Do You Need Visa to Visit United Kingdom?

Do You Need Visa to Visit United Kingdom? Check It Out!

Visa Types

UK Visit Visas

  • Standard Visitor Visa
  • Marriage Visitor Visa
  • Permitted Paid Engagement Visa
  • Parent of Tier 4 child visa
  • Visit the UK in a Chinese tour group
  • Visa to pass through the UK in transit



Standard Visitor Visa

Those wishing to enter the United Kingdom for tourism, family visits, business (including participation in any event, sporting events, etc.), or for any other purpose for less than 6 months may apply for a Standard Visitor Visa.


Required Documents for the UK Standard Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities

  • Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing

9. Under 18s

        It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information; otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide:
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Standard Visitor Visa

UK Standard Visitor visa costs 95 GBP.

The fee for a long-term Standard Visitor visa depends on its length:

2 years - 361 GBP

5 years - 655 GBP

10 years - 822 GBP


UK Standard Visitor Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Standard Visitor Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Standard Visitor Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You might be able to stay for longer if:

  • You’re coming to the UK for private medical treatment - up to 11 months (190 GBP fee)
  • You’re an academic on sabbatical and coming to the UK for research - you, your spouse, or civil partner may be able to stay for up to 12 months (190 GBP fee).

A Standard Visitor visa does not allow you to do paid or unpaid work, to live in the UK for long periods of time through frequent visits, to get public funds and to marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership. 

You might be able to get a visit visa for up to 30 days if you’re a Chinese citizen visiting under the Approved Destination Status (ADS) Agreement.



Marriage Visitor Visa

You can apply for this visa if you are:

  • Over 18 years old;
  • Want to register a civil marriage or enter into a formal marriage;
  • Want to give notice of a formal marriage or civil marriage;
  • Do not want to settle in the United Kingdom after a formal marriage or civil marriage;
  • Will stay in the UK for less than 6 months;
  • Will leave the United Kingdom after the expiration of the visa;
  • Is free to declare an official marriage or civil marriage within 6 months after entering the United Kingdom;
  • Able to support himself financially or a relative or friend in the United Kingdom without receiving or working for public funds;
  • Can pay for return or onward travel expenses from the United Kingdom.


Required Documents for the UK Marriage Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons of the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. If You Have Been Married or in A Civil Partnership Before:

  • You must provide documents to show that you are free to marry or form a civil partnership.

9. Any Documents Proving the Intention of Marriage or Civil Partnership

  • This may include the documents confirming costs that were paid for this, booking confirmation, or emails between you and the venue.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Marriage Visitor Visa

UK Marriage Visitor visa costs 95 GBP.


UK Marriage Visitor Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Marriage Visitor visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Marriage Visitor Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

A marriage visitor visa does not allow you to get public funds, to bring in family members (‘dependants’) as they must apply separately, to live in the UK for extended periods through frequent visits, to extend your visa, or switch to another visa, to work (except for permitted activities related to your work or business overseas, such as attending meetings), to study for more than 30 days as studying cannot be the main reason for your visit.



Permitted Paid Engagement Visa

If you are invited to the United Kingdom as an expert in your field, you can apply for a Permitted Paid Engagement visa.

To be eligible for a Permitted Paid Engagement visa, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Invited by a company belonging to the United Kingdom;
  • Not to be a citizen of any of the EEA countries or Switzerland.
  • Come to the United Kingdom for less than a month;
  • Leave the United Kingdom after the visa expires.
  • To be able to pay for return or onward travel expenses from the United Kingdom.


Required Documents  for the UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities 

  • Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. A Formal Invitation from the UK-based Organization or Authority You’ll Be Paid by

10. Proof That the Paid Engagement Relates to Your Expertise, Qualifications, and Main Job in Your Home Country

  • For example, a letter from your employer or certificates.
  • If you are an established art, entertainment, or sporting professional, you must provide additional documents such as publications, publicity material, proof of awards, media coverage and reviews, proof of recent performances.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa

The UK Permitted Paid Engagement visa costs 95 GBP.


UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

Permitted Paid Engagement visa does not allow you to do specific paid work unrelated to your main job or area of expertise at home or sell merchandise, other than what’s allowed by your visa, to extend this visa or switch to another visa, to live in the UK for extended periods, to get public funds, to study for more than 30 days as studying cannot be the main reason for your visit, to marry or register a civil partnership, or give notice of marriage or civil partnership, to bring family members (‘dependants’) with you on your application as they must apply separately.



Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa

The Parent of a Tier 4 Child Student visa is for non-EEA parents of children who are in the UK with valid leave and studying at an independent fee-paying day school under Tier 4 of the points-based system.

In order to be eligible for a Parent of a Tier 4 Child Visa, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Be the parent of a child under 12 years old;
  • Your child has valid leave to study at an institution with a Tier 4 Sponsor Licence;
  • Maintain a second home outside of the UK;
  • Do not have an intention to work or study while in the UK;
  • To be able to adequately maintain yourself without recourse to public funds;
  • Intend to leave the UK when your leave expires;
  • To be able to meet the cost of your return or onward journey.


Required Documents for the UK Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to, or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities 

  • Where you are coming to the UK in order to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test

10. Proof of Your Permanent Home Outside the UK

11. Proof That You were not Last Admitted to the UK under the Approved Destination Status Agreement with China

12. Copy Of the Main Page of the Passport of Your Child that is Going to Study in the UK

13. Documents Proving That Your Child is Going to Study in the UK

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa

A Parent of a Tier 4 child visa costs 516 GBP.


