Prospective University Students Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD and Study for Students Visa (e-Visa) fee is 30-73 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Study (Prospective University Students) - Single entry (1 month)



Study (Prospective University Students) - Single entry (3 months)



Study (Prospective University Students) - Multiple entry (1 month)



Study (Prospective University Students) - Multiple entry (3 months)




Type of Visa



Study (Students) - Single entry (6 months)



Study (Students) - Single entry (12 months)



Study (Students) - Multiple entry (6 months)



Study (Students) - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Study Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (E-visa)

Transit visa (type "TR") is issued to an applicant who is in transit through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic to third countries for a period of up to 5 days.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your transiting through Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. A Copy of the Ticket to the Final Destination in a Third Country

  • Or a copy of the visa to the country of destination
  • Or a copy of the authorization (invitation), certified by the official authorities of a third country, in the case of receiving a visa on arrival

6. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (e-Visa) fee is 25.75 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Transit - Single entry (5 days)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Transit Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (E-visa)

Visa to Ethnic Kyrgyz (M) is issued for a period of up to 1 year for visiting or returning the Kyrgyz Republic to a foreign citizen-ethnic Kyrgyz, a former citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic or a Kyrgyz SSR-for further obtaining the status of "Kairylman" (an ethnic Kyrgyz who has returned to his or her ethnic motherland from abroad).


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. The Document on the Consideration of the Applicants Application for a Residence Permit or the Granting of Citizenship (in case the applicant is in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic)

6. Documents Approving Ethnicity of Ethnic Kyrgyz

  • Or documents confirming birth in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Or in the territory of the Kyrgyz SSR (translated into the national OR official language and notarized birth certificates, extracts from civil status acts, archival documents, national passports of a foreign state)

7. Personal Application of Persons Having "Kayrylman" Status (in case of issuing a leave-entry visa)

8. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Single entry (1 month)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Single entry (3 months)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Single entry (6 months)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Multiple entry (1 month)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Multiple entry (3 months)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Multiple entry (6 months)



Ethnic Kyrgyz - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Kyrgyz Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (E-visa)

The Work visa ('W1') is issued to an applicant for a work permit or an individual undertaking in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. There are two types of Work (W1) Visa.

The Work visa (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan). For employment in the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 90 days in Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of a quota or a personal request from a foreign citizen for the subsequent receipt of a work permit.


The Work visa (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan). Visa for work / further work on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 1 year is issued on the basis of a work permit.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Permission to Attract and Use Foreign Labor

6. Written Invitation Letter

  • From the inviting organization (state office of Kyrgyz Republic or a legal entity, registered on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic)

7. Certificate of Registration in the Justice Authority of the Kyrgyz Republic

8. Founders Agreement of an Organization

9. Charter of an Organization

10. Certificates

  • From the tax authority on the absence of debt

  • From the social fund on the absence of debt

11. Supporting Documents that Show Your Reason for a Trip

     For only Working in Kyrgyzstan Visa:

  • Work permit - specified format document confirming the right of foreign citizens and stateless persons to perform work or individual business activity in the Kyrgyz Republic. A work permit is issued by the authorized state body in the field of migration, in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Copy of valid visa
  • A written invitation from the inviting organization (state office of Kyrgyz Republic or a legal entity, registered on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic)
  • Certificate of registration in the justice authority of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Founders agreement of an organization
  • Charter of an organization
  • Certificates from the tax authority on the absence of debt
  • Certificates from the social fund on the absence of debt

12. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) for Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD and Work (W1) for Working in Kyrgyzstan Visa (e-Visa) fee is 72-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.


Type of Visa



Work (W1) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (1 month)



Work (W1) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (2 months)



Work (W1) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (1 month)



Work (W1) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (2 months)




Type of Visa



Work (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (2 months)



Work (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (1 month)



Work (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (2 and 3 months)



Work (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (6 months)



Work (W1) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Work (W1) Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (E-visa)

The Work visa ('W2') is issued to an applicant for whom it may concern, in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on external labor migration, there is a different procedure for carrying out work without obtaining a work permit.

