Do You Need Visa to Visit Brazil?

Do You Need Visa to Visit Brazil? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Brazil

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Brazil

Brazil visas are classified according to the purpose of the trip to Brazil, and not according to the type of passport presented. The followings are the types of Brazil visas:

  • VIVIS – Visit Visa
  • VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: research, teaching, or academic extension
  • VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: health care visa
  • VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: humanitarian visa
  • VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: student visa
  • VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: paid work visa
  • VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa
  • VITEM VII – Temporary Visa VII: as a minister of a religious confession or as a member of an institute of consecrated life and of a congregation or religious order
  • VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – voluntary work visa
  • VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – investor visa
  • VITEM X – Temporary Visa X – visa for activities of economic, scientific, technological, or cultural relevance
  • VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – family reunification visa
  • VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – artistic or sports activities visa
  • VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – temporary visas due to international agreements.
  • VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - temporary visas due to the Brazilian immigration policy
  • VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for foreign doctors (medical training)
  • Diplomatic Visa
  • Official Visa
  • Courtesy Visa
  • Permanent visa (VIPER)


Brazil Visa Cost

Fees charged by the Brazilian government are reciprocal, i.e., the applicant will pay the same fee a Brazilian national would pay to apply for the same type of visa to the applicant’s country of citizenship. Therefore, the visa fee varies according to the applicant’s nationality/citizenship.

Brazil Temporary Visa

You can apply for Temporary visas for realizing your short-term travel to Brazil. Reasons to apply for this type of visa can be tourism, visiting family or friends, business trips, short-term education, exchange programs, short-term work, and many other non-permanent nuances. You can check all the required documents for each type of visa application, visa fees, processing time, and where to apply for a visa below.



Brazil VIVIS – Visit Visa

Brazil Visit Visa can be issued for the following reasons:

  • Tourism trip
  • Visit relatives and/or friends
  • Unpaid participation in an athletic or artistic event or competition. An invitation letter from the sponsoring organization in Brazil is required.
  • Unpaid participation in a scientific/academic seminar or conference sponsored by a research or academic institution. An invitation letter from the sponsoring organization in Brazil is required.

The visit visa will be issued to foreigners traveling to Brazil for staying up to 90 days without purposes of immigration or the exercise of paid activity.


Required Documents for Brazil Visit Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Job Certificate

  • Job certificate, in the applicant’s name, issued by the employer, indicating position, duration of the employment, base salary

6. Income Tax Revenue or Last Six Months Banking Statements

7. Proof of Accommodation

  • Hotel reservation
  • Invitation letter from Brazil (with the complete name of the applicant, nationality, purpose of the trip, and intended period of stay)

8. Round Trip Flight Reservation

9. In the Case of Minors:

  • A copy of the Birth certificate is required to verify that the adults assisting the minors are in fact his/her parents
  • Copy of the passports of both parents; if the child travels with one of the parents must be presented the permission letter signed and notarized from the other one
  • If one parent is deceased: attach a copy of the Death Certificate

10. If Attending a Conference/Seminar as either an Attendee or Speaker (if not receiving any form of payment or financial compensation), the Applicant should Include in His/Her Supporting Documents the Following:

  • Leave Letter: the leave letter should mention the fact that the applicant is taking leave in order to attend a conference or seminar in Brazil.
  • Invitation Letter: a letter written by the organizers of the conference or seminar which the applicant intends to attend.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil Visit Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil Visit visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil Visit Visa Fee

Brazil Visit visa fee is 90-210 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil Visit Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil Visit visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Brazil VITEM I

The following categories are eligible to apply for Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: research, teaching, or academic extension:

  • Scientists, professors, researchers, and other professionals to participate in conferences, seminars or congresses characterized as a set and defined event for less than 30 days, non-extendable, receiving a “Pro Labore”.
    • If the applicant is not receiving any honorarium for this presentation, he/she should apply for a tourist visa.
  • Scientists, professors, researchers, and other professionals intending to participate in science and technology cooperation projects with a Brazilian institution, working within foreign educational or research and development institutions without a work contract in Brazil
  • Professors, scientists, researchers engaged in scientific and technical cooperation programs must obtain from the Brazilian party authorization from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq and the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation - MCT before applying for the visa. This requirement can be waived if the project is sponsored by a research grant from CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, or other official State Foundation supporting research activities.
  • Technician, contractor, volunteer, specialist, scientist, and researcher linked to official entities, private or non-governmental under the shelter of a cooperation agreement recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations
  • Students intending to attend regular courses held by organizations dedicated to student exchange programs. Example: Rotary International
  • If the applicant is enrolled in undergraduate/graduate studies, a VITEM IV may apply. If you qualify for both, most likely, this Consulate will indicate to submit a VITEM IV visa application.
  • Amateur athletes over 14 and under 21 years of age, intending to take part in an unpaid sports training program in Brazil. Applicants must already have been enrolled in similar programs in their country of residence.
  • Persons intending to provide voluntary services to a religious entity, to a social services organization, or a non-profit, non-governmental organization – NGO.
  • Foreign citizens employed by a foreign entity intending to undertake professional training at a Brazilian branch, subsidiary, or the headquarters of an entity belonging to the same economic conglomerate.
  • Persons intending to go to Brazil for medical treatment


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Round Trip Flight Reservation

6. Proof of Financial Capability

  • Original or notarized bank statements; and/or letter from the sponsoring institution assuring grant, or scholarship or allowance; and/or paychecks

7. For Applicants Planning to Give a Paid Lecture or Seminar

  • Letter from Brazilian sponsoring organization providing information on the content of the seminar, qualifications of the applicant, duration of the seminar/classes, and pecuniary conditions. This letter must original.

