Do You Need Visa to Visit Croatia?

Do You Need Visa to Visit Croatia? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Croatia

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Croatia

There are the following types of visas for Croatia:

  • Short-term visa (C-visa)
  • Long-term visa (D-visa)
  • Transit Visa (A-visa)

In general, all types of visas are issued by representation authorities of Croatia abroad. The issuing of a visa or a legitimate visa extension by national authorities or issuing a visa by some border inspection posts is only permitted in clearly defined exceptional cases.

Croatia Short-term Visa

Third-country nationals who plan to visit Croatia may be required to have a visa.

All third-country nationals who are holders of valid Schengen documents, as well as national visas and residence permits of Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Romania do not require an additional (Croatian) visa for Croatia.

There are the following types of Croatia short-term visas:

  • Tourist
  • Business
  • Family or Friends Visit
  • Cultural/Sport Events/Study
  • Transit
  • Official Visit
  • Medical Treatment


Croatia Short-term Visa Fee


Croatia Short-term visa fee is 60 EUR.

The following are exempt from visa fees upon application:

  • Family members of a Croatian citizen (spouse and children),
  • Family members of citizens of EEA Member States,
  • Children up to the age of 12,
  • Holders of diplomatic and service passports traveling in their official capacity
  • Pupils, students, postgraduate students, and teachers accompanying them when they come to attend school, study, and professional training,
  • Researchers coming to conduct research, as provided for by the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 to facilitate the issue by the Member States of uniform short-stay visas for researchers from third countries traveling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research,
  • Representatives of non-profit organizations up to the age of 25, who are to attend seminars, conferences, sport, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations.



Croatia Tourist Visa

If you intend to visit Croatia with the purpose of tourism for a period shorter than 90 days, depending on your nationality, you might be required to obtain a Croatia Tourist visa first.


Required Documents for Croatia Tourist Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card And Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates
  • For private apartment booking - decision for performing the activity of renting

8. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

9. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Evidence of how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit – bank account statement showing the movements for the last three months, bank letter confirming the balance of the account, title deeds, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s) or financial documents of the sponsor.
  • Each person must have at least EUR 70 for every day of stay at his/her disposal (or the equivalent amount in another currency)
  • In case that person has the proof of prepaid touristic voucher or similar, he/she must have at least EUR 30 per day
  • For minors and persons without their own resources, an authenticated certificate shall be submitted stating that a parent or other person shall cover the expenses, with proof of the social and professional status of the person offering to cover the expenses and proof that such a person has the resources

10. Proof of Professional Status

  • If the applicant is employed: letter of employer and approval for leave, on official paper, bearing the seal of the workplace, an indication of the address, and contact telephone number
  • If the applicant is employed by or owner of a private company: signature circular, company registration in the chamber of commerce, bulletin of the trade register, tax registration certificate of the company
  • If the applicant is a farmer: farmer certificate issued by the Chamber of Agriculture.
  • If the applicant is retired: proof of pension (either bank account or pensioner booklet).
  • If the applicant is a student: student certificate

11. If the Applicant is a Minor/Under Age 18 and Traveling Alone or with One Parent or Legal Guardian Only

  • An authorization translated (into Croatian or English) and signed by the parents/ legal guardian in front of a public notary, submitted with a copy of parent(s)/guardian(s) ID (this condition shall not apply if the traveling parent is a single parent or holds the parental authority alone).

12. For Children Under Age 18 Years of Age and Persons Deprived of Legal Capacity

  • Birth certificate if the parents are the legal guardians or
  • The decision of the competent authority on appointing the legal guardian
  • Copy of the valid Croatian visa of the parent/legal guardian traveling together with the child if the parent/ legal guardian submits his/her application, not at the same time.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Tourist Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Tourist visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Tourist Visa Fee

Croatia Tourist visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 


Where to Apply for Croatia Tourist Visa?

You will apply for a Croatia Tourist visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Croatia Business Visa

A Croatia Business visa gives you the authorization to enter Croatia and stay here for a maximum period of up to 90 days within six months, as permitted. It permits its holder to engage in business-related activities such as attending meetings or conferences, conducting or attending the training, conducting internal audits, installing equipment, or performing other temporary services for a client, local affiliate, or branch office.


