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How to get tourist visa for Myanmar?

How to get tourist visa for Myanmar?

Myanmar is a beautiful country with a rich culture and natural attractions, despite being cut off from the rest of the world until recently. To enter Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), you will almost certainly need to apply for a Myanmar tourist visa on arrival (Burma Visa, as it is.). You will find information about […]

Tural Musayev 22 August 2021
Eritrea visa types

Eritrea visa types

Eritrea situated on the west coast of the Red Sea is an eastern African country with a small population and area. Its capital is Asmara, and the country shares borders with Sudan, Ethiopia, and Djibouti. It is a country that not so many people have heard of. However, I believe it is an underrated travel […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 22 August 2021
What are the points to consider in Denmark National Visa?

What are the points to consider in Denmark National Visa?

This time we are going on a breath-taking trip to one of the most magical countries in the world – Denmark. However, before we go any further, let us have a closer look at the country’s profile. Well, Denmark is one of the three Scandinavian nations, with roughly 5,5 million people. The Oresund Bridge connects […]

Tural Abbasov 22 August 2021
Equatorial Guinea visa types

Equatorial Guinea visa types

Situated on the west coast of Africa, Equatorial Guinea is a Central African country. With a relatively small size equal to 28,000 square kilometres, it is a bit hidden to travellers. You can come to this conclusion after looking at statistics of the number of people visiting the country. It is the seventh least visited […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 21 August 2021
What are Bhutan visa types?

What are Bhutan visa types?

Bhutan is the last Himalayan kingdom, surrounded by spectacular snow-capped mountains and dense forests that form a beautiful environment, but that’s not all. Bhutan is the only country globally with a forest cover of 72 percent, making it carbon-neutral and carbon-negative. This one-of-a-kind country, rumoured to be the final Shangri-La, is undoubtedly the finest spot […]

Sona Abdullayeva 21 August 2021
What are Egypt Short-term Visa types and the ways to get them?

What are Egypt Short-term Visa types and the ways to get them?

Situated on the north tip of Africa, Egypt manages to amaze visitors with its rich history, culture, and beautiful landscapes. Egypt had been the birthplace of many ancient dynasties. It is indeed one of the oldest human settlements. Egypt also can be considered as an oasis in the desert of northeastern Africa. The settlements have […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 21 August 2021
Pakistan tourist visa details

Pakistan tourist visa details

Pakistan isn’t a country of dangerous people. It is a country of delicious cuisine, diverse nature, and colourful culture. That is why millions of tourists travel to Pakistan per year. While meeting people from different cultures, tasting various meals will make you feel like visiting more than one country. Considering that plenty of people desire […]

Kanan Isazade 20 August 2021
Senegal study visa details

Senegal study visa details

Located in northwest Africa, Senegal is a tiny but one of the most stable countries in the region. Senegal is one of the gems of Africa that is defined by its vibrant life, exciting culture, and beautiful landscapes. Once it was a colony of France, now it is one of the strongest liberated democracies on […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 20 August 2021
What is the difference between Tunisia short and long term visa?

What is the difference between Tunisia short and long term visa?

If I was asked to create a list of the most underrated countries for traveling, Tunisia would definitely be on the list. Actually, till 2010, the country was appreciated by many tourists mostly coming from Europe. But after the jasmine revolution, the number of people visiting plummeted. A country is now a safe place for […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 20 August 2021

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