Do You Need Visa to Visit Dominican Republic?

Tourist Card

Do You Need Visa to Visit Dominican Republic? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Dominican Republic

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Dominican Republic

You can realize your planned trip to the Dominican Republic by obtaining a Dominican Republic visa. Foreign nationals can apply to the Dominican Republic for purposes of tourism, business, family visit, study, and other nuances.

Any person who legally travels or resides in the United States, Canada, European Union, and Great Britain does not require a Visa to travel to the Dominican Republic for tourism purposes and may enter the Dominican Republic with a Tourist Card and a valid passport. They can obtain a Tourist Card at their arrival at any airport in the Dominican Republic. The cost of a Tourist Card is 10 USD. The validity of a Tourist Card is 30 days.

Dominican Republic Tourist Visa

Dominican Republic Tourist Visa

Dominican Republic Tourist visa is issued for applicants intending to visit the Dominican Republic for tourism and sightseeing. You can apply for a Dominican Republic Tourist visa in order to realize your tourist activities. The Tourist Visa is valid for one or multiple entries within 60 days of the issuing.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Tourist Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • Signed by the beneficiary or his representative,
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, activity to which he is engaged, financial means available, and purpose of travel

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Proof of Economic Solvency

  • Personal Bank statements
  • Bank certificate
  • Titles of property (if any)
    • Your residence, business, farm or land, or vehicle registration

8. Letter from Local Employer/Sponsor (Proof of Occupation)

  • The letter must include:
    • Name, postal address, and telephone number of sponsor/company
    • Details regarding the applicant’s working position, starting date of the employment, and salary
    • The timeframe of work leave (expected date to resume duties) and purpose of travel
  • Valid trade license copy and company ownership documents (if a person is an owner of the company).
  • Letter from University (if student)
  • Copy of sponsor’s valid passport and residence visa (if any) to be attached to letter from sponsor (if an applicant is a dependent)

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)
  • In case of staying at a private house, submit a copy of the house owner’s resident card (both front and backside) and fill out the address on the application form.

10. Invitation Letter (if any)

  • Including the address and the general data of the person who will host you in the Dominican Republic.

11. Flight Reservation

  • Roundtrip ticket booking

12. Required by Sponsor in the Dominican Republic (if any)

  • Dominican ID (Cedula) or Migration Status of the Guarantor
  • Guarantee Letter
    • Duly Notarized and legalized in the Attorney General's Office
    • Must be presented by the applicant along with the other documents on the day of his/her interview at the Dominican embassy/consulate
    • It is essential that the letter of guarantee contains the required clause so that it can be accepted by our Diplomatic or Consular Mission.
    • You can find the required clause through this website (Dominican Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

13. For Minors:

  • Copy of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Tourist Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Tourist visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


Dominican Republic Tourist Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Tourist visa fee is 75-275 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Tourist Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Tourist visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Business Visa

Dominican Republic Business Visa

Dominican Republic Business visa gives you the authorization to enter the Dominican Republic and stay here for a maximum period of your visa validity, as permitted. It permits its holder to engage in business-related activities such as attending meetings or conferences, conducting or attending the training, conducting internal audits, installing equipment, or performing other temporary services for a client, local affiliate, or branch office. Business Visa is issued for one entry within 60 days after issuing date and may be renewed upon request within the period of validity. A business visa with multiple entries will be issued if the person needs to travel more frequently to the country. This visa is valid for 1 year during which the applicant may not remain in the country for more than 2 consecutive months.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Business Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • Signed by the beneficiary or his representative,
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, activity to which he is engaged, financial means available, and purpose of travel

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued (less than 12 months after the application) by the competent authority (federal authority in the case of federal states) of the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years

8. Letter from Local Employer/Sponsor (Proof of Occupation)

  • The letter must include:
    • Name, postal address, and telephone number of sponsor/company
    • Details regarding the applicant’s working position, starting date of the employment, and salary
    • The timeframe of work leave (expected date to resume duties) and purpose of travel
  • Valid trade license copy and company ownership documents (if a person is an owner of the company).
  • Letter from University (if student)
  • Copy of sponsor’s valid passport and residence visa (if any) to be attached to letter from sponsor (if an applicant is a dependent)

9. Employment Contract

  • Employment contract/letter from Dominican company

10. Invitation Letter

  • The document must be sealed, signed, and contain the full address and contact address of the receiving enterprise; name and position of the person signing the invitation letter; purpose and duration of the visit; the party who will cover the travel expenses.

11. Proof of Economic Solvency

  • Personal Bank statements
  • Bank certificate
  • Titles of property (if any)
    • Your residence, business, farm or land, or vehicle registration

12. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Hotel reservation

13. Details about Applicant’s Personal Qualifications

  • University Degree
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) etc.

14. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If it is written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

15. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

16. Registration Certificate of the Company in the Dominican Republic

17. Required by Sponsor in the Dominican Republic

  • Dominican ID (Cedula) or Migration Status of the Guarantor
  • Guarantee Letter
    • Duly Notarized and legalized in the Attorney General's Office
    • Must be presented by the applicant along with the other documents on the day of his/her interview at the Dominican embassy/consulate
    • It is essential that this letter of guarantee contains the required clause so that it can be accepted by our Diplomatic or Consular Mission.
    • You can find the required clause through this website (Dominican Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

18. Document Stating that the Guarantor is Authorized to Sign on Behalf of the Company

*Additionally, the below-mentioned Business Visas are long-term visas

19. For Labour Purposes by Private Company (Multiple Business Visa, the validity of 1 year)

  • Job Proposal Registered with the Ministry of Labour
    • Indicates the position to occupy, base salary plus additional benefits.
  • Certificate from the Ministry of Labour
    • Indicates that the company is in the Integrated Labour Registration System (SIRLA), in addition to complying with the provisions of Article 135 of the Dominican Labour Code on nationalization of work.
    • Certification date no more than 3 months

20. For Labour Purposes under the Free Regime Zone (Multiple Business Visa, the validity of 1 year)

  • Certification from the National Council of Export Free Zones (CNZFE) for Visa Purposes
    • indicates that it is a beneficiary of Law 8-90 as established in article 5, indicating the type of benefit granted: a) What is a free zone operator, b) It is a Free Zones company, c) He is a Free Trade Zone Investor.

21. For Labour Purposes Multinational or Transnational Purposes (Multiple Business Visa, the validity of 1 year)

Certificate by Multinational or Transnational Company:

  • When an applicant comes to reside for a year or more:
    •  Copy of their employment contract/agreement with the parent company and transfer letter indicating the position they will occupy and their salaries come from the parent company of the country of origin or provenance, these documents duly legalized or apostilled, as appropriate.
    • If they are written in a language other than Spanish, they must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic, or apostilled, as appropriate. The original and the translation must be deposited. (In the event that the original contract cannot be provided, they must convert a copy of it into an original, legalizing said copy in the country of origin.
  •  When an applicant comes for less than a year to carry out technical work:
    • Visa application letter from the parent company, indicating the work or technical work to be carried out in Dominican territory, as well as the Dominican company where said work was carried out.
    • If they are written in a language other than Spanish, they must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic, or apostilled, as appropriate.

22. Public Institutions / International Organizations (Multiple Business Visa, the validity of 1 year)

  • Hired by Public Institutions and / International Organizations
    • Experts and technicians who under the responsibility of foreign governments/international organizations, enter the country according to agreements or programs approved by the Government to fulfill functions of assistance, advice, or as cooperation agents. technique.

       For cases of Public Institution:

  • Copy of the employment contract with the institution of the Dominican State
  • Letter of request for the signature of the highest-ranking official

        For cases of International Organizations:

  • Copy of the employment contract with the international organization
  • Verbal request note for the signature of the Head of Mission

*Additional documents may be requested by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Business Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Business visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Business Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Business visa fee is 90-615 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Business Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Business visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Student Visa

Dominican Republic Student Visa

Dominican Student Visa is issued for persons whose purpose is to study in the Dominican Republic and who have already been accepted by a Dominican educational institution. Student visa must be renewed each year for as long as the applicant fulfils the conditions required.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Student Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • Signed by the beneficiary or his representative,
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, activity to which he is engaged, financial means available, and purpose of travel

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If it is written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

8. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued by the competent authority of the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years

9. Proof of Financial Means

        In case of scholarship:

  • Confirmation of receipt of a grant or scholarship from the relevant fund in the Dominican Republic

       In case of self-funding:

  • Personal bank statements, personal property, assets, etc

      In case of sponsorship:

  • Current account bank statement of a sponsor (showing the sponsor’s name, an end balance, and date of issue).
  • Sponsorship letter, copy of the first page of the sponsor’s passport with the data.

10. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

11. Acceptance Letter

       Endorses any of these concepts:

  • New University admission
  • Religious
    •  Letter of request from the highest superior in your church, indicating that you come to study religious/theological studies within your recognized congregation in the country.
  • Internship
    • Copy of the agreement between the foreign study center and the Dominican institution.

