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Most active diplomatic missions on social media

Most active diplomatic missions on social media

Political communication on social media platforms has gained new relevance in the last decade. Like many other forms of everyday communication, classic news platforms have spread to social media, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The shift from political communication to the online area has opened up new diplomatic missions (embassies and consulates). In all its facets, […]

Shamil Hasanli 29 April 2021
Everything you need to know about consulates

Everything you need to know about consulates

Did you know that the first diplomatic relation was between Egypt and Amurru kingdom during the 14th century BC? “Amarna Letters“, which are the proof of this fact, have been considered the earliest instances for diplomatic affairs such as tradable objects, interstate marriages, and strategic friendships. The word “diplomacy” is derived from a French term […]

Hagigat Alizade 29 April 2021
Hidden inside Washington’s embassies: A world of fun

Hidden inside Washington’s embassies: A world of fun

Travelling the world is exciting on its own, but some cities offer additional opportunities to discover a variety of cultures besides the most prominent ones that exist. It is not something new telling that the US is an extremely diverse country. With that said, it makes sense that many Washington DC embassies are stepping up […]

Ieva Miltina 28 April 2021
10 most architecturally extraordinary embassies

10 most architecturally extraordinary embassies

What's better than thinking of enterprise architecture as essential architecture? Centuries ago, this implied building amazingly tall stylish buildings like the Empire State Building. Nowadays, many architects looking forward to reaching sky upper limits with their work. The focus has now been narrowed to formulating eco-friendly structures, as well as affordable housing models. We struggle […]

Enock Maina Methus 28 April 2021
Roles and responsibilities of embassies

Roles and responsibilities of embassies

Are you wondering what do embassies do? Well, the embassy is a representative office of one country in one of the cities of another country. An ambassador of the country is head of the embassy. To maintain peace between the neighbouring countries, an embassy comes into action. In short, an embassy is created to maintain […]

Arati Kulkarni 27 April 2021
Embassy design requirements

Embassy design requirements

Have you ever thought about embassy design? Let’s be honest when you think about the memorable embassy architecture building is not your first thought. Well, we shall break this stereotypical thinking together and review the best embassy buildings and their design. Before we pass to architecture and aesthetics, we should remember that embassy is a […]

Aytan Akhundova 26 April 2021
Future of the embassies: Will embassies still matter?

Future of the embassies: Will embassies still matter?

Together with consulates and permanent missions, the embassies are diplomatic missions of one country to another country. The embassies generally do works that are related to political-diplomatic, economic-trade, and consular issues. As a traveller, we mostly are interested in embassies for the visa services. I believe that is the first thing travelers think of when […]

Shamil Hasanli 26 April 2021
What a consulate can and cannot do for you

What a consulate can and cannot do for you

We all hear the words “consulate” and “embassy” all the time, specifically before travelling somewhere. In case we need a visa, we have no other choice than visit the embassy of the country that we are planning to visit, but in some cases, it is extremely helpful to know the location of our country’s embassy in that […]

Tural Abbasov 25 April 2021
7 best things about embassies

7 best things about embassies

Opening an embassy is a significant way of diplomatic relations among countries. A foreign embassy is a country’s official office in another country’s central or capital city. An embassy is a place where ambassadors and diplomats of a home country do their job. It is where communications and talks between home and foreign government officials […]

Kamran Abbasov 25 April 2021

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