Ieva Miltina
Activist and entrepreneur 125 posts

Ieva Miltina

Ieva Miltina is an activist and entrepreneur of many sorts. By profession project manager of marketing and culture events, in her heart she is a passionate traveler and a cook, soon to become a pastry chef. Deeply rooted in non-formal education she has been involved in youth work since her teenage years and up till nowadays holds a deep interest in innovative approaches to learning and personal development, which she transfers to people from all Europe during various international trainings. Always looking for new discoveries and adventures she happily shares her positive view on the world and the neverending stories with the people who cross her path. While studying hospitality and tourism management she wrote a thesis on home-chefs, which ignited her dream of owning her cozy and heartwarming home restaurant, which will hopefully materialize very soon. Meanwhile writing articles and doing food photography she is working towards another dream of hers - becoming a published author someday. 

Top 10 Italian dishes and best places for trying them

Top 10 Italian dishes and best places for trying them

Are you a foodie or just looking for a delicious destination for your next trip? Italy can definitely be labelled the mother country of universally great food. Dishes that have taken over the hearts of the people in the whole world with their simple but generous flavours are something practically anyone recognizes. And what’s even […]

Ieva Miltina 06 September 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to Malmo instead of Stockholm

10 reasons why you should travel to Malmo instead of Stockholm

Where is Malmo? Have you ever heard of Malmo? Not? Well, I won’t hold it against you because it is not the most likely city to think of when planning to travel to Sweden. In this article, I will try to name a few legit reasons why you should prefer Malmo to Stockholm when travelling to […]

Ieva Miltina 03 September 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Latvia

10 things I wish I knew before going to Latvia

Latvia? Who is that? Are you thinking about where is Latvia and what is it famous for? If you are not very familiar with this side of Europe, don’t worry – this article will introduce you to some basic facts about this small country in Northern Europe and who knows, maybe you will be here in […]

Ieva Miltina 02 September 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Estonia

10 things I wish I knew before going to Estonia

This thumbnail size country, underrated and undiscovered (yet) MUST BE on your go-to list. Don’t ponder too much over concerns like – is it safe to travel to Estonia and where is Estonia? I have created a shortlist with insider tips and things to know before going there. Use it as your introductory Estonia travel […]

Ieva Miltina 26 August 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to Marseille instead of Paris

10 reasons why you should travel to Marseille instead of Paris

Whenever people travel to France on a France tourist visa, they mostly choose the one and only Paris as their destination. And not without reason. It is the capital of France, romance, and fashion too! Nevertheless, there is so much more to this country, and in this article, I will try to give you a […]

Ieva Miltina 20 August 2020
15 reasons why you should travel to Greece right now

15 reasons why you should travel to Greece right now

Greece, oh, dear Greece! A pearl of the Mediterranean and home of the ancient gods, this country of hot people and stunning views is now a better destination for you than ever! Let’s be honest – Greece is one of the most popular places for four reasons: the beauty of nature, Greek history, food, and above everything – […]

Ieva Miltina 14 August 2020
12 Instagrammable places in Seville

12 Instagrammable places in Seville

Seville is the place where to experience the real Spanish air, filled with the smell of history and orange flowers. This is the birthplace of tapas (more on this a bit later) and the resting place of the infamous Cristopher Columbus. What to do in Seville? Seville is one of the most cinematic and beautiful […]

Ieva Miltina 04 August 2020
6 reasons why Latvia is an underrated gem of the Northern Europe

6 reasons why Latvia is an underrated gem of the Northern Europe

Where is Latvia? Latvia, one of the three proud Baltic states with a cozy and green capital city named Riga, celebrated its 100th birthday just a few years ago. Albeit the lack of a long history of being called a country, this small nation is rich in nature, culture, and character. The geographical location and the […]

Ieva Miltina 13 July 2020

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