Do You Need Visa to Visit Austria?

Do You Need Visa to Visit Austria? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Austria

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Austria

There are the following types of visas for Austria:

  • A Visa: Air Transit Visa
  • C Visa: Travel Visa
  • D Visa: Residence Visa

In general, all types of visas are issued by representation authorities of Austria abroad. The issuing of a visa or a legitimate visa extension by national authorities or issuing a visa by some border inspection posts is only permitted in clearly defined exceptional cases.

Austria Schengen Visa

This is the conventional tourist visa. It can be issued for durations of stay up to 90 days (in total) within a period of 180 days and entitles the visa holder to enter into and stay in the territory of the Schengen states.

Schengen states are the following ones: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden as well as the non-EU members Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.

Depending on the purpose, there are the following types of Austria Schengen visa:

  • Tourism
  • Business
  • Close Relatives'/Family Members' Visits
  • Medical treatment
  • Sports, scientific or cultural activity
  • Official exchange programs


Austria Schengen Visa Costs:

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.



Austria Tourist Visa

If you plan to go to Austria as a tourist for a period not to exceed 90 days and your country is not on the visa-free list, you need a Schengen travel visa (Visa C). This visa is not a work permit.
Please note that in order to apply for a travel visa at the Austrian Embassy, your only destination or your main destination (longest duration of stay) must be Austria. In the absence of the main destination (e.g. same duration of stay in two or more countries), you can apply at any of these countries but it is recommended that you apply at the country of first entry because your passport will show the entry stamp of your first destination only.


Required Documents for an Austria Tourist Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages. 
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Tourist Visa

The average processing time for an Austria Tourist visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Tourist Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.


Where to Apply for Austria Tourist Visa?

You will apply for an Austrian Tourist visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Austria Business Visa

Applicants, who intend to travel to Austria for business purposes, i.e. visiting a business/company to have meetings, to make business deals, to recruit, to train, or other work-related activities can apply for a Business visa. Every Business visa application has to be confirmed by an invitation letter from a business/company based in Austria, if not, the applicant will need to apply for a Tourist visa.

In regards to conference/congress/fair/seminar/workshop the following applicants can also apply for a Business visa:

  • Applicants-employees going to attend a conference/congress/fair/seminar/workshop organized by their company or another company directly related to their company
  • Applicants-employees going to be actively involved in a conference/congress/fair/seminar/workshop 

Employer letter needs to confirm clearly the purpose of attending the conference/congress/fair/seminar/workshop, if not, the applicant will need to apply as Tourist.


Required Documents for Austria Business Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages. 
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. Proof of Business Invitation

  • Invitation letter from a company/business in Austria confirming the purpose of visit, travel dates, and arrangements for accommodation/travel (if applicable). Entry tickets or registration for fairs/congresses/conferences/seminars (only for employees, students need to apply as tourists).

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Business Visa

The average processing time for an Austrian Business visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Business Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations, and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.
Where to Apply for Austria Business Visa?

You will apply for an Austrian Business visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Austria Visiting Family/Friends Visa

Applicants, who intend to travel to visit and stay with family/friends legally residing in Austria, need to apply for a Visitor Family/Friend visa.


Required Documents for Austria Visiting Family/Friends Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Accommodation provided by family/friends in Austria:
    • applicant’s host’s recent (not older than 1 month) cover letter (signed, dated, and confirming both travel period and address of stay)
    • copy of host’s passport’s bio page
    • host’s permit of stay in Austria(if the host is a non-EU citizen)
    • copy of Austrian registration (Meldebestätigung).
  • In some cases (e.g. if it is not feasible for the applicant to provide evidence of self-financing) the host in Austria may be asked to provide an ‘Electronic Guarantee Letter’ (Elektronische Verpflichtungserklärung = EVE), which needs to be obtained from the local alien’s police (Bezirkshauptmannschaft, Bundespolizeidirektion, Bezirkspolizeikommisariat). The authority dealing with the EVE will forward the information to the Austrian Embassy within 48 hours and the host in Austria will receive an ID number, which the visa applicant will need to provide along with the Schengen visa application.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Invitation Letter

  • Invitation from the host including the full address of the intended stay, either informal with an officially certified signature (or copy of host’s passport).

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Family Visit Visa

The average processing time for an Austrian Family Visit visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Family Visit Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.
Where to Apply for Austria Family Visit Visa?

You will apply for an Austrian Family Visit visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Austria Medical Treatment Visa

This visa is considered for people seeking medical treatment in Austria.


