is notable for its unusual name, which attracts the attention of tourists. Before the traveller who heard the name of the country, the question arises, where is Burkina Faso? Burkina Faso on the map is located on the African continent, namely Burkina Faso on the map is located in the West African part. Burkina Faso is a rather poor country among the world's countries, but if you want to come here, it offers a pristine nature in many places and an original way of life of the local population. Burkina Faso's nature seems to be reserved in its original state, which is unusual for many other countries and from this point of view makes Burkina Faso unique. Although not everyone uses it, the official language of Burkina Faso is French since tribal languages and dialects are common in the country. In religious matters, the townspeople also observe the old local cults. The most popular transport among the local Burkina Faso population is a bicycle due to the fact that it costs them much less. In Burkina Faso, there is even a kind of famous cycling Tour de France, which is here called the Tour de Burkina. Now, for you who already know where is Burkina Faso and where is Burkina Faso on the map, we want to tell you 10 facts that are mandatory for you to read before travelling to this unusual country.
1. Country name of Burkina Faso

Few people know how the name "Burkina Faso" is translated. Translated from the local official language of Burkina Faso, the name of the country translates as "The country of honest people". The townspeople are very sociable and welcoming people who are always ready to support the conversation, offer a helping hand, and invite you to a cup of aromatic coffee, which is a tourist trademark of Burkina Faso. The coffee here can be prepared quite efficiently in almost thirty ways. Also, few people know what Burkina Faso used to be called. Previously, it was called the Upper Volta due to the fact that two large rivers flow through its territory: the Black and White Volta. In 1984, the state was renamed to its present name, reflecting its inhabitants' true spirit and values. Now you know how to translate the name "Burkina Faso" and how it used to be called Burkina Faso, you can safely start a conversation with a local resident.
2. Sights of Burkina Faso

Once you know how to translate the name "Burkina Faso" and how it used to be called Burkina Faso, it would not be superfluous to know that there are several places in the country that any tourist needs to visit. Notable among them is Dame-de-Karfiguela placed near waterfalls Karfiguela national Park tambi-kabore, Palazzo Moro-NABA, lake Aggregate, national Museum, nature Park Siniari.
Rock Dame-de-Karfiguela and waterfalls Karfiguela. The magnificent and harmonious rock is considered one of the most famous in the country. The formation of the rock lasted for millions of years and was carried out under the influence of local rivers and wind. On the rocky terrain, you can find exotic plant species that are interesting for tourists. Not far from the cliff are the waterfalls of Carfiguela, which are rare in such a dry place and have become the most attractive thanks to this. The waterfalls become even more amazing during the rainy season, when the flow reaches its peak.
Another attraction is the Tambi-Kabore National Park, which is a real pride of the country. The main inhabitants of this beautiful place are elephants. It is also home to dozens of species of birds and other rare animals. There are also samples of some species of trees and plants that existed several million years ago. Fascinating car tours are periodically organized around the park, during which tourists have the opportunity to observe wild animals at a very close distance from them.
It would be wrong not to mention the beautiful Palace of the Moro-NABA is a unique attraction in Burkina Faso. The palace was once the residence of the Mosi tribe. Its luxury and grandeur amazes visitors. Every week, interesting ceremonies are organized here, resembling theatrical performances.
At Lake Tegreakute, located ten kilometres from the waterfalls, you will enjoy a very calm and quiet atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The incredible picturesque beauty of the lake does not leave visitors indifferent. Not far from the lake, rare birds nest, which attract professional ornithologists here.
The National Museum is one of the most modern and popular cultural institutions, still under development, but entry is already allowed. The halls of the museum, where you can get acquainted with the collection of traditional masks, traditional costumes, see the elements of manual labor, ritual accessories, are ready to receive tourists.
Deux Bales National Park is a unique natural attraction of the country. The park is located right in the center of the city of Ziniari and is essentially a zoo, but the animals live in the park not in cages, as in a zoo, but in extensive enclosures. There are all kinds of typical African animals here. Walking through the spacious park, guests of the park will have the opportunity of complete privacy with wildlife.
Also interesting is the granite sanctuary near the town of Laongo, which is known far beyond the borders of the state. Every year, dozens of sculptors from all over the world gather here for the "International Exhibition of Granite Sculptures" and carve new sculptures from stone blocks that amaze the eye.
3. The capital of Burkina Faso

