Daiva Ulyavichute
19 posts

Daiva Ulyavichute

Daiva was born in Lithuania, but almost all her conscious life she lives in Belarus - the most beautiful region of lakes, forests and fields. She has always liked to put her thoughts on paper, whether it was keeping a diary or a school essay. By the way, while she was still a schoolgirl, Daiva wrote a children's book. No less critical hobby in her life is travelling and visiting new places. The nearest and the main goal for Daiva is the dream of a miniature house by the sea in picturesque Spain. The list of countries she visited includes such countries as Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Spain, Montenegro, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

15 major tourist attractions in Spain

15 major tourist attractions in Spain

Spain tourist attractions are not just world-famous flamenco dancing, spectacular bullfighting, and picturesque beaches. The country’s long history has contributed to a rich heritage for posterity in fantastic nature, splendid architecture, and temperamental identity. Of course, seeing the top tourist attractions in Spain with your own eyes will take more than a week. Consider those […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 21 August 2021
Belarus visa types

Belarus visa types

Today, events in the Republic of Belarus do not leave the front pages of the world’s news tabloids. Unfortunately, the reasons for this are not the brightest. Therefore, the number of tourists wishing to visit Belarus, the land of forests and lakes has drastically decreased. However, this article will still consider visiting the country because […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 08 June 2021
Differences between Andorra residence permits

Differences between Andorra residence permits

Fans of skiing are probably aware of intimate Andorra, one of the world’s five smallest countries. And the fact that the Principality has no access to the sea does not affect its rating as one of the most popular and beloved states among travellers worldwide. Beautiful Andorra nature, fresh air, stunning landscapes will make you […]

Costa Rica freelance visa

Costa Rica freelance visa

If you are a freelancer, you probably periodically have thoughts about going to some exotic country where you can work in the shade of palm trees under the sound of the surf. However, the choice of the country for immigration depends not only on personal preferences. Factors such as the type of activity, length of […]

17 reasons why you should travel to Czech Republic right now

17 reasons why you should travel to Czech Republic right now

Have you ever been to the most popular tourist region in Europe? So what are you waiting for? It is not for nothing that tours to this country are in great demand at any time of the year at any level of the economy. Do you want to know where to travel in Czech Republic? […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 06 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Vilnius

12 Instagrammable places in Vilnius

Baltic… Such a loud and at the same time romantic name of the three states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – located on the coast of Baltic Sea. Each of them deserves a separate excursion into history and modernity with a description of their architecture, traditions and culture. For those who attended geography lessons at […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 03 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Porto

12 Instagrammable places in Porto

Do you know where is Porto? The city of Porto on the map is located in the northern part of Portugal. It has the second largest population after Lisbon. In addition, the city of Porto is one of the ten most visited in Europe. And there is quite a logical explanation for this. First, it […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 23 March 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Pattaya

12 Instagrammable places in Pattaya

Probably, there is no such tourist who would never visit Thailand – a country of hot sun, combining drive and tranquillity, parties and privacy, natural beauty, and Instagrammable architectural structures. There is a place for young lovers of outdoor activities, families with children, and elderly travelers who have not lost the spirit of adventurism. After […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 14 March 2021
Top places in Pitcairn

Top places in Pitcairn

If you are a fan of stories about sea adventures, you will be interested to learn about the Pitcairn Islands. It is tough to find them on the world map. However, after the movie’s release about the mutiny on the ship “Bounty“; they became world-famous. A bit of historical information In 1787, Britain sent a […]

Daiva Ulyavichute 18 February 2021

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