8. For Applicants Planning to Engage in Research or Scientific Activities

  • Letter from Brazilian sponsoring organization informing activities to be pursued, length of stay, and pecuniary conditions. This document must be an original, on a standard letterhead.
  • Copy of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation's Ordinance ("Portaria do MCT") that authorized the research activity and the scientist's participation and/or letter issued by official Brazilian development entity (CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, and others) financing the research grant.

9. For Applicants Planning to Engage in Activities Under an International Cooperation Program

  • Copy of the international agreement, proof of professional expertise, and letter from sponsoring organization informing activities to be pursued by the applicant and attesting to the following: that the organization will be responsible for repatriating the applicant (and his/her family, as the case may be) once the visa expires or the agreement ceases to exist, and that the applicant will not receive any payment from a Brazilian-based entity

10. For Exchange Students

  • Letter from a Brazilian school, college, or university confirming the enrollment or acceptance of the student and informing the duration of studies. This document must be original, on a standard letterhead
  • Letter from the Brazilian organization dedicated to student exchange programs stating the student is included in their exchange program; name and location of the educational institution where the applicant will be studying; name(s), address, and qualifications of the responsible party(ies) of “host family” in Brazil; this document must be an original, on a standard letterhead.
  • Certified copy of the Brazilian organization dedicated to student exchange programs' bylaws ("Ata de Fundação" e/ou "Estatuto Social") issued by the Brazilian "Cartório" that holds its records
  • Copy of the Brazilian organization dedicated to student exchange programs' registration in the National Registry of Legal Entities ("Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas")

11. For Applicants Traveling to Obtain Athletic Training

  • Document proving the Brazilian sponsoring organization is operating regularly and has met all technical requirements
  • Registration at the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (“Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança  e Adolescente”), including a training program
  • A notarized  contract between the athlete’s club and the Brazilian organization responsible for the training whereas the Brazilian organization assures that confirmation of acceptance and during of training; maintenance of the applicant during his/her stay in Brazil and assurance of his/her repatriation once the visa expires; guarantee of the applicant’s rights as stipulated under Brazilian legislation, in particular, Children and Adolescents Statute (“Estatuto da Criança e Adolescente”), in addition to medical, dental and hospital coverage; enrollment at an educational institution, as well as supervision of his/her attendance
  • Applicant’s birth certificate (original or notarized copy)

12. Applicants Who Wish to Volunteer to a Religious Entity, to a Social Services Organization, or to a Non-profit Non-governmental Organization

    From sponsoring organization in Brazil:

  • Notarized letter of invitation issued by Brazilian sponsoring organization attesting to the conditions of the trip (pecuniary conditions, type of services to be provided, and locations where volunteering will be pursued) (notarized document plus 1 photocopy).
  • A notarized written statement from a Brazilian sponsoring organization guaranteeing the maintenance of volunteer in Brazil and his/her repatriation at term (notarized document plus 1 photocopy)
  • Notarized term of responsibility from Brazilian sponsoring organization guaranteeing payment of all hospital and medical expenses of the applicant and his/her dependents while their stay in Brazil (notarized document plus 1 photocopy)
  • Notarized copy of Brazilian sponsoring organization by-laws; act in which the organization's directors were nominated, and proof that it is in existence (notarized documents plus 1 photocopy)
  • Notarized copy of Brazilian sponsoring organization's registration at the "Conselho de Assistência Social" or whenever applicable, certificate qualifying as an organization of public interest issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice (notarized document plus 1 photocopy).

    From applicant:

  • Notarized copy of the identification page(s) and all pages with visas of the applicant's passport.
  • Notarized document(s) proving applicant's professional experience or qualification compatible with activities to be carried out in Brazil

13. For Applicants Intending to Undertake Professional Training at the Brazilian Branch of Their Company

  • Letter from the employer stating that the applicant will not receive salary or payment of any kind from a Brazilian source
  • Notarized statement from the sponsoring Brazilian company, stating the nature of the training and assuming responsibility for the stay and upkeep of the applicant while in Brazil.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM I – Temporary Visa I: Research, Teaching, or Academic Extension visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: health care visa is designed for foreign nationals coming to Brazil to undergo health treatment with stays for more than 90 days. It also can be granted to the accompanying person of the patient who will undergo medical treatment, provided that medical necessity is proven. Within 90 days of entry in Brazil, holders of this type of visa must register at the Federal Police and submit a copy of the visa application form.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. Original Full Birth Certificate

  • Copy of Birth Certificate, translated into English, French, or Portuguese. Thus, the presentation of the birth certificate during the visa application stage abroad is not compulsory and will not prevent the visa from being issued but is highly recommended to avoid possible inconveniences.

7. Proof of Sufficient Means to Cover the Treatment

  • Bank statements containing the account holder's name, current balance, and transactions from the last 6 months (leading to the week that precedes the interview at the Brazil visa application center); and/or
  • International credit card statements containing the card holder's name, available credit limit, and transactions from the last 6 months or
  • Health insurance valid in the national territory that offers coverage for specific care
  • Certificate of the provision of health care provided in an international agreement

8. Treatment Requirements

  • Medical indication or medical report for treatment
  • Estimation of costs of medical treatment; and
  • Statement of the responsible physician, hospital, or clinic in which the treatment will be performed, ensuring that treatment will not burden the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), except in cases of reimbursement

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM II – Temporary Visa II: Health Care Visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil Vitem III - Humanitarian visas are issued to people such as refugees, stateless people, and those who need protection. Humanitarian visas are issued to only specific people for exceptional cases. The visa's validity can be 2 or more years and it can be extended or replaced with a Permanent Residence Permit in Brazil.