UK Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Parent of Tier 4 Child Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa type does not allow you to switch into a different immigration category from a ‘Parent of a Tier 4 child visa’ when it expires, to get public funds, to make your main home in the UK, to take paid work, to study, to bring other family members (‘dependants’) with you on your application as they must apply separately.

You can apply to extend your stay for as long as you and your child continue to meet the eligibility requirements mentioned above. You must apply while you are still in the UK and at least 4 weeks before your original visa expires. You can apply to extend your stay for 12 months at a time. The fees for extending your visa is as follows:

  • 1,033 GBP for the standard service (a decision will be made within 8 weeks of your application date)
  • 1,533 GBP for the priority service (a decision will be made within 5 working days of your appointment)
  • 1,833 GBP for the super-priority service (a decision will be made by the end of the next working day after your appointment if your appointment is on a weekday, or it will be made 2 working days after your appointment if your appointment is at the weekend)

The appointment is made at UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS). Working days are Monday to Friday, not including bank holidays. Once you’ve got your decision letter, your biometric residence permit will take up to 10 working days to arrive.

You will be contacted if your application is complex and will take longer. The reason for this can be your supporting documents that need to be verified, your personal circumstances (for example, you have a criminal conviction), or the necessity of an interview.

Once you have applied, you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.



Visit the UK in a Chinese Tour Group Visa

You can come to the UK for up to 30 days as part of a tour group through the approved destination status agreement (ADS) if you’re a Chinese citizen.

To qualify, you must enter the country as part of your tour group (minimum 5 people) and stay with the group for the whole of your visit.

Your tour must be organized by an ADS licensed Chinese tour operator.


Required Documents for the UK Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a different online portal for the ADS visitor application form.
  • After submitting the application form ADS, the agent can book an appointment to attend the application center.
  • Agents can contact the application center directly to arrange a group appointment.

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing that You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons of the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country, you are applying for your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities 

  • Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Under 18s 

        It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK;
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Visit the UK in a Chinese Tour Group Visa

It costs 867 CNY (approximately 125 USD), and you should pay the visa fee directly to your travel agent, who will pay for the whole group.


UK Visit the UK in a Chinese Tour Group Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Visit the UK in a Chinese Tour Group Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Visit the UK in a Chinese Tour Group Visa

ADS agents should attend the visa application center the evening prior to the appointment to submit all of the documentation for the whole group. The group should attend the application center together on the day of the appointment to submit their biometrics – a photograph and digital finger scan. Agents can split groups and apply at different visa application centers.

ADS agents must also provide all of the following documentation:

  • List of applicants in the group: full names, passports, and ID card numbers.
  • Detailed itinerary, including dates of travel.
  • Confirmation of whether a single or double entry visa is required.
  • Details of the tour leader (including a copy of their visa if already held). If the tour leader is applying for a visa with the group, please clearly identify the group tour leader in the supporting documentation.



Visa to Pass through the UK in Transit

There are two types of transit visas depending on whether you are going through UK border control when you arrive in the UK:

  • Direct Airside Transit visa
  • Visitor in Transit visa

Your airline can tell you if you’ll go through border control.


Direct Airside Transit Visa

A Direct Airside Transit Visa (DATV) is valid for 24 hours and does not allow you to pass through the UK Border Control. But allows you to pass through the transit channels and requires that you depart from the same airport on the same day. Considering that with this visa, you cannot transit airside in the UK to the Republic of Ireland or anywhere within the Common Travel Area (an open borders area that includes the UK, Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands).


Visitor in Transit Visa

A Visitor in Transit Visa is valid for 48 hours and allows you to change terminals and pass through the UK Border Control. The Visitor in Transit visa is designed for travelers who need to re-check their luggage or catch a connecting flight at a different airport. You will only be allowed to stay in the UK for 48 hours, your onward flight must be within 48 hours of your arrival in the UK.


Required Documents for UK Transit Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to, or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities

  • Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Under 18s

It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK;
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature.

10. Evidence that You’re Allowed to Enter the Country You’re Travelling to, such as a Residence Permit, Green Card, or Valid Visa.

  • If you’re not a resident or national of the country you’re traveling to, you may need to explain why you’re going there. You may need to provide details of where you’re staying.

11. Evidence that Your Onward Journey is Booked or Confirmed

  • Such as a flight booking email
  • Printed tickets
  • Or confirmation from a travel agent

Note that you should bring the documents mentioned in the last 2 paragraphs with you when you travel through the UK.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Visa

UK Direct Airside Transit Visa (DATV) - 35 GBP

UK Visitor in Transit visa - 64 GBP

The cost may vary slightly depending on which country you’re in.


UK Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

There is a Transit Without a Visa (TWOV) concession that currently allows some visa nationals to enter the UK without a UK visa to recheck bags, stay overnight, or change airport.

So, nationals of all countries need a visa to transit landside unless they hold one of the following:

  • A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the USA and a valid airline ticket via the UK as part of a reasonable journey to that country; or
  • A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the USA and a valid airline ticket via the UK as part of a reasonable journey FROM that country; or
  • A visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the USA as part of a reasonable journey FROM the country in respect of which the visa is held, and it is less than 6 months since the holder last entered that country with a valid entry visa; or
  • A valid permanent residence permit issued by:

(a) Australia

(b) Canada, issued after 28 June 2002

(c) New Zealand

(d) USA issued after 21 April 1998; or a valid US Immigrant visa endorsed with a US arrival stamp (a wet-ink/ADIT stamp version will NOT be accepted by UK border control); or an expired I-551 Permanent Residence card provided it is accompanied by a valid I-797 letter authorizing extension; or a standalone US Immigration Form 155A/155B (attached to a sealed brown envelope); or

  • A valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state or Switzerland; or
  • A valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state or Switzerland; or
  • A valid Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS and traveling TO the Republic of Ireland; or
  • An Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS and traveling FROM the Republic of Ireland provided it is less than 3 months since the holder last entered there.

