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12 Instagrammable places in Samoa

12 Instagrammable places in Samoa

Photographers, influencers, models, actors, actresses, and others can choose to leave their destination to travel to take pictures. They have many reasons for doing this. There are many Instagrammable places in the world. One of the places people travel to have pictures, vacation, enjoy tourism, and for sightseeing is Samoa. From this article, you will […]

Chima Nnaemeka 29 December 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to French Polynesia right now

10 reasons why you should travel to French Polynesia right now

The white sandy beaches, crystal clear water attracts thousands of people every year to French Polynesia. French Polynesia consists of 118 islands and atolls. The most popular and populated among them is Tahiti. Almost 70% of the population of the country live in Tahiti. Although the official language is French, there are some regional languages, […]

Kanan Isazade 29 December 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Kiribati

10 things I wish I knew before going to Kiribati

Kiribati is a republic located on a sea island in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The Republic of Kiribati consists of 33 coral atolls that span approximately 4,000 km of the Pacific Ocean. Kiribati is famous as the Gilbert Islands. Kiribati offers a beautiful example of natural beauty and a blue beach. Kiribati […]

Abhishek Dwivedi 28 December 2020
Why you should visit Tokelau

Why you should visit Tokelau

Where is Tokelau? Tо аnswer the questiоn оf Where is Tokelau yоu need tо lооk аt the mар. Tоkelаu, аlsо саlled (1916–46) Uniоn Grоuр оr (1946–76) Tokelau Islands, the islаnd territоry оf New Zeаlаnd, соnsisting оf three аtоlls in the Sоuth Расifiс Осeаn. Tоkelаu lies аbоut 300 miles (480 km) nоrth оf Sаmоа аnd 2,400 […]

Mahammad Samadov 24 December 2020
10 things you might not know about Pitcairn

10 things you might not know about Pitcairn

Pitcairn island map shows it is formed by five islands in the middle of the South Pacific, of which only one, the Pitcairn, is inhabited. It is just 2.5 square miles in area and is the least populated national subdivision in the world. If it were to become independent from the United Kingdom, it would […]

Roxana Acosta Sosa 22 December 2020
Reasons to visit Niue

Reasons to visit Niue

Pacific island countries are among the unique tourist destinations featuring preserved indigenous culture and language and marvelous natural treasures. Niue, being one of them, is worth visiting and exploring. Niue attracts travelers who are bored with visiting famous touristy cities and towns. Where is Niue? As an island country, Niue is located on the South […]

Punhan Shukurov 22 December 2020
12 Instagrammable places in Melekeok

12 Instagrammable places in Melekeok

If you are planning a trip to Palau, diving is likely your top priority. But what else can you experience in this wonderful island paradise in Micronesia? What excursions can you take? What can you do in Palau capital Melekeok? Where is Melekeok smallest capital? How much is the Melekeok population? Are there any instagrammable […]

Shamil Hasanli 17 December 2020
10 things you might not know about Norfolk Island

10 things you might not know about Norfolk Island

This time we are heading to the land of endless adventure travel, breath-taking landscapes, and a dream of every single traveler! Today we will be taking a fascinating trip to Norfolk Island. But where is Norfolk Island? Norfolk Island is located in the Pacific Ocean and is included in the territories of Australia. The three […]

Tural Abbasov 17 December 2020
10 things I wish I knew before going to Samoa

10 things I wish I knew before going to Samoa

Many travel enthusiasts dream of going to Samoa, which is a touristic island country. However, many things about Samoa, such as location, cities, and travel tips, are not well known among travelers. Where is Samoa? Samoa is located in the South Pacific Ocean, namely the westernmost of Pacific Polynesia. Upolu and Savaii are the two […]

Punhan Shukurov 14 December 2020

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