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Best hiking trails in El Salvador

Best hiking trails in El Salvador

Central America is a bit of a mysterious region. It is not visited as frequently as countries in North America, but it is charming in many ways. Central America is a tight intermediate region between south and north America. There are countries that not so many people know of, such as Belize, Guatemala, etc. As […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 19 November 2021
The best time of year to travel to Costa Rica

The best time of year to travel to Costa Rica

Costa Rica is as diverse as they come. This country is a beehive of activity filled with some of the most colorful and varied landscapes. The country has plenty of attractions, one of which is the wildlife. The tropical country is also known for its unseasonal rain. However, before we embark on an epic journey, […]

Devraj Lahiri 19 September 2021
How to get a tourist visa to El Salvador?

How to get a tourist visa to El Salvador?

Besides the heavy-weight tourist destinations like Costa Rica, Panama, and Guatemala, the region of Central America holds another precious gem for the eyes of wanderers to admire. A land with no Caribbean coast but rich in landscapes and the most luscious fauna. A place with history and culture full of vibrancy that bows in front […]

Ieva Miltina 12 August 2021
How to get tourist visa for Panama?

How to get tourist visa for Panama?

Panama is a tropical country with beautiful beaches located in Central America. Many people come here to enjoy its amazing culture, cuisine, and landscape, so if you want to know about the Panama tourist visa requirements, I suggest you keep reading. Which countries need a tourist visa for Panama? The need for a visa depends on the […]

Roxana Acosta Sosa 08 August 2021
How to apply Nicaragua tourist visa?

How to apply Nicaragua tourist visa?

Nicaragua seduces visitors with a combination of volcanic landscapes, colonial architecture, beautiful beaches and pristine forests, and everything is so extraordinary that it seems unreal. Nicaragua has two distinct seasons, the period of which varies from coast to coast. The most pleasant time to visit the Pacific coast and central regions coincide with the dry […]

Aytan Akhundova 06 August 2021
How to obtain tourist visa for Guatemala?

How to obtain tourist visa for Guatemala?

Guatemala is quite a diverse country. Any tourism guide will feature the richest natural landscapes that the Amazonian jungle offers, next to the beaches on either side of the South American continent. Antigua’s most colorful and charming colonial architecture in Guatemala (don’t confuse it with the heavenly islands Antigua & Barbuda, a completely different thing!). […]

Ieva Miltina 06 August 2021
How to get a tourist visa for Honduras?

How to get a tourist visa for Honduras?

Do you know which country gained a reputation as the Republic of Banana? Probably, some of you know the answer. Honduras is well known as the Republic of Banana worldwide. Such as most other Latin American countries, Honduras has an enormous stock of bananas. But, there are more than bananas in the country, and it […]

Kanan Isazade 02 August 2021
Belize tourist visa information

Belize tourist visa information

Belize is a country on the northeastern coast of Central America. Belize was the last British colony on the American mainland until 1973, when it was renamed British Honduras. Untamed jungles, verdant mountains, undulating hills, waterfalls, lagoons, developed agriculture, wetlands, and vast swaths of pine forest can all be found in Belize. Belize has a […]

How to obtain a tourist visa for Costa Rica?

How to obtain a tourist visa for Costa Rica?

Where would you travel to if you had a chance to go anywhere in the world? Well, for all the readers who are still not so sure how to answer this question, no need to worry, we have a perfect recommendation for you, one of the most exciting destinations in the Caribbean, Costa Rica! Costa […]

Tural Abbasov 21 July 2021

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