11 Instagrammable places in Guinea

Aytan Akhundova 17 February 2021 4021 views 5 min. read

Let's get acquainted with a virtual guide to Guinea, a developing country in the tropical south-western part of West Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. The Republic of Guinea is bordered to the north by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Mali, to the east and southeast by Ivory Coast, and the south by Liberia and Sierra Leone. Before getting independence in 1958, the country was known as French Guinea, a French colony and part of French West Africa. The French language is a legacy of that time.

Guinea on the map

mapGuinea's climate

is hot and humid. Its landscape offers four main geographical regions: the Lower Cote, the coastal lowlands of Marine Guinea, the hilly Futa Jallon, the uplands of Central Guinea, the upper Niger, the Gambia River, the Pongo, and the Senegal River. The highest elevation in Guinea and Ivory Coast is Mount Nimba (or Mount Richard-Molard) at 1,752 m, a mountain range in the Guinean Highlands. In the northeast of the country is the dry Sahel highlands of Guinea, and in the southeast is the Guineas Foothills (Forest Guinea) with its tropical rain forests.

Where is Guinea located?

traveler with compass

Guinea has 245,857 square kilometers (94,926 square miles), roughly the United Kingdom's size or slightly smaller than the state of Michigan in the United States. The Guinea population is 10.6 million people (in 2015). On the coast is the capital of Guinea, Conakry, the largest city and the main port (population 2 million), spoken languages are French (official) and eight national languages. The country is home to more than twenty different ethnic groups. Guinea is a predominantly Islamic country, with about 90% of Guinea population being Sunni Muslims.

Republic of Guinea


Independent from France since 1958, Guinea did not hold democratic elections until 1993, when General Lansana Conte (head of the military government) was elected president of the civilian government. He was re-elected in 1998 and again in 2003, although irregularities marred all elections. History repeated itself in December 2008, when, after the death of President CONTE, Captain Moussa Dadis CAMARA led a military coup, seizing power and suspending the constitution, as well as political and trade union activities. Guinea has maintained some semblance of internal stability, despite the conflict's spillover effects in Sierra Leone and Liberia. However, as these countries recover, Guinea's own vulnerability to the political and economic crisis increases. Deteriorating economic conditions and public dissatisfaction with corruption and poor governance led to two mass strikes in 2006 and a third nationwide strike in early 2007.

Capital of Guinea


Conakry is located on the west side of Africa and is the capital of Guinea. The country is small compared to other soaring West African countries, making it less attractive to tourists. However, Conakry has some amazing sea beaches on the Loos Islands, Instagrammable natural palm forests, and some of Africa's most notable buildings, including the Great Mosque. However, does not limit the opportunity to explore the Instagrammable places of Guinea. Guinea is a country in West Africa where you can enjoy an abundance of natural beauty. Guinea is known for the beautiful scenic views that this place should hold. Guinea is a mostly Muslim country, and thus, one can experience a great distraction from Muslim culture in the buildings and infrastructure of this place. Guinea is located in Benin's east, where all kinds of exotic plants and fauna are found. The residents of the region are very hospitable and ready to help people in all cases. Visitors can also find many adventures they can do in the region. Guinea is a truly fantastic place that has many of the best places to see and visit. Visitors will be thrilled to be in this place. Have you got your Guinea visa, and you are finally in this Instagrammable country? Then the Instagrammable places of Guinea will be a real find for you.

1. Nimba Range

nimba range

Nimba Rangeis one of the best places to visit in Guinea. Nimba Range is located at 5,700 feet, with views of the sea and clouds from the mountains. The mountains are situated at a very high altitude. It is not possible to climb the hill on your own, and you need to take a guide with you to help you move forward and tell you the necessary details about the mountains. Nearby is a village with easy access to Mount Nimba.

2. Cap Verga


Anyone in love with beaches will go to Cap Verga, which is simply the best place for beach lovers. When you visit Cap Verga, you will find so many beaches in the area that you will entirely fall in love with this beach. Some of the most isolated beaches are Sobane and Bel Air Beach. The beaches are tourist destinations with many clubs and bars in the area. The nightlife in the area is quite good with many people visiting the beaches from different parts of the world.

3. Conakry Grand Mosque


Grand mosque is the fourth largest mosque in the world. Men and women are assigned separate seats in the mosque. Many other people also visit this mosque every year. In this case, there is a different place for people in the mosque so that other parishioners can get into the mosque and pray to God. The mosque is missing one thing - it must be maintained in proper condition, as it is the cultural heritage of this place.

4. Fouta Djallon


Fouta Djallon landscape is simply fantastic and amazing, with a mix of rolling meadows, peaks, canyons, and all other activities in all areas of the region. There are many opportunities for visitors to see new Instagrammable places and attractions. Trekking is possible at this location, and the region also has some Instagrammable fountains. The environment in this place is calm and composed of all age groups.

5. National Museum of Guinea

orange and blue abstract painting

With many great works of art and artifacts located in Guinea, South Africa is a treasure trove of culture and tradition. The traditions of Guinea are very accurately depicted in the National Museum. With the many different cultures in the National Museum, visitors will surely love this place. They can take most liked Instagram photos and spend some time in the museum.

6. Cathedrale Sante Marie

cathedral window

St. Mary Cathedral is the main Instagrammable places for the worship of the Christian Guinea population. The building was built in 1930 with Orthodox elements. The architecture of this place will amaze you with small details of its design. You will definitely find a nice spot for your Instagram feed.

7. Conakry Botanical Garden


Flora and fauna of Guinea are quite impressive. All exclusive tropical trees can be found in Conakry Botanical Garden. The botanical garden was built in 1894, and it is one of the most attractive sights of the capital. Moreover, you can book a hotel nearby to take more most liked Instagram photos here.

8. Kankan

man in kankan city

This city is one of the best places to visit in Guinea. Kankan is one of the largest cities in Guinea. This city is located in the east part of Guinea. The population of Kankan is mostly from Mande ethnic group. This place used to be a caravan center, but little has changed since then. It is still a commercial and trade center of the Kankan region.

9. Labe

guinean girl

Labe is located in west-central Guinea, and it is the largest city in the Fouta Djallon region. It was also home to Muslim leaders who were fighting for independence. Nowadays this city is quite crowded and has markets, where you can find different types of foodstuff.

10. Conakry


Pulsating to African rhythms with its patchwork of markets (look at the colorful vegetable at Madina Bazaar), beer bars, and Malinke music dives. Guinea Conakry is everything you'd expect from the capital of Guinea that represents one of West Africa's most haphazard nations. For decades, coups and counter-coups (often bloody) have unfolded between its streets. In the heart of the city still stand the ghostly remains of the Boiro camp, where political prisoners were tortured during the upheaval under President Sekou Toure. However, such Instagrammable and important sights as the Cathedral of St. Mary and the National Museum of Guinea are balanced all this well nowadays.

11. Kissidougou


is one of the fastest-growing cities in southern Guinea. Steeped in Liberians and Ivorians' cultural diversity, all mixed and blended with the traditions of the ethnic Kissi indigenous to the prefecture, its ramshackle markets and muddy streets exude a certain charm. However, it is the hills surrounding 100,000 Kissidugu that are truly of interest. On some of the leading plantations in Guinea, it is here that huge fields of coffee beans rise, and it is here that the forests of West Africa begin to spread over the hills. There is also a large museum where information about local history and heritage is stored.