Do You Need Visa to Visit Nepal?

Visa On Arrival

Visa is free

Do You Need Visa to Visit Nepal? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Nepal

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Nepal

You can realize your planned trip to Nepal by obtaining a Nepal Visa. Reasons to apply for this visa can be tourism, business trip, diplomatic, official, education, and many other non-permanent nuances. There is no long-term visa in Nepal. If you are eligible for Visa on Arrival, you can get a tourist visa on arrival, and then you can apply for other types of visas that you want to apply and extend your stay. If you are not eligible for Visa on Arrival, then you can apply for a visa from the nearest Diplomatic Missions of Nepal, and when you are in Nepal, you can extend your stay.

Nepal has the following visa types:

  • Nepal Visa On Arrival
  • Nepal Tourist Visa
  • Nepal Diplomatic Visa
  • Nepal Official Visa
  • Nepal Business Visa
  • Nepal Transit Visa
  • Nepal Study Visa
  • Nepal Working Visa
  • Nepal Press Visa
  • Nepal Marriage Visa
  • Nepal Relationship Visa
  • Nepal Non-Residential Visa
  • Nepal Residential Visa
Nepal Visa on Arrival

Nepal Visa on Arrival

Visas obtained at the entrance and departure points on arrival are 'Tourist Visas'. Most of the visitors to Nepal can obtain Visa on Arrival. Eligible nationals to this visa type can obtain Nepal visa in two different ways:

  1. Applying for a visa in Nepal embassies/consulates (Pre-Arrival)
  2. Getting a Nepal Visa on Arrival

Similarly, other border regions' entry and exit points also offer 'On Arrival Visa' to foreign nationals hoping to access Nepal via land. The visa process 'On Arrival' is really easy and clear. In the peak tourism season, you might predict some queues. You should also consider receiving visas from Nepalese diplomatic missions deployed abroad prior to your arrival if you want to bypass those queues. Choices belong to you.

The Tourist visa is extended for a period, not exceeding a total of 150 days in a single visa year (Jan-Dec). If you have received a Nepalese Diplomatic Mission visa, you must reach Nepal within six months of the date of issuance of the visa. Starting on the day you reach Nepal, your complete stay is counted.

All nationals of all countries except below are eligible for Nepal Visa on Arrival:

  • Afghanistan
  • Cameroon
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Iraq
  • Liberia
  • Nigeria
  • Palestine
  • Somalia
  • Swaziland
  • Syria
  • Zimbabwe
  • Refugees with a travel document


Required Documents for Nepal Visa on Arrival


1. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

2. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

3. Copy of Previous Visa (if any)

4. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

5. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

6. For Minors:

  • Copy and English translation of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Permit letter by parents/guardians if minor is travelling alone or permit letter by one of the guardians/parents in case of minor is traveling with one of them.

7. Other Supporting Documents (if required)


Processing Time for Nepal Visa on Arrival

The average processing time for Nepal Visa on Arrival is a few minutes. 


Nepal Visa on Arrival Fee

Nepal Visa on Arrival fee varies depending on how many days you’ll stay, and it varies depending on how long you’ll stay in Nepal.

15 days valid Visa

30 days valid Visa

90 days valid Visa

30 USD

50 USD

125 USD





Where to Apply for Nepal Visa on Arrival?

You will apply for Nepal Visa on Arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport. You can also apply for Nepal Visa on Arrival at other Entry and Exit points that established at the border regions. They also provide Nepal on Arrival Visa to foreign nationals who want to enter Nepal via land.

Nepal Tourist Visa

Nepal Tourist Visa

Nepal Tourist Visa is issued for applicants intending to visit Nepal for tourism and sightseeing. You can apply for a Nepal Tourist visa in order to realize your tourist activities.


Required Documents for Nepal Tourist Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. For Minors:

  • Copy and English translation of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Permit letter by parents/guardians if minor is travelling alone or permit letter by one of the guardians/parents in case of minor is traveling with one of them.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Nepal Tourist Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Tourist visa is one working day, but if an applicant appears in person, it may be released on the same day if no further documentation is necessary ( Please note that the holder of the passport who is not eligible for visa-on-arrival in Nepal needs further verification). The precise period of time would depend on the workload.


