Marina Nefedova
12 posts

Marina Nefedova

Marina's idols as a child were Tour Heyerdahl, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Francis Drake and Hodja Nasreddin. To see with her own eyes all those places that she read about in books - that's a dream that was worth realizing. Over the past 15 years, Marina has travelled to 52 countries, caught fish in the headwaters of the Nile in Central Africa, met the dawn in the Himalayas, and dived into the cenotes in the Yucatan.  She is passionate about energy practices of different peoples, yoga and water sports and in her spare time is very fond of boating around the Balearic Islands with old friends, where she lived for 2 years before moving to the Netherlands. Marina is involved in modern cinematography at a university in Amsterdam and is sure that every trip opens a new door to opportunities, and sometimes more than one.

The northern magic of Antwerp

The northern magic of Antwerp

The northern magic of Antwerp: Rubens, chocolate, waffles, and diamonds. Belgium is an amazing place. It is almost all on the periphery of consciousness, where it is on the 32nd place after France, Italy, or even Greece. Belgium’s GDP per capita is 41.5 thousand dollars (17th place in the world). Inflation has been at one […]

Marina Nefedova 14 April 2021
Reasons to visit Madrid

Reasons to visit Madrid

Often there are people who feel at home in the resorts of Spain-Costa Brava, Alicante, Costa del Sol, Marbella – all these are almost native places for them, and yet 90% of them have never been to Madrid. “What to do in Madrid? There’s no sea there!” – I personally heard this very often. I […]

Marina Nefedova 10 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Geneva

12 Instagrammable places in Geneva

Switzerland in general and Geneva in particular always stand a little apart from the well-trodden tourist trails. You can experiment: ask the first 10 people what cities and countries they want to go to. For sure, the list will include New York, London, Paris, and Rome, very likely China or India. 50/50 – Latin America […]

Marina Nefedova 08 April 2021
Iron Island El Hierro – unique UNESCO biosphere reserve

Iron Island El Hierro – unique UNESCO biosphere reserve

Iron Island El Hierro – the zero meridian, the island where the end of the world occurred and a biosphere reserve. Where is El Hierro? El Hierro Canary Islands are a Spanish archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean near Africa. This is an autonomous region, it is regulated by EU legislation, makes payments in EUR […]

Marina Nefedova 03 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Bali

12 Instagrammable places in Bali

Bali is a beautiful small island in the Malay Archipelago, south of Singapore. Formally it is a part of Indonesia, but in reality, it is an Instagrammable place. Where is Bali on the map? To find Bali on the map, you need to find the Indian Ocean, and then – it’s the eastern part. See […]

Marina Nefedova 01 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Mexico City

12 Instagrammable places in Mexico City

If you’ve ever planned a trip to Latin America, then Mexico was probably the first country you wanted to visit. Where is Mexico? We take the map, find North and South America and look right in the centre. Here it is, Mexico! Just under the United States, with which it borders, and you 100% saw […]

Marina Nefedova 20 March 2021
14 reasons why you should travel to Netherlands right now

14 reasons why you should travel to Netherlands right now

The Netherlands is a country where I have been living for 4 years, and I love this country very much. It was a conscious choice, not the will of chance. We moved here from Antwerp, this is the Flemish side of Belgium and in fact, there are almost no differences. It is very comfortable to […]

Marina Nefedova 26 February 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Rwanda

10 things I wish I knew before going to Rwanda

Do you want to apply for a Rwanda e-visa but don’t know where is Rwanda? It is in Central Africa, baby. Rwanda is a small country in Central Africa located near the Equator, south of Uganda and east of the Congo. It is almost invisible on the map and looks tiny. But this is only on […]

Marina Nefedova 16 January 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to South Sudan

10 things I wish I knew before going to South Sudan

It isn’t easy to imagine a person who suddenly decided to take a ride to South Sudan as a tourist. The place is very specific. So much so that even the colonization of this part of the world was conditional. On the other hand, you may have already travelled over a hundred countries, and the […]

Marina Nefedova 12 October 2020

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