12. For Minors:

  • Copy of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Student Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Student visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Student Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Student visa fee is 90-410 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Student Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Student visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Dependency Visa

Dominican Republic Dependency Visa

Dominican Republic Dependency Visa allows spouses and children to travel to the Dominican Republic to accompany a family member with a relevant visa.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Dependency Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • Addressed to the consular office by the person on whom the applicant depends, who must identify himself, present proof that he has a Student or Business Visa for Work Purposes for one year NMl (in the latter case, said communication must be signed by the body on which the beneficiary of the NMl visa depends).
  • Must indicate whether the person for whom the visa is requested depends on him due to family ties or work relationship.

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

8. Required Documents by Sponsor in the Dominican Republic

  • Dominican ID (Cedula) or Migration Status of the Guarantor
  • Guarantee Letter
    • Duly Notarized and legalized in the Attorney General's Office
    • Must be presented by the applicant along with the other documents on the day of his/her interview at the Dominican embassy/consulate
    • It is essential that this letter of guarantee contains the required clause so that it can be accepted by our Diplomatic or Consular Mission.
    • You can find the required clause through this website (Dominican Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

9. Proof of Economic Solvency

  • Of the person on whom it depends. If any document is issued in the Dominican Republic, it must be certified by a notary public and legalized by the Attorney General's Office.
  • Bank letter
  • Employment letter
  • Property titles, etc.

10. Proof of Relationship

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth Certificate

11. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Dependency Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Dependency visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Dependency Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Dependency visa fee is 90-410 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Dependency Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Dependency visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa

Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa

Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa allows you to participate in meetings, consultations, negotiations, exchange programs, other events held in the Dominican Republic by intergovernmental organizations.


Required Documents for the Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed

2.  Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

4. Copy of ID Card

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

6. Verbal or Diplomatic Note

  • From the Diplomatic Mission/Consular or International Organization, requesting the visa and must indicate:
    • Applicant's name
    • Nationality
    • Passport number
    • Diplomatic rank or position held
    • Purpose of the trip

*Additional documents may be requested by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy visa is free of charge.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Diplomatic, Official, Courtesy visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa

Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa

The Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in the Dominican Republic for a longer period. This visa applies to family members of Dominican Republic nationals and wishing to obtain a permit for long-term residence in the Dominican Republic. The validity of the Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa is 60 days and single entry.


Required Documents for the Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • To the beneficiary's signature addressed to the consular office
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, activity to which they are engaged, information on how they plan to settle in the country as a spouse or child of a foreigner legally resident in the DR or of a Dominican

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

7. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

8. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued less than 12 months after application
  • Issued by the competent authority of the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years

9. Proof of Relationship

  • Marriage Certificate
  • Birth Certificate (Minors)
  • Duly legalized and apostilled

10. Notarized Declaration Certifying the Free Union

  • For a period of no less than two years, in the cases where it corresponds.

11. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

12. Required Documents by Sponsor in the Dominican Republic

  • Dominican ID (Cedula) or Migration Status of the Guarantor
  • Guarantee Letter
    • Duly Notarized and legalized in the Attorney General's Office
    • Must be presented by the applicant along with the other documents on the day of his/her interview at the Dominican embassy/consulate
    • It is essential that this letter of guarantee contains the required clause, so that it can be accepted by our Diplomatic or Consular Mission.
    • You can find the required clause through this website (Dominican Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

13. Proof of Economic Solvency

  • Bank letter (s) from your savings account, checking account or bank certificates
  • Titles of property (if any)
    • Your residence, business, farm or land, or vehicle registration

14. Letter from Local Employer/Sponsor (Proof of Occupation)

  • The letter must include:
    • Name, postal address, and telephone number of sponsor/company
    • Details regarding the applicant’s working position, starting date of the employment, and salary
    • The timeframe of work leave (expected date to resume duties) and purpose of travel
  • Valid trade license copy and company ownership documents (if a person is an owner of the company).
  • Letter from University (if student)
  • Copy of sponsor’s valid passport and residence visa (if any) to be attached to letter from sponsor (if an applicant is a dependent)

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Family Reunion visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa Fee

The Dominican Republic Family Reunion visa is 125-615 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for the Dominican Republic Family Reunion Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Family Reunion visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Investor Visa

Dominican Republic Investor Visa

If you intend to invest in real estate, a company, or any business, you can obtain Dominican Republic Investor Visa. The validity of the Dominican Republic Investor Visa is 60 days and single entry.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Investor Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • To the beneficiary's signature addressed to the consular office
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, activity to which they are engaged, information on how they plan to settle in the country as an investor

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

8. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued less than 12 months after application
  • Issued by the competent authority of the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years

9. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

10. Investor Certificate by the CEI-RD (Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center)

  • Direct Investors:
    • Must present a copy of the certification from the Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center
  • Companies that operate under the Free Zones Regime:
    • Must present a copy of the certification from the National Free Zones Council.
  • Investment in Border Development Projects:
    • Must present the certification of the National Border Development Council.
  • Investment in Tourism Development Projects:
    • It can be accredited both by the Center for Export and Investment of the Dominican Republic (CEI-RD) and by the Ministry of Tourism.