Required Documents for Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. If the Applicant is Under 18 Years of Age

  • A person under 18 year of age not traveling with both parents or legal guardian(s) must provide a notarized letter of consent signed by the non-accompanying parent or guardian

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM III –Temporary Visa III: Humanitarian Visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: student visa is required for foreign nationals traveling to Brazil as students, to attend regular courses, or to participate in exchange or internship programs. Brazil student visa holders are permitted to engage in paid activities in Brazil compatible with their course load provided that the activities performed are under applicable national laws.  This temporary visa enables students to multiple entries within their authorized duration. Temporary visas will typically be valid for a period of up to one year unless otherwise stated. The length of stay in the country for holders of a temporary visa will be the same as the period of the visa validity unless otherwise stated. Applicants must apply for a visitor’s visa if their course or study program lasts 90 days or less.

Required Documents for Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Flight Reservation

  • Return or onward ticket
  • Booking statement from the travel or e-ticket confirmation containing the name of the passenger, confirmed itinerary, flight numbers, and arrival/departure dates

6. Proof of Financial Support for the Duration of Stay of the Applicant in Brazil

  • Bank statements of the last three months in the country of residence
  • Payment slips and credit card statements
  • Documents attesting that the applicant will benefit from an academic grant or scholarship while in Brazil

7. Certificate of Vaccination, if necessary

8. Introduction Letter from the Applicant’s School or Sponsoring Institution

9. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

10. Original Documentation Outlining the Nature of the Studies/Activities Being Performed in Brazil

  • Letter of acceptance from an academic institution
  • Proof of scholarship/internship letter
  • Invitation letter etc.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa is  3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM IV – Temporary Visa IV: As a Student Visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Brazil VITEM V

Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: paid work visa is required for foreign nationals traveling to Brazil with the purpose of work, with or without an employment relationship in the country. In the case of the employment relationship, the applicant must provide proof of a job contract. For applicants without an employment contract, evidence of a job offer with a Brazilian company is required. Issuance of work visas (VITEM V) will follow guidelines set out by the Brazilian National Immigration Council (CNIg). Please note that it is the sole responsibility of the sponsoring institution or company to carry out all the formalities at the Ministry of Labor in Brazil for the work visa process after labor approval. Work visas can only be processed at the Consular Section once the Brazilian Ministry of Labor issues a visa approval notice. Work visas will be good for multiple entries within the authorized duration. The length of stay in the country for holders of a temporary visa will be the same as the period of the visa validity unless otherwise stated.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Visa Authorization Notice

  • Issued by the Brazilian authorities

6. Certificate of Vaccination, if necessary

7. Introduction Letter from the Applicant’s Sponsoring Institution

8. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa Fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM V – Temporary Visa V: Paid Work Visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa is a type of visa based on reciprocity. It may be granted to New Zealand and French citizens between sixteen and thirty years of age traveling to Brazil for vacation and work.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Copy of the Applicant's Birth Certificate

6. Proof of Financial Support for the Duration of Stay of the Applicant in Brazil

  • Bank statements of the last three months in the country of residence
  • Payment slips and credit card statements
  • Documents attesting that the applicant will benefit from an academic grant or scholarship while in Brazil

7. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

8. Duly Filled out and Signed Vifet Applicant's Declaration

9. Flight Reservation

  • Return or onward ticket
  • Booking statement from the travel or e-ticket confirmation containing the name of the passenger, confirmed itinerary, flight numbers, and arrival/departure dates
  • Instead of a round trip ticket, the embassy can accept a one-way ticket together with proof of sufficient funds to purchase an outward ticket

10. Proof of Medical and Comprehensive Hospitalization Insurance, Valid throughout the Entire Stay in Brazil

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VI: Working-Holiday visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




This type of visa is required for foreign citizens traveling to Brazil as a missionary, minister of religion, member of an institute of consecrated life, or member of a religious order. Issuance of religious activities visas (VITEM VII) will follow guidelines set out by the Brazilian National Immigration Council (CNIg).  This temporary visa enables applicants for multiple entries within their authorized duration. Temporary visas will typically be valid for a period of up to one year unless otherwise stated. The length of stay in the country for holders of a temporary visa will be the same as the period of the visa validity unless otherwise stated. Applicants must apply for a visitor’s visa if their course or study program lasts 90 days or less.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM VII – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Flight Reservation

  • Return or onward ticket
  • Booking statement from the travel or e-ticket confirmation containing the name of the passenger, confirmed itinerary, flight numbers, and arrival/departure dates

6. Certificate of Vaccination, if necessary

  • Introduction letter from the applicant’s sponsoring institution

7. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

8. Proof of Financial Support for the Duration of Stay of the Applicant in Brazil

  • Bank statements of the last three months in the country of residence
  • Payment slips and credit card statements
  • Documents attesting that the applicant will benefit from an academic grant or scholarship while in Brazil

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM VI – Temporary Visa VII: Religious Activities visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – voluntary work visa designed for foreign nationals intending to establish temporary residence in Brazil to work as a volunteer for a Brazilian non-profit organization or one linked to a foreign government, without labor contract with Brazilian entities.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work Visa