Required Documents for Croatia Business Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant 

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates
  • Accommodation can be provided by the guarantor or the inviting party if so indicated in the Letter of Guarantee or the Letter of Invitation

8. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

9. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Evidence of how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit – bank account statement showing the movements for the last three months, bank letter confirming the balance of the account, title deeds, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s) or financial documents of the sponsor.
  • Each person must have at least EUR 70 for every day of stay at his/her disposal (or the equivalent amount in another currency)
  • In case that person has a certified Letter of Guarantee, the proof that he/she carries funds equivalent to EUR 30 per day of the planned stay in Croatia.
  • Exceptionally, if a visitor has a certified Letter of Guarantee showing that the guarantor is fully accepting all the expenses related to visiting and departing from Croatia, he/she shall be exempt from the requirement to present the proof of having sufficient funds available

10. Proof of Professional Status

  • If the applicant is employed: letter of employer and approval for leave, on official paper, bearing the seal of the workplace, an indication of the address, and contact telephone number
  • If the applicant is employed by or owner of a private company: signature circular, company registration in the chamber of commerce, bulletin of the trade register, tax registration certificate of the company
  • If the applicant is a farmer: farmer certificate issued by the Chamber of Agriculture.

11. Letter of Guarantee by Legal Person

  • Shall be submitted in original (copy if stored at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)
  • The guarantor – a legal entity from Croatia - shall authenticate the form by attaching the official seal and the signature of its authorized representative
  • With the Letter of Guarantee, the guarantor shall enclose proof of solvency (BON 1 or BON 2 Forms, or a confirmation of the Commercial Court that it is not in liquidation, etc.).

12. Attendance at a Fair

  • Entry card or documents confirming participation

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Business Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Business visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Business Visa Fee

Croatia Business visa fee 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Business Visa?

You will apply for a Croatia Business visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Croatia Family/Friend Visit Visa

A short stay family/friend visit visa allows you to travel to Croatia to visit family or friends for up to a maximum of 90 days within 180 days.


Required Documents for Croatia Family/Friend Visit Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Letter of Guarantee by Natural Person

  • Shall be submitted in original (copy if stored at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)
  • The guarantor - a natural person from Croatia shall have his/her signature on the form authenticated by a public notary in Croatia or at Croatian Embassy if the guarantor is a Croatian citizen, or by a Notary Public if the guarantor is a foreign citizen with a stay permit in Croatia.
  • The guarantor may be a Croatian citizen or a foreigner with a residence permit in Croatia, who earns income or has assets in Croatia.
  • With the Letter of Guarantee, the guarantor shall also enclose  proof of permanent source of income (payslip, pension slip) in the last three months or adequate proof of having funds in a bank

8. Proof of the Existence of Family Relations

  • Documents such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, a family book showing family relation to the host, civil status, parents, spouse, children, and siblings of the applicant

9. Hotel Reservation (if the accommodation is not provided by the host)

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in the case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates
  • For private apartment booking - decision for performing the activity of renting

10. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

11. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Evidence of how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit – bank account statement showing the movements for the last three months, bank letter confirming the balance of the account, title deeds, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s) or financial documents of the sponsor.
  • Each person must have at least EUR 70 for every day of stay at his/her disposal (or the equivalent amount in another currency)
  • In case that person has a Letter of Guarantee, he/she must have at least EUR 30 per day
  • For minors and persons without their own resources, an authenticated certificate shall be submitted stating that a parent or other person shall cover the expenses, with  proof of the social and professional status of the person offering to cover the expenses and  proof that such a person has the resources
  • Exceptionally, if a visitor has a certified Letter of Guarantee showing that the guarantor is fully accepting all the expenses related to visiting and departing from Croatia, he/she shall be exempt from the requirement to present the proof of having sufficient funds available

12. Proof of Professional Status

  • If the applicant is employed: letter of employer and approval for leave, on official paper, bearing the seal of the workplace, an indication of the address, and contact telephone number
  • If the applicant is employed by or owner of a private company: signature circular, company registration in the chamber of commerce, bulletin of the trade register, tax registration certificate of the company
  • If the applicant is a farmer: farmer certificate issued by the Chamber of Agriculture.
  • If the applicant is retired: proof of pension (either bank account or pensioner booklet).
  • If the applicant is a student: student certificate

13. If The Applicant is a Minor/Under Age 18 and Traveling Alone or with One Parent or Legal Guardian Only

  • An authorization translated (into Croatian or English) and signed by the parents/ legal guardian in front of a public notary, submitted with a copy of parent(s)/guardian(s) ID (this condition shall not apply if the traveling parent is a single parent or holds the parental authority alone).