Nepal Tourist Visa Fee

Nepal Tourist visa fee may vary depending on your country and nationality, and it varies depending on how long you’ll stay in Nepal.

15 days valid Visa

30 days valid Visa

90 days valid Visa

30 USD

50 USD

125 USD


Where to Apply for Nepal Tourist Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Tourist visa in Nepal visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. Nationals who are eligible for visa on arrival can also get the Nepal Tourist visa upon arrival.

Nepal Diplomatic Visa

Nepal Diplomatic Visa

The Nepal Diplomatic Visa granted to a person holding a diplomatic passport issued from any country, and the diplomatic visa is recommended by the diplomatic mission concerned. Nepal Diplomatic Visa is also issued to an individual deemed competent to award diplomatic privileges by the Government of Nepal (GoN) and the family members of such person who are the holder of the diplomatic passport.

Required Documents for Nepal Diplomatic Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport
  • A written copy of the receipt of visa application

7. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

8. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

9. Note of Request/ The letter

  • From the respective Foreign Department/ Ministry/ Mission

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Nepal Diplomatic Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Diplomatic visa is one working day, but if an applicant appears in person, it may be released on the same day if no further documentation is necessary ( Please note that the holder of the passport who is not eligible for visa-on-arrival in Nepal needs further verification). The precise period of time would depend on the workload.


Nepal Diplomatic Visa Fee

Nepal Diplomatic visa is free of charge.


Where to Apply for Nepal Diplomatic Visa?

You will apply for Nepal Diplomatic visa in Nepal visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. Nationals who are eligible for visa on arrival can also get the Nepal Diplomatic visa upon arrival.

Nepal Official Visa

Nepal Official Visa

The Nepal Official Visa enables the holder of a Diplomatic passport going to Nepal for official purposes. The visa is eligible for a person who is on an official visit to Nepal. The family members (spouse and children) of the applicant are also eligible for the visa. 


Required Documents for Nepal Official Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport
  • A written copy of the receipt of visa application

7. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

8. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

9. Note and Recommendation

  • From the Diplomatic Mission

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Nepal Official Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Official visa is one working day, but if an applicant appears in person, it may be released on the same day if no further documentation is necessary ( Please note that the holder of the passport who is not eligible for visa-on-arrival in Nepal needs further verification). The precise period of time would depend on the workload.


Nepal Official Visa Fee

Nepal Official visa is free of charge.


Where to Apply for Nepal Official Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Official visa in Nepal visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. Nationals who are eligible for visa on arrival can also get the Nepal Official visa upon arrival.

Nepal Business Visa

Nepal Business Visa

A Nepal Business visa is granted to investors and businessmen/women for undertaking industry and investing in Nepal. Nepal Business visa is issued for a period of up to 1 year for a minimum of one month / five years at a time.


Required Documents for Nepal Business Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport
  • Copies of previous visas

7. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)

8. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

9. Documents Related to Your Company

  • Copy of Certificate of Company Registration
  • Copy of certificate of PAN/VAT
  • Copy of the certificate of Share
  • Copy of Certificate of Industry Registration

10. Letter of Recommendation

  • From the Department of Industry or concerned line agency of Government

11. Bio Data

  • Personal information of the applicant such as gender, race, age and religion
  • For the applicants applying the first time

12. Acceptance Letter of Foreign Investment

  • From the Department of Industry

13. Recent Clearance of Tax (Regular Visa)
14. Report of Supervision and Monitoring of Industry
15. Report of Progress of Company or Industry

  • For renewal

*Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Business Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Business visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Business Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Business Visa Fee

Nepal Business visa fee varies according to the investment amount that made. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.


The investor who investing less than 10 million (NRS)


The investor who investing more than 10 million (NRS)


The investor who investing more than 100 million (NRS)

USD 35 for a month, USD400 for a year, USD 1000 for five years

USD 20 for a month, USD200 for a year, USD 500 for five years

No Charges

If the applicant who is applying for Nepal Business Visa has invested more than 10 million (NRS), ‘Share Details’ is also necessary along with other required documents for visa issuance.