1. Application form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

5. If you are a Non-citizen in the Country you Apply, you Must Submit a Residence Permit Card

6. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

7. Letter of Invitation Clearly Stating the Expected Arrival Date in Brazil

8. Copy of Birth Certificate, Clearly Stating Parents' Full Names

9. For Applicants/Dependents Under 18 Years Old

  • Original letter of consent signed by father and mother or legal guardian

10. Notarized Letter of Invitation Issued by Brazilian Sponsoring Organization Attesting to the Volunteer Condition of the Work to be Performed

11. Notarized Copy of Brazilian Sponsoring Organization by-laws

12. Notarized Copy of the Act in which the Organization's Directors were Nominated or Elected

13. Notarized Copy of Brazilian Sponsoring Organization's Registration at the "Conselho de Assistência Social" or Certificate Qualifying as an Organization of Public Interest Issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice

14. Notarized Document Indicating the Place where the Volunteer Work will be Conducted and the Activities to be Performed by the Applicant

15. Notarized Written Statement from Brazilian Sponsoring Organization Guaranteeing the Maintenance of Volunteer in Brazil and His/her Repatriation at Term

16. Notarized Term of Responsibility from Brazilian Sponsoring Organization Guaranteeing Payment of All Hospital and Medical Expenses of the Applicant and His/Her Dependents while Their Stay in Brazil

17. Notarized Copy of the Document Proving that the Organization is Lawfully Operating in Brazil

  •  As applicable (for activities demanding specific knowledge or previous experience)

18. Notarized Document Proving the Applicant's Professional Experience or Qualification Compatible with the Activities to be Performed.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM VIII –Temporary Visa VIII – Voluntary Work visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – investor visa requires that, beforehand, the company willing to hire you in Brazil must file a petition for temporary residency at the Ministry of Labor – Ministério do Trabalho. Only after the Ministry of Labor grants the authorization you will be able to apply for a VITEM IX visa at the corresponding Consulate of Brazil. There are two categories of VITEM IX visa:

  • VITEM IX (RN 11/2017 CNIg):

Manager, director, or executive with managerial powers to represent civil or commercial society, group, or economic conglomerate that carries out external investment in a company established in Brazil, with the potential to generate jobs or income.

  • VITEM IX (RN 13/2017 CNIg):

For the purpose of investing for immigrants, a natural person, who intends, with its own resources of external origin, to invest in a legal entity in Brazil, in a project with potential for employment or income generation in Brazil.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. Copy of Birth Certificate

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM IX –Temporary Visa IX – Investor visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Brazil VITEM X

Brazil Temporary Visa X - Visa for Activities of Economic, Scientific, Technological, or Cultural Relevance has not been regulated by the Brazilian authorities yet.




The following people can apply for Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – family reunification visa:

  • Spouse or partner of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
  • Children or grandchildren of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
  • A foreign citizen who has a Brazilian child or grandchild.
  • The foreign citizen whose child or grandchild is a legal resident in Brazil.
  • The minor sibling of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
  • The adult sibling who is financially dependent on a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
  • A foreign citizen who is the legal guardian of a Brazilian.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. Document that Proves the Relation Between the Visa Applicant and the Brazilian Citizen or Legal Resident

  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate

7. Statement Signed by the Visa Applicant Assuring, Under the Penalty of Law, that the Family Reunion Petitioner (Brazilian Citizen or Legal Resident) Lives in Brazil or will Move to Brazil

8. ID from the Brazilian Citizen or Legal Resident with whom the Visa Applicant wishes to Reunite

9. In the Case of Minors:

  • Consent form signed by both parents or legal guardian(s) at the Embassy or in front of a local Notary Public
  • ID from both parents or legal guardian

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM XI – Temporary Visa XI – Family Reunification visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM XII - Artistic or Sports Activities visa is issued to foreigners who are traveling to Brazil for attending sports activities, tournaments, or performing artistic shows/events.

Required Documents for Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. Birth Certificate, Clearly Stating Parents’ Full Names, if Such Information is not available in the Passport

7. Flight Itinerary, Clearly Stating the Expected Arrival Date in Brazil

8. As applicable (for amateur athletes between 14 and 18 years old)

  • Letter from the cultural/sports entity proving its filiation to the corresponding federation, confederation, or league.
  • Registration of the training program within the municipal or district Children's and Adolescents' Rights Council.
  • Term of responsibility from the cultural/sports entity, assuming full financial responsibility for the applicant, including travel, medical and educational expenses.
  • Agreement between the cultural/sports entity and an educational institution or proof that the entity has its own educational infrastructure (for training camps conducted exclusively during the applicant's vacations such agreement is not required and visas are valid for up to 90 days).
  • Declaration from the applicant's parents giving their full consent to his/her exit from the country and entry into Brazil for the training program. Signatures must be certified by a Notary Public.
  • Birth certificate (translation to Portuguese or English might be required)

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM XII – Temporary Visa XII – Artistic or Sports Activities visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




People falling under the following categories can apply for this visa:

  • Foreigners traveling to Brazil under pre-established international agreements.
  • Only certain foreigners may benefit from pre-established migratory agreements. That is the case of citizens of Portugal or Mercosur.
  • Most foreigners do not qualify for this type of visa.
  • Within 30 days of entry in Brazil, holders of this type of visa must register at the Federal Police and submit a copy of the visa application form provided by the Embassy.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. Flight Reservation

  • Return or onward ticket
  • Booking statement from the travel or e-ticket confirmation containing the name of the passenger, confirmed itinerary, flight numbers, and arrival/departure dates

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Detailed information on applicants' place of lodging in Brazil.
  • The applicant may submit booking confirmation from hotels, hostels, or homestays. The booking number must be visible, and it will be verified.
  • If the applicant is going to stay with a host in Brazil, the host must sign a letter, notarize his/her signature in a Brazilian Office Registry and attach a copy of his/her valid passport or Brazilian ID. The host should write down all his/her contact information, including address, phone numbers, and e-mail.

