Do You Need Visa to Visit New Zealand?

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Do You Need Visa to Visit New Zealand? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for New Zealand

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for New Zealand

There are different types of New Zealand visas based on your purpose:

  • Work Visas
  • Investor Visas
  • Family Visas
  • Visitor Visas
  • Retirement Visas
  • Student Visas
  • Guardian Visitor Visas
  • Working Holiday Visas
  • Employees of Relocating Businesses

There is a range of visas that allow you to enter New Zealand under the categories mentioned above. We will cover the most popular ones under each category.

Work Visas

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in New Zealand for a longer period. This visa applies for those who want to work within the legal frame of employment upon taking an employment permit and the work permit as per appointed procedure from competent regional authorities.



New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa

Entrepreneurs and Investors admitted into the Edmund Hillary Fellowship can apply to Immigration New Zealand for a Global Impact Work Visa. This visa gives you the flexibility to work and live in New Zealand while establishing or supporting innovative ventures here. This visa is also a pathway to permanent residence. With this visa, you can live, work and study in New Zealand for 36 months and apply for permanent residence in New Zealand after 30 months on the Edmund Hillary Fellowship. Global Impact Work Visa is given on a quota basis so that there are 400 places over 4 years.


Required Documents for New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. Your Original or a Certified Copy of Your Full Birth Certificate

6. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

7. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

8. Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • You will need to provide one of these with your application:
    • An acceptable English language test result.
    • Evidence you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK), or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or Australia or New Zealand.
    • Evidence you have a recognized qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification.
    • Evidence you have a recognized qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification.

9. Maintenance Funds

  • You must have access to the equivalent of 36000NZD to support yourself and your family for the first year in New Zealand. Evidence of access to maintenance funds can be any of the following:
    • Bank statements in the name of yourself or your partner who is included in the visa application
    • Job offer for yourself or your partner with an annual salary of at least NZ$36,000.
    • The scholarship valued at NZ$36,000 or more for the first year
    • Assets with a recent valuation of NZ$36,000
    • Another source of income provides a minimum of $36,000 for the first year.

10. Letter of Offer

  • You must have been accepted into the Edmund Hillary Fellowship to apply for a Global Impact Work Visa. The Edmund Hillary Fellowship will provide you with a Letter of Offer if you are invited into the program.
  • You should provide a copy of that letter with your visa application.

11. Source of Investment Funds

  • If you were selected based on an investor profile, you must prove that investment funds and/or assets were earned legally.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy. 


Processing Time for New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa

The average processing time for New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa Fee

The New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa fee is 635 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Global Impact Work Visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

This visa is designated for those who want to live in New Zealand permanently and have skills that can contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth. Your application is more likely to be accepted if you have employment in an area in which New Zealand has a skills shortage. This visa enables you to live, work, and study in New Zealand, include your partner and dependent children aged 24 and under in your residence application. You’ll need to be 55 or under when you apply.


Required Documents for New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand.

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. Your Original or a Certified Copy of Your Full Birth Certificate

6. If You are 17 or Over

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

8. Proof of English Language Proficiency

  • You will need to provide one of these with your application:
    • An acceptable English language test result.
    • Evidence you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK), or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or Australia or New Zealand.
    • Evidence you have a recognized qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification.
    • Evidence you have a recognized qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification.

9. Evidence of Your Skilled Employment

  • This includes work experience, qualifications, occupational registration.

10. Qualifications

  • If you claim points for your qualification, you must show it is a recognized qualification. A qualification can be recognized if:
    • It is on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment; or
    • It has been assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA); or
    • It has been assessed by a New Zealand registration authority at the same level as a qualification on the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment as part of an application for New Zealand occupational registration; or
    • It is a Washington Accord or Sydney Accord accredited undergraduate degree.

11. Proof of Work Experience

12. Expression of Interest

  • You must send the New Zealand Immigration Department an Expression of Interest (EOI). An Expression of Interest is the way in which people who want to migrate to New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category notify Immigration New Zealand of that desire.

13. Invitation to Apply for Residence

  • If invited to apply for residence, you must apply within 4 months of receiving your invitation.
  • Your invitation to apply will advise of the specific evidence you need to provide to support the claims you made in your EOI, which may include:
    • An employment agreement
    • A job description
    • Your full or provisional occupational registration, if New Zealand law requires you to have it to do your job.
    • Original or certified copies of your qualifications and your course transcripts
    • A report from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) confirming any qualification that isn’t on our list of recognized or exempt qualifications
    • References, payslips, tax records, or contracts that confirm your work experience
    • Birth certificates for any close family who live in New Zealand that show you are related
    • Proof that any close family you have claimed points for live in New Zealand.
  • If you’re unable to provide evidence to support the claims you made in your EOI, the embassy may not be able to grant you a visa.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa Fee

New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa fee is 530 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Skilled Migrant Category Resident visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa

If you want to live in New Zealand permanently and you have held a Global Impact Work Visa for at least 30 months, then you can apply for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa.


Required Documents for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. Police Certificate

  • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Proof of Global Impact Work Visa

  • You must have held your Global Impact Work Visa for at least 30 months.

8. Proof of Ongoing Support

  • You must be able to provide evidence that:
    • You are a current member of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship, 
    • The Fellowship supports your application for residence.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa

The average processing time for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa Fee

New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence visa fee is 1800 USD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa?

You will apply for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa

This visa is designated for people who have exceptional talent in a field of art, sport, or culture and are looking for a pathway to residence in New Zealand. You’ll need the support of a New Zealand organization that’s recognized for its excellence in your field of talent, and a sponsor, to apply. After being actively engaged in your field in New Zealand for two years, you may be eligible for residence. The defined length of stay with this visa is up to 30 months. You’ll need to be 55 or under when you apply.


Required Documents for New Zealand Global Impact Permanent Residence Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Evidence That You Have Exceptional Talent in the Field of Art, Sport, or Culture

  • You must provide evidence:
    • You have an international reputation in your field of art, sport, or culture
    • You’re still prominent in your field of art, sport, or culture
    • Your presence in New Zealand will enhance New Zealand’s achievements and/or participation in your field of art, sport, or culture.
  • Evidence may include:
    • Qualifications
    • Awards
    • Your membership in professional associations
    • Letters of support or recommendation
    • Anything else you believe demonstrates your talent.

8. Proof of Support by a New Zealand Organization

  • You must be supported by a New Zealand organization of national repute in your field of art, sport, or culture.
  • A representative from a New Zealand organization of national repute must complete Section B of the 'Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Sponsorship Form' as evidence they support your presence in New Zealand.

9. Sponsorship

  • You must have an acceptable sponsor. Your sponsor must complete and sign a 'Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports) Sponsorship Form' declaring that they will meet the sponsorship requirements detailed in the form, including providing you with accommodation and financial support.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa Fee

New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work visa fee is 635 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for a New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Talent (Arts, Culture, Sports) Work visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa

Crew members can come to New Zealand to join a vessel or aircraft, leaving for another country. You must provide fully documented evidence of your engagement as a crew member in New Zealand. During your stay, you’ll need enough money to support yourself and everyone included in your application. The visa is issued for the duration of up to 28 days.


