Hagigat Alizade
12 posts

Hagigat Alizade

Hagigat is a graduate of the National Aviation Academy. She defines this choice as it comes from eagerness for beautiful blue skies. Knowing that there are a lot of undiscovered places for her in the world makes her even much more curious. Also, she has a colorful identity so that learning and experiencing are irreplaceable parts of her life. She has graduated from MSc Global Economy, yet she worked as a digital marketing manager and financial analyst in different local companies that have a high reputation in the market.

Everything you need to know about consulates

Everything you need to know about consulates

Did you know that the first diplomatic relation was between Egypt and Amurru kingdom during the 14th century BC? “Amarna Letters“, which are the proof of this fact, have been considered the earliest instances for diplomatic affairs such as tradable objects, interstate marriages, and strategic friendships. The word “diplomacy” is derived from a French term […]

Hagigat Alizade 29 April 2021
7 Instagrammable places in Lome

7 Instagrammable places in Lome

Since humankind and humanity were created, people were born with the main wish. That is to discover anything. It could be to find and invent something such as a land, the machine, a robot, the car, or even a service. Among them, “to discover a land” is the most used and excellent for most people. […]

Hagigat Alizade 31 January 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Yaren

12 Instagrammable places in Yaren

All of us would like to live comfortable and peaceful lives without any problem, but people used to say life starts when you leave your comfort zone. For example, if you are afraid of heights, you will never feel a taste of skydiving. However, if you could break your fear, you will live a fantastic […]

Hagigat Alizade 26 January 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Freetown

12 Instagrammable places in Freetown

Social media affects our lives from all aspects: preference in food, the style we wear, the books we read, the people we have a desire to meet, the places we want to travel, and of course, the photos we take. In brief, the willingness to be appreciated by other people shapes our lifestyle. The question […]

Hagigat Alizade 25 December 2020
16 reasons why you should travel to Taiwan right now

16 reasons why you should travel to Taiwan right now

Nowadays, Taiwan is the most famous country for its industry, tourism, safety, and other properties. In this blog, we will answer questions like “where is Taiwan?”, “When is the best time to travel to Taiwan?” “What language is spoken in Taiwan?” Moreover, you will get other interesting information about this country: “Taiwan flag,” time in […]

Hagigat Alizade 18 December 2020
9 reasons why you should travel to Andorra right now

9 reasons why you should travel to Andorra right now

Have you ever heard about Andorra? Andorra is a small country in Europe, which doesn`t often appear in the news, so people don`t know much about it. Today we will talk about Andorra and answer some questions about it: Where is Andorra, how to travel to Andorra, what is the capital of Andorra, what is […]

Hagigat Alizade 10 December 2020
Reasons to travel to Guadeloupe right now

Reasons to travel to Guadeloupe right now

Everyone wants to travel all around the world. The most popular destinations include France, Germany, the USA, England, and so on. Yes, it is beautiful to watch the Eiffel Tower’s spectacular light in Paris, or it could be the best choice to stay in front of the London Eye and take some shiny photos. Disneyland […]

Hagigat Alizade 20 November 2020
Things I wish I knew before going to Trinidad and Tobago

Things I wish I knew before going to Trinidad and Tobago

Some people love just travelling to see beautiful, comfortable, Instagrammable and even glamorous places. Accumulating comfy and sparkle memories are their main aim. But some people love to discover the world and find the hidden beauty in the countries. They are the ones who feel deeply every moment of travel. Today we will write about […]

Hagigat Alizade 14 November 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Palau

10 things I wish I knew before going to Palau

Have you ever been to Palau or heard interesting facts about Palau country? If not, then let’s discover this country together. First, we will start with the question, where is Palau? Where is Palau? Let’s begin with the question, where is Palau? Officially Palau is the Palau Republic. It is an island country located in […]

Hagigat Alizade 27 October 2020

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