Nationals of Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Cameroon, China (People’s Republic of), Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cyprus northern part of, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, North Macedonia, Malawi, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa,  South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe need a visa to transit airside unless they hold one of the following:

  • A valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the USA (whether or not the holder is traveling to or from these countries); or
  • A visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the USA as part of a reasonable journey FROM the country regarding which the visa is held, and it is less than 6 months since the holder last entered that country with a valid entry visa.
  • A valid permanent residence permit issued by:

(a) Australia

(b) Canada, issued after 28 June 2002

(c) New Zealand

(d) USA issued after 21 April 1998; or a valid US Immigrant visa endorsed with a US arrival stamp (a wet-ink/ADIT stamp version will NOT be accepted by UK border control); or an expired I-551 Permanent Residence card provided it is accompanied by a valid I-797 letter authorizing extension, or a standalone US Immigration Form 155A/155B (attached to a sealed brown envelope); or

  • A valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state or Switzerland; or
  • A valid common format category D visa for entry to an EEA state or Switzerland; or
  • A valid Irish biometric visa endorsed BC or BC BIVS (to transit to a destination other than the Republic of Ireland or the Common Travel Area); or
  • A valid Schengen Approved Destination Scheme (ADS) group tourism visa where the holder is traveling TO the country that issued it; or
  • A valid airline ticket FROM the Schengen area, provided the holder can demonstrate they entered there no more than 30 days previously based on a valid Schengen ADS visa.

Note that e-visas or e-residence permits are not acceptable for landside transit. They are not acceptable for airside transit either unless the airline is able to verify it with the issuing country.

UK Study Visas

  1. Short-term Study Visa
  2. General Student Visa (Tier 4)
  3. Child Student Visa (Tier 4)



Study (Short-term) Visa

A short-term study visa on of the options given to non-EEA nationals coming to the UK to study a full-time or part-time course lasting no more than six months, in most cases as a visiting/exchange student. If you want to study an English language program that lasts longer than six months, you can also use this route to remain in the UK for up to 11 months.


Required Documents for UK Study (Short-term) Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing that You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country you are applying to or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-Employed

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities

  •  Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Under 18s

It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information; otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK;
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature.

10. Details of Where You Intend to Stay And Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

11. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI.
  • The list of approved clinics can be found here.

12. A Letter of Acceptance from the Educational Institution

  • It must be on official headed paper, stating the course’s name, duration, and cost (including accommodation).

You may need to provide additional documents depending on your circumstances, such as evidence of your previous study (for example, academic certificates, references, or transcripts) or English language qualifications (for example, certificates or awards).


UK Study (Short-term) Visa Fee

97 GBP for a 6-month visa

186 GBP for an 11-month visa


Processing Time for UK Study (Short-term) Visa

You should get a decision on your UK visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for The UK Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa type does not allow you to study at a state-funded school, to work or carry out any business (this includes work experience or work placements unless the placement is an eligible medical, veterinary, or dentistry elective), to extend this visa, to bring family members (‘dependants’) with you - they must apply separately, to get public funds.

You can stay in the UK for the length of your course or research. You may be allowed to stay an extra 30 days if your total stay in the UK would be no more than 6 months, or no more than 11 months if you’re 16 or over and studying an English language course. Your visa will say how long you are allowed to stay in the UK.



General Student Visa (Tier 4)

As an international student (non-EEA/Swiss) coming to the UK to study a full-time course of more than six months, you must apply for a visa under Tier 4 (General) Student before coming to the UK to start your course. Even if you are able to enter the UK as a visitor without a visa, it is not possible to then apply in the UK for your Tier 4 visa. The UK operates a points-based immigration system underpinned by the principle of visa sponsorship. A Tier 4 visa is issued to study in the UK. The sponsor for Tier 4 purposes is the educational institution where the student will study. The visa is issued for a particular course at the institution. To be eligible to apply for a Tier 4 visa, you must have an unconditional offer of a place on a course with a licensed Tier 4 sponsor.


Required Documents for the UK General Student Visa (Tier 4)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing That You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. Besides, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business Registration Documents Confirming The Business Owner’s Name And The Date The Business Started Trading.

8. Business activities

  • Where you are coming to the UK to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK, you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations. For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Under 18s

It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information; otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK;
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature.

10. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

11. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

12. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

  • It is an electronic document issued by the university in support of your application for a student visa.
  • The CAS letter typically plays the role of a letter of acceptance and issued after you have accepted an offer and paid the required deposit to secure your place.
  • The educational institution will produce a CAS for you and email you your CAS number and CAS statement, listing the information that has been sent to the UK Visas and Immigration Department as you will need this information while fulfilling the visa application form.

13. Proof of Knowledge of English

You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT). The higher educational institution can choose how to assess a student’s knowledge of English.

  • If you have to pass a SELT, it must be from an approved provider.
  • You do not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’ve completed a qualification equivalent to a UK degree in Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

You also do not need to prove your knowledge of English if one of the following applies:

  • You’re a national of Canada or any of the countries in the list above
  • You have studied in the UK before as a Tier 4 (Child) student
  • You’re applying to come to the UK for a study abroad program as part of a university degree course in the USA

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK General Student Visa (Tier 4)

It costs 348 GBP to apply for this visa from outside the UK.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK.  This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital.  You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor. The amount of healthcare surcharge can change according to the study duration, place of study, and so on. Usually, it is £400 per year based on the amount of leave granted on your visa.