8. Authorization Issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Previous approval of the visa will be sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy of Brazil in the applicant’s country through cable. Without previous authorization, it will not be possible for the Embassy to accept the application.
  • This authorization will be issued only if you really benefit from an international agreement between your country and Brazil.

9. Proof of Means

  • Bank statements of the last three months in the country of residence
  • Payment slips and credit card statements

Taking into consideration the general level of prices in Brazil, the applicant should have a reasonable amount of money to cover expenses (aside from hotel and flight tickets)

10. Document Containing the Name of Parents (such as birth or marriage certificate)

  • The document must be legalized (or contain an Apostille) by the competent authority in the issuing country and subsequently be translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator in Brazil to be presented at the Federal Police upon registration.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to the International Agreements visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM XIII – Temporary Visa XIII – Temporary Visas due to International Agreements visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV is granted to foreign nationals intending to establish temporary residence in Brazil by transferring retirement income or pension benefit due to death.


Required Documents for Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

6. As Applicable:

  • Proof of retirement and ability to transfer the income to Brazil in a monthly amount equal to or greater than US$ 2,000 (two thousand dollars)
  • Proof of receipt of pension benefit for death in an amount equal to or greater than US$ 2,000 (two thousand dollars); or
  • Other regular sources of income to complement the required amount.

7. Birth Certificate, Clearly Stating Parents’ Full Names ( if such information is not available in the Passport)

8. Flight Itinerary, Clearly Stating the Expected Arrival Date in Brazil

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy Visa Fee

Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy visa fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM XIV – Temporary Visa XIV - Temporary Visas due to the Brazilian Immigration Policy visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Citizens with previous authorization from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to perform medical training in Brazil are eligible to apply for Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa.

Required Documents for Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) 


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Flight Reservation

  • Return or onward ticket
  • Booking statement from the travel or e-ticket confirmation containing the name of the passenger, confirmed itinerary, flight numbers, and arrival/departure dates

6. Hotel Reservation

7. Detailed Information on Applicant Place of Lodging in Brazil.

8. The Applicant may Submit Booking Confirmation from Hotels, Hostels, or Homestays. the Booking Number must be Visible, and It will be Verified.

9. If the Applicant is going to stay with a Host in Brazil, the Host must Sign a Letter, Notarize His/Her Signature in A Brazilian Office Registry and Attach a Copy of His/Her Valid Passport or Brazilian Id. The Host should Write Down All His/Her Contact Information, including Address, Phone Numbers, and E-mail.

10. Authorization Issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11. Previous Approval of the Visa will be sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy of Brazil in the Applicant’s Country through Cable. Without Previous Authorization, it will not be possible for the Embassy to Accept the Application.

12. Criminal Record

  • Dated less than three months
  • For applicants aged 18 years or above

13. Proof of Means

  • Bank statements of the last three months in the country of residence
  • Payment slips and credit card statements

Taking into consideration the general level of prices in Brazil, the applicant should have a reasonable amount of money to cover expenses (aside from hotel and flight tickets)

14. A Document Containing the Names of Parents (such as birth or marriage certificate)

  • The document must be legalized (or contain an Apostille) by the competent authority in the issuing country and subsequently be translated into Portuguese by a sworn translator in Brazil to be presented at the Federal Police upon registration.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) 

The average processing time for a Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) Fee

Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) fee is 135-400 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training)?

You will apply for the Brazil VITEM XV – VICAM - Temporary Visa for Foreign Doctors (Medical Training) in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa

Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa

Brazil diplomatic visa is directed to diplomats, government staff, employees of International Organizations with diplomatic status, and those on an official mission to Brazil, either permanent or temporary, with diplomatic status

Brazil official visa directed to those on official missions to Brazil, either permanent or temporary, without diplomatic status.

Brazil courtesy visa directed to family members of diplomatic and official visa holders other than the spouse, partner or children under the age of 21, authorities on non-official visits to Brazil, artist or Sportsperson (cultural courtesy visa),

Visa issuance requires approval by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Visas will be issued for the duration of the mission, as approved by the authorities in Brazil, or on the basis of reciprocity. For stays over 90 days, holders of this type of visa must register with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 30 days of entry in the country.


Required Documents for Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Pre-approval by the Ministry of Foreign Relations or

  • A Diplomatic Note / Note Verbale from the Diplomatic Mission or International Organization in Brazil requests the visa to the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Brazil, via Division of Immigration – DIMor
  • The Brazilian Government Agency responsible for the invitation requests the visa to the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Brazil, via “Ofício” to the Division of Immigration – DIM

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa

The average processing time for a Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa Fee

Applicants of Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit are issued free of charge.


Where to Apply for Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit Visa?

