Sona Abdullayeva
18 posts

Sona Abdullayeva

Sona is a young student who is waiting to finish her bachelor’s degree for starting to explore the world. Until that time, she is researching the visa requirements of the countries that she wants to visit. While collecting this information, she wants to make the process more useful not only for herself but also for others. For this purpose, she is sharing all the beneficial gathered knowledge with you. Her biggest dream is not to die without traveling all the countries over the world.

What are Bhutan visa types?

What are Bhutan visa types?

Bhutan is the last Himalayan kingdom, surrounded by spectacular snow-capped mountains and dense forests that form a beautiful environment, but that’s not all. Bhutan is the only country globally with a forest cover of 72 percent, making it carbon-neutral and carbon-negative. This one-of-a-kind country, rumoured to be the final Shangri-La, is undoubtedly the finest spot […]

Sona Abdullayeva 21 August 2021
How to get study visa for Kyrgyzstan?

How to get study visa for Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is a nation with its pure natural environment, glaciers, deserts, alpine meadows, and many 7,000-meter-high mountains. However, for the adventurous visitor, Kyrgyzstan has much more to offer than breathtaking scenery. This magnificent environment is brought to life by its inhabitants, regular people with proud nomadic traditions and a strong sense of hospitality. So, if […]

Sona Abdullayeva 14 August 2021
How to get Croatia Short-term Visa?

How to get Croatia Short-term Visa?

Croatia is located in the Balkans, has re-established itself as one of Europe’s top tourist destinations following its War of Independence in the late 1990s. Like much of Europe, Croatia has its share of medieval cities and historical monuments, but what sets it apart is its abundance of breathtaking natural wonders, such as the Plitvice […]

Sona Abdullayeva 11 August 2021
Romania tourist visa details

Romania tourist visa details

Romania has a variety of unique travel opportunities just waiting to be found. From the Danube River to a magnificent, undamaged medieval town in three to four hours by car or rail; from Bucharest, Romania’s capital city, to the Black Sea; and from Southern Transylvania to the ancient districts Bucovina or Maramures. If you want […]

Sona Abdullayeva 06 August 2021
How to obtain a tourist visa for Colombia?

How to obtain a tourist visa for Colombia?

Colombia is an incredible destination to visit, especially if you enjoy wildlife. This South American country is regarded as the world’s second most biodiverse country. Colombia is also worth visiting because of its nice people, gorgeous architecture and culture, wonderful food, and sunny beaches. If you want to visit the country, you need to get […]

Sona Abdullayeva 24 July 2021
How to obtain a tourist visa for France?

How to obtain a tourist visa for France?

France has some of the most magnificent landscapes in the world, from the boulevards of Paris to the famous resort areas of the Côte d’Azur. Romantics are enchanted with fairytale castles, magnificent cathedrals, and picture-perfect villages. At the same time, the country’s modern landmarks and quick train travel shock visitors out of their fairytale settings […]

Sona Abdullayeva 23 July 2021
How to get business visa for Canada?

How to get business visa for Canada?

Do you know what is business visa for Canada? If your answer is “no,” let me give you a detailed answer. For ambitious entrepreneurs, Canada has a lot to offer. It is a fantastic place to do business since it has some of the world’s most prestigious cities, a well-developed banking and healthcare sector, and […]

Sona Abdullayeva 16 July 2021
How to get business visa for UK?

How to get business visa for UK?

Today I will talk about business visa for UK and explain what is UK business visa? For this reason, we will focus on the answers to these questions: What is UK business visa in general? How much are the UK business visa fees? What are the details of UK business visa documents? What is a […]

Sona Abdullayeva 16 July 2021
What to consider when applying to Spain study visa?

What to consider when applying to Spain study visa?

Spain is one of the most popular study abroad locations, with students from all over the world flocking to the country. Visitors are issued many types of visas depending on the purpose of their visit. You can apply for Spain visa for either university or a job. If you want to study in Spain, you […]

Sona Abdullayeva 04 July 2021

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