UK General Student Visa (Tier 4) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK General Student Visa (Tier 4) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.

Notes to Consider While Applying for the Uk General Student Visa (Tier 4)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa type does not allow you to get public funds, to work in certain jobs, for example, as a professional sportsperson or sports coach, to study at an academy or a local authority-funded school (also known as a maintained school). You may be able to extend or switch your visa, and your family members (dependants) might be able to apply to join or remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).




Child Student Visa (Tier 4)

In order to be able to apply for this visa type, the child must be between 4-17 years old and intend to study in a UK institution for at least six months. If you are a student aged 16 or 17 who wants to study in the UK for more than six months, you can apply for a Tier 4 Visa under either the ‘Child’ or ‘General’ categories.


Required Documents for the UK Child Student Visa (Tier 4)

1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee".

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Financial Documents Showing that You Have Sufficient Funds Available

  • These must clearly show that you have access to the funds, such as:
    • Bank statements
    • Building society book
    • Proof of earnings such as a letter from employer confirming employment details (start date of employment, salary, role, company contact details)
    • Where a third party (who is either in the UK or who will be legally in the UK at the time of your visit) is providing financial support to you, e.g., a business, a friend, or a relative, documents to show they have sufficient resources to support you in addition to themselves and any dependant family should be provided.
  • Financial documents play an important role in UK visa application procedures, as refusal reasons for the majority of UK visa applications come because of these documents. Therefore, try to avoid the bank statement from the account that you have opened recently. If you opened a bank account just before the visa application or have suddenly deposited a large amount of money to the account that you used for a while, it can raise doubts that the funds genuinely belong to you and can negatively affect the visa result. In addition, please take into consideration that the bank statement must contrast with the monthly income you have. It is recommended to show a statement for at least the last 6 months. 

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside, there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Employment or Studies

  • Where you have stated in your application that you are either employed or in full-time studies.

7. If Self-employed:

  • Business registration documents confirming the business owner’s name and the date the business started trading.

8. Business Activities 

  • Where you are coming to the UK in order to undertake activities relating to your occupation/employment outside the UK you should submit documents showing what you will be doing in the UK, including any letters from inviting organizations.
  • For example:
    • Any business activities, e.g., the letter from your employer outlining the reason for your visit, who you will be meeting, and details of any payment/expenses
    • For performances and entertainment visitors, whether you work in this area as a professional or amateur, and what and where you will be performing.

9. Under 18s

It is strongly recommended you to submit the following information; otherwise, it may delay consideration of your applications:

  • Birth Certificate or a legal document (such as adoption papers) showing the relationship between you and your parent or guardian
  • If traveling unaccompanied or with someone other than your parent or guardian, you should provide:
    • A signed letter from your parent(s) confirming details of anyone accompanying you and details of care and accommodation arranged in the UK;
    • A copy of your parent(s) or legal guardian’s biographical page of their passport, which includes their signature and passport number; if your parent(s) do not have a passport, then you must provide another official document that bears their signature.

10. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

11. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results 

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI.
  • The list of approved clinics can be found here

12. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

  • It is an electronic document issued by the university in support of your application for a student visa.
  • The CAS letter typically plays the role of a letter of acceptance and issued after you have accepted an offer and paid the required deposit to secure your place.
  • The educational institution will produce a CAS for you and email you your CAS number and CAS statement, listing the information that has been sent to the UK Visas and Immigration Department as you will need this information while fulfilling the visa application form.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Child Student Visa (Tier 4)

It costs 348 GBP to apply for this visa from outside the UK. You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK.  This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital.  You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor. The amount of healthcare surcharge can change according to the duration of the study, place of study, and so on. Usually, it is 400 GBP per year based on the amount of leave granted on your visa.

UK Child Student Visa (Tier 4) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Child Student Visa (Tier 4) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.

Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Child Student Visa (Tier 4)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa type does not allow you to study at an academy or a local authority-funded school (also known as a maintained school) or further education college, to get public funds, to take a full-time permanent job or be self-employed, to work as a doctor or dentist in training, to work as a professional sportsperson (for example a sports coach) or entertainer, to settle in the UK on this visa, to bring in family members (‘dependants’). If you are 16 or over, you can work part-time during the term for up to 10 hours per week; full-time during vacations, work on a work placement as part of your course (but not for more than 50% of your course time), and work as a student union sabbatical officer for up to 2 years with this visa. You may be able to extend or switch your visa, and your family members (dependants) might be able to apply to join or remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. 


UK Short-term Work Visas

  1.   Temporary Worker Charity Worker visa (Tier 5)
  2.   Temporary Worker Creative and Sporting visa (Tier 5)
  3.   Temporary Worker Government Authorized Exchange visa (Tier 5)
  4.   Temporary Worker International Agreement visa (Tier 5)
  5.   Temporary Worker Religious Worker visa (Tier 5)
  6.   Temporary Worker Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5)
  7.   Youth Mobility Scheme visa (Tier 5)



Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5)

This visa category provides individuals outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland with the opportunity to come to the UK temporarily and take up unpaid voluntary work in relation to the objectives of their sponsor. All activities undertaken in the UK must be temporary, voluntary, and involve no remuneration.


