Meet our authors
Gular Aghayeva
Traveler 5 posts
Gular Aghayeva

As of 2020, Gular has discovered 42 countries on 5 continents. From the “New 7 Wonders of the World”, she visited the pyramids of “Chichen Itza” in Me...

Gunel Eyvazli
34 posts
Gunel Eyvazli

Gunel is from Baku, Azerbaijan, and for several years she studied in Russia. Gunel participated in a few Erasmus+ projects abroad, travelled to 9 coun...

Hagigat Alizade
12 posts
Hagigat Alizade

Hagigat is a graduate of the National Aviation Academy. She defines this choice as it comes from eagerness for beautiful blue skies. Knowing that ther...

Huseyn Jafarov
6 posts
Huseyn Jafarov

Huseyn, an intrepid adventurer with an insatiable curiosity for the world. Hailing from the captivating landscapes of Azerbaijan he has been captivate...

Ieva Miltina
Activist and entrepreneur 125 posts
Ieva Miltina

Ieva Miltina is an activist and entrepreneur of many sorts. By profession project manager of marketing and culture events, in her heart she is a passi...

Ilham Mehrali
1 post
Ilham Mehrali

Ilham works as an engineer in the energy & oil industry, being also interested in mineralogy research and renewable energy. He is one of the top 3...

Ivan Ivanov
7 posts
Ivan Ivanov

Ivan was born in 1988 in Kursk, Russia. His greatest dream is to be free and to travel the world. To realize his dream, Ivan became an author. An esse...

Jamila Farman
7 posts
Jamila Farman

Jamila is from Azerbaijan. She is 27 years old accountant who has travelled to several countries during her studies and employment years. She has a gr...

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