Chima Nnaemeka
Writer. Blogger. 42 posts

Chima Nnaemeka

Chima Nnaemeka Eberechukwu fondly known as C. N. Ebere is a writer, blogger, and author of Stairs in the Storm. He has written more than 4000 web and blog articles. He is a digital skills trainer and has trained more than 300 individuals on Logo, Whiteboard Animation, 3D Animation, et al. Also, he is a personal development coach that helps people to discover and develop themselves.

How To Travel With Pets: Ultimate Guide?

How To Travel With Pets: Ultimate Guide?

There are many details to consider when you want to travel to a new location. If you want to travel with pets, the details may become more overwhelming. You don't need to leave your cat or dog behind when you are traveling for vacation, a visit, or any other reason. You will learn the best […]

Chima Nnaemeka 28 August 2021
How to travel internationally with a dog?

How to travel internationally with a dog?

It is a dream come true for many to travel internationally with their dog and other pets. Dogs mean a lot to people these days. Some take their dogs as their closest friend and always want to be close to them. Such people end up asking questions such as “how to travel with dog in […]

Chima Nnaemeka 28 August 2021
How to travel internationally with a cat?

How to travel internationally with a cat?

Leaving your country or state to travel to another is not only a big decision but one that involves prior adequate planning. When you want to air travel with a cat, it requires more preparation and planning. It is easier to move around with your cat domestically than to do so on an international level. […]

Chima Nnaemeka 26 August 2021
How can I get Zambia Residence Permit?

How can I get Zambia Residence Permit?

After visiting Zambia for business or tourism purposes, a few people decide to get a Zambia residence permit from their experience. Others who have been there for years are quick to get a Zambia residence permit renewal. Zambia is one of the countries in Africa that the economy is growing and thus, have attracted people […]

Chima Nnaemeka 05 August 2021
How to get tourist visa for Senegal?

How to get tourist visa for Senegal?

The importance of relaxation, fun and rest to a body can’t be overemphasized. One of the ways business owners and employees rest after months of work and stress is to travel to one country or the other for tourism. It is believed that seeing nature and other eye-catching locations can help one unwind, keep fit, […]

Chima Nnaemeka 05 August 2021
How to get a tourist visa to Cambodia?

How to get a tourist visa to Cambodia?

It is common to decide to visit a country or the other for tourist purposes. A business owner or an employee can take a break from work to travel for recreational purposes, rest, fun and eye-catching. These activities have lots of benefits to the health of a business owner or an employee. Vacation also keeps […]

Chima Nnaemeka 18 July 2021
What is Portugal golden visa and how to apply for it?

What is Portugal golden visa and how to apply for it?

What is Portugal golden visa, or what is Portugal’s golden visa program? A residence visa given to non-EU/EFTA nationals as a result of making huge and significant investments in Portugal is known as the Portugal golden visa. This investment can come in different ways, such as creating multiple job opportunities, making a capital investment or […]

Chima Nnaemeka 17 July 2021
Retirement visa requirements for Malaysia

Retirement visa requirements for Malaysia

It won’t be a surprise if you are among those that would love to retire in Malaysia. The country has everything to make you dream of spending the rest of your life there. Apart from being a country with welcoming citizens, Malaysia has lots of beautiful beaches, delicious foods, good medical facilities, superb scenery, and […]

Chima Nnaemeka 01 July 2021
How do you get a retirement visa for Costa Rica?

How do you get a retirement visa for Costa Rica?

After actively working for years in your country, you might decide to spend your retirement years in a new environment or country. There are many reasons why you can decide to travel to another country for retirement. Depending on your reasons, you need to have certain travelling documents like your passport and, more especially, your […]

Chima Nnaemeka 29 June 2021

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