Required Documents for New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. The Evidence That You are Crew Member

  • You must provide evidence of your engagement as a crew member in New Zealand, e.g. written confirmation from your employer.

7. Funds of Sponsorship

  • You must have at least NZ $1,000 per month, or NZ $400 per month if you’ve already paid for your accommodation.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof of accommodation pre-payment, like hotel pre-paid vouchers or receipts
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

8. Proof of Travel Arrangements

  • Evidence can include:
    • Confirmation you’ll be leaving with your vessel or aircraft.
    • A travel ticket to leave New Zealand to a country you have the right to enter

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa

The average processing time for New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa Fee

New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor visa fee is 211 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor Visa?

You will apply for New Zealand Crew Joining a Ship or Plane Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




New Zealand Post-Study Work Visa

If you have acceptable qualifications(s) that you completed in New Zealand, you can apply for a visa to work here. Depending on your qualification and where you studied, you can work for any employer between 1 and 3 years, and do almost any work. You can only apply for this visa once unless you complete a second higher qualification at bachelor’s degree level or higher. You must apply for a work visa no later than 3 months after your student visa expires, or 6 months if you were granted a visa to complete a doctorate.


Required Documents for New Zealand Post-Study Work Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Proof of New Zealand Qualification

  • You must have completed an acceptable qualification in New Zealand.
  • You must provide:
    • A copy of your acceptable qualification, or
    • A letter or academic transcript from your tertiary education provider confirming you have completed your qualification.

8. Proof of Funds

  • You need to provide evidence that you have at least 4,200NZD when you apply.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques.

        This applies to all Post-study work visa applications for 1, 2, or 3 years.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Post-Study Work Visa

The average processing time for New Zealand Post-Study Work visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Post-Study Work Visa Fee

New Zealand Post-Study Work visa fee is 495 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Post-Study Work Visa?

You will apply for New Zealand Post-Study Work visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.


Investor Visas

Investor visas are applicable to you if you want to invest in some economic fields in New Zealand. You can get additional information about Investor visas here.



New Zealand Investor 1 Resident Visa

If you have 10 million NZD to invest in New Zealand over a 3-year period, you can apply for New Zealand residence. The resident permit is granted for an indefinite period. With this permit, you can live, work, and study in New Zealand.


Required Documents for New Zealand 1 Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Proof of Investment Funds

  • You must have 10 NZD million to invest in New Zealand for 3 years.
  • The value you can claim for your investment funds depends if they are owned by you or jointly by you and another person.
  • If you own an investment jointly with:
    • Your dependent children, you can claim the full value of the investment.
    • Your partner, you can claim the full value of the investment as long as you and your partner are in a recognized partnership.
    • Someone who isn’t your partner or dependent child, you can only claim for the part of the investment that you own.
  • Evidence of your funds may include:
    • Bank statements
    • Title deeds
    • Property valuations
    • Share certificates
    • Business ownership documents
    • Asset valuations.

8. Proof of Transfer of Investment Funds

  • You must transfer your investment funds to New Zealand. You must transfer your investment funds directly from your bank account to New Zealand through the banking system.
  • If New Zealand immigration approves your application in principle, you’ll have 12 months from that date to transfer and invest your funds.

9. Proof of Source of Investment Funds

  • You must have earned or acquired your investment funds lawfully.
  • The evidence you provide will depend on how you came by your funds. It may include:
    • Tax returns or certificates
    • Payslips
    • Business financial statements
    • Business shareholdings
    • Dividends
    • Receipts for property sales
    • Bank certificates
    • Share trading profits
    • Evidence of gifted money
    • Probate and other evidence of inherited money.
  • Proof of acceptable investments
  • You must invest NZD10 million in acceptable investments in New Zealand for a minimum of 3 years. You must provide documents from a trusted professional like a chartered accountant or solicitor that confirm:
    • Your full name
    • The amount invested in NZD
    • The date you started your investment
    • The investment types
    • The names of any organizations you invested in
    • The number of shares or bonds you bought in any organization.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Investor 1 Resident Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Investor 1 Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Investor 1 Resident Visa Fee

New Zealand Investor 1 Resident visa fee is 4960 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Investor 1 Resident Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Investor 1 Resident visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Investor 2 Resident Visa

Experienced business people who have a minimum of NZD $3 million in available funds or assets can apply for New Zealand residence. Before you can apply, there is a need to send an Expression of Interest telling about your business experience and investment. If your Expression of Interest is successful, then you and your partner and dependent children will be invited to apply for New Zealand residence. The resident permit is granted for an indefinite period. There is an age limit of up to 65 days and a quota for 400 applications per year. A points-based system is used to assess eligibility for Investor 2 Resident Visas. If your expression of interest is selected, you'll have 4 months to send your application.


Required Documents for Investor 2 Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Proof of English Language

  • You must be able to speak English. If you are invited to apply for residence, you must qualify for a minimum of 1 point for English language ability. If you claim 10 points for your English language ability instead of an English test result, you can provide evidence you have an English-speaking background or are a competent user of English for other reasons.

8. Proof of Recognized Business Experience

  • You must have at least 3 years of recognized business experience. To show that you have recognized business experience, you must provide evidence to show the roles and responsibilities you have. This can include original or certified copies of:
    • Certificates of business incorporation
    • Financial accounts for the business
    • Tax returns and tax records for the business
    • Shareholder certificates or other proof that you own the business
    • Job descriptions
    • Performance reviews
    • Personal tax returns
    • Letters of appointment
    • Certificates of service
    • Strategic planning documents
    • References from your employer – these should be on company letterhead and include your occupation, dates of employment, and employer’s contact details
  • If you worked less than 30 hours a week - a schedule of your weekly working hours.

9. Proof of Transfer Investment Funds

  • You must transfer your investment funds to New Zealand. You must transfer your investment funds directly from your bank account to New Zealand through the banking system.
  • If your application is approved in principle, you’ll have 12 months from that date to transfer and invest your funds.

10. Proof of Investment Funds

  • You must have at least 3 million NZD to invest in New Zealand for 4 years. You must nominate the type, location, and value of the funds and/or assets you intend to invest in your expression of interest.
  • If you’re invited to apply for residence, you must provide evidence you own the funds you nominate, which may include:
    • Bank statements
    • Title deeds
    • Property valuations
    • Share certificates
    • Business ownership documents
    • Asset valuations.
  • The value you can claim for your nominated funds depends if they are owned by you or jointly by you and another person.
  • If you own an investment jointly with:
    • Your partner or dependent children, you can claim the full value of the investment as long as they are included in your application
    • Someone who isn’t your partner or dependent child, you can only claim the part of the investment that you own.

