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How to get tourist visa for Myanmar?

How to get tourist visa for Myanmar?

Myanmar is a beautiful country with a rich culture and natural attractions, despite being cut off from the rest of the world until recently. To enter Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), you will almost certainly need to apply for a Myanmar tourist visa on arrival (Burma Visa, as it is.). You will find information about […]

Tural Musayev 22 August 2021
What are Bhutan visa types?

What are Bhutan visa types?

Bhutan is the last Himalayan kingdom, surrounded by spectacular snow-capped mountains and dense forests that form a beautiful environment, but that’s not all. Bhutan is the only country globally with a forest cover of 72 percent, making it carbon-neutral and carbon-negative. This one-of-a-kind country, rumoured to be the final Shangri-La, is undoubtedly the finest spot […]

Sona Abdullayeva 21 August 2021
Pakistan tourist visa details

Pakistan tourist visa details

Pakistan isn’t a country of dangerous people. It is a country of delicious cuisine, diverse nature, and colourful culture. That is why millions of tourists travel to Pakistan per year. While meeting people from different cultures, tasting various meals will make you feel like visiting more than one country. Considering that plenty of people desire […]

Kanan Isazade 20 August 2021
How to apply for China visa extension?

How to apply for China visa extension?

In general, once a China visa has been issued, it cannot be renewed, extended like a China humanitarian visa extension, or changed into a different type. However, if you want to stay longer, need a multiple-entry visa, or need a different type of visa, you can apply from within China in many cases for a […]

Tural Musayev 19 August 2021
A guide to the best Japanese festivals

A guide to the best Japanese festivals

Japan is a land of the rising sun, so as they say. It is also a land of diverse cultures and communities, bonded by a single sense of belonging and language. The country of Japan is also a beehive of activity and splendour. Its rich and ancient history is filled with tales of yore and […]

Devraj Lahiri 17 August 2021
Brunei tourist and Employment Visa

Brunei tourist and Employment Visa

Brunei is a Southeast Asian country situated in the north of Borneo island. The South China Sea surrounds it in the north and Malaysia in the south. This small country has a population numbered around 500 000. It is a Sultanate and does not receive too many visitors. Although the country is not well-known by […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 15 August 2021
What are the conditions of Cambodia E-visa?

What are the conditions of Cambodia E-visa?

If you are a fan of historical structures (houses, temples), you will fall in love with Cambodia. There are more than 3500 temples in Cambodia, and most of them are at Siem Reap, Battambang, Preah Vihar, and Kampong Thom. Visiting those places will help you feel local culture and soul. Also, you will travel past […]

Kanan Isazade 15 August 2021
How to get study visa for Kyrgyzstan?

How to get study visa for Kyrgyzstan?

Kyrgyzstan is a nation with its pure natural environment, glaciers, deserts, alpine meadows, and many 7,000-meter-high mountains. However, for the adventurous visitor, Kyrgyzstan has much more to offer than breathtaking scenery. This magnificent environment is brought to life by its inhabitants, regular people with proud nomadic traditions and a strong sense of hospitality. So, if […]

Sona Abdullayeva 14 August 2021
Yemen Short-term Visa details

Yemen Short-term Visa details

Craving for an authentic taste of Arabia? Then, Yemen is indeed a good choice for travel. This country has its fair share of historical landmarks that dates back as long as 3000 years. Travel to Yemen will throw you back into its culture-rich yesteryears with simply a walk along the roads of its capital of […]

Rubina Cheruvalath 10 August 2021

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