14. For Children Under Age 18 Years of Age and Persons Deprived of Legal Capacity

  • Birth certificate if the parents are the legal guardians or
  • The decision of the competent authority on appointing the legal guardian
  • Copy of the valid Croatian visa of the parent/legal guardian traveling together with the child if the parent/ legal guardian submits his/her application, not at the same time.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Family Visit  Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Family Visit visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Family Visit Visa Fee

Croatia Family Visit visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application Center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Family Visit Visa?

You will apply for the Croatia Family Visit visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Croatia Cultural/Sports Events/Study Visa

The Croatia Cultural/Sports Events/Study Visa enables you to enter Croatia for cultural, or sports purposes, such as attending short-term studies.


Required Documents for Croatia Cultural/Sports Events/Study Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to`, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates

8. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

9. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Evidence of how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit – bank account statement showing the movements for the last three months, bank letter confirming the balance of the account, title deeds, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s) or financial documents of the sponsor.
  • For minors and persons without their own resources, an authenticated certificate shall be submitted stating that a parent or other person shall cover the expenses, with proof of the social and professional status of the person offering to cover the expenses and proof that such a person has the resources

10. Proof of Professional Status

  • If the applicant is employed: letter of employer and approval for leave, on official paper, bearing the seal of the workplace, an indication of the address, and contact telephone number
  • If the applicant is employed by or owner of a private company: signature circular, company registration in the chamber of commerce, bulletin of the trade register, tax registration certificate of the company
  • If the applicant is a farmer: farmer certificate issued by the Chamber of Agriculture.
  • If the applicant is retired: proof of pension (either bank account or pensioner booklet).
  • If the applicant is a student: student certificate

11. If the Applicant is a Minor/Under Age 18 and Travelling Alone or with One Parent or Legal Guardian Only

  • An authorization translated (into Croatian or English) and signed by the parents/ legal guardian in front of a public notary, submitted with a copy of parent(s)/guardian(s) ID (this condition shall not apply if the traveling parent is a single parent or holds the parental authority alone).

12. For Children Under Age 18 Years of Age and Persons Deprived of Legal Capacity

  • Birth certificate if the parents are the legal guardians or
  • The decision of the competent authority on appointing the legal guardian
  • Copy of the valid Croatian visa of the parent/legal guardian traveling together with the child if the parent/ legal guardian submits his/her application, not at the same time.

13. Proof of Purpose of Stay

  • For cultural events/conferences: an invitation from the organizer of the event or/the contract concluded by the cultural service provider or/invitation to creative work. If the inviting organization covers the costs of travel, food, and accommodation for the whole sojourn in Croatia, then this fact must be clearly stated in the invitation
  • For sports events: Invitation from the sports club/sports federation or accreditation confirming the participation in the sports event. Certificate from the sending sports club or sport federation
  • For study purposes: Confirmation of booked courses or matriculation letter from the school or university (original and copy). If not already mentioned in the confirmation of booked courses: confirmation of tuition and other fees payment (original and copy) or statement on sponsorship or other proof of financial means. If applicable, confirmation of participation from our country’s educational establishment
  • For EU education/training/research programs: original letter of invitation from the university or research center.

14. Group Applications

  • For those who travel in a group, an  invitation from the relevant federation in Croatia and an explanatory letter from the federation in the applicant’s country of residence

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Cultural Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Cultural visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Cultural Visa Fee

Croatia Cultural visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application Center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Cultural Visa?

You will apply for the Croatia Cultural visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Croatia Official Visa

Required Documents for Croatia Official Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates
  • For private apartment booking - decision for performing the activity of renting

8. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

9. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Documents proving sufficient funds to support the stay in Croatia and to return to the state of residence or to travel to a third state.
  • Exceptionally, if the Invitation Letter indicates that the expenses are provided by the organizer, the applicant can be exempt from the requirement to present proof of sufficient funds.
  • The supporting documents may include payslip and/or bank account statements about the balance and transactions on your bank account in the last three months, a pension slip, proof of scholarship received, etc.