11. Proof of Source of Investment Funds

  • You must have earned or acquired your funds lawfully. You’ll need to explain how you earned your funds when you submit your expression of interest.

12. If you’re Invited to Apply for Residence, You’ll need to Provide Evidence to Support Your Explanation, which may include:

  • Tax returns or certificates
  • Payslips
  • Business financial statements
  • Business shareholdings
  • Dividends
  • Receipts for property sales
  • Bank certificates
  • Share trading profits
  • Evidence of gifted money
  • Probate and other evidence of inherited money.

13. Proof of Acceptable Investments

  • You must invest your nominated investment funds in acceptable investments in New Zealand for a minimum of 4 years.
  • You must provide documents from a trusted professional like a chartered accountant or solicitor that confirm:
    • Your full name
    • The amount invested in NZD
    • The date you started your investment
    • The investment types
    • The names of any organizations you invested in
    • The number of shares or bonds you bought in any organization.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand  Investor 2 Resident Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Investor 2 Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Investor 2 Resident Visa Fee

New Zealand Investor 2 Resident visa fee is 620 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Investor 2 Resident Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Investor 2 Resident visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Family Visas

Family visas are applicable to people who want to join their family in New Zealand. It can be both temporary and permanent (residence). Generally, there are three main types of Family visas:

  1. Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa
  2. New Zealand Dependent Child Resident Visa
  3. Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa



Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa

With this visa, you can join your New Zealand citizen or resident family member. The length of stay for a partner is up to 24 months, for a dependent child is up to 9 months.


Required Documents for Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over: 

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Proof of the Immigration Status of Family Member Living in New Zealand

  • In the case of the partner, your partner must provide one of the following:
    • A New Zealand passport
    • A New Zealand birth certificate
    • A certificate of New Zealand citizenship
    • A New Zealand residence class visa.
  • If your partner is a New Zealand resident because of their citizenship or residence status in Australia:
    • They may provide their Australian passport, permanent residence, or resident return visa.

8. Proof of Relationship with Your Family in New Zealand

  • In the case of the parent, evidence that you, the person in New Zealand, is a parent of the dependent children applying, which may include:
    • The children’s full birth certificates
    • Adoption papers.
  • In the case of the partner, evidence that you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.
  • Your evidence should show:
    • How long you’ve been together
    • How long you’ve been living together
    • That you share finances and other responsibilities
    • That you spend time together, e.g., photos together, emails and social media conversations between you
    • That other people recognize your relationship
    • Anything else you think shows you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.

9. Funds of Sponsorship

  • Your family in New Zealand must have at least NZ $1,000 per month or NZ $400 per month if you’ve already paid for your accommodation.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof of accommodation pre-payment, like hotel pre-paid vouchers or receipts
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travelers’ cheques
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

10. Ticket Reservation

  • You must have a ticket to leave New Zealand or be sponsored for the cost of your onward travel.

11. In case of Dependent Children, Proof of It

  • Children that I applied for must be single and depend on a family member in New Zealand for financial support. They can be considered dependent if they are either:
    • 17 or under
    • 18-19 with no children of their own.
  • We may ask for evidence that children 18 – 19 are financially dependent on you, for example:
    • Documents showing they’re enrolled at school or university
    • Receipts for their daily expenses, like phone, clothes, food
    • Bank accounts showing you pay then an allowance
    • Receipts for big purchases, like travel.

12. In case of Partner, the Family Member in New Zealand (the partner in New Zealand) may be Required to Provide:

  • A police certificate from any country they have spent 12 months or more in over the last 10 years.
  • This applies to whether the time was spent in one or more visits.

13. Proof of Eligible NZ Supporting Partner

  • Your partner must support your visa application and be eligible to support a partnership-based resident visa application within 12 months.
  • To be eligible to support a partnership based resident visa application, your partner must not:
    • Have supported a successful resident visa application for more than one previous partner
    • Have supported a successful resident visa application for a previous partner within the last 5 years
    • Have included a previous partner in their own successful residence application within the last 5 years
    • Have themselves been included as a partner in a successful residence application within the last 5 years
    • Be liable for deportation, or have their deportation liability suspended.
  • Your partner must complete a ‘Partnership support form for Residence/temporary entry’ as evidence of their support.

14. In case of a Partner, Your NZ Partner’s Plans

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a Family Member of a New Zealander Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


A Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa Fee

Family Member of New Zealander Visitor visa fee is 211 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Family Member of New Zealander Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a Family Member of New Zealander Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Dependent Child Resident Visa

If you’re a New Zealand citizen or resident living in New Zealand, you can bring your dependent children to New Zealand to live with you. If your children are granted residence, they can live and study in New Zealand, and if they’re old enough, work too. The permit is granted indefinitely. The age limit is 24 and under.


Required Documents for Dependent Child Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You Apply Online: 

  • A copy of your child’s full birth certificate or its original

        If you use a paper application form:

  • Full birth certificate or a certified copy

6. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

7. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit

8. Dependent Children:

  • Your children must be single and depend on you for financial support.
  • To consider your children to be dependent, they must be:
    • 17 or under
    • 18-24 with no children of their own.

9. Dependent Children Aged 21 – 24:

  • Children aged 21-24 must rely on an adult for financial support.
  • When assessing if your children need financial support, it will be considered whether they:
    • Are working, if they work full-time or part-time, and how long they’ve been working
    • Can support themselves
    • Live with a family member and how much support is provided
    • Are studying and if they study full-time or part-time.

10. Proof of Your Relationship with Your Children

  • You must be the parent of your dependent children.
  • You must provide evidence that confirms your relationship to your child, which may include:
    • Full birth certificates
    • Adoption papers, or if the adoption was customary, a written declaration stating you’ve adopted the children and the date and country the adoption took place
    • Any other documents that confirm your relationship with each other.

11. Custody of Children 15 and Under:

  • You must have the legal right to remove dependent children from their home country.
  • If you’re separated or divorced, you must provide legal documents that show that one of the following applies:
    • You have the sole right to decide where your children live
    • You have the right to remove your children from their home country
    • You have custody of the children, and your children’s other parent agrees they can move to New Zealand if their application is approved.
  • If your children’s other parent has died, you must provide their death certificate.

12. Proof of Your Immigration Status

  • You must be a New Zealand citizen or resident.
  • You must provide an original or certified copy of your:
    • New Zealand passport, birth certificate or certificate of citizenship, or
    • New Zealand Resident Visa, or
    • Australian passport.

13. Proof of Your Place of Residence

  • New Zealand must be your primary place of residence.
  • You must provide evidence that you live in New Zealand, which may include:
    • Letters addressed to you, including rates or utility bills
    • Employment records
    • Records of benefit payments from Work and Income, or tax payments from Inland Revenue
    • Mortgage or rental agreements
    • Documents showing your belongings have been moved to New Zealand
    • Any other documents that show you live in New Zealand.

