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Benin tourist and business visa

Benin tourist and business visa

Neighboring Togo and Ghana, this West-African country is often recognized for its bronzes or the Voodoo religion, but it is way more than just that. Many people travel there for the spectacular Penjari National Park for safari, or to learn more about the history of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on the Route des Enclaves (The […]

Ieva Miltina 18 November 2021
What are the conditions of Benin E-visa?

What are the conditions of Benin E-visa?

Why travel to Benin? What surprises can such an adventure bring? How to apply for Benin visa? How much does a Benin visa cost? Many questions arise when preparing a trip to Benin to make the most of the greatest number of experiences to learn from a multi-ethnic conglomerate that makes this part of the […]

Roxana Acosta Sosa 14 August 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Benin

12 Instagrammable places in Benin

Where is Benin? Benin is a country located on the continent of West Africa, whose capital is Porto-Novo. Porto-Novo back then was only a port. There are several tributaries in this country, in addition to the Niger River towards the northeast. I would not recommend visiting here on 12 July as there is heavy rainfall […]

Anurag Dwivedi 25 February 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Benin

10 things I wish I knew before going to Benin

Where is Benin? In numerous ways, Benin is a perfect introduction to the continent of Africa. It’s a land of bountiful wildlife, pristine beaches, as well as, hospitable inhabitants. Due to its small size, travelling around Benin is a doodle. Outstanding infrastructure makes it easy to visit all places. Voodoo was born here, as well, […]

Enock Maina Methus 10 January 2021
15 destinations to visit in Cabo Verde

15 destinations to visit in Cabo Verde

Every year over one million people visit Cabo Verde or Cape Verde including a group of islands. Where is Cabo Verde? How to get to Cabo Verde? Where is the capital of Cabo Verde? What is the best time visit Cabo Verde? Cabo Verde is situated in the west part of Africa, and the capital […]

Gunel Eyvazli 06 January 2021
10 reasons why you should travel to Benin right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Benin right now

People travel for many reasons. While some travel for business purposes, others travel for tourists or relaxation. As of recent, people now travel to African counties to spend some time and for sightseeing. The Benin Republic is one of the African countries that has attracted people all over the world. Just like other countries, people […]

Chima Nnaemeka 08 November 2020

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