Ieva Miltina
Activist and entrepreneur 125 posts

Ieva Miltina

Ieva Miltina is an activist and entrepreneur of many sorts. By profession project manager of marketing and culture events, in her heart she is a passionate traveler and a cook, soon to become a pastry chef. Deeply rooted in non-formal education she has been involved in youth work since her teenage years and up till nowadays holds a deep interest in innovative approaches to learning and personal development, which she transfers to people from all Europe during various international trainings. Always looking for new discoveries and adventures she happily shares her positive view on the world and the neverending stories with the people who cross her path. While studying hospitality and tourism management she wrote a thesis on home-chefs, which ignited her dream of owning her cozy and heartwarming home restaurant, which will hopefully materialize very soon. Meanwhile writing articles and doing food photography she is working towards another dream of hers - becoming a published author someday. 

Top 10 local foods to try in Cuba

Top 10 local foods to try in Cuba

Cuba is one of the countries with a very distinctive and well-known image worldwide. Maybe because of the American movies, or maybe because the country itself is so vibrant and particular that it is hard to leave it unnoticed. The sensual dances and music like salsa and bachata, the revolutionaries like Che Guevara and Fidel […]

Ieva Miltina 24 January 2022
Top 10 local foods to try in Pakistan

Top 10 local foods to try in Pakistan

Pakistan is a young country with the most prosperous history and cultural background. Founded in 1947 by breaking from India, it is a country in a region that is culturally diverse and has a long history, including complicated twists and turns. Home to five of the 14 tallest mountains in the world, it was also […]

Ieva Miltina 21 January 2022
Foods to try in Puerto Rico

Foods to try in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a stunning destination with the world’s best beaches and the most vibrant culture that attracts tourists from the whole world. This colour and energy translates also into their food, which, by the way, is finger-licking delicious. Nonetheless, most people who have not come across their cuisine would have no idea what are […]

Ieva Miltina 19 January 2022
Top 10 local foods to try in France

Top 10 local foods to try in France

Anyone even mildly interested in anything edible must be well aware or at least have some impression about the humongous role of French cuisine to almost any modern-day dish, chef, and restaurant. It is the mecca of classic recipes and techniques, the very sought destination for almost any aspiring chef and pastry chef looking to […]

Ieva Miltina 08 January 2022
10 Vietnamese foods you have to try in Vietnam

10 Vietnamese foods you have to try in Vietnam

Vietnamese cuisine is another world of vibrant colors, flavors, and textures that entice all the senses besides relieving the rumbling of a hungry belly. Even though some of the dishes and concepts are not universally known or understandable for everyone, the variety in this cuisine gives enough room for finding something according to one’s liking. […]

Ieva Miltina 06 January 2022
10 top foods to try in Maui

10 top foods to try in Maui

Maui is a dream destination that is rarely able to leave a traveler indifferent. Breathtaking landscapes, some of the world’s best beaches, and of course, amazing farm-to-table cuisine. Unfortunately, unless you are familiar with Hawaiian cuisine, then barely anyone would have an immediate understanding of the main components of a typical Mauian plate. Even more […]

Ieva Miltina 02 January 2022
Top 10 Japanese foods to try in Japan

Top 10 Japanese foods to try in Japan

With its ultra-famous flagman, sushi, Japanese cuisine has entered the hearts and homes of people worldwide. The interest in their complex but utterly delicious flavors that combine freshness and delicate taste notes has been growing exponentially ever since. So much so that Japanese cuisine has made it on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List in 2013, […]

Ieva Miltina 28 December 2021
What are the main tourist resorts in Dominica?

What are the main tourist resorts in Dominica?

A lush paradise on Earth that is what it might look like. Full of natural gems ideally suited for hiking, diving, and other nature enthusiasts. For a reason, this pristine island in the Atlantic Ocean is often referred to as “The Nature Island of the Caribbean”. To better understand the surroundings, you should be aware […]

Ieva Miltina 19 December 2021
5 best boutique hotels in Bulgaria

5 best boutique hotels in Bulgaria

How much do you know about Bulgaria? Besides the fact that it has a rich cultural background and that for many top hotels in Bulgaria sunny beach is just a daily feature? There is much more to this country. World-renowned music and folklore traditions come from the oldest European country that hasn’t changed its name […]

Ieva Miltina 27 November 2021

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