What is Gambia visa regime?

Amina Balakishiyeva 31 May 2021 1200 views 6 min. read

A visa is a legal document that enables a bearer to enter a foreign nation legally. The bearer's passport is often stamped or affixed with the visa. There are numerous sorts of visas, each of which grants the bearer specific rights in the host nation. When you'll require a visa is determined by where you want to go. If your home country and the country to which you intend to visit have a visa agreement, you will most likely not need to apply for a visa ahead of time. If your home country does not have a visa agreement with your planned destination, you will need to apply for a visa before departure. What is a visa regime? Countries use visa regime to monitor and control the flow of visitors in and out of the nation, as well as to prevent illegal immigration and other criminal activity. Visa applications are processed at a varied rate in each nation. Check the government website of the nation you plan to visit to see how quickly visa applications are processed.

A brief history of Gambia


In The Gambia, a diverse range of Gambia ethnic groups coexists peacefully, each maintaining their language and traditions. The Mandinka are the most numerous, followed by the Fula, Wolof, Jola, and Sarahule tribes. The Gambia has about 3,500 non-African residents, including European and Lebanese families. 

Muslims account for more than 90% of the population. The rest is mostly made up of Christians of various denominations. Gambian people publicly celebrate both religious holidays and exhibit religious tolerance.

Moreover, 63 percent of Gambians resided in rural areas, according to the 1993 census, even though an increasing number of young people were flocking to the capital in pursuit of work and education. According to preliminary census data from 2003, the difference between urban and rural populations was closing as more areas were designated as urban. While urban migration, development initiatives, and industrialization are exposing more Gambian people to Western habits and ideals, the traditional emphasis on extended family, as well as indigenous styles of dress and celebration, remain important aspects of daily life.

Tourism in the Gambia

gambia sunset

This little country in western Africa has recently gained popularity among European tourists as a beach resort. It's a quick trip, there's no time difference, and the hotel is often inexpensive. Banjul's River Island National Park is a great place to see wildlife (especially the native baboons). Kololi, a coastal town in the Gambia, is a renowned tourist destination.

Spend the day lounging on the beautiful sands, then visit "the Strip," Kololi's main thoroughfare, which is studded with restaurants, hotels, and nightclubs. 

Notes about Gambia Visa Application & Passport Services

flag of gambia

The Gambia visa policy is valid for a single entrance for three months from the date of issue, provided that the passport is valid and for a stay of no more than 90 days. Although a vaccination certificate is not necessary for visa issuance, consult your doctor or a local health facility for immunization needs and advice.

For a visa to be issued, the passport must be valid for at least six months and have at least one blank visa page. GenVisa can help you obtain a US passport, whether it's a new issuance or a renewal.

Special requirements exist for U.S. Official and Diplomatic passport holders.

Send ALL of the above Gambia visa requirements (along with a check payable to Generations Visa) to the Generations Visa office as soon as possible. If applicable, GenVisa will hand-carry your application to the Embassy. Please allow for a minimum of 14 business days for processing.

Gambia Visa types

vaccination record card

By obtaining a Gambia visa, you may make your vacation to the Gambia a reality. Foreign nationals can apply for Gambia visas for a variety of purposes, including business, tourism, and other activities. Gambia visas are available in single and multiple entry formats, with six and twelve months of validity, respectively. Visas are available on arrival for citizens of the United States, France, Portugal, and Spain.

  • Gambia Tourist Visa – Applicants who want to visit Gambia for tourism and sightseeing will be granted a Gambia tourist visa. To carry out your tourist activities in the Gambia, you can apply for a tourist visa. You will apply for a Gambia Tourist Visa at one of the Gambia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates in your country of residence, whichever accepts visa applications. If none exist in your country, you must apply to the embassy or consulate that is closest to your location
  • Gambia Business Visa – A Gambia Business visa allows you to enter the country and stay for up to the duration of your visa's validity, whichever is longer. It entitles the holder to participate in commercial operations. You will apply for a Gambia Business Visa at one of the Gambia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates in your country of residency, whichever accepts visa applications. If none exist in your country, you must apply to the embassy or consulate that is closest to your location
  • Gambia Transit Visa – Foreign individuals who require a visa to visit the Gambia can transit through the country without one for up to two hours if they stay at the airport transfer lounge and board the same plane. It will be necessary to have an approved visa for the Gambia to transit for extended periods and leave the airport lounge. You will apply for a Gambia Transit Visa at one of the Gambia visa application centers, embassies, or consulates in your country of residence, whichever accepts visa applications. If none exist in your nation, you must apply to the nearest embassy or consulate

Note on the Visa

visa application

Before you pack your belongings for Gambia, you should familiarize yourself with the country's visa regulations so that you can cross the border safely and without difficulty. There are a few different kinds of travelers: Then there are the 104 countries and territories that do not require a visa to visit Gambia for up to 90 days; Second, nationals of 17 countries are allowed to enter the country without a visa, although they must first acquire entrance permission from Gambian Immigration before departing; third, France, Portugal, Spain, and the United States are eligible for a visa on arrival.

The rest of the world must apply for a visa at the nearest Gambian embassy or apply for a visa and border clearance at Gambian Immigration. All travelers who require clearance can skip this stage if they travel by charter airline.

How to Apply for Gambia Visa (American Passport Holders)

 visa officer puts stamp in the passport

Check whether you need a visa to visit the Republic of The Gambia or if you qualify for the visa waiver program; if you do, please follow the procedures below to apply for a Gambian visa on arrival.

Step 1

Visit the website and download the visa application form.

Step 2

  • Send the passport, along with the visa application form, to the Embassy of the Republic of The Gambia, together with the following information:
  • A nonrefundable application fee of $200.00 in money order payable to the Embassy of The Gambia for regular visa processing fee. Three days the express service fee is available for an additional fee of $50.00 making it $250.00.
  • Same day service is also available for a fee of $275.00 
  • Submit the passport to paste the visa on (valid passport) 
  • One passport-size photograph on white background (taken in the last six months; please write the name and passport number at the back and sign
  • Prepaid self-addressed/return envelope (FedEx/UPS or Priority/Express Mail) 
  • Children under 18 years must submit parental consent if unaccompanied by parents 
  • A personal or telephone interview may be required 
  • Application without the relevant Gambia visa requirements will not be considered and issuing of visas is subject to the consular’s approval. 

Step 3

Gambia visa on arrival processing takes 5–10 business days for standard services. Within three working days, three-day express services are processed. The processing period in both circumstances refers to the time between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the day the application is received.

Documents required for Gambia e visa


Gambia e visa document requirements:

  • Valid passport
  • One passport-size photograph
  • Completed and signed application form
  • You can check for an online e-visa application form.
  • Entry and Exit Requirements in quarantine
  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes
  • Passengers arriving in The Gambia must produce a negative PCR COVID-19 test done within 72 hours of their arrival. Those arriving without a test that meets these requirements – including tests done outside of the 72-hour window, or ‘rapid test' findings – will be subjected to mandatory quarantine in facilities controlled by the Gambia's government
  • Travelers coming from ‘hotspot' countries will be required to take a quick COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport beginning April 2, 2021. This is in addition to the criteria for a negative PCR test. Travelers who pass their quick exams will be allowed to return home or to their pre-arranged lodging. Travelers who test positive on the quick test will be subjected to additional PCR testing and possible quarantine in Gambian government-run facilities at their own expense. Travelers arriving from the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Nigeria, France, Japan, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Jordan, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Norway are subject to these requirements.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes
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