Do You Need Visa to Visit Bulgaria?

Do You Need Visa to Visit Bulgaria? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories  to Apply for Bulgaria

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Bulgaria

There are the following types of visas for Bulgaria:

  • Visa A (for Airport Transit)
  • Visa C (for a Short Stay for the Purpose of Transit or a Planned Stay)
  • Visa D (for a Long Stay)

In general, all types of visas are issued by representation authorities of Bulgaria abroad. The issuing of a visa or a legitimate visa extension by national authorities or issuing a visa by some border inspection posts is only permitted in clearly defined exceptional cases.

Bulgaria Transit (A Type) Visa

Bulgaria Transit (A Type) Visa

Generally, aliens who do not leave the transit zone or the plane during a stop-over on an airfield are not subject to the visa requirement.

However, nationals of some countries require an A visa for passing through a Bulgarian airfield unless they are exempt. The visa requirements for each country can be found in the list of visa requirements. In general, visas may not be issued in Bulgaria. No matter what the reason, it is not possible to have a visa issued at the border.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Airport Transit Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with minimum 2 blank pages
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply for, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa.
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements

9. If Applicable, Visa or Other Entry Permit for the Country of Destination

10. Tickets For Onward Journey (Unless Travelling by Own Means of Transport, E.g., Car)

11. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian)
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Transit Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Transit visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Transit Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Transit Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Transit Visa?

You will apply for a Bulgaria Transit visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Bulgaria Short-term (C Type) Visa

Third-country nationals who plan to visit Bulgaria may be required to have a visa.

All third-country nationals who are holders of valid Schengen documents, as well as national visas and residence permits of Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania do not require an additional (Bulgarian) visa for Bulgaria.

There are the following types of Bulgaria short-term visas:

  • Tourist
  • Business
  • Private (Family or Friends) Visit
  • Sports Events
  • Transit
  • Cultural Exchange
Bulgaria Travel Visa Costs:

When an application for an airport transit visa or for a short-stay visa is submitted, a charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR.



Bulgaria Tourist Visa

Bulgaria Tourist visa allows a limited period of leisure travel within a country, but no business activity.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Tourist Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral face expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa.
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment,
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Tourist Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Tourist Visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Tourist Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Tourist Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Tourist Visa?

You will apply for Bulgaria Tourist Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Business Visit Visa

Bulgaria Business visa is for those who would like to travel to Bulgaria for a short duration for business-related reasons that do not require actual labor work or payment from Bulgaria source.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Business Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  •  You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example: 

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes: 
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. Proof of Business Invitation

  • An invitation declaration for a business visit of a foreigner to Bulgaria

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Business Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria business visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Business Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria business visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Business Visa?

You will apply for a Bulgaria business visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Private Visit Visa

Applicants, who intend to travel to visit and stay with family/friends legally residing in Bulgaria need to apply for a Bulgaria Private visa.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Private Visit Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment 
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Accommodation provided by family/friends in Bulgaria

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes: 
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Invitation Letter

  • Invitation from the host, including the full address of the intended stay, either informal with an officially certified signature (or copy of the host’s passport).

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Private Visit Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria private visit visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Private Visit Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria private visit visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Private Visit Visa?

You will apply for a Bulgaria private visit visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa

This visa is considered for people seeking medical treatment in Bulgaria.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa.
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate, proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • For example, hotel booking or confirmation from the hospital that the patient will be accommodated in the hospital

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Medical Invitation Form Completed and Signed by the Hospital or the Attending Physician

  • A certificate from the medical facility issued under the respective procedures with a specified treatment plan, a discharge summary from a local hospital.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa?

You will apply for a Bulgaria Medical Treatment Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Sports Visa

This visa is issued for those who travel to Bulgaria to participate in international sports events and their accompanying persons in their professional capacity.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Sports Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa.
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR.

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment 
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register 
  • School attendance certificate, proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. An Invitation Letter from the Ministry of Youth and Sport or from a Respective Sports Club

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Sports Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Sports Visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Sports Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Sports Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Sports Visa?

You will apply for Bulgaria Sports Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa

Bulgaria Cultural exchange visa is designated for entering Bulgaria to participate in scientific, cultural, and artistic activities.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • Medical insurance valid for the whole period of the trip, covering all costs for repatriation and for urgent medical care and emergency hospital treatment for the period of the stay indicated in the visa.
  • The insurance amount cannot be less than 30.000 EUR.

7. Proof of Professional Status

        For example: 

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry and the date of departure from Bulgaria exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes: 
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate of children
  • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. An Invitation Letter from the Ministry of Culture or from the Mayor of the Respective Municipality

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa is 5-20 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. A charge of 60 EUR is collected, and for children between 6 and 12 years of age, it is 35 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa?