The Work visa (W2) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan). For employment in the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 90 days in the Kyrgyz Republic on the basis of a quota or a personal request from a foreign citizen for the subsequent receipt of a work permit.


The Work visa (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan). Visa for work / further work on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for a period of up to 1 year is issued on the basis of a work permit.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Reference from Authorized State Body in the Sphere of Migration

  • Or on the basis of the document on accreditation of journalists and correspondents

6. Written Invitation Letter

  • From the inviting organization (state office of Kyrgyz Republic or a legal entity, registered on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic)

7. Certificate of Registration in the Justice Authority of the Kyrgyz Republic

8. Founders Agreement of an Organization

9. Charter of an Organization

10. Certificates

  • From the tax authority on the absence of debt
  • From the social fund on the absence of debt

11. Supporting Documents that Show Your Reason for a Trip

     Only for Working in Kyrgyzstan Visa:

  • Reference from authorized state body in the sphere of migration, or on the basis of the document on accreditation of journalists and correspondents
  • Copy of valid visa
  • A written invitation from the inviting organization (state office of Kyrgyz Republic or a legal entity, registered on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic)
  • Certificate of registration in the justice authority of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Founders agreement of an organization
  • Charter of an organization
  • Certificates from the tax authority on the absence of debt
  • Certificates from the social fund on the absence of debt

12. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.



Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) for Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-93 USD and Work (W2) for Working in Kyrgyzstan Visa (e-Visa) fee is 73-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.


Type of Visa



Work (W2) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (1 month)



Work (W2) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (2 months)



Work (W2) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (1 month)



Work (W2) (Looking for Job in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (2 months)




Type of Visa



Work (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Single entry (2 months)



Work (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (1 month)



Work (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (2 and 3 months)



Work (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (6 months)



Work (W2) (Working in Kyrgyzstan) - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Work (W2) Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (E-visa)

Service/Official visa ('O') is issued to a foreign citizen, holder of an official passport, intending to visit the Kyrgyz Republic for official purposes.


Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (E-visa)


1. Application Form 

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months
  • Format – JPG, PNG
  • Minimum 10 KB
  • Maximum 1 MB
  • The height and width of the Photo must be equal.
  • The photo should present full face, front view, eyes open and without spectacles
  • Center head within frame and present full head from the top of hair to bottom of the chin
  • The background should be plain light-colored or white background.
  • No shadows on the face or on the background.
  • Without borders.

4. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport

5. Original Invitation Letter by the Company/Organization

6. Note Verbal

7. When You Arrive in Kyrgyzstan, You Must Present also:

  • Printed Kyrgyzstan e-Visa
  • Travel Itinerary including:
    • Flight reservation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)

*Additional documents may be required.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (E-visa)

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (e-Visa) is 5 working days.


Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (E-visa) Application Fee

Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (e-Visa) fee is 61-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

Type of Visa



Service/Official - Single entry (1 month)



Service/Official - Single entry (3 and 6 months)



Service/Official - Multiple entry (1 month)



Service/Official - Multiple entry (3 months)



Service/Official - Multiple entry (6 months)



Service/Official - Multiple entry (12 months)




Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (E-visa) Application?

You will apply to Kyrgyzstan Service/Official Visa (e-Visa) online. You can apply for an e-Visa through this website.



Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival

Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival

Some visitors to Kyrgyzstan can obtain Visa on Arrival. Eligible nationals to this visa type can obtain Kyrgyzstan visa in three different ways:

  1. Applying for a visa in Kyrgyzstan embassies/consulates

  2. Getting Kyrgyzstan visa on arrival

  3. Online from the eServices portal.


The following countries may obtain a visa to Kyrgyzstan upon arrival, valid for a maximum stay of 30 days at Manas International Airport:













North Macedonia




San Marino

South Africa





The following countries may obtain a visa to Kyrgyzstan upon arrival, valid for a maximum stay of 60 days at Manas International Airport:





Bosnia and Herzegovina



Czech Republic




















New Zealand





Saudi Arabia


South Korea









Vatican City








Required Documents for Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival


1. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Kyrgyzstan.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or three free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

2. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight tickets (Return ticket)
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

3. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, travelers' cheques, vouchers, etc.

