12 Instagrammable places in Doha

Kanan Isazade 16 October 2020 1309 views 6 min. read

Do you have information about Arabian countries? Some people think that there is only one Arab country in the world, but it is not right. Today, there are 22 members of the Arab League. They are Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The total population of the league is 423 million people. In this blog, we want to give information about one of those countries, Qatar. Through this blog, you will learn where is Doha, what to do in Doha, and more.

Where is Doha?

Doha is the capital and most populous city of Qatar. The entire area is 132 km2, and the total population is nearly 1 million (2015 data). The city is in the east part of the country, in the Persian Gulf. Doha is the fastest-growing city in Qatar, and it is the financial and political centre of the country. More than 80% of the population prefers to live in Doha or the outskirts of the city. In the last few years, Doha and Qatar became some of the favourite destinations for travellers. 1.8 million people travel to Qatar per year, and most of them travel to Doha Qatar.  After getting some basics about Doha, it is time to learn 12 Instagrammable places in Doha.

1. The Barzan Towers

The Barzan Towers

Qatar is an exciting destination for everyone, but especially for architecture lovers. Here you will see a lot of mesmerizing architectural beauties. One of those Instagrammable places is the Barzan Towers, also known as the Umm Salal Mohammed Fort Towers. There are two different opinions about the origin of the towers. A group of people believes that these fortresses were built to defend the land from pirates. On the other hand, some people think that it was a building to observe the Moon. Barzan (high place) was the original name of the west tower. The name of the east tower was Al Burj Al Sharqi. The towers were not in good condition, but after several reconstruction works, they gained their previous magnificence.

2. The National Museum of Qatar

The National Museum of Qatar

The National Museum of Qatar can be an excellent example of Instagrammable places in Doha. If you want to increase your knowledge about Qatar and local people from earlier times till today, you should visit the National Museum of Qatar. The museum has a unique architectural style, and the architect is Jean Nouvel from France. We can see that the architect was inspired by the local desert rose. Visiting the museum will be interesting for everyone because they thought about everyone. There is a 220-seat auditorium where you can get facts about the museum, history, etc. Besides, there is a laboratory and research centre for students and researchers. If you get tired after the museum trip, you can relax in a restaurant or a recently decorated park.


During your travel to Doha Qatar, you will see a lot of charming places, and one of those Instagrammable places is Al Wakra Museum. This museum is a lovely place for visitors, and it is 17 km away from the city centre. It is interesting to note that in the past, this area was just a fishing port, but now it is a well-known attraction in the whole world. As it was formerly a fishing port, here you will get information about the marine life of Qatar. Besides marine life, you will be able to get facts about history, culture, and more. Also, the location of the museum is outstanding. It looks elegant, especially at night under the city lights. 

4. MIA Park, excellent place in Doha

MIA Park

If you will travel with your family, MIA Park is an excellent place for you. Not only you, but also your children will have an exciting time in this park, so there are many activities for children. You can hike around and enjoy the beauty of nature. This park will help you to get rid of all your worries. Moreover, you may have some boat trips, or you may rent a bicycle. You will see the ticket office in the park. 

5. Al Jassasiya Carvings

Al Jassasiya Carvings

Maybe the most mysterious place in the whole of Qatar is Al Jassasiya Carvings. Plenty of rocks that have mysterious carvings wait for your exploration. Hiking here will be an unforgettable moment for you. The carvings represent boats, fish, scorpions, and more. A group of people believes that those were used in board games by early citizens. Keep in mind that the whole area is under protection, and you should not touch or take anything. Just take the most liked Instagram photos and enjoy your journey. It is important to note that you will not find any facilities to buy water or something else here, so bring a lot of water and something to eat with you. Get your Qatar visa now and travel in time!

6. The Doha Desert and Desert Safaris

DohaWhat to do in Doha

? Many people travel to Qatar just because of the Doha Desert. The desert is so unique because it is one of the rare places in the world where the sea gets into the desert. There are many camping tours in which you would like to participate. Also, you can explore the area with 4X4 cars. Of course, another thing which attracts visitors is horse and camel riding. When we watch a movie, advertisement, or something else on television, we always see such kinds of activities, and here you will have a chance to realize it. It will make you feel like an actor in a movie or as a traveller in ancient times. 

7. State Grand Mosque Doha

State Grand Mosque

Travel to Doha Qatar, and observe this architectural magnificence with your eyes. It looks like a fortress from the exterior part, but when you go inside, you will be a witness to a mesmerizing view. The Grand Mosque covers 175,164 meters2, and roughly 11,000 men can pray at the same time in the mosque. Besides, there is a separate hall for women, and 1200 women can pray here at the same time. Before visiting the mosque, check out some rules. For example, women should cover their hair before entering the mosque. Furthermore, you can not take the most liked Instagram photo in a women's hall and also try not to speak loudly.

8. Souq Waqif- the social heart of Doha

Market in Doha

Among tourists, this place is well-known as the social heart of Doha. Here you can do shopping, try delicious Qatar cuisine, spend time in local cafes, and more. Moreover, if you want to buy a souvenir, Souq Waqif is the exact place that you are looking for. Here you can find a lot of exciting souvenirs which show the culture and traditions of Qatar. Also, you can take many Instagram photos as a memory because you will notice plenty of Instagrammable places around you.

9. The Pearl Qatar

The Pearl Qatar

When you say "I want to travel to Qatar" to your friends, there is no doubt that at least one of them will recommend you to see Pearl Qatar. This artificial island is in Doha’s West Bay Lagoon area, and it is one of the most exciting Instagrammable places in Doha. Besides, this place is popular because it was the first area in Doha where foreigners were allowed to buy property. So, some people come here to buy an apartment, and a group of travellers comes to visit the shopping centres, etc.

10. Sealine Beach Resort

Sealine Beach

What to do in Doha? There are plenty of activities in Doha, and the most popular ones are desert activities. Sealine Beach Resort is one of the most exciting desert-based entertainments. Sealine Beach Resort is an oasis in the centre of the desert where you can enjoy the beauty of the sea and desert together. Where is Doha, Sealine Beach Resort? The resort is just 35 minutes away from Hamad International Airport and 40 minutes away from the city centre. There are 58 luxury villas equipped with all items that you may need. 

11. Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art

Modern Museum

If you are interested in art, you should visit the Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art. The museum spreads over 5500 square meters. Museum has masterpieces from the 20 and 21st centuries, and the total number of artworks is 9000. The Arab Museum of Modern Art has seven galleries on the upper floor for permanent collection exhibits. On the other hand, the atrium and five galleries are for periodic exhibitions. If you want to buy a ticket, you can get it online. Also, before visiting the museum, you may receive information about current exhibitions.

12. Aspire Park - the biggest park in Qatar

Aspire ParkAspire Park

covers 88 hectares, and this is the biggest park in Qatar and one of the biggest ones in the whole Arabian League. Aspire Park is a favourite area for locals and tourists. People love to have a picnic here. So during your trip, you will see a lot of people, especially on weekends. Aspire Park looks great at night, so we advise you to go there at night. There are fountains, attractions for children, and more. Further, the only lake in Doha is also here.

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