How can I get Turkmenistan Residence Permit?

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 09 August 2021 2519 views 5 min. read

, situated in Central Asia, and is a country that so little is known about. You may ask, "Why?". It is because the country is one of the most isolated countries. This country that accepts entries of foreigners roughly the same number North Korea allows. Even some sources claim that it is fewer than North Korea. It is right to say that Turkmenistan is one of the most difficult places to enter. Even though it is not a well-known travel destination, I can imagine many people ready to queue to see hidden things like the things we heard about North Korea. Are there sites worth seeing? Of course, Turkmenistan is a country with a rich history and beautiful sights. One of the unprecedented wonders, Door to the hell of Darwaza, is situated in the country. Here, ever ending blazes raging from a giant pit. However, it is advised not to stay close to the blazes as the gas rising can be dangerous. Ashgabat, the capital city of Turkmenistan, the city of marble, leaves contradicting impression. With gigantic marble monuments, it feels like living in a surreal world. What is more surreal about the city is that it is almost empty. You do not see people walking or driving. For this and other reasons, the city is called an empty city, but it is still worth seeing these gigantic monuments and structures designed by great architectures. Turkmenistan's economy is highly dependent on the income coming from oil and gas natural resources. Contradicting its visa policy, there is a great need for qualified workers. If you get a residence permit in Turkmenistan, you can consider yourself lucky. Yet again, it is not an easy task for everyone. Conditions and requirements can be overwhelming. What is a residence permit? For those who do not know what is a residence permit, it is a document that will entitle you to stay and remain in a particular country for a fixed length of time. It is applicable in Turkmenistan too. For this article, our main objective will be a Turkmenistan residence permit. We will look at Turkmenistan residence permit details. Before that, we should check out the country's visa policy to better understand how things related to migration in Turkmenistan are processed.

Visa Policy of Turkmenistan

city view from ashgabat turkmenistan

Like many other countries, Turkmenistan's visa policy is shaped based on mutual relations and agreements. To be more precise, countries can be defined as visa-free and visa-required about their visa status to Turkmenistan. If you are a little intrigued by that, then do not be. Because chances are you might need a visa to enter Turkmenistan as only the nationals of Georgia can take advantage of the visa-free entrance. The visas can be short-term and long-term. Short-term visas are mainly granted for temporary reasons such as business, tourism, while long-term visas are for longer stays, including work, education, etc. If you plan to stay in Turkmenistan for a long time, it makes sense to start a Turkmenistan residence permit application. But how to get a residence permit from such a strict country? Do not worry, and we are going to walk you through Turkmenistan residence permit details.

Turkmenistan Residence Permit

person holds uk residence permit

There are two types of residence permit in Turkmenistan. One of the Turkmenistan residence permits is issued temporarily, and the legislation of Turkmenistan regulates it. Another one, on the other hand, can be granted permanently. People who have been living in Turkmenistan for a minimum of 2 years can start the application for a residence permit. To be eligible to apply for the residence permit, you have to be 18 or over 18 years old. Supposedly you are granted a residence permit in Turkmenistan. You might ask, "Will I get to bring my children as well?". The answer depends on the ages of the children. If they are aged below 16, then the residence permit will apply to them too. However, if they are over 16, then it will be issued with the consent of the Commission for Control over the Issuance of Visas based on one of the parents having a residence permit. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have received a residence permit in Turkmenistan can benefit from it and come and stay in Turkmenistan. It will be done with the documents entitling them to cross the State Border of Turkmenistan. How Turkmenistan residence permit application can be completed? Is there anything like a Turkmenistan residence permit online where all the procedures are handled online? There are many things related to residence permits waiting to be elaborated. We will start with conditions. To be eligible to get a Turkmenistan residence permit, you must fit at least one of the criteria. · You should have a Turkmen nationality. · You should be married to a Turkmen citizen. · You should have a close relative residing in Turkmenistan. · You should register your guardship by defined laws. · You should have investments in Turkmenistan which should be worth a minimum of 500 000 USD. · You should have outstanding achievements, qualifications in different professions and branches like science, culture, art, etc.

How to Apply for Turkmenistan Residence Permit?

application form for permit

If you hope to get Turkmenistan residence permit online, then we have bad news. Al the applications will be carried out through diplomatic representatives and consular institutions of Turkmenistan abroad. Therefore, the first thing to do should be to locate the embassy or consulate of Turkmenistan in your country. If you have no embassy/consulate of Turkmenistan in your country, your application can be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. To start the application, you will present the required documents, which are given below: · Turkmenistan residence permit form which applicant himself sign and fill out. Note that the application form will be in English. · A passport that should remain valid for a minimum of 6 years is required. In this passport, there should be the signature of the bearer. Passport should have been issued in the last 10 years (not older than that). It should possess one or two blank pages to be processed. Your photos should be affixed to the passport safely. · Three recently taken (not older than three months) photos are required. They should cover the face from a frontal view, and the face should take around 70-80% of the whole photo. The background in the photo should be white or plain white. No facial expression is needed, and there should be no obstacle disrupting the view of the face meaning that glasses and hair coverage should be taken off. · If you are applying from a country you are not a citizen of, you will need to show a residence permit or visa. · A national ID card of yours is needed. · Copies of formerly given visas and the main page of the passport are required. · Travel itinerary including flight reservation along with accommodation proofs such as hotel reservation, etc. Some additional documents can be asked. You will get a more precise list of required documents at the embassy. After filling out the Turkmenistan residence permit form and presenting documents, you will wait for the application to be processed. You might wonder about the Turkmenistan residence permit price. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell an exact Turkmenistan residence permit price as they are interchangeable depending on the application country. Furthermore, You might need to pay for service fees as well. In the meantime, your application will be directed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan. After around 10 days, your application status will be revealed.

Turkmenistan Residence Permit Extension

filling form

Turkmenistan residence permit extension is possible. The residence permit can be extended upon application to the Migration Service of Turkmenistan, and there, an extension will be issued.

Bases for Refusal of an Application

accept or refuse concept

Certain cases will cause the refusal of your application. Some of them are indicated below: · If you have a record indicating criminal activity against humankind. · In the case of having a case of a grave crime opened against them. · If a person acts against the interest of Turkmenistan, which leads to an aggravation of civil order or causes moral damage to the population. · If a person contains HIV infection, venereal or other diseases listed by the Ministry of Health Care. · If the person gives false information in his application. To summarize, it is difficult to enter Turkmenistan. Almost for any reason, your application can be refused. To complete the application, you will need bold reasons and grounds. Most importantly, you will need to fulfil the requirements and present the required documents.

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