9 things I wish I knew before going to Mozambique

Aytan Akhundova 28 February 2021 4893 views 7 min. read

Relatively unknown among African safari travelers, many of whom do not know where the country is, Mozambique is located on the Indian Ocean coast between the wildlife safari destination of Eastern and Southern Africa. With the coastline of the Indian Ocean stretching for more than 2,000 km, from South Africa to Tanzania, the Republic of Mozambique is not so easy to miss on the map. But because of its troubles in the past, it has mostly been overlooked in the larger scheme of African safaris. All these changes with the end of violence in the country in 1992, when the parties to the civil war signed a peace treaty.

Where is Mozambique on the map?

mozambique on the map

Do you know where is Mozambique? Located on the south-eastern coast of the African continent, Mozambique meets the warm Indian Ocean, a mile away from it there are magnificent beaches and coves. Mozambique is bordered by South Africa and Swaziland to the south, Tanzania to the north and Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi to the west and northwest. Mozambique is one of the largest countries in the world with a total area of more than 800,000 square kilometers. The country is divided into two parts by the Zambezi River, which flows through the central regions into the Indian Ocean. The country is mainly a low-lying coastal belt with plateaus and highlands in the west. The Zambezi River appears to be the dividing line between the narrow coastal belt and the uplands in the north of the country and the lowlands in the south.

Where is the Mozambique population concentrated?

people of mozambique

The central regions of Mozambique - the provinces of Zambezia and Nampula - are the most densely populated, with almost 50% of the Mozambique population. The southern districts, with Maputo as their capital, are also quite densely populated. The far north of the country is the least populated due to its remoteness and vast territory.

Mozambique tourist attractions

beach in mozambique

On the territory of Mozambique is one of the most interesting Mozambique tourist attractions – the National Park "Bazaruto Archipelago". The reserve combines part of the marine area and small islands covered with dense tropical vegetation. In the national park, you can not only admire the natural beauty, there are excellent conditions for recreation. Tourists can enjoy beautiful beaches with snow-white sand, divers can admire the oldest coral reefs, and there are also dedicated areas for fishing in the park. Not so interested in Mozambique and the sights, but more of a luxury vacation? In search of luxurious beaches and resort hotels, it is worth going to the city of Pemba, it is located in the northern part of Mozambique. This is a real paradise for beach lovers and diving enthusiasts, the resort is famous not only for its new well-groomed beaches, but also for the coral reefs located off the coast. Some of them are so close to the shore that it is not difficult to reach them by swimming. Pemba is an actively developing young resort, where you will have access to beautiful hotels, water sports centers, various sports grounds and entertainment facilities.

Tours to Mozambique

capital of mozambique

An excursion to the island of Il, once the capital of a colonial state, will give you a lot of impressions. Today, the island has beautiful palaces and an 18th-century chapel, and the legendary Fort of San Sebastian. On the island there is also the oldest building in the Southern Hemisphere – the chapel of Nossa Senhora de Baluarte. The capital of Mozambique, Maputo is served by direct flights from Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. Many travelers prefer to get to the country from the airport of Johannesburg, which, in turn, is connected by regular flights to many other countries of the world. A few years ago, the resort of Pemba also had a modern international airport, which is now served by Linhas Aereas de Moçambique and South African Airways and is ideal for tours to Mozambique. 9 facts to know before traveling to Mozambique.

1. What language is spoken in Mozambique?


The official language in Mozambique is Portuguese, and knowing some of the basics will make any experience more enjoyable. "Obrigado" means "Thank you" and" Bom Dia" means "Good day". However, they are proficient in English, as is most of Africa.

2. The capital of Mozambique

mozambique capital

Maputo has been the capital of Mozambique since 1898. Maputo is Mozambique's largest city and serves as the country's most important harbor. If you are flying to Mozambique this is where your trip will probably start and end. Like any other capital city in Africa, vigilance and caution are a must in Maputo. While it's not the most dangerous place in Africa, it's certainly not the safest city. Violent crime isn't too common, but pickpocketing and scams are popular, and don't expect the police to be on your side. If you are going to stay in Maputo for a few days remember to be aware, stay alert, don't go out at night, and don't carry valuables on you.