You will apply for the Brazil Diplomatic/Official/Courtesy Visit visa in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Brazil Permanent (VIPER) Visa

Brazil Permanent (VIPER) Visa

Brazil permanent visa (VIPER) is valid indefinitely, however, that the permanent visa implies that the applicant desires to reside permanently in Brazil. If the holder of a permanent visa, even after all registration procedures in Brazil have been completed, leaves the country for more than two years in a row, the visa will expire, the ID for foreigner (RNE) will automatically be revoked and the person will have to re-apply for a new permanent visa.

There are the following subcategories of Brazil Permanent visa (VIPER):

  • Family reunion visa
  • Retirement visa
  • Visa for the director, manager, or administrator of religious authority, social service, or non-profit/non-governmental organization
  • Other permanent visa subcategories


General Required Documents for Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER)


1. Application Form

  • Must be filled out, dated, and signed by the applicant.

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least six months beyond intended stay in Brazil
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 3.5x4.5 cm in color with white background

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card

5. Family Reunion

  • Applications under the family reunion category are accepted from foreigners who wish to live in Brazil permanently and who are legal dependents of an 18-year old or older Brazilian citizen.
  • Non-citizens who are permanent residents of Brazil may also sponsor a family member under this category. The basic document required is the ID for foreigners (“Carteira de Identidade para Estrangeiro”) issued by the Ministry of Justice.
  • Non-citizen permanent residents of Brazil who do not have such a document may still sponsor a family member provided that they submit with their application a document issued by the Federal Police Department which states their permanent status requisition. The application must be accompanied by a copy of the sponsor’s passport, with the aforementioned document affixed by the Federal Police.
  • The sponsor is required to fill up the "Termo de Responsabilidade e Manutenção" (sponsorship agreement) form - in Portuguese.
  • Joint declaration of both spouses or partners (in case of the common-law union), under the penalties of the law, regarding continuity of effective union and coexistence.
  • The declaration, under the penalties of the law, that the caller resides or will reside in Brazil.

6. Legal Dependents

  • Spouse, partners in a common-law union regardless of gender.
  • Unmarried children under 18-years old.
  • Unmarried children who are 18-years old or older and prove that they cannot support themselves.
  • Ascendants of a Brazilian national or of a Brazilian permanent resident who prove that they need support from the sponsor.
  • Underage (under 18 years-old) siblings, grandchildren, and orphan great-grandchildren of a Brazilian national or of a Brazilian permanent resident.
  • Siblings, grandchildren, and orphan great-grandchildren of any age of a Brazilian national or of a Brazilian permanent resident who proves to be dependent on the sponsor.

7. Spouse

To apply for a permanent visa, foreign spouses of Brazilian citizens or permanent residents must present the following documents to the Consulate:

    Documents required from the applicant:

  • Original passport, which must be valid and with at least two blank pages available;
  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background;
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department for applicants who are 18 years old or older;
  • An original and certified true copy of:
    • Brazilian marriage certificate or
    • Legalized foreign marriage certificate (must be legalized by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate that has jurisdiction over the region where the document was issued).

    Documents required from the sponsor:

  • Brazilian ID card (simple photocopy);
  • A document called "Termo de Responsabilidade" (affidavit of support), sworn by the sponsor before either the Consulate or a Notary Public in Brazil, in which the sponsor states that s/he has the means to support the applicant (and children, if any) in Brazil. The declarant's signature must be authenticated/legalized ("reconhecimento de firma") by the Consulate General of Brazil in the applicant’s country of residence or by a Brazilian notary office ("cartório"). The sponsor must come in person to the Consulate, bring a Brazilian document with a picture and signature, and sign the document before the consular agent.

8. Common-law / Stable Relationship

The Consulate now accepts applications for persons in a common-law union:

    Documents required from the applicant:

  • Original passport, which must be valid and with at least two blank pages available.
  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background;
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department for applicants who are 18 years old or older.
  • Certificate of common-law union issued by a competent body in the country of residence OR evidence of common-law issued by a competent court in Brazil or equivalent authority abroad.

    In the absence of such certificate, provide:

  • A certificate or similar document issued by a national authority of civil registry, or equivalent document abroad;
  • An affidavit signed by two witnesses attesting that the couple is living under common-law;
  • At least one of the following documents:
    • Proof of relationship;
    • Religious marriage certificate;
    • Testamentary dispositions that prove the relationship, registered with a Brazilian notary public ("cartório") or competent authority abroad.

    Documents required from the sponsor:

  • Brazilian ID card (simple photocopy);
  • A document called "Termo de Responsabilidade" (affidavit of support), sworn by the sponsor before either the Consulate or a Notary Public in Brazil, in which the sponsor states that s/he has the means to support the applicant (and children, if any) in Brazil. The declarant's signature must be authenticated/legalized ("reconhecimento de firma") by the Consulate General of Brazil in The applicant’s country of residence or by a Brazilian notary office ("cartório"). The sponsor must come in person to the Consulate, bring a Brazilian document with a picture and signature, and sign the document before the consular agent.

9. Descendants

Descendants of a Brazilian citizen or permanent resident who are under 18 years old or of any age if incapable of supporting themselves are eligible to apply for a permanent visa under the family reunion category. The application must be accompanied by the original or certified true copy of the following specific documents:

    Documents required from the applicant:

  • Original passport, which must be valid and with at least two blank pages available;
  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background;
  • Brazilian birth certificate or foreign birth certificate legalized by the Consulate (must be legalized by the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate that has jurisdiction over the area where the document was issued);
  • Copy of the identification pages of the travel document (e.g., passport);
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department for applicants who are 18 years old or older.