The capital of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou. It is a city that stands at the junction of several ancient trade routes and is not a very modern city. The city is definitely considered the most attractive for tourists. The central part is small, you can easily get around it in 1.5-2 hours. The capital of Burkina Faso is not rich in sights or special monuments, but at the same time you will find here various legendary monuments and grandiose buildings belonging to different eras. There are also extensive shady boulevards where you can enjoy a light atmosphere and fresh air. The city is inhabited by non-Muslims, which is reflected in the life of the capital, namely, restaurants, bars and nightclubs operate everywhere. Burkina Faso's capital is also associated with elephants, camels, lions, hippos, ostriches – truly African animals. This is no coincidence since the city has an amazing park, which is home to all of the above animals. In the Reserve de Nazinga, it is even possible to take photos with elephants. Unforgettable, isn't it? The capital of Burkina Faso is also popular for such entertainment as safari-a very fun pastime, thanks to which you will feel a surge of adrenaline. Fans of equestrian sports and horse racing also need to visit this city. At the Oasis du Cheval, you can ride graceful horses. For children, recreation here will also be exciting if parents pay attention to amusement parks, where they themselves can have a great time. In Ouagadougou Markets – the most colorful place in the capital of Burkina Faso - you will find handmade products that preserve the ancient atmosphere. Every two years, the capital of Burkina Faso hosts a film festival, where countries from all over the continent showcase their work. During this event, you will immerse yourself in the fascinating world of cinema, which is sure to leave an unforgettable impression.
4. Districts of Burkina Faso

There are several notable districts in the country. One of these areas Bobo-Dioulasso, which is known for its Great Mosque, built in 1880. In its appearance, it looks more like a fortification than a classical religious building. The mosque, which is the largest mosque in Burkina Faso, was built entirely of clay because of its accessibility and prevalence. For the stability and reliability of such a large building, it was reinforced with huge logs, which now look like large spikes sticking out of the walls. In addition to its wonderful appearance, the Mosque is also distinguished by its internal beauty. Another remarkable area is Kibedi, which is the center of art and craftsmanship. A small area of Burkina Faso-Banfora, where there are only two main streets, but it is still one of the most important tourist destinations. Despite its size, there is a gas station, a bank, and two hotels. And it is from here that organizes tours to the waterfalls Karfiguela, which is a natural wonder. Ouahigouya is a centre of pilgrimage due to the fact that here the oldest and most beautiful mosque. Usually people come to the mosque for a pilgrimage to mark the end of the month of Ramadan. Here is the Royal Palace of the rulers of the Kingdom of Yatenga Maison du Neb-cango.
5. Burkina Faso weather

When planning a trip to this country, be sure to pay attention to the Burkina Faso weather. From March to June, there is usually a period of unbearable heat. If you expect to allocate more time for excursions and walks, it is better not to choose a trip in these months.
6. Ethnic groups of Burkina Faso

The country is inhabited by a large number of different ethnic groups, namely, their number reaches sixty. Thanks to this, the Burkina Faso population has a positive attitude towards visitors and their cultures. However, tourists still need to adhere to certain rules: do not appear on the street drunk, do not dress too openly and defiantly, and do not criticize local traditions.
7. Prices

The local restaurants' prices are almost the same, so travelers can not look for restaurants with the most reasonable prices. Since there is no variety of exotic dishes in the local cuisine, lovers of European cuisine will definitely like Burkina Faso's cuisine. Also, it is customary to leave a tip in local restaurants and bars, about 5-7% of the total order amount.
8. Craft

In Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou there is a fairly developed skill of handicraft, as the local Burkina Faso population is very respectful of their traditions. So you can safely give an order for sewing leather clothing and shoes, or ask to make jewelry or interior decorations and believe that you will be delighted with the result. But be careful when leaving the country, because on arrival and when leaving the country, art and antiques, and products made of precious metals, ivory and crocodile skin are subject to mandatory customs checks.
9. Transport

A common mode of transport here is a taxi. Oddly enough, but a trip on a local bus will cost a little more. A taxi is relatively cheaper, and it is quite difficult to catch a free car.
10. Culture

What animal is considered sacred in the African country of Burkina Faso? What animal is considered sacred in the African country of Burkina Faso? – the question, of course, is not the main one among those who plan to travel here, but it is quite important. Like many African cultures, Burkina Faso has chosen the crocodile as a sacred animal. Local children can easily pull a crocodile by the tail, women without fear wash clothes and dishes in reservoirs in which there are a lot of them. Crocodiles here can be said to be "tame" and do not touch others and even allow themselves to be touched by tourists. And the secret is simple: Burkina Faso locals feed them so much that they do not even react to the appropriate ones. Find out which animal is considered sacred in the African country of Burkina Faso, and you dare to touch it and take a picture with it as a souvenir?