Required Documents for the UK Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • You must have a certificate of sponsorship from a licensed employer before you can apply to come to the UK to work. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • The work you do in the UK must relate to the work of your sponsor organization.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay And Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - Charity Worker Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds, to receive any payment for work, or to take a permanent job. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5)

The Tier 5 Creative and Sporting visa allows sportspersons, entertainers, and creative artists from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland to come and work in the UK for up to 12 months. You’ll still need to apply for this visa if you’re traveling to the UK from Ireland, and you’re from outside the EEA and Switzerland. A creative worker is someone who works in the creative industry, for example, an actor, dancer, musician, or film crew member.


Required Documents for the UK Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying to.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

9. Letter of Endorsement From Your Sport’s Governing Body, If You’re Applying as a Sportsperson or Coach

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - Creative and Sporting Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds or start your own business. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).




Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5)

This visa is designed to allow individuals to remain in the UK in order to undertake professional training or work experience directly relevant to their degree under a government-authorized scheme. The Tier 5 visa allows you to undertake specific types of work in the UK for a period of one or two years, depending on the scheme.

Required Documents for the UK Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee".

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions. Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.
  • Your sponsor can give you a multiple entry certificate of sponsorship so you can leave and return to the UK.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your tuberculosis (TB) test results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - Government Authorized Exchange Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds or take a permanent job. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5)

This visa type is for individuals who are coming to the UK to provide a service in the UK on a contractual agreement which is covered under International Law. This includes the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) or other international agreements, employees of overseas governments and international organizations as well as private servants in diplomatic households.


Required Documents for the UK Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.
  • Your sponsor can give you a multiple entry certificate of sponsorship so you can leave and return to the UK.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - International Agreement Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds to start working before you get your visa. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5)

With this visa, individuals can come to the UK temporarily in order to work as religious workers in a non-pastoral role or as visiting religious workers who are employed abroad in the same capacity. Activities under this visa may include preaching, performing religious rites, reading to congregations of faith, some pastoral work, and non-pastoral work.


Required Documents for the UK Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.
  • Your sponsor can give you a multiple entry certificate of sponsorship so you can leave and return to the UK.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - Religious Worker Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds. However, you may be able to extend your visa and bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5)

You can apply for this visa type if you are a non-EEA and non-Swiss national intending to come to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work. You can stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You can enter the UK as soon as your visa is valid (up to 14 days before the start date of your job).


Required Documents for UK Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.
  • Your sponsor can give you a multiple entry certificate of sponsorship so you can leave and return to the UK.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here 

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy

Visa Costs for UK Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.


UK Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes To Consider While Applying for the UK Temporary Worker - Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to take a permanent job, to work in a second job or a job that isn’t described in your certificate of sponsorship, to get public funds, or to bring family members with you.



Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5)

This visa is available to those who are aged 18-30 and want to live, work, and travel in the UK. It is only available to British overseas citizens, British Overseas Territories citizens, British nationals (overseas), nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and it is a once in a lifetime visa.

Applicants granted entry clearance in this category can do any work that complies with UK and European Union laws, directives, and regulations with the exception of working as a professional sportsperson, including as a sports coach and a doctor or dentist in training.


Required Documents for UK Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Personal Savings

  • You must have 1890 GBP in your bank account before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.

4. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

5. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

6. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy

Visa Costs for UK Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5)

It costs 244 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.

UK Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Youth Mobility Scheme Visa (Tier 5)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not eligible to apply for this visa if you have previously spent time in the UK under either the Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) or working holidaymaker scheme and have children under 18 years old who are either living with you or financially dependent upon you.

This visa does not allow you to work as a professional sportsperson (for example, as a coach), doctor, or dentist in training - unless you can show you qualified in the UK, to extend your stay, to get public funds, to bring in family members on your application.

UK Long-term Work Visas

  1. General Work Visa (Tier 2)
  2. Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2)
  3. Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2)
  4. Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2)



General Work Visa (Tier 2)

You can apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa if you have been offered a skilled job in the UK and if you are applying from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. So, if you intend to apply for Tier 2 Work Visa, the first step is to secure a job in the UK. You need to be sponsored before you can apply to come to the UK to work, and your employer in the UK is your sponsor. Moreover, the work you are required to do in the UK must relate to the work of your sponsor organization. You will usually need to be paid at least 30,000 GBP per year or the ‘appropriate rate’ for the job you’re offered - whichever is higher. However, in some circumstances, for example, if you’ll work as a medical radiographer, nurse, paramedic, or secondary school teacher in some subjects or you’ll work as a pre-registration nurse or midwife, you can be paid less.


Required documents for the UK General Work Visa (Tier 2)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here.

9. Criminal Record Certificate

  • It should be from any country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years if you’ll be working with vulnerable people.

10. Proof of Knowledge Of English

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT). It must be from an approved provider.
  • You will not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re a national of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK General Work Visa (Tier 2)

It costs 610 GBP to apply for the visa for up to 3 years and 1,220 GBP for more than 3 years from outside the UK. In case of shortage occupation (a skilled job where there is a shortage of workers in the UK), 464 GBP to apply for the visa up to 3 years and 928 GBP for more than 3 years from outside the UK.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK General Work Visa (Tier 2) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK General Work Visa (Tier 2)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to own more than 10% of your sponsor’s shares (unless you earn more than £159,600 a year), to get public funds, to apply for a second job until you’ve started working for your sponsor with this visa. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).

You can take a second job on this visa if you’re working up to 20 hours a week in either the same profession as your main job and at the same level or a profession on the shortage occupation list.

You can also do unpaid voluntary work. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new visa. You’ll need to be sponsored by your second employer and get a new certificate of sponsorship.



Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2)

A Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer Visa allows a candidate to transfer to the UK from an overseas branch of a UK company in order to undertake work on a specific project. The Intra Company Transfer category places a strong emphasis on the employer being able to demonstrate that the salary for the role is appropriate and that no UK resident worker can fill the position.