14. Proof of English Language

  • Your dependent children aged 16 and over may need to meet English language requirements. Children aged 16 and over must meet an English language requirement if they were eligible to be included in your residence application under one of the following:
    • The General Skills Category
    • The Skilled Migrant Category
    • The Business Immigration Instructions
    • The Business Investor Category
  • You must provide evidence that children aged 16 and over who were eligible to be included in a General Skills or Skilled Migrant Category residence application speak English. This may include:
    • An acceptable English language test result
    • The evidence they have an English-speaking background
    • The evidence they can speak English for other reasons.
  • You must provide evidence that children aged 16 and over who were eligible to be included in a residence application under the Business Immigration Instructions or Business Investor Category speak English. This may include:
    • An acceptable English language test result
    • The evidence they have an English-speaking background
    • Evidence can speak English for other reasons.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Dependent Child Resident Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Dependent Child Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Dependent Child Resident Visa Fee

New Zealand Dependent Child Resident visa fee is 2250 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Partner of New Zealand Dependent Child Resident Visa?

You will apply for New Zealand Dependent Child Resident in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa

If you’re the partner of a New Zealand citizen or resident, you can apply to live in New Zealand permanently. If you’re granted residence, you can live, work and study in New Zealand indefinitely.


Required Documents for Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You Apply Online:

  • A copy of your full birth certificate or its original

        If you use a paper application form:

  • Full birth certificate or a certified copy

6. You must have a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

7. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit

8. Proof of Your Immigration Status

  • Your partner must provide one of the following:
    • A New Zealand passport
    • A New Zealand birth certificate
    • A certificate of New Zealand citizenship
    • A New Zealand residence class visa.
  • If your partner is a New Zealand resident because of their citizenship or residence status in Australia:
    • They may provide their Australian passport, permanent residence, or resident return visa

9. Proof of Your Partner’s Place of Residence

  • Partners who have New Zealand residence because they have an Australian passport, permanent residence, or resident return visa must live in New Zealand. If this applies, your partner must provide evidence that they live in New Zealand, this could include:
    • Letters or bills addressed to them
    • Employment records
    • Records of benefit payments from Work and Income, or tax records from Inland Revenue
    • Mortgage, tenancy, or utility supply agreements
    • Documents showing their household effects have been moved to New Zealand
    • Any other documents you think prove they live in New Zealand.

10. Your Partner’s Police Certificate

  • Your partner must provide a police certificate from any country they have spent 12 months or more in over the last 10 years. This applies whether the time was spent in one or more visits

11. Proof of Eligible NZ Supporting Partner

  • Your partner must be eligible to support your application. To be eligible to support your resident visa application, your partner must not:
    • Have supported a successful residence application for more than one previous partner
    • Have supported a successful residence application for a previous partner in the last 5 years
    • Have included a previous partner in a successful residence application in the last 5 years
    • Have been included as a partner in a successful residence application in the last 5 years
    • Be liable for deportation, or have their deportation liability suspended.
  • Your partner must complete a ‘Partnership support form for Residence/temporary entry’ as evidence of their support’.

12. Proof of Your Relationship with Your Partner

  • You and your partner must have been living together in a genuine and stable relationship for 12 months or more.
  • You must provide evidence that you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.
  • Your evidence should show:
    • How long you’ve been together
    • How long you’ve been living together
    • That you share finances and other responsibilities
    • That you spend time together, e.g., photos together, emails and social media conversations between you
    • That other people recognize your relationship
    • Anything else you think shows you and your partner are living together in a genuine and stable relationship.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa

The average processing time for a Partner of a New Zealander Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa Fee

Partner of a New Zealander Resident visa fee is 2250 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa?

You will apply for a Partner of a New Zealander Resident visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Visitor Visas

There are six main types of New Zealand Visitor visas:

  1. New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA) 
  2. New Zealand Visitor Visa
  3. New Zealand Transit Visa
  4. New Zealand Business Visitor Visa
  5. New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa
  6. New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor Visa



New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA)

Some visitors and transit passengers can travel to New Zealand without a visa if they get an NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) before they travel. The permit is valid for many visits and up to 2 years. With this visa, you can

  • Travel to New Zealand without first applying for a visa — if you are travelling on a passport from a visa waiver country, a cruise ship passenger, or a permanent resident of Australia.
  • Pass through Auckland International Airport as a transit passenger on the way to or from Australia.
  • Pass through Auckland International Airport as a transit passenger on the way to another country — if you are from a visa waiver or transit visa waiver country.

Get someone to help you with your NZeTA request — you will need to tell them about your criminal conviction history and whether you are seeking medical treatment in New Zealand.


Required Documents for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. Arriving by Cruise Ship

  • You can be of any nationality if entering New Zealand as a cruise ship passenger.

6. Arriving by Plane

  • You must be a citizen of a visa waiver country if entering New Zealand by plane.

7. In Transit through Auckland International Airport

  • You must be a citizen of a visa waiver country or transit visa waiver country if passing through Auckland International Airport as a transit passenger on your way to another country.
  • If you are from any other country, you can get an NZeTA if you pass through Auckland International Airport as a transit passenger on your way to or from Australia. 
  • Transit passengers must remain in the transit area at Auckland International Airport.

8. Proof of Funds

  • You must have enough money to live on while you’re in New Zealand.
  • You must have at least NZ $1,000 for each month of your stay, or if you’ve already paid for your accommodation, NZ $400 for each month of your stay.
  • You may be asked for evidence you’ll have access to your funds when you check-in or arrive in New Zealand.

9. Proof of Onward Travel

  • You must have a ticket out of New Zealand. When you check-in, you’ll be asked to present your travel ticket out of New Zealand to a country you have the right to enter.
  • Your departure date must be within 3 months of your arrival, or if you’re from the United Kingdom, within 6 months.
  • If, after you leave New Zealand, you’ll be travelling to a country that also has an onward travel requirement, you may be asked to show that ticket too.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority 

The average processing time for a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority is 1-5 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority Fee

The New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority fee with visitor purpose is 47 NZD, for transit purpose is 12 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority?

You will apply for a New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority online through this website.



New Zealand Visitor Visa

You can come to New Zealand as a visitor. During your stay, you’ll need enough money to support yourself and everyone included in your application. While you’re here, you can enjoy New Zealand’s scenery, adventure, culture, and friendly people. With this visa, you can visit friends and family, explore New Zealand, or enjoy amateur sports or adventure activities and study for up to 3 months.


Required Documents for New Zealand Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

6. You may Need a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

7. Evidence of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps

8. Evidence that You are Visiting Family or Friends (if applicable)

  • If you plan to visit family or friends in New Zealand, provide their:
    • Names
    • Contact addresses and phone numbers
    • Their New Zealand visa or citizenship status

9. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps to decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit.
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • Showing you are enrolled for study by providing a letter or student identity card from your school or another education provider
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension.