10. Proof of Professional Status

  • Evidence of employment

11. Invitation Letter

  • A foreign citizen coming to Croatia at the invitation of a Croatian national authority to attend an international conference of public interest or to participate in an event held under the auspices of the Croatian Parliament, the Croatian President and the Croatian Government shall submit a Letter of Invitation of the Croatian national authority or the organizer of the international event with the visa application

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Official Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Official visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Official Visa Fee

Croatia Official visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application Center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Official Visa?

You will apply for the Croatia Official visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Croatia Medical Treatment Visa

Croatia medical treatment visa is granted to the third-country citizens entering Croatia to undergo long-term medical treatment, therapy, and rehabilitation, within public or private medical institutions if they submit a letter of acceptance from the respective institutions, specifying the diagnosis and the duration of the treatment. This type of visa may also be granted to a potential companion who assists such third-country nationals, should they not be able to take care of themselves if this is expressly mentioned in the letter of acceptance.


Required Documents for Croatia Medical Treatment Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Hotel Reservation

  • Confirmed hotel reservation(s) valid for the entire stay or travel plan (in case of the multi-destination trip)
  • The dates of the hotel reservation should correspond to the entry/exit dates
  • For private apartment booking - decision for performing the activity of renting

8. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for return flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

9. Proof of Means of Subsistence

  • Evidence of how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit – bank account statement showing the movements for the last three months, bank letter confirming the balance of the account, title deeds, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s) or financial documents of the sponsor.
  • For minors and persons without their own resources, an authenticated certificate shall be submitted stating that a parent or other person shall cover the expenses, with  proof of the social and professional status of the person offering to cover the expenses and proof that such a person has the resources

10. Proof of Professional Status

  • If the applicant is employed: letter of employer and approval for leave, on official paper, bearing the seal of the workplace, an indication of the address, and contact telephone number
  • If the applicant is employed by or owner of a private company: signature circular, company registration in the chamber of commerce, bulletin of the trade register, tax registration certificate of the company
  • If the applicant is a farmer: farmer certificate issued by the Chamber of Agriculture.
  • If the applicant is retired: proof of pension (either bank account or pensioner booklet).
  • If the applicant is a student: student certificate

11. If the Applicant is a Minor/Under Age 18 and Traveling Alone or with one Parent or Legal Guardian Only

  • An authorization translated (into Croatian or English) and signed by the parents/ legal guardian in front of a public notary, submitted with a copy of parent(s)/guardian(s) ID (this condition shall not apply if the traveling parent is a single parent or holds the parental authority alone).

12. For Children Under Age 18 Years of Age and Persons Deprived of Legal Capacity

  • Birth certificate if the parents are the legal guardians or
  • The decision of the competent authority on appointing the legal guardian
  • Copy of the valid Croatian visa of the parent/legal guardian traveling together with the child if the parent/ legal guardian submits his/her application, not at the same time.

13. Invitation Letter from the Clinic or Hospital

  • A copy (clearly legible) from the clinic or hospital signed by the doctor confirming the down payment or deposit for the medical services to be rendered.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Medical Treatment Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Medical  Treatment visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Medical Treatment Visa Fee

Croatia Medical Treatment visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application Center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Medical Treatment Visa?

You will apply for the Croatia Medical Treatment visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Croatia Transit Visa

Croatia Transit Visa

Required Documents for Croatia Transit Visa


1. Application Form

  • Filled out online printed and personally signed in two places by the applicant (or by a parent(s)/guardian(s) for minors)

2. Passport

  • Valid for at least three months beyond intended stay in Croatia
  • Issued within the last 10 years
  • Must contain at least 2 blank pages

3. Copy of Passport

  • Copy of all used pages of current passport
  • If applicable, of previous passports (personal information pages, pages with visas or stamps, etc.)
  • If applicable, copies of previously obtained visas for Schengen countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, Australia, the United States, and Canada

4. Photo

  • One (1) recent photograph
  • 35x45 in color
  • Preferably biometric and with white background
  • With neutral facial expression, with his/her eyes open and mouth closed
  • The photograph of a person, who for religious or medical reasons is wearing a headcover, must
  • Show the person's cheeks, chin, and forehead.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Croatia.

