Faig Khasayev
2 posts

Faig Khasayev

Faig is a financial auditor. For 2 years, he worked for the global leader of the sector. Then he moved to Paris to pursue a master's degree. His passion for sharing his travel experiences with everyone and travelling in the flow of life drove him to share his experiences. His inspiration source to put his thoughts into sentences are Depeche Mode's songs. Lyon is the first city Faig has visited abroad, but it keeps the first place in his list of most favourite cities among all the cities he visited.

Rouen: The Gothic Eden of Normandy

Rouen: The Gothic Eden of Normandy

If you are applying for a France Schengen visa, packing things and planning a trip to Northern France and wondering "what to see in Northern France?" there will not be a shortage of breath-taking landscapes on your route: a coastline consisting of steep rocky beaches, a main theatre of operations during WW II accompanied with some fascinating […]

Faig Khasayev 11 December 2019
Toulouse : La Ville Rose upon Garonne

Toulouse : La Ville Rose upon Garonne

France visa… Possibly the first thing that comes to our minds when we hear these words is a lazy spring evening spent sipping a fine wine enjoying the romantic scene of how the sun slowly sets gloriously, laying its last rays over the Eiffel Tower. Or maybe a cafe creme in a local bistro that with each swallow brings […]

Faig Khasayev 19 November 2019

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