10. Proof of Funds or Sponsorship

  • You must have enough money to live on while you’re in New Zealand or have an acceptable sponsor. You must have at least NZ $1,000 per month, or NZ $400 per month if you’ve already paid for your accommodation.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof of accommodation pre-payment, like hotel pre-paid vouchers or receipts
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

11. Proof of Onward Travel

  • You must have a ticket to leave New Zealand or be sponsored for the cost of your onward travel.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you have to live on — do not buy your ticket until your visa has been granted or we tell you that your application is approved in principle
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Visitor Visa Fee

New Zealand Visitor visa fee is 246 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Transit Visa

If you pass through New Zealand as a transit passenger, you need to apply for a Transit Visa before you travel, unless you are travelling to Australia or are from a visa waiver country or a transit visa waiver country. The permitted length of stay is up to 24 hours.

You may not need to apply for a Transit Visa if your country is on the list of transit visa waiver countries.


The List of Transit Visa Waiver Countries are as Follows:
  • Bahamas
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Bermuda
  • Paraguay
  • Bolivia
  • Peru
  • Colombia
  • Philippines
  • Costa Rica
  • Marshall Islands
  • Ecuador
  • Samoa
  • Micronesia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Kiribati
  • Tonga
  • Nauru
  • Tuvalu
  • Palau
  • Vanuatu
  • Panama
  • Venezuela


Required Documents for New Zealand Transit Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. Evidence of Your Travel Arrangements

  • Which must include an itinerary that confirms your arrival and departure times from New Zealand

6. A Statement Explaining the Reasons for Travelling to Your Destination Country

7. Proof of Onward Travel

  • You must have travel tickets showing your transit through New Zealand to a country that you have the right to enter.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Transit Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Transit visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Transit Visa Fee

New Zealand Transit visa fee is 129 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Transit Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Transit visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Business Visitor Visa

Visitors coming to New Zealand for less than 3 months may be granted a Business Visitor Visa for any of the following reasons:

  • To carry out an official trade mission recognized by the New Zealand government
  • To sell goods and services in New Zealand
  • To buy New Zealand goods and services
  • To negotiate or discuss the set-up, expansion, or wind-up of a business in New Zealand.
  • To carry out any business with the authorized representatives of an overseas company, body, or person.

To carry out any other work activities or stay longer than 3 months, you'll need to apply for a work visa.


Required Documents for New Zealand Business Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You may need a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit.

7. Evidence of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps

8. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit.
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • Showing you are enrolled for study by providing a letter or student identity card from your school or another education provider
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension.

9. Proof of Business Reasons

  • You must be visiting New Zealand for business reasons. You must provide a letter from your employer, or the New Zealand company you’ll be doing business with, confirming:
    • Your employment
    • The business reasons for your visit.

10. Proof of Funds or Employer Support

  • You must have enough money to live on while you’re in New Zealand or the financial support of your employer.
  • You must have either:
    • The financial support of your employer
    • At least NZ $1,000 a month for each person, or
    • If you’ve already paid for your accommodation, at least NZ $400 a month.
  • Evidence of funds can include:
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques
    • A ‘Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry’ completed by an acceptable sponsor
    • Hotel receipts, if you've already paid for your accommodation.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent

11. Proof of Onward Travel

  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you have to live on — do not buy your ticket until your visa has been granted or we tell you that your application is approved in principle.
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Business  Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Business visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Business Visa Fee

New Zealand Business visa fee is 211 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Business Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Business visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa

You can visit New Zealand for a sports event or tour if you are a sportsperson. You can also visit as support staff, as a match or tournament official, or as a media or broadcasting worker if you meet certain requirements. During your stay, you will need enough money to support yourself and everyone included in your application. The maximum permitted stay with this visa is up to 3 months.


Required Documents for New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. You may need a Chest X-ray and Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

6. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any other country where you have spent 12 months or more over the last 10 years, even if you did not spend that 12 months all in one visit

7. Evidence of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps.

8. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • Showing you are enrolled for study by providing a letter or student identity card from your school or another education provider
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension

9. If You are a Sports Person, or Support Staff at a Sports Event, Tour, or Tournament

  • You must provide evidence of your role in the sports event and that you are essential to the success of the sports event, tour, or tournament.

10. If You are Media or Broadcasting Personnel

  • You must provide evidence that you are accredited by the international governing body of the event or the New Zealand organizing committee of the event.

10. Proof of Funds or Sponsorship

  • You must have enough money to live on while you are in New Zealand or the financial support of your employer.
  • You must have either:
    • The financial support of your employer
    • At least NZ $1,000 a month for each person, or
    • If you have already paid for your accommodation, at least NZ $400 a month.
  • Evidence of funds can include:
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques
    • A ‘Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry’ completed by an acceptable sponsor
    • Hotel receipts if you have already paid for your accommodation.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent

11. Proof of Onward Travel

  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you have to live on — do not buy your ticket until your visa has been granted or we tell you that your application is approved in principle.
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Sports Events Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa Fee

New Zealand Sports Events Visitor visa fee is 246 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Sports Events Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Sports Events Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor Visa

You can visit New Zealand for medical treatment or consultation you have been accepted for. You must pay for your treatment unless it is funded under a special arrangement for citizens of South Pacific countries. The maximum length of stay granted is 6 months. Even if you are from a visa waiver country, you must apply for a visa to come to New Zealand for medical treatment or consultation.


Required Documents for New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any country you have spent more than 5 years since you turned 17

6. Evidence of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps

7. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit.
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • Showing you are enrolled for study by providing a letter or student identity card from your school or another education provider
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension

8. Proof of Funds or Sponsorship

  • You must have enough money to live on while you are in New Zealand or have an acceptable sponsor
  • Evidence of funds can include:
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques
  • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.

9. Proof of Onward Travel

  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you have to live on — do not buy your ticket until your visa has been granted or we tell you that your application is approved in principle.
    • A 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent

10. Details about Your Medical Treatment or Consultation

  • You must provide:
    • A completed ‘Details of Intended Medical Treatment’ form
    • Written evidence of your acceptance for treatment, like a letter from the appropriate medical authorities to the health authority in your home country
    • Details of the expected costs of the treatment
    • Evidence that you can pay for all medical costs unless the treatment will be funded under special arrangements for citizens of South Pacific countries
    • Evidence, where necessary that you need an escort because of the nature of your condition.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor visa Fee

New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor visa fee is 211 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for a New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Medical Treatment Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Retirement Visas

You can check all the detailed requirements and eligibility information about Retirement visas here.



New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor Visa

If you have NZ $750,000 to invest in New Zealand for 2 years, another NZ $500,000 to live on, and an annual income of NZ $60,000, you can stay longer than allowed on a Standard Visitor Visa. If your application is approved in principle, you will have 3 months to transfer your investment funds to New Zealand. To be eligible to apply for this visa, you must be 66 years or over.


