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How to get visitor visa for Nauru?

How to get visitor visa for Nauru?

Until the 1830s, when whaling ships and other traders began to visit Nauru had little contact with Europeans. The introduction of firearms and alcohol to the island shattered the peaceful coexistence of the island’s 12 tribes. In 1878, a 10-year internal war broke out, reducing the population from 1,400 in 1843 to around 900 in 1878. […]

Tural Musayev 31 August 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Yaren

12 Instagrammable places in Yaren

All of us would like to live comfortable and peaceful lives without any problem, but people used to say life starts when you leave your comfort zone. For example, if you are afraid of heights, you will never feel a taste of skydiving. However, if you could break your fear, you will live a fantastic […]

Hagigat Alizade 26 January 2021
10 things I wish I knew before going to Nauru

10 things I wish I knew before going to Nauru

One of the least visited travel destinations globally is Nauru, a Pacific island state. Where is Nauru? The Republic of Nauru is located in the Micronesia part of the Central Pacific Ocean. Nauru currency is the Australian dollar. You can easily convert the American dollar to Nauru currency at the airport. The capital of Nauru […]

Punhan Shukurov 26 November 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to Nauru right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Nauru right now

Nauru’s travel is a travel to a small and modest island with few economic resources and non-existence of Nauru currency. Where is Nauru? The Republic of Nauru is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and barely 21 square kilometers, with approximately 13,000 Nauru population. It has some similar places like other Oceanian countries to […]

Shamil Hasanli 30 October 2020

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