The ICT category has been split into two subcategories - for short-term ‘Graduate Trainee’ and for long-term ‘Long-term Staff.’

You can apply for this visa as ‘Long-term Staff’ if you are transferring into a role that requires you to have had previous experience working for the company. You’ll need to have worked for your company for more than 12 months unless they’re going to pay you £73,900 or more a year to work in the UK.

This visa as ‘Graduate Trainee’ is for transfers into graduate trainee programs for specialist roles. You need to be a recent graduate with at least 3 months’ experience with your employer overseas.


Required Documents the UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2)


1. Application Form for ‘Long-term Staff’ and application form for ‘Graduate Trainee’

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55GBP that is called "User Pays Fee".

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered.
  • It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it 3 months after getting it.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

9. Proof You’ve Worked for Your Employer Outside the UK

  • After you apply, you might be asked to prove you’ve worked for your employer for a certain amount of time. The length of time depends on what visa you’re applying for.
  • If you’re asked, you’ll need to show you’ve been paid by your employer over this time period. You can provide:
    • Printed payslips
    • Online payslips supported by a letter from your sponsor signed by a senior staff member
    • Bank or building society statements
    • A building society passbook

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2)

It costs 610 GBP to apply for the visa for up to 3 years and 1,220 GBP for more than 3 years from outside the UK as a ‘Long-term Staff’. In the case of ‘Graduate Trainee’, the visa fee is 482 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) which you will be able to access when living in the UK.  This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital.  You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2)

The earliest you can apply for a UK Intra-Company Transfer Visa (Tier 2) is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa does not allow you to get public funds and start working before you get a visa. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2)

The Tier 2 Minister of Religion Visa is designed to allow workers coming to the UK to fill a position – such as a minister of religion or missionary - within a religious organization in the UK.


Required Documents for the UK Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it 3 months after getting it.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

9. Proof of Knowledge of English

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT). It must be from an approved provider.
  • You will not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re a national of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2)

It costs 610 GBP to apply from outside the UK.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Minister of Religion Visa (Tier 2)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to own more than 10% of your sponsor’s shares (unless you earn more than £159,600 a year) and to get public funds. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).

You can take a second job on this visa if you’re working up to 20 hours a week in either the same profession as your main job and at the same level or a profession on the shortage occupation list.

You can also do unpaid voluntary work. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new visa. You’ll need to be sponsored by your second employer and get a new certificate of sponsorship.



Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2)

If you are elite, top-level athletes, and coaches whose application is being endorsed by their sport's governing body, you may qualify for a Tier 2 Sportsperson Visa. Applicants for this permit are expected to make a major contribution to the development of their sport while living and working in the UK.


Required Documents for the UK Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Certificate of Sponsorship

  • A certificate of sponsorship holds your personal details and information about the job you’ve been offered. It’s an electronic record, not a paper document.
  • Through this document, your employer certifies their proposed employment conditions.
  • Your sponsor will give you a certificate of the sponsorship reference number to add to your application. You can only use your certificate of sponsorship reference number once. You must use it during 3 months after getting it.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

9. Proof of Knowledge of English

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply. This usually means passing a secure English language test (SELT). It must be from an approved provider.
  • You will not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re a national of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

10. Letter of Endorsement From Your Sport’s Governing Body, If You’re Applying As a Sportsperson or Coach

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2)

It costs 610 GBP to apply from outside the UK.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Sportsperson Visa (Tier 2)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

You are not allowed to get public funds, start or run a business, or to apply for a second job until you’ve started working for your sponsor. However, you may be able to extend or switch your visa, bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).

You can take a second job on this visa if you’re working up to 20 hours a week in either the same profession as your main job and at the same level or a profession on the shortage occupation list.

You can also do unpaid voluntary work. Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new visa. You’ll need to be sponsored by your second employer and get a new certificate of sponsorship.

UK Investor, Business Development and Talent Visas

UK Investor, Business Development and Talent Visas

UK Investor, Business Development and Talent Visas

  • Innovator visa
  • Start-up visa
  • Global Talent visa
  • Investor visa (Tier 1)



UK Innovator Visa

The UK Innovator Visa is designed for experienced business people who are non-EEA nationals with at least 18 years of age to set up an innovative business. The investment requirement is 50,000 GBP. The funding can come from any source. You will also need to have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea which is approved and supported by an endorsing body.


Required Documents for UK Innovator Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Endorsement Letter

  • This document will show that an approved body has assessed your business or business idea.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.
  • You do not need to prove this if you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor who can give you at least 945 GBP to cover your costs for a month if you need it. Your sponsor must confirm this on the certificate of sponsorship.

6. Evidence of Your Investment Funds

  • This document is required when you are setting up a new business.
  • You must have at least 50,000 GBP in investment funds to apply for an Innovator visa if you want to set up a new business.
  • Your funding can come from any source.
  • You do not need any investment funds if either your business is already established and has been endorsed for an earlier visa, or you’ve changed your business and already agreed with it with your endorsing body.
  • You can form a team with other Innovator applicants, but you cannot share the same investment funds.
  • Your team must have 50,000 GBP for each Innovator applicant. For example, if you have 2 Innovator applicants, your team must have 100,000 GBP to invest.

7. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

8. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

9. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI.
  • The list of approved clinics can be found here

10. Proof of Knowledge of English

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply.
    • This usually means passing a secure English language test.
    • It must be from an approved provider.
  • You will not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re a national of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Innovator Visa

It costs 1021 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Innovator Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Innovator Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Innovator Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa does not allow you to do any work outside your business (for example, work where you’re employed by another business), to work as a doctor or dentist in training, to work as a professional sportsperson (for example, a sports coach) or to get public funds. However, you may be able to extend your visa and bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).