Where to Apply for Nepal Business Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Business visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Transit visa

Nepal Transit visa

Transit visa can be acquired by foreign nationals with transit in Nepal to enter the country to spend a night (24 hours) by producing evidence of transit (Air ticket). Similarly, if they wish to leave the airport and visit the region, foreign nationals arriving in Nepal because of untoward circumstances such as emergency or forced landing will obtain tourist visas.


Required Documents for Nepal Transit Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

6. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport
  • Copies of previous visas
  • Copy of visa for the final destination (if any)

7. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight tickets (Onward ticket must be included)
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (if any)

8. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

9. Transit Proof

  • Onward ticket

10. For Minors:

  • Copy and English translation of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Permit letter by parents/guardians if minor is travelling alone or permit letter by one of the guardians/parents in case of minor is traveling with one of them.

 *Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Transit Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Transit visa is 1-3 working days. Processing time for Nepal Transit Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Transit Visa Fee

Nepal Transit visa fee is 5 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Nepal Transit Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Transit visa in the Immigration Office of Nepal. Applicants for a Transit Visa can fill out an online visa application, pay the necessary Visa fee at the bank counter, and continue to the Transit Visa desk upon arrival at the Visa acquisition airport. Upon his/her satisfaction, the Immigration Officer issues a travel visa.

Nepal Study Visa

Nepal Study Visa

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a visa, allowing them to stay in Nepal for a longer period. As per the recommendation or duration of the review, it is released for a period of one year. This visa applies to those who are admitted to the state college or state university in Nepal. It is also provided to teachers/professors engaged in academic (teaching) practice in Nepal on the advice of the Government of Nepal agencies concerned.


Required Documents for Nepal Study Visa


 1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservations
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank Statement - For the latest one week with sufficient funds.

8. Letter of Recommendation

  • From the Ministry of Education

9. Receipt of Admission

  • From the University or College (original)

10. Certificate of Marriage and Certificate of Birth

  • For the applicants applying for their children and spouse as dependents

11. Progress Report Card

  • For renewal of the Student Visa

12. Letter of Offer or Appointment

  • From the Academic Institution of Nepal (e.g., University)
  • For the Researcher who is applying for the student visa, additional documents should be produced.

13. General Agreement

  • Between the Academic Institutions of Nepal and the Academic Institutions of abroad.
  • For the Researcher who is applying for the student visa, additional documents should be produced.

14. For Minors:

  • Copy and English translation of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Permit letter by parents/guardians if minor is travelling alone or permit letter by one of the guardians/parents in case of minor is traveling with one of them.

 *Additional documents can be required. 


Processing Time for Nepal Study visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Study visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Study Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Study Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Nepal Study visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required in order to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Category of Study

Fee with USD monthly











The facility of Single Re-entry


Extra 20 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


The facility of Multiple Re-entries

Extra 60 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month



Where to Apply for Nepal Study Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Study visa at Nepal embassies or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Working Visa

Nepal Working Visa

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a visa, allowing them to stay in Nepal for a longer period. This visa applies for those who want to work within the legal frame of employment upon taking an employment permit and the work permit as per appointed procedure from competent regional authorities.

Foreign nationals completing work visa paperwork and legal formalities with concerned Nepal Government agencies (Ministry/Department) can remain in Nepal under 'Tourist Visas'. Once all the required paperwork is done and submitted for 'Working Visa' at DOI, his/her visa category changes from 'Tourists' to 'Non-Tourist.' When the visa category is amended, the visitor visa is automatically revoked. The length of the Working Visa is determined by the time during which the Department of Labour has obtained a work/labour permit. 


Required Documents for Nepal Working Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, travel cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. Letter of Recommendation

  • From the Government line agency that is concerned

9. Permit for Work

  • From the Department of Labor

10. Agreement of Work

  • From the Ministry of Home Affairs

11. Letter of Appointment or Contract

12. Clearance of Tax

  • From the hiring agency/ institution/ organization
  • For renewal, if the taxes have been paid individually

13. General Agreement 

  • With the Council of Social Welfare (NGOs or INGOs)

*Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Working Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Working visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Working Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Working Visa Fee

The Nepal Working Visa fee is 75 USD/ month for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

The facility of Single Re-entry

Extra 20 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


The facility of Multiple Re-entries

Extra 60 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month





Where to Apply for Nepal Working Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Working visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you are visiting Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Press Visa

Nepal Press Visa

Nepal Press Visa is issued for the maximum duration of 4 months at a time. This visa applies to those who are Journalists and Press representatives.


