
What to pack for a trip?

What to pack for a trip?

2020 – a disastrous year for everyone. Most importantly, a terrible year for travellers. Since March, many countries around the world have closed their borders to foreigners. Imagine what visa holding people have gone through due to the countries closing their borders and ruining all travel plans. In a nutshell, many travelling lovers saw their […]

Kamran Abbasov 11 October 2020
City hustle or countryside serenity? What makes both choices special?

City hustle or countryside serenity? What makes both choices special?

Some people live in urban areas of dynamic cities, and some live in quiet countryside towns. Many argue that the hustle and bustle of urban sprawl result in a stressful lifestyle. Also, a lot of people say that the simplicity of the movement and the peacefulness of the countryside offers serenity. However, busy city life […]

Punhan Shukurov 06 October 2020
Most amusing metro stations in Europe

Most amusing metro stations in Europe

Being one of the essential parts of travelling, transportation is necessary. Alongside transportation having fun and an excellent time is also really crucial. Therefore, we have decided to present you with the most amusing metro stations in Europe. Europe is the heart of art and culture; no surprise, it reflects itself in its daily life, for […]

Arzu Chinarli 02 October 2020
7 tips for saving money while travelling

7 tips for saving money while travelling

Since it is not one of the basic human needs, travelling is often something that is financed from the “extra” budget in your wallet. Unless you are one of the lucky ones that get to travel (and explore) for a job. But going abroad really doesn’t have to be something you can do just rarely! With […]

Ieva Miltina 25 September 2020
Is travel consultant a dream job?

Is travel consultant a dream job?

Thinking about the tourism industry, people often dream of always travelling around the world while making a living. For most people, it is a fleeting whim at a moment of dissatisfaction with their current work, but for others, the dream is real and, more importantly, they have a desire to realize it. One way to […]

Aytan Akhundova 18 September 2020
Zodiac signs and travel

Zodiac signs and travel

What is Zodiac Sign? The starry sky can be compared to a trip. The atmosphere is mysterious, endless and full of wonders. For astrologers, the air is filled with pointers, and all this thanks to the signs of the zodiac. Most of us are familiar with their signs of the Sun, namely in what zodiac constellation […]

Aytan Akhundova 16 September 2020
Walking across the Gobi Desert

Walking across the Gobi Desert

Where is the Gobi Desert? Marco Polo, one of the most-known travellers in history, crossed the Gobi Desert from Mongolia to China. After the trip, he said, “I did not tell half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed.” Still, nowadays, one of the biggest dreams of travellers exploring new places […]

Aytaj Hasanova 01 September 2020
Combination: Art history and Travel itinerary

Combination: Art history and Travel itinerary

What are the criteria to decide which countries to travel to? Last Friday (which is a favourite day of the white collars), I have heard my colleagues comparing the ticket prices, the cuisine of the country they are planning to visit during the Novruz holiday, whether to stay in a hostel or use the Airbnb. It […]

Gulnar Rzayeva 29 August 2020
All Disneylands around the world

All Disneylands around the world

Probably no one would mind that Walt Disney is a genius. His ideas could well be put on a par with those of Henry Ford or Nikola Tesla. These guys have changed the world. A successful entrepreneur, creator of a mega-corporation, whose projects live and develop to this day, a man who gave toys to […]

Marina Nefedova 25 August 2020

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