Required Documents for New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online.
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
    • This police certificate must be from your country of citizenship and any country you have spent more than 5 years since you turned 17

6. You may need a Chest X-ray and a Medical Examination as Proof of Your Good Health

7. Evidence Of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps

8. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit.
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension

9. Proof of Investment Funds

  • You must have NZ $750,000 or more to invest in New Zealand for 2 years. You must nominate the type, location, and value of the funds and/or assets you intend to invest.
  • Evidence may include:
    • Bank statements
    • Title deeds
    • Property valuations
    • Share certificates
    • Business ownership documents
    • Asset valuations
  • The value you can claim for your nominated funds depends if they are owned by you or jointly by you and another person
  • If you own an investment jointly with:
    • Your partner, you can claim the full value of the investment as long as you and your partner are in a recognized partnership
    • Someone who is not your partner, you can only claim for the part of the investment that you own.

10. Proof of Source of Investment Funds

  • You must have earned or acquired your funds lawfully. You will need to explain how you came by your funds and provide evidence to support your explanation, which may include:
    • Tax returns or certificates
    • Payslips
    • Business financial statements
    • Business shareholdings
    • Dividends
    • Receipts for property sales
    • Bank certificates
    • Share trading profits
    • Evidence of gifted money
    • Probate and other evidence of inherited money

11. Proof of Maintenance Funds

  • You must have NZ $500,000 or more to live on. You must provide evidence you have the funds and/or assets to cover the required maintenance funds, which may include:
    • Bank statements – you must be able to access the funds from New Zealand
    • Title deeds
    • Property valuations
    • Share certificates
    • Business ownership documents
    • Asset valuations.
  • The value you can claim for your maintenance funds depends if they are owned by you or jointly by you and another person.  If you own your settlement funds jointly with:
    • Your partner, you can claim the full value of the investment as long as you and your partner are in a recognized partnership
    • Someone who is not your partner, you can only claim for the part of the investment that you own.

12. Proof of Annual Income

  • You must have an annual income of NZ $60,000 or more.
  • You must provide evidence of your income.
  • This may include documents that show you have:
    • A pension
    • Earnings from rental properties
    • Dividends from share portfolios
    • Interest from investments
    • Profits from owning a company
    • Share market trading profits

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor Visa Fee

The New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor visa fee is 330 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Temporary Retirement Visitor in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.


Student Visas

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in New Zealand for a longer period. This visa applies to those who are admitted to the state college or state university in New Zealand.



New Zealand Student Visa

If you are from overseas, you can apply for a visa to study full-time in New Zealand. You will need to pay the full cost of your courses and enroll with an approved education provider. Your Student Visa is normally for the same length of time as the study you have paid for.


Required Documents for New Zealand Student Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • If you are aged 17 and over and will stay in New Zealand for more than 24 months (this includes any time you have already spent in New Zealand), you must provide police certificates from:
    • Your country(s) of citizenship
    • Any country(s) you have spent more than 5 years since turning 17.
  • You do not need to provide police certificates if:
    • You have provided them to us with an earlier visa application, and they were issued in the previous 36 months, or
    • You are under 20 years of age and have held a student visa (or consecutive student visas) on, and since the date, you turned 17 and are applying for a further student visa.

6. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Any family ties you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any personal, financial, work, or other commitments you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any circumstances that mean you may not want to return to your home country

7. Proof of Offer of Place

  • You must have an offer of place from an approved education provider
  • Your offer of place – or if you are a returning student, your confirmation of enrolment – must include:
    • The name of your course and how long the course is for
    • Confirmation that your tuition fees will be paid by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    • Whether your study will be full-time, part-time, or as a distance learning or correspondence student
    • If your course is for more than one academic year, the dates of all the course’s scheduled holidays
    • If you are under 18, a confirmation that your accommodation complies with the ‘Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students’.
  • Offers of place must also include your approved education provider’s signed declaration that they have assessed and are satisfied that:
    • The program offered is appropriate for your expectations
    • You have the English language ability and academic capability to succeed

8. Proof of Payment of Tuition Fees (unless you are exempt, you must have enough money to pay your tuition fees)

  • Evidence can include any one of the following:
    • Letter from your approved education provider showing fees are paid or that you do not have to pay fees
    • Evidence that your home country government loan has been applied for, and confirmation from the education provider they expect to receive the fees
    • Evidence you have applied for a home country government loan and confirmation that you are enrolling in a bachelor’s degree program or higher at a Private Training Establishment (PTE)
    • Evidence you have a scholarship from your education provider

9. Medical and Travel Insurance

  • You must have full medical and travel insurance for the length of your stay.
  • You must declare in your visa application that you agree to arrange and hold insurance.
  • Your insurance policy must cover you from the date that you arrive in New Zealand until the day you leave.
  • Your insurance policy must cover all the following:
    • Travel (this includes travel to and from New Zealand, within New Zealand, and outside New Zealand if traveling as part of the course)
    • Medical care in New Zealand, including diagnosis, prescription, surgery, and hospitalization
    • The transportation out of New Zealand as a result of serious illness or injury, including the cover of travel costs incurred by family members assisting the student
    • Death (including the cover of the travel costs of family members to and from New Zealand, costs of repatriation, and funeral expenses).

10. Proof of Funds

  • You must have enough money to live on while you are in New Zealand.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof that you have NZ $15,000 for a full year of study or NZ $1,250 per month that you will be in New Zealand
    • Documents that show your living costs have been paid — for example, for a school homestay where you will live with a local family while you study
    • 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor
    • A completed 'Financial Undertaking for a Student' form

11. Proof of Onward Travel

  • You must have a ticket to leave New Zealand or be sponsored for the cost of your onward travel.
  • Evidence can include:
    • Your travel tickets
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you must live on
    • 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor.

12. Proof of Parent or Legal Guardian

  • If you are aged 9 or younger, you must be accompanied by your parent or legal guardian unless you will live in an NZQA approved school hostel.
  • If you must be accompanied, you must provide proof that your parent or legal guardian cares for you in your home country and has the legal right to provide care for you.
  • Evidence your parent or legal guardian cares for you in your home country can include:
    • Your parent or guardian’s passport or residence document showing that you’ve been living with them in your home country
    • Documents that show they have paid for your education
    • Educational records or documents that show they are responsible for your education
  • Evidence your parent or legal guardian has the legal right to provide care for you can include:
    • Your birth certificate or adoption papers (if they are your parent)
    • Court documents (if they are a court-appointed guardian)
    • Relevant legal documents if they are a testamentary guardian (i.e., they were named as the guardian in your parents’ will, and your parents are deceased).