Required Documents for Nepal Press Visa 


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • It should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. Letter of Recommendation

  • From the Information Department

9. Identity Card

  • Issued by Press Council of Nepal

*Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Press visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Press visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Press Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Press Visa Fee

The Nepal Press Visa fee is 15 USD per month for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

The facility of Single Re-entry

Extra 20 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


The facility of Multiple Re-entries

Extra 60 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month

Where to Apply for Nepal Press Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Press visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you are visiting Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Marriage Visa

Nepal Marriage Visa

Nepal Marriage Visa is issued for a maximum of six months for the first time. It can then be renewed for a period of one year after that. This visa applies to foreign nationals married to a Nepalese spouse (Citizen of Nepal) and wishing to obtain a permit for long-term residence in Nepal. 


Required Documents for Nepal Marriage Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. Certificate of Marriage Registration

  • Issued by District Court or the Office of District Administration.
  • If the marriage registered abroad; 'Certificate Marriage Registration' and the letter of verification from the embassy are concerned. (Original and Photocopy)

9. Certificate of Citizenship of Nepali Spouse

  • Original and Photocopy
  • Nepali spouse should present physically for the confirmation of formalities.

 *Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Marriage Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Marriage visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Marriage Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Marriage Visa Fee

The Nepal Marriage Visa fee is 15 USD per month for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

The facility of Single Re-entry


Extra 20 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


The facility of Multiple Re-entries

Extra 60 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


Where to Apply for Nepal Marriage Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Marriage visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Relationship Visa

Nepal Relationship Visa

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in Nepal for a longer period. This visa applies to those who are kins of Nepalese citizen.


Required Documents for Nepal Relationship Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inch

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)
  • Or Invitation letter by your host

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. Certificate of Relationship

  • Issued by local bodies which establishes a relationship with Nepali kin (Original and photocopy) along with the supporting documents for verifying their relationship.

9. Certificate of Citizenship of Kin

  • Original and photocopy
  • The kin that is concerned should not be the holder of foreign passport and should be present at DOI in person for verifying the formalities. He/she should be related to the person that applies for the visa by blood.

 *Additional documents can be required.


Processing Time for Nepal Relationship visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Relationship visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Relationship Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Relationship Visa Fee

The Nepal Relationship Visa fee is 10 USD per month for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.

The facility of Single Re-entry

Extra 20 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


The facility of Multiple Re-entries

Extra 60 USD in addition to Visa Fee per month


Where to Apply for Nepal Relationship Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Relationship visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Non-Residential Visa

Nepal Non-Residential Visa

This form of visa makes it possible for the NRN or citizens of Nepalese descent and their family members to remain in Nepal for longer periods of time for personal business, business reasons, or for purposes of study and research. The visa is valid for up to ten years and can be extended.

Non-resident Nepalese (NRN) applies to all Nepalese-born foreigners whose parents or ancestors were once Nepalese residents and who have subsequently gained citizenship from a nation other than any SAARC member country. This word also applies to Nepalese persons who have been living abroad for more than two years following a trade, career, industry or jobs in any foreign country other than the SAARC Member States.


Required Documents for Nepal Non-Residential Visa


1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.)

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.

8. NRN Card

  • Issued by MFA and its missions based abroad (Original and Photocopy)

 *Additional documents can be required.

Processing Time for Nepal Non-Residential Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Non-Residential visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Non-Residential Visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Non-Residential Visa Fee

Nepal Non-Residential Visa is free of charge.


Where to Apply for Nepal Non-Residential Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Non-Residential visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.

Nepal Residential Visa

Nepal Residential Visa

Nepal Residential visa applies to persons with an international reputation, to persons who are in a position to make an excellent contribution to Nepal's social, cultural and economic development, to persons who have spent at least one hundred thousand US dollars or convertible foreign currency equivalent at once in an industrial enterprise of Nepal and to every foreign national who wishes to reside in Nepal without paying approximately one hundred thousand US dollars or convertible foreign currency equivalent thereof.

