Costa Rica freelance visa

Daiva Ulyavichute 08 May 2021 2563 views 7 min. read

If you are a freelancer, you probably periodically have thoughts about going to some exotic country where you can work in the shade of palm trees under the sound of the surf.

However, the choice of the country for immigration depends not only on personal preferences. Factors such as the type of activity, length of stay, border requirements, and, of course, obtaining a visa play an important role.

Today, many countries have begun to classify freelancers as a special category of travellers. If earlier this type of travellers did not cause much enthusiasm among the host countries, now it is realized that they, along with wealthy pensioners and businessmen, are the main category that generates income for the tourism industry.

The rapidly developing trend of transferring employees to a remote work format in connection with the pandemic that has spread worldwide has made us think about considering simplified immigration rules. It means that they are subject to different conditions for obtaining types of visas since neither a tourist nor a business (or business visa) is suitable in this situation. The frequent cases of difficulties for freelancers when extending a tourist visa on the spot have given rise to some changes in immigration policy. So, for digital nomads, it became possible to issue a long-term visa (for a period of 1 to 3 years), and even avoid taxation when visiting certain countries.

Immigration to Costa Rica

open passport

Distant, unusual, and therefore so alluring, Costa Rica has become a very popular holiday destination for tourists worldwide. Its main feature is its leadership in the number of renewable energy sources. Tropical forests, which occupy a significant part of the country's area, contribute to the purification of the air, making Costa Rica one of the top 5 most environmentally friendly countries in the world.

What else is attractive about immigration to Costa Rica?

  • Cost of living

Some areas are pleased with consistently low prices, while there is a European price list in some areas.

Thus, prices for utilities, as well as industrial goods, are quite comparable with Russian prices. Their budget distinguishes local food products, but gasoline is expensive.

  • Housing affordability

Of course, prices vary depending on the house, apartment, or hotel's type, size, and location. Yet, the cost per square meter is quite acceptable for immigrants from different countries.

The real estate market in Costa Rica is characterized by stability and a lack of fluctuations. The cost per square meter rises gradually. So the mass flow of tourists contributes to the appearance of commercial real estate (cafes and restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers).

  • High level of medicine

The quality of medical services in Costa Rica is considered one of the best for relatively little money. Individual medical areas have a higher success rate of their use than in such developed countries as the United States and Germany.

  • Unique climate and natural beauty

It is the undisputed priority of Costa Rica over many other exotic countries. 74 nature reserves, waterfalls, mountains, caves. Many strange species of plants, animals, and birds. Who has not heard about the island of Cocos, located off the Costa Rican coast, called by Cousteau himself the most beautiful in the world? It is not surprising that the country occupies one of the leading places in terms of the number of happy people living in it.

In addition to informing about the main aspects of visit Costa Rica, you should also carefully study its laws, traditions, and customs. Immigration to Costa Rica, border requirements, customs regulations – all this you need to know in order to avoid various annoying excesses.

An undoubted advantage is the fact that there is a separate visa application program for any category of immigrants. Here are some of them.

1. Short-term visa

It is a permit to visit Costa Rica for a period of up to 90 days. It includes the following types of visas:

  • tourist (you need to confirm your place of residence in the country - a voucher or a copy of the residence permit of the owner of a private house)
  • for pensioners (you need a document on the monthly transfer of a pension in the amount of $ 1000 or more)
  • for students and teachers (you need to provide a letter of admission to an educational institution)
  • for rentiers (must have proof of receipt of a permanent monthly rental income in the amount of $ 2,500 or more for the next 2 years)
  • for spiritual and educational activities (you need a letter written on behalf of the religious community, which indicates the duration of your stay in the country)

If you want to stay in Costa Rica for a longer period, you need to apply for a residence permit – this is another immigration program.

2. Residence permit

A Costa Rica residence permit entitles an immigrant to study, work, engage in business or the right to live without employment.

A Costa Rica residence permit can be granted for up to 2 years. The cost of obtaining this permit is $ 200. The entire procedure can last up to a year. If it is possible to provide recommendations from local organizations, the registration process is much faster.

There are also several types of residence permits: for pensioners, for students/teachers, for a spouse, for rentiers, for managers and their children.

It is obvious that immigration to distant Costa Rica is a fairly simple and affordable process. The possibility of obtaining citizenship in the future makes it even more attractive.

Costa Rica freelance visa

holding passport

Yes, this is the permission required for those who lead a lifestyle that combines remote work and travel.

