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How to travel with a dog on a train

How to travel with a dog on a train

This paragraph is from a poem called ‘An Introduction to Dogs’ by Ogden Nash. As it is written in the first sentence of the poem, dogs are the best friend of human beings. They show unrequited love and stand beside us all time. They are loyal, friendly, and cute. Dogs are one of the best […]

Kanan Isazade 07 October 2021
10 Best Pet Friendly Hotels in Australia

10 Best Pet Friendly Hotels in Australia

Humanity will remember 2020 as one of the hardest years. There were fires, disasters, floods all around the world. One of the most horrible fires happened in Australia. More than three billion animals were harmed during that massive fires. Yes, human beings are at the top of the food chain, but we are nothings without […]

Kanan Isazade 28 August 2021
How To Travel With Pets: Ultimate Guide?

How To Travel With Pets: Ultimate Guide?

There are many details to consider when you want to travel to a new location. If you want to travel with pets, the details may become more overwhelming. You don't need to leave your cat or dog behind when you are traveling for vacation, a visit, or any other reason. You will learn the best […]

Chima Nnaemeka 28 August 2021
How to travel internationally with a dog?

How to travel internationally with a dog?

It is a dream come true for many to travel internationally with their dog and other pets. Dogs mean a lot to people these days. Some take their dogs as their closest friend and always want to be close to them. Such people end up asking questions such as “how to travel with dog in […]

Chima Nnaemeka 28 August 2021
How to travel internationally with a cat?

How to travel internationally with a cat?

Leaving your country or state to travel to another is not only a big decision but one that involves prior adequate planning. When you want to air travel with a cat, it requires more preparation and planning. It is easier to move around with your cat domestically than to do so on an international level. […]

Chima Nnaemeka 26 August 2021
Best Dog Friendly Hiking Trails in the US

Best Dog Friendly Hiking Trails in the US

Famous writer and photographer Roger Caras- “Yes, dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Roger Caras explained the meaning of dogs for human beings excellently. They can’t speak, but they know how to express their feelings and show loyalty. That is why in most languages, we see a sentence: being […]

Kanan Isazade 24 August 2021
What are the rules to travel with pets?

What are the rules to travel with pets?

The road for the pet is a lot of stress, and it is advisable to transport it only in extreme cases. However, traveling with your pet or furry friend is possible. Every year millions of animals travel safely and securely by air. And imagine, giraffes are the only animals that cannot be transported by air!  Pet […]

How to travel with pets?

How to travel with pets?

You can’t stay away from your favorite pets even for a few seconds, but there is a traveling waiting for you? What to do with pets when traveling? Should you give the pet to someone to take care of? No, it’s not a good option. It’s best to take your little loyal friend to the […]

Arzu Chinarli 23 December 2019

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