    Documents required from the sponsor:

  • Copy of the identity card or equivalent document;
  • A document called "Termo de Responsabilidade" (affidavit of support), sworn by the sponsor before either the Consulate or a Notary Public in Brazil, in which the sponsor states that s/he has the means to support the applicant in Brazil. The declarant's signature must be authenticated/legalized ("reconhecimento de firma") by the Consulate General of Brazil in The applicant’s country of residence or by a Brazilian notary office ("cartório"). The sponsor must come in person to the Consulate, bring a Brazilian document with a picture and signature, and sign the document before the consular agent.

The Consular authority may grant a permanent visa, under the family reunion category, to a Brazilian descendent who is over 18 years old until the calendar year when he/she turns 24 years old, provided that the applicant is enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in Brazil or abroad, and that equal treatment, under similar circumstances, would be given to a Brazilian in the applicant’s home country.

The case of incapacity to provide a livelihood should be supported by a judicial declaration or another certificate issued by a competent governing body.

10. Ascendants

A permanent visa may be granted to the ascendants of Brazilian citizens if it is proven that the applicant requires effective support from the sponsor.  The application must be accompanied by the original or certified true copy of the following specific documents:

    Documents required from the applicant:

  • Original passport, which must be valid and with at least two blank pages available;
  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background;
  • Proof of the relationship between the applicant and the sponsor (ascendancy);
  • Copy of the identification pages of the travel document (e.g., passport);
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department for applicants who are 18 years old or older;
  • Proof of dependency of the applicant on the sponsor.

The ascendant’s dependency on the Brazilian sponsor will be examined in light of the following requirements:

  • The ascendant does not have sufficient funds to support himself/herself;
  • The sponsor must deposit monthly and regularly funds to support and maintain the ascendant;
  • The ascendant does not have descendants or relatives that could provide assistance in the country of residence; and
  • Due to advanced age or illness, the ascendant requires the presence of the sponsor to manage his/her life.

    Documents required from the sponsor:

  • Copy of the identity card or equivalent document.
  • A document called "Termo de Responsabilidade" (affidavit of support), sworn by the sponsor before either the Consulate or a Notary Public in Brazil, in which the sponsor states that s/he has the means to support the applicant in Brazil. The declarant's signature must be authenticated/legalized ("reconhecimento de firma") by the Consulate General of Brazil in The applicant’s country of residence or by a Brazilian notary office ("cartório"). The sponsor must come in person to the Consulate, bring a Brazilian document with a picture and signature, and sign the document before the consular agent.

11. Sibling, Grandchild, Great-grandchild

Brazilian citizens’ or permanent residents’ siblings, grandchildren, and unmarried orphan great-grandchildren who are under 18 years old or of any age if incapable of supporting themselves are eligible to apply for a permanent visa under the family reunion category. The application must be accompanied by the original or certified true copy of the following specific documents:

    Documents required from the applicant:

  • Original passport, which must be valid and with at least two blank pages available;
  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background;
  • Proof of the relationship between the applicant and the sponsor;
  • Copy of the identification pages of the travel document (e.g., passport);
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department for applicants who are 18 years old or older;

    Documents required from the sponsor:

  • Copy of the identity card or equivalent document;
  • A document called "Termo de Responsabilidade" (affidavit of support), sworn by the sponsor before either the Consulate or a Notary Public in Brazil, in which the sponsor states that s/he has the means to support the applicant in Brazil. The declarant's signature must be authenticated/legalized ("reconhecimento de firma") by the Consulate General of Brazil in The applicant’s country of residence or by a Brazilian notary office ("cartório"). The sponsor must come in person to the Consulate, bring a Brazilian document with picture and signature, and sign the document before the consular agent.

The Consular authority may grant a permanent visa, under the family reunion category, to siblings, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren of a Brazilian descendent or permanent resident until the calendar year when the applicant turns 24 years old, provided that he/she is enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in Brazil or abroad, and that equal treatment, under similar circumstances, would be given to a Brazilian in the applicant’s home country.

The cases of incapacity to provide a livelihood should be supported by a judicial declaration or another certificate issued by a competent governing body.

12. Transfer Of Retirement Income

Foreigner retirees who meet certain criteria may apply for permanent residency in Brazil under the category of transfer of retirement income. The retiree may be accompanied by up to two dependants. He or she must prove to be able to transfer to Brazil on a monthly basis the amount of at least R$ 6,000.00 (six thousand reais). In case of bringing more than two dependants, there is an additional monthly transfer requirement of at least R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) per dependant.

The application must be accompanied by the original or certified true copy of the following specific documents:

  • Signed receipt for the online application (VISA REQUEST FORM RECEIPT - RER);
  • One 2x2" photo of the face professionally taken against an off-white or white background (glued to the RER);
  • Valid original passport;
  • A certified true copy of the travel document (passport);
  • Certified true copy of birth or marriage certificate to prove family relationship;
  • Police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from the RCMP or local police department;
  • Proof of residence within the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Brazil in The applicant’s country of residence (example: a copy of bill or driver's license);
  • Earning statements reporting monthly income converted to Brazilian reais;
  • Statement of a banking/financial institution that the proceeds/earnings may be transferred to Brazil (meant to show that the foreign laws allow the transfer of currency abroad);
  • Proof of full retirement (a document issued by an official welfare agency such as Human Resources and Development Skills Canada);
  • Proof of retirement and the ability to transfer to Brazil the amount of at least R$ 6,000.00 (six thousand reais). This amount is enough for 3 people (the applicant plus 2 dependants). If more than two dependents accompany the applicant, an additional monthly transfer requirement of at least R$ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais) per dependant applies;
  • Proof of relationship between the retiree and any possible dependants.