Required Documents for Austria Medical Treatment Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages. 
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • For example, hotel booking or confirmation from the hospital that the patient will be accommodated in the hospital.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. For Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Medical Invitation Form Completed and Signed by the Hospital or the Attending Physician

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Medical Treatment Visa

The average processing time for an Austria Medical Treatment visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Medical Treatment Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations, and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.
Where to Apply for Austria Medical Treatment Visa?

You will apply for an Austria Medical Treatment visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Austria Sports, Scientific or Cultural Activity; Official Exchange Programs Visa

If your travel to Austria is for one of the following purposes, you are eligible to apply for this visa.

  • Participants in scientific, cultural, and artistic activities:
  • Language course (up to three months)
  • Participants in official twin city programs:
  • Pupils, students, post-graduate students, and accompanying teachers:
  • Start of academic studies as a scholarship student (up to three months)
  • Student exchange (up to three months)
  • Youth exchange programs
  • Workers posted to Austria for specific short-term activities
  • Participants in international sports events and accompanying persons in their professional capacity


Required Documents for Austria Sports, Scientific or Cultural Activity; Official Exchange Programs Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages. 
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. Proof of Accommodation

  • Document from the establishment providing accommodation or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation. If not available, an adequate written description of the planned journey.

10. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

11. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.

12. In the Case of Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian)
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

13. Participants in Scientific, Cultural, and Artistic Activities:

  • Invitation to participate in such activities from the host organization in Austria.
  • In case not included in the invitation, a separate statement of sponsorship either from the sending or receiving party (or other proof of financial means).

14. Language Course (up to three months):

  • Confirmation of language school with details about the address, duration, and cost of the course. The course has to comprise at least 18 hours per week.
  • Proof of accommodation.
  • Proof of financial means (e.g. original of bank/credit card statement(s) covering at least three preceding months or proof or sponsorship).
  • Proof of will to return (proof of employment and/or proof of real estate/property in your home country).

15. Participants in Official Twin City Programs:

  • Invitation from the head of administration/mayor of the city where the twinning activity is to take place.
  • A written request from the head of administration/mayor of the sending city with full details of the participant.

Please note that either the invitation or the written request should include a statement of sponsorship. If not, other proof of financial means.

16. Pupils, Students, Post-graduate Students, and Accompanying Teachers:

  • Invitation or certificate of enrolment or student card from the host university, academy, institute, college, or school or certificate of the courses to be attended.
  • In case not included in the invitation, a separate statement on sponsorship either from the sending or receiving party (or other proof of financial means, e.g. original of bank/credit card statement(s) covering at least three preceding months).

17. Start of Academic Studies as a Scholarship Student (up to three months):

  • Scholarship students are students getting a scholarship for studies in Austria from Austrian public funds or EU funds (e.g. Erasmus).
    • Invitation to academic studies or admission to university or other academic institution.
    • Proof of grant of scholarship from Austria or EU fund of at least € 659 per month.

18. Student Exchange (up to three months):

  • A written request (original or fax) from the inviting institution.
  • List of exchange students and their respective hosts (full name and address) and confirmation of the organizer that all hosts are suitable to accommodate the exchange student.

19. Youth Exchange Programs:

  • Invitation (original or fax) including name and address of the hosting Austrian institution and your home country's partner organization, duration of visit, the purpose of visit, and list of guests (full name, date, and place of birth, passport number).


  • Statement of sponsorship (and one copy thereof) of the hosting institution stating that it will cover all costs for the duration of the stay in the Schengen territory including accommodation, catering, medical expenses, etc. Please include a copy of the passport of the person signing the obligation and a copy of a recent (not older than six months) association register extracts.

20. Participants in International Sports Events and Accompanying Persons in Their Professional Capacity:

  • Invitation from the host organization (competent authority, national sports federation, or National Olympic Committee), including information on the role (e.g. athlete, official, doctor) of each participant.
  • In case not included in the invitation, a separate statement of sponsorship either from the sending or receiving party (or other proof of financial means, e.g. original of bank/credit card statement(s) covering at least three preceding months).

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Cultural Visa

The average processing time for an Austria Cultural visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Cultural Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations, and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.
Where to Apply for Austria Cultural Visa?

You will apply for an Austria Cultural visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Austria Air Transit Visa

Austria Air Transit Visa

Generally, aliens who do not leave the transit zone or the plane during a stop-over on an airfield are not subject to the visa requirement.

However, nationals of some countries require an A visa for passing through an Austrian airfield unless they are exempt. The visa requirements for each country can be found in the list of visa requirements. In general, visas may not be issued in Austria. No matter what the reason, it is not possible to have a visa issued at the border.