UK Start-up Visa

This visa allows entrepreneurs from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland to set up a business in the UK. The visa is targeted for first-time entrepreneurs who have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea. Your idea should be assessed and supported by a Home Office approved endorsing body. The endorsing body consists of UK HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) and business organizations such as accelerators, incubators, and VC firms.

Required Documents for UK Start-up Visa


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Endorsement Letter

  • This document will show that an approved body has assessed your business or business idea.

5. Personal Savings

  • You must have 945 GBP in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.

6. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

7. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

8. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

9. Proof of Knowledge of English

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language when you apply.
    • This usually means passing a secure English language test.
    • It must be from an approved provider.
  • You will not need to prove your knowledge of English if you’re a national of Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, USA.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Start-up Visa

It costs 363 GBP.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Start-up Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Start-up Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Start-up Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa does not allow you to work as a doctor or dentist in training, to work as a professional sportsperson (for example, a sports coach), to get public funds, or to settle in the UK on this visa. However, you may be able to extend your visa and bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).  



UK Global Talent Visa

The Global Talent visa is for talented and promising individuals in specific sectors wishing to work in the UK. In order to be able to apply for this visa if you work in a qualifying field and have been endorsed as a recognized leader (exceptional talent), as an emerging leader (exceptional promise) and under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) endorsed funder option.

The endorsing bodies are:

  • The Royal Society, for science and medicine
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering, for engineering
  • The British Academy, for humanities
  • Tech Nation, for digital technology
  • Arts Council England, for arts and culture
  • UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), for research applicants

If your qualifying field is fashion, architecture, or film and television, Arts Council England will pass on your application for review to:

  • British Fashion Council, for fashion
  • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), for architecture
  • Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT), for film and television


Required Documents UK Global Talent Visa 


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country that you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • The document that verifies the identity and nationality of the holder and authorizes the holder to travel.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Endorsement Letter

  • This document will show that an approved body has assessed your business or business idea.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

7. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Global Talent Visa

There are 2 stages to obtain this visa:

  • Stage 1 – Endorsement
  • Stage 2 - Visa application

You must pay the 456 GBP fee to get an endorsement when applying for the first time or switching to this visa category. Then you must pay an additional 152 GBP for a visa application.

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK. This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital. You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Global Talent Visa Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Global Talent Visa within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Global Talent Visa

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

This visa does not allow you to work as a doctor or dentist in training, to work as a professional sportsperson (for example, a sports coach), or to get public funds. However, you may be able to extend your visa and bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



UK Investor Visa (Tier 1)

If you are from outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland and high net worth individual with access to at least 2,000,000 GBP to invest in the UK you can apply for an Investor visa (Tier 1).


Required Documents for UK Investor Visa (Tier 1)


1. Application Form

  • There is a unified online system of UKVI for fulfilling application form.
  • After submitting the form and paying the visa fee, the page will be redirected to the corresponding application center for the country you are applying from.
  • According to the location of the application, there can be charged an additional fee of 55 GBP that is called "User Pays Fee."

2. Valid Travel Document

  • National passport or another document that allows the holder to travel internationally.

3. Previous Travel Documents/Passports

  • Previous travel documents/passports show previous travel, which is one of the key factors that impact the visa application.

4. Endorsement Letter

  • This document will show that an approved body has assessed your business or business idea.

5. Confirmation of Legal Residence

  • If you are not a national of the country in which you are applying or your right to reside there is not included in your passport.

6. Details of Where You Intend to Stay and Your Travel Plans

  • You should not pay for accommodation or travel until you get your visa.

7. Your Tuberculosis (TB) Test Results

  • If you’re from a country where you have to take the test, and you’re coming to the UK for more than 6 months, you should provide your tuberculosis (TB) test results approved clinic by UKVI. The list of approved clinics can be found here

8. Criminal Record Certificate

  • It should be from any country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.

9. Evidence of Investment Funds

  • You’ll need to provide evidence showing that you have the required investment funds.
  • If you’re using your own money to invest, you should be able to show how much money you have and where it’s being held, where the money came from if you’ve had the money for less than 2 years (for example, you inherited it from a relative), that the money can be transferred to the UK and converted to sterling (if it’s not already in the UK).
  • If you are using your partner’s money, you’ll need to provide
    • A certificate of marriage or civil partnership, or
    • Proof that you are in a long-term relationship (at least 2 years) in the case of unmarried or same-sex relationships
    • A statement from your partner confirming that they will allow you to control the funds in the UK 
    • A letter from a legal adviser stating that the declaration is valid

10. Evidence You Have a UK Bank Account

  • You must provide a letter to prove you have an account at a UK-regulated bank to use for your investment funds.
  • The letter must have been issued by an authorized official, be dated within 3 months of your application, be on the official headed paper of the bank, state your name and account number
  • Confirm you’ve opened an account with the bank in order to invest 2,000,000 GBP, confirm the bank is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, confirm checks for money-laundering have been carried out.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Visa Costs for UK Investor Visa (Tier 1)

It costs 1,623 GBP

You’ll also have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. This is intended to fund healthcare from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), which you will be able to access when living in the UK.  This means that you will not have to pay to visit a doctor’s surgery, healthcare center, or hospital.  You may need to pay for dental and optical treatment and any medicine prescribed to you by a doctor.


UK Investor Visa (Tier 1) Processing Time

You should get a decision on your UK Investor Visa (Tier 1) within 3 weeks when you apply from outside the UK.