You will apply for Bulgaria Cultural Exchange Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Bulgaria Long-term (D Type) Visa

Bulgaria long-stay visas are issued to persons wishing to obtain a long-term residence or permanent residence permit in Bulgaria. The visa is valid for six months and allows you to stay in Bulgaria for a maximum of 180 days. Long stay visas with the validity of one year and allowing to stay in Bulgaria for 365 days are considered for researchers, students under one year of study, graduate students and interns, persons sent on business trips on behalf of a foreign employer to perform particular tasks related to the control and coordination of tourist services contracts. It can also be given to persons sent for investment by the Investment Promotion Act on behalf of a foreign employer.

Bulgaria long-term visa allows you to enter the territory of Bulgaria multiple times within its validity period. This visa is revoked after the person enters Bulgaria and is provided with a residence permit by the administrative office of foreigners.


This Type of Visa Can Be issued for Reasons such as:

  • Education 
  • Work
  • Family Reunification


Visa Cost for Bulgaria Long-stay Visa

When an application for a long-stay visa (visa type D) is submitted, a charge of 100 EUR shall be collected.



Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa

Non-EU/EEA citizens who wish to enroll in a program at a Bulgarian university must apply for a Student visa. The Bulgarian student visa is valid for a period of 3 to 6 months. International students, after receiving the acceptance letter from the higher education institution in Bulgaria, must apply for a visa at their nearest Bulgarian embassy/consulate.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa:


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • It must cover the duration of the study with the minimum insurance amount of 30,000 euros.
  • Besides, the insurance must include the provision of on-site assistance (medical expenses and repatriation, etc.). That is insurance with reimbursement of costs incurred only after the applicant returns is not accepted.

7. Proof of Professional Status, if any

       For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.
  • The bank account must contain at least 6 Bulgarian minimum monthly salaries (1800 euros).

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Original letter sent by the university about the student's accommodation in the university dormitory, lease agreement, etc.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Admission Letter (Certificate of Admission to the Bulgarian University as a Student) and the Original of the University Admission Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science Of Bulgaria.

14. All Documents Submitted for Admission to the University

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa is 5-25 working days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. The Visa fee is 100 EUR for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.

Where to Apply for Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa?

You will apply for Bulgaria Study (Long-term) Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa

Bulgaria Work visa can be granted to non-EU nationals who have a work permit subject to clearance by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. To apply for a Bulgaria work visa, you need to have a secured job position with a Bulgarian-based employer.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Work (Long-term)  Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English.

2. Two photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed)
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with minimum 2 blank pages
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria

4. Copy of Previous Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card And Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply to, you must submit a residence permit card, and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving Bulgaria.

6. Insurance

  • It must cover the duration of the study with the minimum insurance amount of 30,000 euros.
  • Besides, the insurance must include the provision of on-site assistance (medical expenses and repatriation, etc.). That is insurance with reimbursement of costs incurred only after the applicant returns is not accepted.

7. Proof of Professional Status, if any

       For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.
  • The bank account must contain at least 6 Bulgarian minimum monthly salaries (1800 euros).

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Notarial act - a copy of the document confirming the ownership of the real estate in Bulgaria, or
  • A notarized lease agreement was signed by the landlord and the tenant.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes: 
    • Marriage certificate
    • Birth certificate of children 
    • Death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. Notarized Copy (Original and Copy) of the Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Bulgaria

13. Employment Contract (Original and Copy)

  • Proof of sufficient financial is not required if there is an employment contract with a Bulgarian-based employer.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for the Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa is 5-25 working days. It depends on your visa application country.

Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. The Visa fee is 100 EUR for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.

Where to Apply for Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa?

You will apply for Bulgaria Work (Long-term) Visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa

This visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in Bulgaria for a longer period. This visa applies to family members of Bulgaria nationals and wishing to obtain a permit for long-term residence in Bulgaria.


Required Documents for Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa


1. Application Form

  • Fully completed in English or Bulgarian and signed and dated by the applicant himself (signed by both parents in case of minors, below the age of 18)

2. Passport

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving Bulgaria.

3. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

4. ID Card Copy

  • Validity minimum of three months beyond the date of your departure from Bulgaria.

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • Validity minimum of six months beyond the date of your departure from Bulgaria.

6. Photocopies

  • Copy of the main page of your passport
  • Copies of previous visas/ Bulgaria resident permit

7. Details of Spouse

  • Passport copy
  • For spouses of foreign nationals have to submit a copy of their partner's residence permit for Bulgaria.
  • Certificate of residence of the spouse living in Bulgaria, not older than 6 months

8. Marriage Certificate

    a) Bulgaria Marriage Certificate:

  • Bulgaria certificate of marriage or extract from the Family Register, along with certified copies.

    b) Foreign Marriage Certificate:

  • Foreign documents or certificates are often only recognized by the authorities of a state if their authenticity and evidentiary value has been determined by a special procedure.