Required Documents for Austria Air Transit Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Passport must be with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Passport must be valid at least 3 months upon the date of leaving the Schengen area.

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Insurance

  • Travel, health, and accident insurance for the entire period with a Minimum coverage of € 30.000, - and valid throughout the Schengen area.

7. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

8. Means of Subsistence

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stay, such as bank statements.

9. If applicable, Visa or Another Entry Permit for the Country of Destination

10. Tickets for Onward Journey (unless traveling by own means of transport, e.g. car)

11. In the Case of Minors:

  • Birth certificate or copy of the family book and travel authorization signed by the holder(s) of parental authority in the forms required under local law, along with a copy of his/her/their identity document (if the minor is not traveling with his/her parents or guardian).
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Air Transit Visa

The average processing time for an Austria Air Transit visa is 5-25 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Air Transit Visa Fee

When applying for a Schengen visa, each person must pay a visa fee. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the visa result. The Schengen visa fee for citizens of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Armenia is currently 35 EUR. These three countries benefit from reduced visa costs under an agreement with the Schengen countries. In other countries, this amount is 80 EUR for people over 12 years old, 40 EUR for children 6-12 years old, and free for children under six years old.

In most cases, if you belong to one of the following categories, you are exempt from visa fees by providing relevant evidence:

  • Close relatives of those legally living in the Schengen area (close relatives include spouse, children (including adopted), parents (or guardians), grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren);
  • Pensioners;
  • Members of official delegations, including permanent members of official delegations, participating in formal meetings, consultations, negotiations, and exchange programs, as well as events of intergovernmental organizations based on an official invitation;
  • Pupils, students, graduate students, and pedagogical staff traveling with them for research and educational purposes within the framework of the official educational program;
  • People with disabilities and accompanying persons if necessary;
  • Participants of international sports events and persons accompanying them in connection with their professional activities;
  • Official visits of journalists and technical staff.
Where to Apply for Austria Airport Transit Visa?

You will apply for an Austria Airport Transit visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.


Notes to Consider while Applying for an Austria Airport Transit Visa

You may be exempt from the airport transit visa requirement if you:

  • Hold a valid visa or residence permit issued by a Schengen state;
  • Hold a visa valid for a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, Canada, Japan, or the United States;
  • Hold a valid residence permit issued by a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area;
  • Hold a residence permit issued by the Principality of Andorra, Canada, Japan, Republic of San Marino, or the United States, that guarantees the unrestricted right of return;
  • Are a family member of a citizen of the EU, EEA, or Switzerland;
  • Hold a diplomatic passport;
  • Are a flight crew member national of a contracting party to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation.


Austria National (Residence) Visa

In general, D visas entitle to a stay of between 91 days and six months. In exceptional cases, D visas can be valid for stays of up to 12 months (e.g., based on an international treaty) or stays less than 91 days (extension of the visa by national authorities).

A (national) D visa issued by Austria or another Schengen state in combination with a valid travel document entitles the visa holder to move freely across the other Schengen states' territory for up to 90 days within 180 days.

Depending on the purpose of travel Austria National Visa can be divided into the following subcategories:

  • Study
  • Work
  • Family Reunification



Austria Study (Long-term) Visa

All those interested in studying in Austria for less than 6 months need to apply for a visa at an Austrian consulate or embassy before coming to Austria.

A visa C: entitles you to stay in Austria and in all other Schengen countries for a maximum of 90 days; it is not necessary if you are allowed to enter Austria without a visa.

A visa D: for stays of at least 91 days up to a maximum of 6 months; not necessary if you are a Japanese national.

If you are intending to stay for more than 6 months it is possible to apply for a residence permit for students within Austria (after lawful entry).


Required Documents for Austria Study (Long-term) Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Birth Certificate or Equivalent Document

  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

7. Police Clearance Certificate

8. Insurance

  • The insurance must cover all risks (Austrian obligatory insurance or appropriate insurance policy with liability in Austria).

9. Proof of Professional Status

  • For example, employment contract, certificate of employment, extract from the trade and companies’ register, school attendance certificate, proof of pension. 

10. Proof of Secured Livelihood

  • Proof of sufficient financial means for the period of stays, such as payslips, wage certificates, work contracts, confirmations of pension, annuity,
  • Or other insurance benefits, evidence of the required investment capital, evidence of its own assets in a sufficient amount,
  • Or a declaration of liability.