*Additional documents can be required by the border control.


Processing Time for Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival

The average processing time for Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival is a few minutes.


Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival Fee

Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival fee is 41-196 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.


Where to Apply for Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival?

You will apply for Kyrgyzstan Visa on Arrival at Manas International Airport. It's definitely a lot easier to apply online than to get a visa on arrival. One of the advantages is that you won't waste a lot of time at the airport.



I am from a country whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Kyrgyzstan. Can I experience any problems at the border, while entering Kyrgyzstan?

You must meet certain requirements to enter Kyrgyzstan, even if you are not required a visa:

  • The purpose of your trip to Kyrgyzstan must be plausible and comprehensible.
  • Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months beyond your stay in Kyrgyzstan.
  • You must be able to finance your own living and travel costs.
  • You must hold a confirmed return flight to prove that you are prepared to leave Kyrgyzstan before the duration of the permitted stay ends.
  • You must not pose a threat to security or public order.

Will my fees be refunded if my visa is refused?

All fees are non-refundable and will not be refunded if your visa application is not successful.

Do I have to participate in the Embassy in person for applying for a Kyrgyzstan visa?

It depends on your country of residence or the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center’s rules and obligations. In some countries, sending your documents via courier is enough to the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center.

Can the Embassy/Consulate request me to provide additional documents or information?

The embassy may request you to provide additional documents or information, according to your personal situation, even after you have submitted all the required documents mentioned on the official website of the Embassy/Consulate/Visa Application Center.

Do I have to obtain a visa if I do not leave the international transit area?

No. You do not have to obtain a visa if you are not going to leave the international transit area.

Can I choose the language I complete the application form in?

Yes, you can reapply using the Online service. Please ensure you submit the complete documents.

Can I continue my e-Visa application if I am forced to leave it unfinished?

Yes. Just enter into the section Continue application and enter your reference number. You will proceed to the steps which you have not completed yet.

I completed my application but haven't received any confirmation from you. Did you get my application?

Please, check 'spam' and 'junk' folders as well. If this does not help, you should submit a new application and indicate a different email address.

How do I pay for my application?

After final checking and confirmation of your application, you will proceed to the payment step and make payment via a standard electronic payment system.

Should the card be under my name?

No. The card does not have to be under your name.

I have realized that some information on my e-Visa does not match the information on my travel document/passport. I know that my e-Visa is invalid. Can I get a refund?

No. The applicant is responsible for any mistakes made in his/her application.

What kind of documentation do I need to apply for e-Visa?

You will need a valid travel Document/Passport, Photo, and Credit/debit card. You need to have scanned images of your Document/Passport and digital photo to attach them to your electronic application according to the visa type.

In which language should I present documentation?

All documentation should be presented in Kyrgyz or Russian languages or translated to these languages.

What is the difference between the validity period and duration of stay?

Understanding the difference between the visa validity period and duration of stay is important. The validity period of a visa is generally longer than its duration. The validity establishes the first and last dates during which the visa can be used. The visa expires on the last day of its validity. Duration of stay indicates the length of time you have permission to remain in Kyrgyzstan within the validity period of the visa.

I have accidentally deleted the mail with the reference number of my e-Visa application. What should I do?

Please, contact the support desk for this matter.

Can a citizen of the PRC who has a permanent residence permit in the Kyrgyz Republic make an invitation to his family members?

Citizens of foreign countries living in the Kyrgyz Republic may, on the basis of a residence permit and a workplace application, make an invitation for a family visa without the right to work for family members if they have identification documents.

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Sona Abdullayeva
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