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The northern magic of Antwerp

The northern magic of Antwerp

The northern magic of Antwerp: Rubens, chocolate, waffles, and diamonds. Belgium is an amazing place. It is almost all on the periphery of consciousness, where it is on the 32nd place after France, Italy, or even Greece. Belgium’s GDP per capita is 41.5 thousand dollars (17th place in the world). Inflation has been at one […]

Marina Nefedova 14 April 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Antwerpen

12 Instagrammable places in Antwerpen

Today, we are visiting Antwerpen in Belgium, a member of the Benelux Union. But before that, let’s learn more about Belgium. It is located in Western Europe. The country is very well known for its Renaissance architecture and old towns. Belgium borders the Atlantic Ocean on the northwest, France on the west and south, Germany […]

Kamran Abbasov 14 September 2020

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