11. If You Have a Bank Account, on the Account Must be At Least:

  • For ages under 24: 6,026.88 Euro (12 months x 502,24 Euro)
  • For ages more than 24: 10.913,04 Euro (12 months x 909,42 Euro)

      If the rent is not more than 283 euros/month, otherwise correspondingly more.

12. Proof of Accommodation

  • Proof of legal entitlement to customary accommodation (rental or sublease contract, duration should be at least 1 year), legally valid preliminary contracts, or documents of title.

13. Proof of Itinerary

  • Flight ticket reservation should indicate the date of entry to and the date of departure from the Schengen area exactly.

14. Proof of Civil Status

  • Proof of civil status includes marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.
  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

15. For Minors:

  • Copy either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

16. Confirmation of Admission to the University, Technical College, Accredited Private University, College of Education, The Recognized Private Study Program, The Recognized Private University Studies or the University Course

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austrian Study (Long-term) Visa

The average processing time for an Austrian Study (Long-term) visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austrian Study (Long-term) Visa Fee

Austrian Study (Long-term) visa fee is 150 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.

Where to Apply for Austria Study (Long-term) Visa?

You will apply for an Austrian Study (Long-term) visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.




Austria Work (Long-term) Visa

As a Highly Qualified Worker from a third country, you have two options:

  • You can either enter Austria under a Job Seeker Visa to look for work here.

If you receive an employment offer during the validity period of the visa, you can apply for a Red-White-Red card at the competent residence authority in Austria.

  • You may apply for a Red-White-Red card with the competent Austrian representation in your home country or your country of residence, provided that you have received an employment offer.


Required Documents for Austria Work (Long-term) Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  •  You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of the Main Page

4. Copy of  Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Birth Certificate or Equivalent Document

  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

7. Police Clearance Certificate

  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

8. Insurance

  • The insurance must cover all risks (Austrian obligatory insurance or appropriate insurance policy with liability in Austria).

9. Proof of Work Experience

  • Testimonials and work certificates

10. For Special Qualifications and Skills:

  • Document furnishing proof of successful completion of a four-year program at a university or another institution of tertiary education
  • Document reflecting the status of the university or other institution of tertiary education
  • Document furnishing proof of successful completion of a program in a mint subject (= mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology)
  • Document furnishing proof of habilitation

11. For A Gross Annual Salary in A Senior Management Position:

  • Tax assessment notice or pay certificate
  • Confirmation by the previous employer that you worked in a senior management position
  • Proof that the company is listed on the stock exchange or a positive report from the competent Austrian foreign trade office about its activities or business segment

12. Research and Innovation Activities:

  • Proof of scientific publications, stating titles and sources
  • Certificate issued by a university or research institution that you worked in r&d or academic scientific teaching
  • Proof of patent application(s) through extracts from national or regional patent registers

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Work (Long-term) Visa

The average processing time for an Austrian Work (Long-term) visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Work (Long-term) Visa Fee

Austria Work (Long-term) visa fee is 150 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Austria Work (Long-term) Visa?

You will apply for an Austrian Work (Long-term) visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Austria Family Reunification Visa

Third-country nationals’ family members who intend to reside or settle in Austria for a period of more than six months require a residence title (permission to stay for more than six months) corresponding to their residence purpose.

For stays of up to six months, no residence title shall be granted. Instead, a visa must be applied for if necessary.

Family members are considered followings:

  • Spouses
  • Registered partners
  • Unmarried minors including adoptive and step-children

Spouses and registered partners must be 21 years of age or older when applying.


Required Documents for Austria Family Reunification Visa


1. Application Form

  • The application form must be completed and clearly filled in English or German.

2. Two Photos

  • Photos should be of passport format – a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5x4.5, colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo. 
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

3. Foreign Passport and Copy of The Main Page

4. Copy of Previous Schengen Visas

  • You should also present a copy of all the Schengen visas that you obtained before.

5. National Identity Card and Resident Permit/Visa Copy (if your country of residence and citizenship are different)

  • If you are a non-citizen in the country you apply, you must submit a residence permit card and this card must be valid 3 months after the date of leaving the Schengen area.

6. Birth Certificate or Equivalent Document

  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

7. Police Clearance Certificate

  • For some countries, an apostille and notarized copy with notarized translation into German may be required.

8. Insurance

  • The insurance must cover all risks (Austrian obligatory insurance or appropriate insurance policy with liability in Austria).

