, a French Department 8,000 km away from the metropolis of Paris, is still little known to travellers. Mamoudzou is the capital of Mayotte. Many wonders where is Mayotte? It is difficult to find good information to prepare your travel to this tiny little island. We will try to help you with your travel to Mayotte. A whole team of travellers, passionate about distant islands, share with you their advice on the different places to discover during your trip to Mayotte. You will also have all the elements that will allow you to prepare your route and how to travel to Mayotte calmly. Mayotte Island lies in the Indian Ocean between the African mainland and Madagascar. The island is a paradise for divers who can discover an incredible coral world in one of the largest enclosed lagoons in the world. You can see native protected animal species such as lemurs, drongos, or nectar birds on the hiking trails.
1. The main sights and attractions in Mayotte

Mont Choungui
Climbing Mount Choungui is one of the highlights of Mayotte in the dry season. It dominates the south of the island with its perfect and steep summit that is 594 meters high. It offers panoramic views over the entire south of the island, and its basalt column can be seen from Petite-Terre.
Îlot de Saziley
A trip to the south of Mayotte by boat from Mutsamudu to the island of Saziley is particularly lovely. Not to be forgotten are diving masks, fins and snorkels, sun protection, sun hat and lots of water, because you will not find any shopping opportunities in this heavenly place.
De Coconi Botanical Garden
The walk through the botanical garden of Coconi during the rainy season (between November and the end of April) remains a little privilege. You can also visit the tree nursery in addition to the many flowers and beautiful rows of palm and coconut trees.
N'Gouja Beach
This beach is located in the extreme southwest of the lagoon island and is the most beautiful and famous on Mayotte Island. Swimming with turtles and lying on the bright sand under baobabs, watching cod and lemurs is possible in this little paradise.
Lake Karihani

Lake Karihani, or 'Dziani Karihani' is the only natural freshwater lake in Mayotte. Often covered in water lilies, it is an ideal spot for many birds, herons, herons, or coots. The tour around the lake, near Tsingoni Commune, is a calm and exotic walk.
The Village of Dzaoudzi
Dzaoudzi, a village with 13,000 inhabitants, is home to most of the colonial buildings, including the hotel "Le Rocher", the former post office from 1845, the former boarding house which now is the Heritage House and the former governor's palace "Palais Eiffel".
The Fields of the Guerlain Plantation
Eight hundred meters from the village of Combani, you can admire the cultivation of the ylang-ylang plant and coconut trees on the Guerlain plantation. The house of the famous perfumer, which stands in the middle of a well-tended garden, is also worth visiting.
The Boueni Peninsula
South of Mayotte Island is the Boueni Peninsula, which extends 4 kilometres to the north. It is opposite the town of Sada and partially encloses the Bay of Boueni. There are fishing villages along the coast, and hiking trails allow you to explore the peninsula from Majimeouni to Mzouazia on foot.
2. The best things to do on your travel to Mayotte

Watch the Sea Turtles Lay Their Eggs on Moya Beach
Mayotte Island is one of the places in the Indian Ocean where you can often see turtles laying eggs. Moya Beach is one of the favourite places for travellers who travel to Mayotte. Almost every night from March to June, with records in May, turtles come to lay their eggs. Please do not disturb!
Watch the Humpback Whales Ballet
From Mamoudzou, you can watch humpback whales and their young, which frolic in the turquoise waters of the almost enclosed lagoon from July to the end of October. They come to the courtship dance, childbirth, breastfeeding, and upbringing of their young.
Swim with the Dolphins at Pointe de Saziley
Dolphins can be spotted in Mayotte island all year round, as the lagoon fauna provides an ideal environment. The most famous place for dolphins is M'Tsamboro Island.
Dive in the Passe en S

The "Passe en S", with its real name Longogori is a well-known diving area protected as a marine reserve since 1990. Fishing is prohibited. With 13 dive sites between the lagoon and the sea, it is the dive site in Mayotte. In particular, there are many turtles there.
Snorkel in Front of The Ilots Choizil

Just a few kilometres away from the coast, the Choizil Islands are the most beautiful diving spots when you travel to Mayotte: turquoise water, white sandbar, black rocks, and green hills in the background.
3. Explore the Mangrove in A Canoe to Better Observe Its Inhabitants

Well worth kayaking through Mayotte's mangrove swamp. This universe is fascinating. You can encounter mudskippers, a type of small amphibious fish, violin crabs, white crabs, and mangrove clams. Learn the art of salt extraction in Bandrélé and laugh with the Shingo Mamas, the "Mothers of Salt." The "Mamas Shingo" will explain every step of the production of this salt, wholly natural and with a unique taste: from collecting it to filtering it in perforated basins, watering it with seawater, and finally heating it so that the liquid evaporates. What remains is a flawless white salt.
4. Make Friends with Makis

These adorable lemurs that live in colonies in trees are easy to get close to. They'll take a close look at you too and maybe even try to steal your food! They look like a cute, cuddly toy that you want to stroke. But feeding by strangers changes their eating habits and can affect their health.
5. The Landscapes

Whether you are in the north, in Grande Terre, or the south, Mayotte offers you magnificent landscapes that you cannot miss. This is so in the case of Lake Dziani, located in Petite Terre, in the heart of the island. This astonishing expanse of emerald water on the surface of a crater offers unsurpassed views of the surrounding relief and lake. Further north, the Combani road allows you to drive through fields scented with local flowers. In this region, you can also visit trustworthy companies, such as flower distilleries. Likewise, the ascent to Mount Benara is highly recommended, which will allow you to enjoy views up to the northeast tip of the island.
6. The Coasts

The great thing about travel to Mayotte is that no matter where you are, you can be sure to find gorgeous beaches. However, the town of Labattoir boasts the most beautiful stretches of sand in Petite-Terre. Most of the coves are accessible on foot. The point of Handrema will only reveal its coastal landscapes to those willing to take a little walk in return. Not too far away is M'Tsamboro, a typical fishing village where visitors are usually offered a canoe ride. Light boats are an excellent means of transport to enjoy landscapes better. For example, in Bandrele, you can take sea kayak excursions inside a lagoon.
7. Fauna and Flora

Mayotte is one of those islands where wildlife abounds, both maritime and terrestrial. Snorkellers will have the opportunity to go out in search of green or hawksbill turtles and numerous tropical fish in the lagoon. In the ocean, you can observe dolphins' game, and, from July to October, whales and sperm whales flock to the area to give birth. On land, the territory is divided between wild pigs, lemurs, bats, and numerous birds. Mayotte's ecosystem is full of botanical treasures, such as ylang-ylang, a flower with an intense perfume. Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grow in the centre of the island.
8. Art and culture

When you think of Mayotte, the image that comes to you is resting under coconut trees rather than visiting museums. However, some of them are worth it, especially the fishing museum in Mahabou. Some cities of Mayotte live exclusively from this activity, so, typically, a museum devoted to it has been created. The tomb of Sultan Adrian Souli is also worth visiting, if only for its magnificent Instagrammable views of the lagoon and Petite-Terre.

is not necessarily a place where the problems of this world can be easily hidden. You come across them now and then when you drive through the island from north to south. The villages are poor; the tourist infrastructure can be expanded. There are three available hotels; the rest are for the more adventurous. Many a picturesque beach would win if a few fewer plastic bottles and stand-alone flip-flops were lost here. But, before planning a trip, ensure that you do proper research on how to travel to Mayotte.