
Valentine day travel deals

Valentine day travel deals

Looking for valentine day travel deals? Then you are in the right place. Don't worry, we understand that Paris is not the only charming romantic place to connect with your partner. There are as many concepts of romance as there are travelers types. Many people seek to celebrate that day by resting on the beaches […]

Roxana Acosta Sosa 01 February 2021
Where to drink the best wines in Europe?

Where to drink the best wines in Europe?

"Beer is made by men, wine by God" ― Martin Luther. If we surveyed to find the best drink in the world, there is no doubt that the answer would be wine. Researches show that people consumed 244 million hectoliters of wine worldwide in 2018. It is quite a high result. Also, the survey shows […]

Kanan Isazade 26 January 2021
The 20 strangest holidays in the world

The 20 strangest holidays in the world

Have you ever wondered about the strangest holidays? What are some weird holidays? Let's take a close look! 1. National Spaghetti Day We are starting to talk about strange and weird holidays in the world with one of the most delicious holidays! Every year, January 4th is celebrated as National Spaghetti Day. Pasta orders are […]

Nargiz Mammadzade 03 January 2021
10 most charming Christmas markets in Europe

10 most charming Christmas markets in Europe

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, children! Oops, I might have said it a bit too early, but that doesn't change the fact that the holidays are not that far! If you are one of the people who easily start to feel fuzzy inside just hearing the first chimes of the sleigh bells, then you are […]

Ieva Miltina 26 December 2020
Where to welcome 2021?

Where to welcome 2021?

2020 wаs а very stressful yeаr аnd it is getting сlоse tо mаking New Yeаr resоlutiоns we fоllоw thrоugh, well, mаybe nоt аlwаys. We аll will be glаd tо sаy gооdbye to 2020 with аn exсiting hоlidаy fоr New Yeаr’s Eve. But first we shоuld аnswer “Where to go in New Year?” It is а […]

Mahammad Samadov 25 December 2020
5 important travel hacks for adventure lovers

5 important travel hacks for adventure lovers

What is travel hacks? Every travel lover should know a little information to make travelling more comfy and beneficial. Let`s find the answer to what is travel hacks? These hacks can make a huge difference during your travel time. There are five important types of travel hacks for every adventure lover: saving money, eating, travel, […]

Hagigat Alizade 19 October 2020
10 Halloween like celebrations around the world

10 Halloween like celebrations around the world

Yes, we are at that time of the year. Weirdly, most of the world seems to think that all the deceased become more active and should be honoured exactly around these months. Even the ancient non-christian traditions seem to revolve around this time, and it just proves that such concepts are quite universal really. And […]

Ieva Miltina 16 October 2020
7 super lifehacks for airplanes. Those with fear of flying wouldn’t want to miss out!

7 super lifehacks for airplanes. Those with fear of flying wouldn’t want to miss out!

Flights are an essential part of every travel enthusiast’s life. We cannot imagine our lives without international flights. Sometimes, spending time on aircraft for a very long time can be very tiring. Also, some people fear getting on a plane and participating in a long flight. Safety concerns, fear of enclosed spaces, and the fear […]

Punhan Shukurov 15 October 2020
Greatest cemeteries of Europe

Greatest cemeteries of Europe

Desire to conquer new lands, hunger to be rich, is obliged human beings to fight with each other since the beginning of time. Many people died just because of the endless desires of leaders. Historians think that the number of people who died during wars is between 150 million and 1 billion. One of the […]

Kanan Isazade 15 October 2020

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