9. If applicable:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Divorce certificate
  • Certificate of registered partnership
  • Certificate of dissolution of a registered partnership
  • Adoption papers
  • Evidence or certificate concerning the family relationship
  • Death certificate

10. Evidence of a Legal Title to an Accommodation According to Local Standards Including Lease or Sublease Contracts, Preliminary Property Contracts or Ownership Evidence;

11. Evidence of Health Insurance Protection Covering All Risks and Providing Benefits in Austria Including Submission of The Corresponding Insurance Policy unless Compulsory Insurance Coverage Exists or will Exist;

12. Evidence of Means of Secure Subsistence

  • Payslip, pay certificate, employment contracts, certificates of state pension, pension insurance or other insurance benefits, evidence of adequate amounts of invested capital or owned assets;

Please note that evidence of social benefits which are only due when the residence title is granted, including welfare aid and differential allowances, are not permissible.

13. Evidence that Sponsor Holds the Required Residence Title

14. Evidence of German Language Skills

*Additional documents can be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Austria Family Reunification Visa

The average processing time for an Austria Family Reunification visa is 10-60 calendar days. It depends on your visa application country.

Austria Family Reunification Visa Fee

Austria Family Reunification visa fee is 150 EUR. The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.

Where to Apply for Austria Family Reunification Visa?

You will apply for an Austria Family Reunification visa in Austria visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.



Is the job reference indicating salary sufficient to stand as a financial guarantee for the person that applies for an Austria visa?

No. In some cases, you may be required to provide bank statements or sponsorship letter.

Which documents are required for an Austria multiple-entry visa? Is the visa fee higher for Austria multiple-entry visas?

For Austria multiple entry visas, the same documents as for Austria single-entry visas are required. Please also submit a justification of multiple entries: invitation, air tickets confirmation for the following visits, copies of the previous Schengen visas, etc. The visa fee is the same as for a single-entry visa.

Can I get an urgent visa to Austria?

Austrian embassies or visa application centers do not accept documents for urgent visas. However, in exceptional circumstances such as urgent business meetings, it is possible to write an email to the embassy/visa application centers and ask for urgent visa appointments or speeding up the visa procedure. Please note that the decision about this depends entirely on the consul.

Who should sign the Austria application form for a minor?

Parents should sign the application form for their child.

What is the Austria Job Seeker Visa for Very Highly Qualified Workers?

Workers are considered very highly qualified if they reach at least 70 out of 100 points according to a list of criteria (points system). The category "Very Highly Qualified Workers" seeks to attract very highly qualified and experienced top-level personnel, such as scientists and senior-level top-managers.

If you qualify as a very highly qualified worker and you have not found an employer in Austria yet, you may apply for a six-month residence visa for your job search (Job Seeker Visa). If you find a job matching your qualification during the validity period of your visa, you may apply for the Red-White-Red Card for Very Highly Qualified Workers.

What happens if I do not find employment during the validity period of my Austria Job Seeker Visa?

If you are a Very Highly Qualified Worker and you do not find employment matching your qualification within the six-month validity period of your Job Seeker Visa, you are required to leave Austria. You can apply for a new Job Seeker Visa only after a waiting period of 12 months.

When should I apply for Austria Schengen visa?

Austria visa applications can be submitted no more than 6 months before the start of the intended visit. It is recommended to submit applications not later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended visit.

Could the Embassy/Consulate request me to provide additional documents or information?

Yes. The Embassy/Consulate reserve the right to call applicants in for necessary verification or a personal interview at a later time. Likewise, the Embassy reserves the right to request additional documents not contained in the harmonized list of documents, when necessary.

Can someone else apply for Austria visa on my behalf?

As per the VIS rules, from 12 October 2015, all applicants applying for a Schengen visa must come to Austria visa application center/embassy/consulate submit biometric data for ten fingerprints and a photo. In the following 59 months, the applicant can leave the application without visiting the Visa Application Center.

In case it is a child under the age of 12 for Short Stay Visa, a child under the age of 6 for a Long Stay Visa or if it is physically impossible, she/he need not come for submission in person.

If you want to submit your application through an agent/representative, he/she needs to present his/her own ID and an authorization letter issued by the applicant. If you have never been to the Schengen area, your visa application must be submitted in person.

Why is my visa valid for 15 more days than the number of days of stay that I applied for?

The Visa Code allows certain flexibility in your travel plans. To enable you to adjust your travel plans at short notice if necessary, the validity of the Schengen visa is usually 15 days longer than the days of stay you have applied for. The permitted days of stay are not automatically extended by 15 days; only the validity of the visa is calculated more generously than applied for in case your trip is slightly delayed. The number of days of stay requested by you, supported by documentary evidence, and covered by travel health insurance is considered to be the maximum possible days before the expiry of which you must leave the Schengen area in an orderly manner, irrespective of the period of validity of the visa.

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