Required Documents for Nepal Residential Visa 

1. Application Form 

  • Fully completed in English and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your transiting through Nepal.
  • Signed by bearer
  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)
  • At least one or two free “visa pages.”
  • Undamaged pictures securely affixed with/to passport

3. Photo

  • NEW! Should not be older than 6 months.
  • A frontal view of the face-covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.
  • A uniform and white background.
  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.
  • 1.5inch x 1.5inches

4. ID Card

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

5. Residence Permit/Visa (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Should be valid during your travel dates

6. Travel Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation
  • Accommodation confirmation/reservation (hotel booking, house contract, apartment reservation, etc.) Invitation letter by your host

7. Proof of Financial Sources

  • Bank statements, cash, traveller's cheques, vouchers, etc.
  • Bank Statement of USD 20,000
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

8. Documents Related to Company

  • For person and his family who invest a minimum of 100 thousand USD or other equivalent currency in Industrial Business of Nepal
  • Copy of the certificate of the company registration
  • Copy certificate of PAN/VAT
  • Copy of certificate of the share
  • Copy of certificate of industry registration

9. Recommendation from the Department of Commerce or Industry

  • For person and his family who invest a minimum of 100 thousand USD or other equivalent currency in Industrial Business of Nepal

10. Certificate of tax clearance

  • For renewal

11. Income Certificate

  • Having regular at least USD 20,000 per year
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

12. Certificate of Character

  • Letter of moral character
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

13. Letter of No Objection

  • From the country of Embassy that is concerned
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

14. Certificate of Health

  • Issued by TU Teaching Hospital
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

15. Evidence of Retirement

  • Or the proof of completing 60 years
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

16. Statement of USD 20,000

  • For the renewal expenditure
  • For a foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business

 *Additional documents can be required.

Processing Time for Nepal Residential Visa

The average processing time for a Nepal Residential visa is 1-10 working days. Processing time for Nepal Residential visa may vary depending on your nationality.


Nepal Residential Visa Fee

Nepal Residential Visa fee varies according to the type of Nepal Residential Visa. The fee may vary depending on your nationality.


New Visa




The Visa for the person and his family who invest a minimum of 100 thousand USD or other equivalent currency in Industrial Business of Nepal



500 USD per year



200 USD per year

The foreigner who wants to stay in Nepal without doing any business


700 USD per year


1200 USD per year

Where to Apply for Nepal Residential Visa?

You will apply for a Nepal Residential visa at Nepal embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location. The visa can also be extended or issued by the Immigration Department of Nepal.

If you visit Nepal for non-tourist reasons, you can still obtain a Tourist visa to enter the country. However, you must adjust the visa category according to your intent and duration of stay in Nepal by producing the necessary documentation from the Department of Immigration. Check this information with the nearest Nepal embassy/consulate before travel.



I am from a country whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Nepal. Can I experience any problems at the border, while entering Nepal?

You must meet certain requirements to enter Nepal, even if you do not require a visa:

  • The purpose of your trip to Nepal must be plausible and comprehensible.
  • Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months beyond your stay in Nepal.
  • You must be able to finance your own living and travel costs. 
  • You must hold a confirmed return flight to prove that you are prepared to leave Nepal before the allowed period of stay ends.
  • You must not pose a threat to security or public order.

What is the local currency in Nepal?

The official currency of Nepal is the Nepalese rupee (NPR). 100 NPR equals approximately 0.85 USD.

What happens if my Nepal visa application is rejected?

If your Nepal visa application is rejected, you will be notified by your mission that your application has been unsuccessful. You will be informed of the grounds on which it was rejected and have one month to appeal the decision by writing to the Nepal mission. Your application will then be reconsidered. You can also apply for a visa again if your circumstances have changed.

Can I extend the validity of my Nepal visa?

It is possible to extend the validity of visas only in exceptional cases, such as a natural disaster. This must be done at the Foreigners’ Office covering your area of residence.

Do I have to participate in the Embassy or Visa Administrative Center in person?

It depends on your country of residence or the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center’s rules and obligations.  In some countries, sending your documents via courier is enough to the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center.

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