Kuwait is situated at the edge of the Persian Gulf in western Asia is an emirate ruled by an emir. The country is most notoriously known for immense reserves of oil and gas. It contains 8% of the world's oil reserves. The country is considered to be a safe place for tourism. However, situating far from essential economical, cultural hubs, caused slow growth of the tourism sector. Kuwait is home to one of the oldest human settlements. Footprints of ancient Mesopotamians and Sumerians remain intact. Historical exponents, art pieces, handworks can be found in galleries and museums in Kuwait. 70 per cent of the population consists of expats, and they have been working and living in the country for many years, contributing cultural richness. Cities like Kuwait city offer the opportunity of an entirely new cultural experience. There you will find the most extraordinary restaurants offering meals from different countries’ cuisines. Throughout the 21st century, the country has seen huge-scale construction works. Many high-ranked hotels were built to accommodate travellers and we are sure that you will marvel at the exquisite of these hotels. All these things are done by the massive income coming from natural resources. The economy is highly dependent on resources and this caused some issues during the fluctuations in the oil and gas prices. Learning their lessons, the government showed interest in diversifying the economy. Now more and more investments are put into different economical sectors such as information technologies, agriculture, industry, etc. However, having around 5 million population has its own limits. To grow the economy and meet the demand of the workforce, the country welcomes expats from all around the world. It offers attractive career opportunities for highly skilled expats. Taking employment in Kuwait can be a huge step in building a successful career and it is not that hard either. You will not be facing a language barrier since most of the companies are multinational with an English-speaking environment. The perks of working in Kuwait are many and deserve a dedicated article. However, in this article, we are not going to talk about that. Instead, we are going to talk about work visa for Kuwait. Moving to another country is not that simple. In most cases, you will need a visa to enter the country. Kuwait is not an exception in this regard. Luckily we will give you detailed information on the Kuwait work visa process. Furthermore, we will cover things like, age limit for Kuwait work visa, Kuwait work visa stamping procedure, Kuwait work visa price, Kuwait work visa fees. But first, we will look at in which cases people need visas for Kuwait.
Kuwait Visa Policy

Mutual relations between countries define the visa policy of Kuwait. Nationals of some countries can go to Kuwait without having a visa while others have to apply for Kuwait work visa. Therefore we can categorize countries into Visa-required and visa-free countries. Visa-free countries are Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. If you are not from one of these countries then you are going to need a visa to go to Kuwait. What about visa types? What visa types are there for Kuwait? Well, they are short-term visas and long-term visas. What we are interested in is long-term visas. How to get Kuwait work visa? You will find the answer in later paragraphs.
Work Visa Requirements, Fees, Processing Time, etc

These long-term visas are granted for people in the public and private sectors who have accepted the job offer in Kuwait. Bear in mind this is different from a business visa. A business visa allows you to stay in the country for a short time while a work visa can be valid for up to 5 years. Another difference is that business visas allow you to engage in business activities such as taking part in business meetings, conferences, etc and it does not grant you the right to work. You might be asking “What are Kuwait work visa requirements?”. On the list below you will find Kuwait work visa requirements:
• Kuwait work visa application form duly completed, signed, and dated by the applicant.
• A photo that is taken recently and is in passport format. It should capture the complete face of the applicant with a white background. The size of the photo should be equal to 3.5x4.5 cm and it should be colored other than white and black. It is advised to wear a uniform colored different from the background.
• Original of the passport alongside the copy of the main page. Your passport should remain valid for a minimum of 6 months starting from date that you leave Kuwait. It should posses two blank pages as well.
• Copy of the national ID card.
• In the case of having resided in a country different from your country of citizenship, you need to present a residence permit or visa.
• An HIV/AIDS test is needed.
• You should present a health certificate provided by a local doctor pointing out the applicant is in good shape and does not has a disease threatening public health.
• You should present police clearance showing you have a crime-free record.
• Round trip flight ticket bookings.
• Documents proving the accommodation in Kuwait. It can be a hotel booking with full detailed information on addresses, contact details, etc or a private house.
What about Kuwait work visa processing time? Although the timeline can differ from country to country, generally average Kuwait work visa processing time changes between 15-60 days. The next thing we are going to look at is Kuwait work visa price. The nominal amount for the Kuwait work visa fees can vary from 35 to 665 USD. For example fee for work visa for Kuwait required from US citizens is equal to 175 USD.
Applying Work Visa

? The first thing you should know is that Kuwait work visa process is carried out by the employer in Kuwait or the sponsor. To apply for Kuwait work visa you must accept the job offer. Kuwait work visa application form alongside required documents will be presented to the Ministry of Social Affairs & Labour in Kuwait. After the assessment Ministry of Social Affairs & Labour in Kuwait will send the work permit to the Kuwaiti Embassy in the country of the employee. The employer at the same time sends the copy of the work permit to the employee. There is one issue that can be tricky. Acquiring a work visa might not grant you entry to Kuwait. You will undergo Kuwait work visa stamping procedure at the border control. In some cases, your entry can be rejected. If it is a middle east country, things can get pretty ugly. For example, having an Israeli stamp on your passport may result in denied entry into many Arab and Muslim countries due to political and religious disputes that have been going on for many years. Unfortunately, it includes Kuwait as well. “Is there any age limit for Kuwait work visa” - You might ask. This is another thing to consider before taking employment in Kuwait. The answer to the question is yes, there is an age limit for Kuwait work visa. Although there is no age limit on employment regarding citizens of Kuwait, the hiring limit age for foreign workers is 60. Therefore, if you are 60 or over 60, then you will not be able to apply for a work visa. What about minimum age? Is there a limit on the minimum age for work visa in Kuwait? In fact, there is a minimum age limit for foreign workers. To be able to take advantage of a work visa you must be 21 or over 21 years old. You might wonder “Is the work visa for Kuwait renewable?”. Work visas and other residence permits can be renewed by online services provided by the Kuwait government. To be eligible for the renewal of the visa, the residence application form should be signed by the sponsor or the employer. You have to submit your work permit issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. Furthermore, certificate of health insurance, Original passport of the employee alongside the two photos of him or her, and most importantly, authorization and copy of it signed by the sponsor or the employer. To sum up, taking employment can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. High wages and prestigious companies make it more attractive. However, the process of acquiring a work visa can be frustrating. You should do your research before starting the application. Make sure you got the latest information.