9. Divorce Decree of Previous Marriages or Death Certificate of Former Spouse (if the applicant has been previously married)

  • Foreign documents or certificates are often only recognized by the authorities of a state if their authenticity and evidentiary value has been determined by a special procedure

10. Proof of Accommodation in Bulgaria

  • Copy of lease certificate of an apartment in Bulgaria or title deed of owned property, if the partner is already residing in Bulgaria.
  • If the host provides accommodation – document indicating the right of ownership/right to use (e.g. rental agreement) clearly allowing to lodge guests at this location.

11. The Criminal Record

  • Or another document that bears the same legal value issued by the authorities from the country of domicile or residence

12. Proof of Sufficient Means of Substance

  • Copy of employment certificate of the foreign spouse who intends to live in Bulgaria
  • Salary slips from the past three months if is living in Bulgaria.

      In the case of self-funding:

  • Generally, there are several recognized ways to prove your financial sufficiency:
    • A personal bank statement indicating your financial movements (for at least 3 last months)
    • Credit card
    • Cash
    • Traveler’s cheques
    • Payslips
    • Proof of employment
    • Supporting document to attest sponsor’s readiness to cover your expenses during your stay
    • Proof of prepaid accommodation
    • Document about accommodation in private
    • Proof of prepaid transport
    • Other

      In the case of sponsorship:

  • Latest 6 months current account bank statement of a sponsor (showing sponsor’s name, an end balance, and date of issue).
  • Sponsorship letter, copy of the first page of the sponsor’s passport with the data.

13.  Proof of Professional Status, if any

       For example:

  • Employment contract
  • Certificate of employment
  • Extract from the trade and companies’ register
  • School attendance certificate
  • Proof of pension

14. Health Insurance, will only be requested where applicable


  • Proof of health insurance for the stay in Bulgaria.
  • Offer letter from a Bulgarian Health Insurance company, stating the expected month fees.

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa

The average processing time for a Bulgaria Family Reunion visa is 5-25 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa Fee

When you submit your application for a Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa, you will also need to pay a certain fee. The fee is required to cover the expenses for the processing of your application. The Visa fee is 100 EUR for foreign nationals. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Bulgaria Family Reunion Visa?

You will apply for a Bulgarian Family Reunion visa in Bulgaria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Is job reference indicating salary sufficient to stand as a financial guarantee for the person that applies for a Bulgaria visa?

No. In some cases, you may be required to provide bank statements or sponsorship letter.

Which documents are required for Bulgaria multiple entry visa? Is the visa fee higher for Bulgaria multiple entry visas?

For Bulgaria multiple entry visas the same documents as for Bulgaria single-entry visas are required. Please also submit a justification of multiple entries: invitation, air tickets confirmation for the following visits, copies of the previous Bulgaria visas, etc. The visa fee is the same as for a single-entry visa.

Can I get an urgent visa?

Bulgarian embassies or visa application centers do not accept documents for urgent visas. However, in exceptional circumstances such as urgent business meetings, it is possible to write an email to the embassy/visa application centers and as for urgent visa appointments or speeding up visa procedure. Please note that the decision about this depends entirely on the consul.

Who should sign Bulgaria application form for a minor?

Parents should sign the application form for their child.

Could Bulgarian Embassy and Consulate request me to provide additional documents or information?

Yes. The Embassy and Consulate reserve the right to call applicants in for necessary verification or a personal interview at a later time. Likewise, the Embassy reserves the right to request additional documents not contained in the harmonized list of documents, when necessary.

Do I need to show my old passport when I apply for a Bulgaria visa?

It is beneficial if you do. If your old passport contains visas showing previous foreign travel (for instance to Schengen, UK, Switzerland, Canada, USA) you may wish to ask for it to be returned to you by the passport office when you renew it. You will then be able to attach it to your new passport when you submit your Bulgaria visa application. It is very useful for the embassy/consulate to see such direct evidence of previous travels abroad and to see an old passport or copies of previous visas can often enable to process your application much quicker.

What do I do if my Bulgaria visa application is refused?

If you consider it to be reasonable, you can appeal against the refusal.

If my visa application is refused, should I wait for some time before applying for a visa again?

No. The Embassy recommends you to apply again only if you think that the circumstances that could have caused the refusal have changed.

Can I live in Bulgaria having a short-term visa?

No, short term visa enables you to stay in Bulgaria for the period of its validity only. According to the law in the area of rights and matters of foreigners in Bulgaria, to settle in Bulgaria, you must have a permanent settlement or National Bulgaria visa.

How early should I apply for a Bulgarian visa?

We suggest that you do not buy tickets or make non-refundable travel arrangements until your visa has been issued. Sometimes visa application assessment might require additional time, so please apply in advance of your travel date. A visa application should be submitted at least 15 days before the intended visit and cannot be submitted earlier than three months before the planned visit.

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