13. Director, Manager Or Administrator Of Religious Authority, Social Service Or Non-profit Non-governmental Organization

VIPER can be granted to foreigners who come to the country voluntarily, to assume the position of director, manager, or administrator of a religious entity, a social services, or non-governmental organization, not employed by a legal entity based in Brazil.

The application must be accompanied by an original or certified copy of the following specific documents:

  • Document from the Brazilian organization inviting the foreigner to serve as a volunteer;
  • Articles of incorporation or bylaws of the organization duly registered with the competent body; 
  • Act of nomination, appointment, or election of current directors;
  • Proof of enrolment in the Social Welfare Council, when appropriate, or certificate of qualification as civil society and public interest organization, issued by the Ministry of Justice, where applicable;
  • A document describing the volunteer service location and the activities to be performed by the foreigner;
  • Term of responsibility from the organization assuming support to the foreigner during his/her stay in Brazil and for his/her return to his/her country of origin;
  • Term of responsibility from the sponsoring organization assuming any financial responsibility for medical expenses, for the foreigner and any dependants, if applicable, during the entire stay;
  • Certificate of absence of criminal record - police clearance certificate (fingerprint search) from RCMP or local police department;
  • The document attesting to professional experience and qualifications compatible with the activities to be performed;
  • Proof that the entity is in full and regular operation;
  • Document appointing the foreigner for the position, properly registered with the competent body.

The request must be submitted directly to the Brazilian Consular Office which has jurisdiction over the place of residence of the foreigner.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER)

The average processing time for a Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER) is 5-30 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER) Fee

Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER) fee is 150-360 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER)?

You will apply for the Brazil Permanent Visa (VIPER) in Brazil visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




If I have a visa, will I be authorized to enter Brazil?

Not surely. There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to enter and stay in the country. The Brazilian Federal Police determine entry at the port of entry, and your passport will be stamped upon approval.

May I apply for a visa when I arrive in Brazil?

Brazil does not give visas on arrival. Those required to hold a visa to travel to Brazil must apply for one in advance at a Brazilian consular post abroad.

What if I want to stay longer than 90 days in Brazil?

Beyond 90 days, you must request an extension with the Brazilian Federal Police. Without proper authorization, a fine will be applied, and you will be subject to immediate removal from the country. Overstaying is considered unlawful immigration, even if the visa is still valid. If you overstay, you will be breaking the law, subject to deportation, and may be prohibited from reusing the visa. After staying a total of 180 days, you will not be able to get another extension. You will have to wait for a period determined by the Embassy or Consulate before reapplying for a visa.

If my passport expires and my visa to Brazil is still valid, what should I do?

When you travel to Brazil, you will have to take both passports with you: the new one as a valid travel document, and the old one with a valid visa. You do not need to apply for a new visa if the one in your expired passport is still valid.

Can my Brazil visa application be refused?

In some circumstances, a visa may be denied. Common reasons are fraud or misrepresentation, disrespect for the visa adjudicator or for Brazil, criminal record, security risk, lack of strong ties to the country of residence, intention to reside or work in Brazil when not authorized, lack of a legitimate reason for traveling, not having travel arrangements or health/travel insurance, applying on excessively short notice, previous rejection of a visa application and prior immigration violations, among others. If your visa is rejected, the processing fee will not be refunded.

If my Brazil visa application refused, may I reapply?

Yes, but you must prove, with supporting evidence, that the reasons for which your previous application was denied are no longer valid.

What is a Brazil visa waiver? What do I need to do to apply for a visa waiver? Will there be anything else I will need to do for the visa waiver?

A visa waiver means that you will not need a visa if you meet certain conditions related to:

  • Your nationality (based on your travel document);
  • The purpose of the visit and the activities you will be pursuing;
  • The length of the visit (duration of each visit and total time within a given period);
  • The type of passport (standard/official/diplomatic/others); and
  • The validity of the passport at the time of the trip.

Most visa waivers are granted for short term tourist or business trips based on reciprocity or bilateral agreements.


You do not need to apply for a visa waiver. If you are eligible for the waiver, it will be automatically provided your passport eligible for the waiver is valid throughout the trip (+1 day for US citizens, +3 months for countries part of the European Union, or +6 months for other countries).

Have in mind that:

  • Being born in a certain country does not mean you have that citizenship. Therefore, to claim the visa waiver, you must travel to Brazil with a valid passport of the nationality eligible for the waiver.
  • If you have Brazilian dual citizenship, you must enter Brazil with a Brazilian passport.
  • If you have more than one valid passport (different types or nationalities) which entitles you to a visa waiver, make sure to carry that passport with you while going in and out of Brazil.
  • A visa (label) or visa waiver is an expectation of right and not a right within itself. The Brazilian Federal Police ( an entity that controls Brazilian borders) may ask for additional information and/or deny entry to any foreign national.

Once I have been granted a visa, what types of activities can I get involved in while in Brazil?

It is important to note that your visa allows you to stay in Brazil exclusively for the specific purpose for which it was issued. For instance, you are not allowed to work if you have been granted a tourist or student visa. Always clearly state the purpose of your trip when applying for a visa.

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