3. The Mozambique people

mozambique people

Did we mention that the Mozambique people are one of a kind? It's usually said that the locals are friendly, or the *internal nationality here* is authentic, but the Mozambicans really take everyone by surprise. Across the country, almost everyone you talk to will be full of smiles, laughter, and stories to share. They are the kind of people who would seem happy to give you their last shirt, despite the fact that they do not have many material things. If you only need one reason to visit Mozambique, then it should be for kind and unique Mozambique people.

4. What is Mozambique currency?

coinsThe Mozambique currency

is the Mozambique Metical. Although the South African Rand and the US dollar are usually welcome everywhere. It is recommended to always carry cash with you, as credit cards have not yet caught on, and ATMs outside Maputo are often in short supply. You can wait in line for almost an hour to withdraw cash in a small town. Cash problems are especially found when arriving in the country from Swaziland with a zero Metical value and without an ATM, which is three hours ahead. So make sure we always have spare cash. It's worth mentioning that your Metical will be useless outside of Mozambique. So don't forget to arrange it all before you leave!

5. Do you need a visa to Mozambique?


All travelers (except citizens of Swaziland, South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius, Zambia and Zimbabwe) need a visa to enter Mozambique. We found the information for obtaining a visa, unreliably scattered on the Internet. Do I need a visa in advance or can I get one on arrival? How much does a Mozambique tourist visa cost for foreigners arriving in Mozambique? These simple questions were very controversial on the internet. With no time to plan, you can take a chance and hope that you can get a visa at the land border. Fortunately, this is possible, and the process is quite simple. The cost of the Americans' trip to Mozambique by land was 900 rand (or $ 70) - in cash only. If you want to be absolutely sure of your safety, you should get a visa before you arrive in Mozambique. If an immigration official asks you how long you plan to stay in Mozambique, be sure to tell them about your plans or give them extra leeway, they can write down the exact days you tell them you're going to be there and put you in the pigeon hole on those dates.

6. Weather in Mozambique

mozambique sunrise

The Republic of Mozambique is located in the tropics and experiences a hot and humid climate all year round. December to April is the rainy season, so the best time to travel to Mozambique is from May to November. This is their winter season, which will bring cooler temperatures and less chance of rain. If you're taking electronics to Mozambique, be sure to bring a few packs of rice so they can suck the inevitable moisture out of your devices.

7. Malaria in Mozambique


is a serious threat in Mozambique, especially during the rainy season. Here, you should take precautions against malaria seriously, especially if you are in well-populated and humid areas. Cerebral malaria (the deadliest type) is widespread in the country. Don't be the kind of person whose vacation is ruined by illness or, even worse, facing life-threatening complications. Protect yourself and ask local residents or business owners where you are staying if mosquitoes are bad where you are. Take malaria pills, wear long sleeves at night, and use insect spray. If you are traveling from South Africa, doxycycline and malarone can be purchased at quite affordable prices, even if you are not a resident. Doxycycline is a good prophylactic against malaria. It is also worth noting that tablets for the treatment of malaria can be purchased in any Mozambique pharmacy without a prescription for about 300-500 months. When traveling to Mozambique and the rest of Africa, always take proper precautions. If you do catch malaria in Mozambique, get to the clinic as soon as possible. African countries are much better at treating malaria and knowing how to deal with the disease than going home to a Western country and dealing with it there.

8. Stay connected in Mozambique


In every place we stayed during our stay in Mozambique, either there was no WiFi or there was a non-working "internet". The Internet in Mozambique is developing, it is still Africa. Chances are you didn't come here to be online anyway. I suggest picking up the SIM card from Vodacom as the data is really cheap in Mozambique. The two main service providers are Mcell and Vodacom, and you won't be able to protect your eyes from the crazy amount of advertising for these companies in the country. You need to register a SIM card in a real store. On the roads with Vodacom vests, you'll find tons of people selling recharge cards, but that's just to top up your data and airtime. Registration of the SIM card may take longer, and your passport details must be registered. The data is very cheap (500 MT for 5 GB) and works decently.

9. The national drink of Mozambique


2M (pronounced doysh-em) is the national drink of Mozambique, and in a large bottle you will be chased away by all 50 Mets. Tap water in Mozambique is questionable and should be drunk with caution. The more you are in the countryside, the more you will hesitate about tap water. If you are staying in a nice lodge or hotel, they should have filtered drinking water that is safe, but ask first to be sure! We recommend traveling with a silver water bottle that purifies the water, removes viruses, and virtually removes all threats of water-borne diseases. It's expensive, but worth it when traveling to Africa.

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