11. Proof of Financial Means

  • Bank letter (s) from your savings account, checking account, or bank certificates
  • Titles of property (if any)
    • Your residence, business, farm or land, or vehicle registration

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Investor Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Investor visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Investor Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Investor visa is 125-615 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Investor Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Investor visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Rentista Visa

Dominican Republic Rentista Visa

Dominican Republic Rentista Visa will be granted to people, who live on their legal income or investment.

Pensioners or Retirees and Foreign Rentiers must receive a monthly income according to the following scale: The minimum amount of income for the Rentista is 2000 USD or the equivalent in Dominican pesos.

The validity of the Dominican Republic Rentista Visa is 60 days and single entry.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Rentista Visa


 1. Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • To the beneficiary's signature addressed to the consular office
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, productivity, and activity to which it is dedicated, as well as information on how it plans to establish itself in the country as a rentier.

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

8. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued less than 12 months after application
  • Issued by the competent authority of the countries where you have resided in the last 5 years

9. Documents about Personal Investment (Made in the Country of Origin)

  • Copy real estate titles, movements of Rentista bank accounts with a personal investment in the applicant’s country of origin.
  • Deposit the financial document of the institution where the accumulated funds come from
  • The document that accredits you as a shareholder or owner of companies from which the income comes.
  • These documents will be presented in original. Income received from wages does not apply.

10. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Rentista Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Rentista visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


The Dominican Republic Rentista Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Rentista visa is 125-615 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Rentista Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Rentista visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa

Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa

In order to get Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa, the minimum amount of income of pensioners, retirees and foreign rentiers must be  1500 USD or its equivalent in pesos. The validity of the Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa is 60 days and single entry.


Required Documents for Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa


1. Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed.

2. Visa Application Letter

  • To the beneficiary's signature addressed to the consular office
  • Containing name, nationality, place of residence, productive and productive activity to which he is engaged, as well as information on how he plans to establish himself in the country as a pensioner.

3. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 4 x 5 color, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

5. Copy of ID Card

6. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

7. Birth Certificate

  • Must be presented in original duly legalized or apostilled.
  • If written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial interpreter, legalized by the Consulate of the Dominican Republic or apostilled.
  • The original and the translation must be deposited, both legalized or apostilled.

8. Criminal Record

  • Duly legalized or apostilled
  • Issued less than 12 months after application

9. Certificate from the Government/Official Body/Private Company of Foreign Origin where They Provided Their Services

  • Duly translated into Spanish by a judicial interpreter, with the apostille stamp or legalized by the Dominican consulate of the country of origin of the document
  • Includes general data of the applicant, time spent in the company, position held, and the amount received as a pension.

10. Medical Certificate

  • Indicates that an applicant has no infectious diseases

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa

The average processing time for a Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement visa is 6-15 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa Fee

Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement visa is 125-615 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement Visa?

You will apply for a Dominican Republic Pension/Retirement visa in the Dominican Republic visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Does a non-US citizen need a visa to travel to the Dominican Republic as a tourist?

Any person who legally travels or resides in the United States, Canada, European Union and Great Britain does not require a Visa to travel to the Dominican Republic for tourism purposes and may enter the Dominican Republic with a Tourist Card and a valid passport.

How long can I stay in the Dominican Republic with a Tourist Card?

You are allowed to stay in the Dominican Republic for 30 days with a tourist card. If you stay longer than 30 days, you must pay a fee at the airport in proportion to the additional period of time.

How can I give a power of attorney to a person residing in the Dominican Republic?

You can print the online form Power of Attorney, fill it out and send it with a copy of your ID and the name, address, identification card number of the person you are giving the power of attorney to. You will need to go to your nearest Dominican Consular Office accompanied by a witness when your document is ready.

What is the local currency in the Dominican Republic?

Dominican Pesos are the local currency in the Dominican Republic. 1 USD equals approximately 58 Dominican Pesos.

What can I do in order to travel with my pet?

You need a Health Certificate for the animal issued by your local veterinary.

What is the validity of Residence Visas?

The validity of Dominican Republic Residence visas is 60 days and single entry.

Will my fees be refunded if my visa is refused?

All fees are non-refundable and will not be refunded if your visa application is not successful.

Do I have to participate in the Embassy in person for applying for Dominican Republic Visa?

It depends on your country of residence or the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center’s rules and obligations. In some countries, sending your documents via courier is enough to the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center.

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