13. Permission to Work

  • If you are aged 16 or 17, or in years 12 or 13 of secondary school, you must have written permission to work. You must have permission to work up to 20 hours a week and/or full-time in the summer holidays from each of the following:
    • Your parents or legal guardian
    • Your approved education provider

14. Full-time Vacation Work Rights

  • You must provide information about your holidays and your course. If you are allowed to work full-time in the holidays, proof:
    • Of the holidays scheduled by your approved education provider, as shown in your offer of place document
    • That your course value is 120 credits – this information may be on your fee receipt or invoice, or other correspondence provided by your approved education provider

15. Practical Experience (optional)

  • If you are required to do practical work experience as part of your course, you must provide evidence that it is a course requirement. Evidence can include either of the following:
    • A letter from your approved education provider
    • A course outline that shows the practical component requirement, as shown in your offer of place document.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Student Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Student Visa visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Student Visa Fee

The New Zealand Student visa fee is 330 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Student Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Student visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student Visa

This visa is for trainees who are awarded a New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarship, funded through the New Zealand scholarships that are administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. To apply, you need a paid place at Manukau Polytechnic or evidence of your New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarship.


Required Documents for New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • If you are aged 17 and over and will stay in New Zealand for more than 24 months (this includes any time you have already spent in New Zealand), you must provide police certificates from:
    • Your country(s) of citizenship
    • Any country(s) you have spent more than 5 years since turning 17.

6. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Any family ties you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any personal, financial, work, or other commitments you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any circumstances that mean you may not want to return to your home country

7. New Zealand Employer Guarantee

  • If you are a nautical student:
    • Your employer must provide a guarantee.
  • You must provide a letter from the shipping company that employs you, guaranteeing to pay:
    • Your living costs while in New Zealand
    • For you to leave New Zealand at the end of your stay

8. Place at Manukau Polytechnic

  • If you are a nautical student:
    • You must have a paid place at Manukau Polytechnic.
  • You must provide evidence that:
    • You have a place at Manukau Polytechnic, like an offer of a place or a confirmation of enrolment
    • Your tuition fees have been paid, like receipts

9. Short-Term Training Award

  • If you are an NZ Scholarship Short-term Training Award trainee, you may be granted a student visa for the period of your award, up to a maximum of 12 months.
  • You must provide:

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student Visa Fee

The New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student visa fee is 330 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Vocational Trainee Student  visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



New Zealand Exchange Student Visa

If you are outside New Zealand and accepted into an approved student exchange scheme, you can study full-time in New Zealand. While you are here, you can enjoy New Zealand’s high-quality teaching standards and gain internationally recognized qualifications.


Required Documents for New Zealand Exchange Student Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  •  You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form.

2. Two Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand.

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after leaving New Zealand.

5. If You are 17 or Over

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • If you are aged 17 and over and will stay in New Zealand for more than 24 months (this includes any time you have already spent in New Zealand), you must provide police certificates from:
    • Your country(s) of citizenship
    • Any country(s) you have spent more than 5 years in since turning 17.

6. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Any family ties you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any personal, financial, work, or other commitments you may have in your home country or New Zealand
  • Any circumstances that mean you may not want to return to your home country

7. Proof of Approved Exchange Scheme

  • You must show that you have been accepted to an approved student exchange scheme
  • You must provide evidence that you have been accepted into an approved student exchange scheme. For example, a letter from the scheme organizer

8. Permission to Work

  • If you are aged 16 or 17, or in years 12 or 13 of secondary school:
    •  You must have written permission to work.
  • Permission to work up to 20 hours a week and/or full-time in the summer holidays from each of the following:
    • Your parents or legal guardian
    • Your approved education provider
    • Your Exchange Provider Organization

9. Full-time Vacation Work Rights

  • You must provide information about your holidays and your course
  • If you are allowed to work full-time in the holidays, proof:
    • Of the holidays scheduled by your approved education provider, as shown in your offer of place document
    • That your course value is 120 credits – this information may be on your fee receipt or invoice, or other correspondence provided by your approved education provider

10. Practical Experience (optional)

  • If you are required to do practical work experience as part of your course, you must provide evidence that it is a course requirement.
  • Evidence can include either of the following:
    • A letter from your approved education provider
    • A course outline that shows the practical component requirement, as shown in your offer of place document

11. Proof of Onward Travel

  • You must have made arrangements to leave New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • A travel ticket out of New Zealand
    • A guarantee from your student exchange scheme’s New Zealand guarantor that even if you do not complete your exchange, they will make arrangements for you to leave New Zealand at the end of your stay.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Exchange Student Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Exchange Student visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Exchange Student Visa Fee

New Zealand Exchange Student visa fee is 330 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Exchange Student Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Exchange Student visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

New Zealand Guardian Visitor Visas

New Zealand Guardian Visitor Visas

New Zealand Guardian Visitor Visas

You can get additional information about requirements and eligibility for New Zealand Guardian Visitor visas here.



New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor Visa

Parents and legal guardians can visit New Zealand to live with and care for their children who are in New Zealand on a Student visa.


Required Documents for New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • If you are aged 17 and over and will stay in New Zealand for more than 24 months (this includes any time you have already spent in New Zealand), you must provide police certificates from:
    • Your country(s) of citizenship
    • Any country(s) you have spent more than 5 years in since turning 17

6. Evidence of Your Travel History

  • A copy of your current and recent passports, including:
    • The photo page
    • All pages with visa records and entry and exit stamps

7. Evidence that You are Visiting Family or Friends (if applicable)

  • If you plan to visit family or friends in New Zealand, provide their:
    • Names
    • Contact addresses and phone numbers
    • Their New Zealand visa or citizenship status

8. Evidence of Your Home Country Circumstances

  • Evidence of your work and living arrangements helps us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your visit.
  • Depending on your circumstances, evidence could include:
    • A letter from your employer approving your leave and confirming your return to work
    • Showing you are enrolled for study by providing a letter or student identity card from your school or another education provider
    • A letter explaining your family ties in your home country
    • A retirement certificate or evidence that you receive a pension

9. Child’s Student Visa

  • Your child must have a current student visa
  • Your child must be either 17 or under or enrolled in school years 1 – 13

10. Evidence that You are the Child’s Parent or Legal Guardian

  • Evidence can include:
    • A birth certificate or adoption papers
    • Court documents
    • Other legal documents

11. Proof of Funds

  • You must have at least NZ $1,000 per month, or NZ $400 per month if you have already paid for your accommodation
  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof of accommodation pre-payment, like hotel pre-paid vouchers or receipts
    • Bank statements
    • Credit card statements
    • Bank drafts
    • Travellers’ cheques

12. Proof of Onward Travel

  • Evidence can include:
    • Proof you have enough money to buy a ticket out of New Zealand, in addition to the funds you have to live on — do not buy your ticket until your visa has been granted or we tell you that your application is approved in principle
    • 'Sponsorship Form for Temporary Entry' completed by an acceptable sponsor
  • If you are sponsored, your sponsor must provide evidence they can look after you in New Zealand. Evidence can include:
    • Recent bank statements
    • Payslips
    • Employment agreement
    • Accommodation ownership or payment of rent.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor Visa Fee

New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor visa fee is 246 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Guardian of a Student Visitor visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