6. Travel Health Insurance

  • Must cover the possible expenses related to repatriation, for health reasons, urgent medical assistance, and/or urgent hospitalization, with the minimum coverage of EUR 30.000
  • Needs to be valid in Croatia for the entire stay
  • The applicant requesting a multiple-entry visa must have a travel health insurance policy that covers the period of the first visit to Croatia, and he/she is obliged to fill out the declaration on travel medical insurance for subsequent visits

7. Flight Reservation or Proof of Intended Transport

  • Reservation for onward flight or supporting documents for other means of travel with itinerary (vehicle registration, driving license, car insurance/green card, bus ticket, etc.)

8. Valid Visa to the Country of Destination

  • If the applicant can enter a third country without a visa: documents confirming his/her purpose of travel, e.g. invitation, hotel booking, real estate documents, etc. at the country of destination, as well as financial supporting documents such as a detailed bank statement, payslips, rent contracts, ownership of vehicle(s), etc., showing how the applicant intends to finance his/her trip and support himself/herself for the duration of the visit.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy


Processing Time for Croatia Transit Visa

The average processing time for a Croatia Transit visa is 3-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Croatia Transit Visa Fee

Croatia Transit visa fee is 60 EUR, to be paid upon submission of the application. Additionally, you may also need to pay other Administrative fees such as the Visa Application Center fee, courier service fee, etc., depending on the country and location of your documents' submission. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission. 

Where to Apply for Croatia Transit Visa?

You will apply for the Croatia Transit visa in Croatia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Croatia Long-term visa (D-visa)

Croatia Long-term visa (D-visa)

In some countries, Croatia's official embassies and consulates don’t process long-term visas, instead visa applicants apply for short-term tourist visas for traveling to Croatia and they only apply for residence permits when they have already arrived in Croatia. This procedure can vary depending on your country of residence, nationality, and the policy of the embassy you apply for a visa.

Croatia Long-term visa is issued for entering the country to obtain a Temporary Residence Permit. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Croatia a temporary residence permit for a foreign national can be obtained for the following purposes:

  • Family reunification
  • Work; a valid work permit obtained by an employer-based in Croatia must be accompanied by the relevant Contract of Employment
  • Study
  • Scientific research
  • Humanitarian reasons
  • Exceptionally other justified reasons as for instance enjoyment of own properties or a tourist residence of no more than six months duration.

The maximum duration of a first temporary residence permit is one year. This can be extended on the condition that the applicant's passport remains valid for at least three months after the expiry of the extended temporary residence permit.

Applications to extend can only be submitted at a Police Station nearest to the applicant's place of residence in Croatia no later than 30 days before the expiry of the current temporary residence permit.

All applicants must apply for the First Temporary Residence at the Croatian Embassy. Under the Croatian legislation when applying for a First Residence Permit, the application must be made in person.

In addition to the application the following documentation must be attached:

  1. Proof of purpose for requiring a Temporary Residence; after the application is submitted the purpose of residence cannot be altered.
  2. A valid SA or a foreign passport. The passport must remain valid for at least another three months after the expiry of the residence permit applied for;
  3. Two passport photographs 3x3,5 cm;
  4. A certificate confirming that the applicant has no criminal convictions issued by the authorities of the passport holder's own country and country of permanent residence. Such a document cannot be older than six months from the date of issue;
  5. Proof of health insurance;
  6. Evidence of an assured accommodation in Croatia; (For instance a Contract of Sale of Property, a Tenancy Agreement, a Deed of Ownership)
  7. Proof of financial resources for maintenance; (For instance confirmation of earnings by the employers, a bank statement)
  8. Birth Certificate, for also married Marriage Certificate.
  9. Payment of 113 USD (95 USD + 18 USD Bank Fee) for the administration fee, required by Croatian legislation.

Required documents must be either the originals or notarized copies.

An Apostille must be attached to each relevant document (Unabridged Birth Certificate, Unabridged Marriage Certificate, Police Clearance). All required documents need to be translated into Croatian by a certified translator.