A Costa Rica freelance visa is issued for 2 years. However, there are certain requirements for obtaining it.

First, you do not need to be registered as an employee.

Secondly, you need to prove your financial solvency and solvency. You can do this in two ways: show an extract from your personal account about the presence of an amount of at least 60 thousand US dollars there, or prove that you have received a monthly income of $ 2,500 or more.

All. It remains to pay the fee and you can pack your bags. By the way, a freelance visa for Costa Rica will cost $ 250.

Costa Rica Business Visa – what is Business Visa?

A business visa is a permit to stay in the country for the purpose of a business visit or business trip on the basis of an invitation from a foreign company.

So, you've been invited to a business meeting in Costa Rica, and you don't know where to start. First of all, you need to know about the need for a visa for your citizenship. All relevant information can be found on the websites of the immigration services.

Costa Rica Business visa – how to get a visa for Costa Rica?

visa application form

It is enough to present a passport (regular, foreign or biometric) for those who are allowed visa-free entry, which is valid for more than six months, and round-trip tickets. Free entry to the territory of Costa Rica is allowed to holders of a valid US, Canadian or Schengen visa.

There are cases when you need to show documents confirming the purpose of the working visit (registration for the conference, cover letter, invitation to the summit). So keep them close by.

Sometimes proof of a certain amount of budget is required, depending on the number of days spent in the country. In this case, you should also stock up on a bank statement.

If you are one of the "lucky ones" who need a business visa, then here is a list of the necessary documents:

  • Passport and a copy of the main pages
  • 2 photos in the size of 3. 5x4. 5
  • Application form, completed in English
  • Documents (statement, receipt, certificate) on financial solvency
  • Round-trip flights
  • Voucher confirming the hotel reservation
  • Documents confirming a business visit

Persons travelling to Costa Rica from some countries in South Africa will also be required to provide information on yellow fever vaccination.

By the way, there are cases when, with a Costa Rican visa, a foreign guest was refused entry to the country if his image was similar to that of a "hippie".

After reading this section of the article, we hope that you will not have a question:" Costa Rica – what is business visa?", and you will go to the consulate of this beautiful country with full confidence.

Immigration to Costa Rica: Border requirements

flag of costa rica

In addition to documentary immigration, there are certain rules for entering the country, observing which, you will be able to avoid problems with customs.

As in most other civilized countries of the world, weapons, ammunition, drugs and psychotropic substances, pornographic materials, seeds, plants, meat, vegetables, fruits, and medicines (without medical purposes) cannot be transported to Costa Rica.

Duty-free import of cigarettes is allowed in the amount of 500 pieces, alcoholic beverages up to 3 liters. It should be noted that the country's legislation does not restrict the export of alcohol. Therefore, if you plan to bring strong drinks from far away from Costa Rica, be guided by your country's customs rules.

The import of foreign and export of national currency is allowed in any quantity with a mandatory declaration. We advise you to go to Costa Rica with US dollars. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with the exchange.

If you are affected by immigration to Costa Rica, the requirements of the border will not cause you any great inconvenience, since the customs rules are practically no different from many other countries.

Some nuances


For a comfortable and peaceful life, it is important to know and observe the country's laws and customs.

Getting a freelancer visa is only half the battle. It is no secret that a stable and accessible Internet largely determines the efficiency of work, and therefore the income of those who work remotely. Before traveling, we recommend choosing destinations where the Internet connection bandwidth is considered the fastest. As a rule, these are capitals and large cities. When planning immigration to Costa Rica, consider San Jose (capital of Costa Rica), Puntarenas, Heredia.

Do not neglect your own safety. Even though Costa Rica is considered a fairly calm country, it is recorded for fraudulent activities related to pickpocketing. Following the simple habit of not carrying cash, bank cards with a large cache, jewelry will save you from all sorts of troubles. Also, do not leave valuables in the car, and even more so do not trust them to strangers. Their work clothes easily recognize porters, porters and other service personnel.

However, the identity document, or a photocopy of it, should be with you always and everywhere. That's the law.

As you can see, it has become easier for a freelancer to immigrate to Costa Rica. In the future, according to influential people in a certain circle of people, hotels plan to make a certain redevelopment that would meet the needs of freelancers. These will be working areas with a stable Internet connection, equipped with all the necessary office equipment. In addition, given that digital nomads are not quite comfortable with limited-time breakfasts, lunches and dinners, hotels will provide separate kitchens where remote workers can cook independently at any time convenient for themselves.

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Costa Rica