New Zealand Working Holiday Visas

New Zealand Working Holiday Visas

Working holiday visas are available to young people, usually aged 18 to 30, but 18 to 35 in a select few countries. They let you travel and work in New Zealand for up to 12 months or 23 months if you are from the UK or Canada. If you apply for a 23-month visa, you must provide a General Medical Certificate. There are different requirements for different countries and territories:

  • Argentina
  • Hong Kong
  • Philippines
  • Austria
  • Ireland
  • Poland
  • Belgium
  • Israel
  • Portugal
  • Brazil
  • Italy
  • Singapore
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • Slovakia
  • Chile
  • Korea
  • Slovenia
  • China
  • Latvia
  • Spain
  • Croatia
  • Lithuania
  • Sweden
  • Czech
  • Luxembourg
  • Taiwan
  • Denmark
  • Malaysia
  • Thailand
  • Estonia
  • Malta
  • Turkey
  • Finland
  • Mexico
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • USA
  • Germany
  • Norway
  • Uruguay
  • Hungary
  • Peru
  • Vietnam
New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

You can apply for this visa if you are a key employee of a business that’s relocating to New Zealand, and you’re not eligible to apply for any other kind of New Zealand resident visa. If your application is approved, you will be granted a work visa to relocate the business. If you meet the conditions of your work visa, you may be able to live, work, and study in New Zealand indefinitely.


Required Documents for New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form is submitted online
  • You should create an account on the website to be able to submit the application form

2. Two  Acceptable Photos

  • Of your head and shoulders

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passports must be valid for at least 3 months after you plan to leave New Zealand

4. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving New Zealand

5. If You are 17 or Over:

  • You must provide a police certificate
  • If you are aged 17 and over, and will stay in New Zealand for more than 24 months (this includes any time you have already spent in New Zealand), you must provide police certificates from:
    • Your country(s) of citizenship
    • Any country(s) you have spent more than 5 years in since turning 17

6. Proof of English Language Knowledge

  • You must show evidence you have English-speaking background evidence you are a competent English user for other reasons.

7. A Letter From the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Business You’re Relocating with

  • The CEO’s letter must include:
    • The name of the business
    • The business’ New Zealand location
    • The reason the business is relocating to New Zealand
    • Confirmation that the business will comply with New Zealand employment and immigration laws
    • Your current role in the business
    • Your role in the business after its relocation
    • The reasons you are integral to the business
    • How the relocation will benefit New Zealand
  • It will be considered the relocated benefits to New Zealand if the business is trading profitably (or has the potential to do so in the next 12 months) and contributing to our economic growth, for example:
    • Introducing new technology, management, or technical skills
    • Enhancing existing technology, management, or technical skills
    • Introducing new products or services
    • Enhancing existing products or services
    • Creating new export markets
    • Expanding existing export markets
    • Creating at least 1 full-time job for a New Zealander

8. You Must Provide Evidence of Your Role in the Relocating Business

  • This can include original or certified copies of any of the following:
    • Letters of appointment
    • Certificates of service
    • Payslips
    • Job descriptions
    • Tax records
    • Performance reviews
    • References from your employer.
  • Employer references should:
    • Be on company letterhead
    • Describe your role in the business
    • Include the date you started working for them
    • Include your employer’s contact number and address

        We may ask for extra information to confirm your role in the business.

9. Proof that the Business Complies with New Zealand Employment and Immigration Law

  • You may be asked to provide evidence that the business:
    • Pays workers no less than the minimum wage or other contracted industry standard
    • Meets holiday and other leave requirements
    • Provides a safe workplace
    • Only employs people who are allowed to work in New Zealand.
    • If the business is included on the list of non-compliant employers maintained by the Labor Inspectorate, then we cannot approve your application

10. Proof About the Location of the Business

  • The business must be operating in New Zealand. To be granted residence, the relocated business must be operating in New Zealand.  Evidence may include:
    • A certificate of incorporation
    • Audited accounts
    • GST records
    • Other tax records
    • Documents showing a business site has been purchased or leased
    • Invoices for business equipment and supplies
    • Any other documents that show the business is operating, e.g., employment agreements, bank statements, power bills, sales agreements, contracts to provide products or services.

11. Proof about the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Support

  • The relocating business must have the support of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE)

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa

The average processing time for a New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.


New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa Fee

New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident visa fee is 2670 NZD. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident Visa?

You will apply for a New Zealand Employees of Relocating Business Resident visa in New Zealand visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



How long does my passport have to be valid to apply for a New Zealand visa?

Your passport must be valid for at least one month after departure from New Zealand if there is a consular mission of your country in New Zealand or three months after departure if there is not.

Am I required to hold a visa for New Zealand from Australia?

Australian permanent residents, regardless of their nationality, can travel to New Zealand visa-free.

But foreign citizens holding permanent residency in Australia are required to apply for an NZeTA visa waiver before their departure towards New Zealand, whether they are transit passengers en route to a third country destination or visiting New Zealand for tourism or business.

Australian nationals, however, do not need a visa to visit New Zealand as there are specific relations between Australia and New Zealand.

What if an NZ ETA application is denied?

Most NZ ETA applications should get clearance without delay. However, in some exceptional cases, a few applicants may find their ETA applications have been refused because of the reasons like health, past criminal record, job-related aspects, etc.

If you see your NZ ETA application is denied, it only means the ETA permit cannot be issued to you.

In the following situations, you will have to opt for a new NZ ETA application even if you have an existing and valid ETA:

  • If you get a new passport and your NZ ETA is linked to the older one.
  • If you have opted for a name change.
  • If the address in your passport is no longer valid or you have moved to a new place.
  • If you have become a citizen of another country.
  • If any of the answers to the online application questions have changed.

If I hold a visa to New Zealand, does it guarantee that I will enter New Zealand?

Having a valid visa does not ensure you will be allowed entry into New Zealand. In some cases, a valid New Zealand visa holder may be denied entry into New Zealand. This may happen if the Immigration agent at the port of entry finds the person has faked his/her document or is carrying items that are prohibited from importing into the country. If they find such a person with specific health/medical conditions or faking criminal past, they may deny entry to him/her right away. In such cases, the person, despite having a valid New Zealand visa, will be sent back to his/her country.

Do I need a job before I apply for a New Zealand visa?

When you have a job offer, it makes the New Zealand employment visa process more straight forward, and the risks of refusal less high.

What does passport verification mean when you apply for a New Zealand visa online?

If you have applied for a New Zealand visa online, you may be required to send your passport so New Zealand Immigration can verify your identity.

Where should I send my passport for verification?

If you were asked to send your passport, you should send it to your nearest New Zealand Visa Application Centre (VAC). If you are applying outside New Zealand, New Zealand Immigration must receive your passport within 20 days.

You must send your passport promptly. If your passport is not received within the specified timeframe, your New Zealand visa application may be delayed or declined. You will not receive a refund of your fee.

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