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Best hiking trails in Andorra

Best hiking trails in Andorra

Where is Andorra? It is one of the questions people ask when they hear about Andorra. Then follow the questions like “is Andorra an independent country?” For those who do not know where is Andorra, it is one of the smallest European countries located between France and Spain. This small country can be seen as […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 11 November 2021
Differences between Andorra residence permits

Differences between Andorra residence permits

Fans of skiing are probably aware of intimate Andorra, one of the world’s five smallest countries. And the fact that the Principality has no access to the sea does not affect its rating as one of the most popular and beloved states among travellers worldwide. Beautiful Andorra nature, fresh air, stunning landscapes will make you […]

6 things I wish I knew before going to Andorra

6 things I wish I knew before going to Andorra

Andorra is a small principality that will win your heart. Where is Andorra located? Andorra is located in the Pyrenees between Spain and France. This independent principality is famous for its ski resorts, as well as shopping, because in the capital of Andorra, in the city of Andorra la Vella, there are many boutiques, jewellery […]

Nigina Buranova 05 February 2021
9 reasons why you should travel to Andorra right now

9 reasons why you should travel to Andorra right now

Have you ever heard about Andorra? Andorra is a small country in Europe, which doesn`t often appear in the news, so people don`t know much about it. Today we will talk about Andorra and answer some questions about it: Where is Andorra, how to travel to Andorra, what is the capital of Andorra, what is […]

Hagigat Alizade 10 December 2020
7 top places to visit in Andorra

7 top places to visit in Andorra

Where is Andorra? Andorra is a tiny principality, which lies in the centre of Europe, between two states: France and Spain. Due to this location, its own unique culture and approach to life have been formed here. The first mentions of the locals can be found in Latin chronicles of the II century B.C. The country’s […]

Nargiz Shiraliyeva 25 October 2020
12 Instagrammable places in Andorra

12 Instagrammable places in Andorra

Let’s explore another small and yet exceedingly beautiful state in Europe, that is, Andorra. It is a tiny independent co-principality, mostly known for its ski resorts and tax haven status. Andorra is a co-principality because it is co-headed by two princes, namely, the Bishop of Urgell in Catalonia, Spain, and the President of France. Where […]

Kamran Abbasov 18 September 2020

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