Notes to Consider While Applying for the UK Investor Visa (Tier 1)

The earliest you can apply for a UK visa is 3 months before you travel. For example, you can apply from 16 March if you plan to travel on 15 June.

The initial visa is granted for 3 years and 4 months (3 years if processed in the UK). After this time, applicants can apply for a 2-year extension provided they meet the eligibility criteria. If an applicant has spent a continuous period of 5 years in the UK, they can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). Accelerated routes to settlement can be sought after 3 years if investments total 5 million GBP, or 2 years if investments total 10 million GBP. Knowledge of the English language is not a requirement for the initial visa but is required for subsequent ILR applications.

This visa does not allow you to work as a professional sportsperson (for example, a sports coach) or to get public funds. However, you may be able to extend your visa and bring your family members (dependants) to remain with you in the UK if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. A dependant is either your husband, wife, or civil partner, your unmarried or same-sex partner, or your child under 18 years old (including if they were born in the UK during your stay).



What does the point-based system mean in UK visas?

Under a UK points-based immigration system, points are assigned for specific skills, qualifications, salaries, and shortage occupations. Visas are then awarded to those who gain enough points. For example, in the case of student visas, you’ll need to earn 40 out of 40 points. The CAS form and the information provided therein cover 30 of the 40 points. The other 10 comes from proof that you’ll be able to pay for your studies and support yourself financially throughout your time abroad.

How can I pay the UK visa application fees?

UK visa application fees are only paid online via credit/debit card in US Dollars.

How much money should I have in my bank account if my purpose of visit to the UK is tourism?

The amount must cover the price of accommodation and ticket that you booked and daily expenses which will vary on a case-by-case basis. The key point here is to prove that funds genuinely belong to you. In this case, it is important to provide an account statement that shows adequate transaction history that contrasts with your monthly income as well.

Can the education establishment in the UK that I was admitted to study help me speed up my application?

The education establishment is not in a position to speed up the processing of your application nor can they influence a positive outcome for your application. However, UK Visa Application Centers offer ‘Added Value Services’, which can help you to speed up the decision-making procedure on your application with an additional fee.

What is BRP?

BRP stands for Biometric Residence Permit. All non-EEA nationals who come to the UK for longer than 6 months will need a BRP. You do not need to apply for BRP separately, it is approved when your visa is approved. However, unlike the visa sticker in your passport, it can only be collected after you arrive in the UK. You will have 10 days to collect your BRP from the location you specified on your visa application form.

What should I do if my UK visa application is refused?

Your decision letter will usually tell you if you have a right of appeal or the right to an administrative review against the decision. In most cases, this right is not given. In this case, you can reapply if you believe that there were misunderstandings or missing documents in your visa application. If you have given the right of appeal or the right to an administrative review against the decision, you can do this online. The fee for an appeal or administrative review is £80.

Do I need a job before I can apply for a UK Work permit?

Yes, you must have a job offer before you can apply for a Work permit. In addition, the sponsoring employer must have/applied for a sponsor license.

I hold a valid UK Visa. Do I need an Irish visa to travel to the Republic of Ireland (Dublin)?

Yes, you need to apply for an Ireland visa.

I want to go to England for the purpose of language school for less than 6 months. What kind of visa should I apply for?

Short term study visa applications should be applied for the educations which do not exceed 6 months. Tier 4 visas are required for educations that last longer than 6 months (undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, language education). However, in some circumstances, a Tier 4 visa can be required for a study that is less than 6 months. Therefore, it is recommended to advise with the educational establishment for visa type before applying. In most cases, the required visa type for the study is mentioned in the admission letter issued by the educational establishment.

Do I have to apply for a UK visa in person?

Yes, it is mandatory to apply for a UK visa in person. Even if you have already obtained a UK visa before, you will still need to be at the application center to submit your biometrics and process your new application.

I receive my salary in cash. Will it affect my UK visa application procedure?

Yes. Your employment status and financial circumstances play a crucial role in your UK visa application procedure. As you cannot show any proof that you are genuinely in receipt of the salary stated in your employment letter, your visa application is likely to be refused. However, in some circumstances, payslips from your employer can also be acceptable. As each country has its legislation on this matter, the acceptance and importance of such documents are questionable and differ on a case-by-case basis.

I exceeded the validity of my UK visa in my previous visit. However, I only have an entry stamp in my passport, but no exit stamp. Does it mean that duration of my previous UK trip with my previous UK visa is not available?

No. The immigration official at the airport stamps your visa with the date you entered the UK. This validates your permission and ensures that Home Office UKVI record the date, location, and the type of visa you used to enter the UK. Shortly before the expiration of your visa, UKVI notifies you to leave the country via email. Although the immigration official did not stamp your passport when you left the country, your date of departure remains in the UKVI records. In your next application, they will promptly find out all the information about your previous stay.

Can I indicate someone else as my sponsor in my UK visa application form, besides a relative or family member?

Yes, you can. Anyone can cover the cost of your visit during your travel to the UK. However, in this case, the crucial point is to bring a logical explanation of why someone else besides your relative or family member covers the costs of your visit to the UK.

If I buy tickets in advance, will it increase my chances of getting a UK visa?

It is strongly recommended not to book any flight ticket or hotel before your UK visa is approved. In the event of visa refusal, you will lose the money you have spent on your flight or hotel. As proof of your itinerary, you can present a refundable flight ticket or hotel reservation or the ones that hold a free reservation.

In the case of a business visit to the UK, is an official invitation letter from UKVI mandatory?

No. An official invitation letter from the company with signature is accepted for the UK visa.

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