When considering an application for a Temporary Residence, the authorities will consider whether there may be circumstances when the relevant legislation envisages rescinding of the right of residence for a foreign national, and therefore a right to call for additional documentation is retained.

If no further information is required, we aim to process an application in 8-12 weeks, and then the Croatian Embassy will send a written communication on the outcome of the application.

If the application is approved the First Temporary Residence Permit will be attached to the applicant's passport and this must be done in person at the place of the issuing authority, i.e. where the application was initially submitted.

A foreign national is obliged to report to the relevant Police station the exact place of residence no later than three days after arrival to Croatia.

The validity of a Temporary Residence Permit shall cease if a foreign national fails to report the place of residence at a Police station within 30 days from the date of issue of the Temporary Residence Permit, or is absent from Croatia for over 30 days.




Can I travel to the Schengen area with a Croatian visa?

Croatia is not included in the Schengen Agreement. Therefore, Croatian visas are valid only for its territory (and for traveling to Bulgaria, Romania, and Cyprus). You cannot travel to Schengen countries with a Croatian visa.

What is the earliest I can apply for a visa?

You can apply for a visa at earliest three (3) months before planned arrival to Croatia.

Do I need to hold a Croatian visa if I already have a Schengen visa?

No. You can enter Croatia with your Schengen visa, provided the visa still has valid entries left as well as remaining days of stay. This also applies to holders of residence permits for a Schengen country.

I have a valid Schengen visa with one entry. Can I enter Croatia if I haven’t used my Schengen visa prior to coming to Croatia?

No, only two or multiple entry Schengen visa is valid for entering the Republic of Croatia.

How can I pay the Croatia visa fee?

Payable at the VFS Visa Application Centre or to the accredited travel agencies. The Embassy accepts credit and debit cards only. Please do not make any direct transfer to the Embassy if the application is submitted through VFS Global or an accredited travel agent.

When entering Croatia, do I need to present any documents other than my passport and visa?

A valid visa is not a guarantee of entry to Croatia. You may have to satisfy other legal requirements.

Third-country nationals may be allowed to enter Croatia if they:

  • Possess a valid travel document which allows its holder to cross borders;
  • Possess a valid visa, if required;
  • Justify the purpose and conditions of their intended stay and have sufficient means of subsistence both during their intended stay and for return to their country of origin or transit to a third country;
  • Do not have an alert issued for them to refuse entry;
  • Are not considered to be a threat to public policy, international security, public health, or international relations.

This means that a police officer, during border control, may ask you to present both notifications and documents that justify the purpose and conditions of your stay in Croatia and the evidence that you have sufficient means of subsistence.

The sufficient means of subsistence equal to 70 EUR per day of your intended stay in Croatia. If you have a notarized letter of guarantee by a natural or legal person from Croatia, proof of the paid travel package, or a similar document, your means of subsistence should equal 30 EUR per day of your intended stay in Croatia. On the other hand, if you have a notarized letter of guarantee by a natural or legal person in Croatia showing that your guarantor assumes full responsibility for all costs related to your stay in Croatia and your departure from Croatia, you are exempt from presenting documents supporting your means of subsistence.

Can I have my Croatia visa extended?

Exceptionally, in cases of serious personal or humanitarian reasons, you can extend your visa. The application for visa extension is to be submitted in a competent police administration/station, according to the place of your stay in Croatia.

My employer is sending me for a one-month work assignment. What type of visa should I apply for?

A visa is not a work permit. A third-country national may work in the Republic of Croatia based on the stay and work permit or the work registration certificate if not otherwise specified by the Aliens Act. For more information, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia.

How long does it take to get a Croatian visa?

Standard visa processing time is 15 calendar days from the day of receipt of the application at the Embassy. In case the documents are not submitted as per requirements or due to other factors or justified reasons, the processing time may be extended to 30 or 60 days.

If I have a valid multiple-entry Schengen visa and I am planning to go to Croatia, but my child who is included in my passport does not have any visa, do I have to apply for a visa for my child?

Yes, in case your child is included in your passport but does not have a visa, you, as a parent or legal guardian will have to apply and prepare a complete set of documents according to the purpose of the visit.

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