15 Essential travel tips for Kuwait trip

Kanan Isazade 30 October 2021 2636 views 5 min. read

Do you know which country's currency is the most valued in the world? The answer is Kuwait dinar. Having high oil reserves makes the country one of the richest in the world. Besides being rich, Kuwait has plenty of attractive and unique features. That is why more than eight million people visit this country per year. What are the best tips for traveling to Kuwait? If you want to find an answer to this question, then you are in the right place. In this blog, you will get 15 tips and will find an answer to plenty of questions.

Kuwait Visa

apply for kuwait visa

Before starting to top travel tips, let's get some information about the Kuwait visa policy. If you are not a citizen of Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, you must have a visa to travel to Kuwait. The country has various visa types depending on the purpose of the visit of the guest. They are:

  • Short-term Kuwait Visa: People who want to visit Kuwait but are not eligible for E-visa. You can get it to travel to Kuwait for purposes such as tourism, a short period of education, visiting family or a friend, etc. In all cases, you will have a maximum of 90 days. The application fee changes in a wide range depending on the applicant's nationality, 10-340 USD.
  • Long-term Kuwait Visa: People who want to stay in a country for a long time need a Long-Term visa. Even if you are from one of the visa-waiver countries, you should apply for a long-stay visa. What are the reasons to get it? There can be various reasons, such as education, working, family reunion, etc.
  • Transit Visa Kuwait: If the applicant's itinerary includes a stop-over in Kuwait, he (she) is eligible for the transit visa. The eligibility lasts for a week. International truck drivers can get multiple entry visas.
  • Kuwait E-visa: Besides the paper-based versions, there is an online way of applying for a visa. Only 53 countries are eligible for E-visa. You will pay just ten USD and wait for 2-5 days.
  • Kuwait Visa on Arrival: Those 53 countries eligible for E-visa are also eligible for Visa on Arrival. Most of those countries are European. There is not any processing time, and the charge is just ten USD.

Also, depending on the applied visa type, you will need some documents. You can get detailed information about documents and other visa steps in the services section of our website.

  • Application form
  • Passport
  • Photo
  • ID card copy
  • Health Insurance
  • Evidence of enough financial means
  • Evidence of acclamation
  • Documents for children
  • Documents to prove pieces of information such as marriage
  • Ticket

Do not wear shorts

view of the central souq

If you have some general information about Islam, you know that wearing short and see-through dresses is not allowed in Islam. Of course, as you are a tourist, rules are not strict for you. Still, it will be better to avoid such dresses during vacation. You will attract the attention of local people, and you may feel weird.

Something to cover hair

portrait of arabic dressed yang couple play with mobile phone

One of the most crucial tips for traveling to Kuwait for women is it. Kuwait is an Islam country, and there are plenty of mosques that you will want to visit. When you want to enter the mosque, they will ask you to cover your hair. You can understand cause it is respect to the holy place. If you don't have something to cover your hair, do not worry. You can buy one nearby mosque. Even maybe you will like it, and you will use it as an accessory.

Packing tips for travel

open suitcase with casual female clothes

You will visit different locations, and probably, the climate will be unusual for you. The country has a continental climate, and it is very hot. Depending on the months, the temperature changes between 29-50 degrees. So, most packing tips for travel are about protecting yourself from the sun. Take plenty of light colour dresses and avoid dark ones. Also, take some glasses, affordable slippers, etc. Moreover, it will be better to take a water bottle. When you go for a walk, you may need it.

How to travel in Kuwait?

kuwait transport

One of the most asked things about Kuwait is travelling tips. How to travel in Kuwait? Fortunately, the country has a well-developed road system. So, facing a problem is so rare. Unfortunately, the only type of public transport is buses. The country doesn't have a train. The current price for bus travel is 3,32. Also, you can use a taxis to reach the destination, or you can rent a car. Rental car prices change between 19-100 USD per day.

Being attentive, Is it safe to travel to Kuwait?

police car in kuwait

People, who dream about visiting Kuwait ask various questions, and it is one of the most popular ones: is it safe to travel to Kuwait? Fortunately, crime rates are low in the country. It is very rare to face issues during the Kuwait vacation. It doesn't mean that there is not any reason to be attentive. You are in a foreign country, and you may come across some bad-minded people.

You should taste Machboos

arabic chicken machboos

Kuwait has delicious cuisine that mix Arabian, Iranian, and Mesopotamian cuisines. There are many tasteful meals, but the most popular one is Machboos. The main ingredients of the meal are chicken and rice. Also, there are plenty of spices that create an unbelievable taste together. It is a national meal not only for Kuwait but also for other Arabian countries. Also, you can try Muttabaq Samak, Gers Ogaily, Jireesh, Maglooba, etc.

Visit mosques

grand mosque of kuwait

We live on a planet home to different races, traditions, religions, and so on. These differences make our travels more unique and exciting. So, during your voyage, you can visit mosques to feel and learn the local belief and meet Islam. Of course, we can learn about religions from the internet, but as you know, not all information on the internet is true. There are 1487 mosques in the country, and the most-visited ones are The Grand Mosque of Kuwait and Imam Hussein Mosque.

Avoid the hottest period

beautiful sunset in kuwait

Kuwait is one of the places that people can visit year-round, but sometimes local climate can make travelling so hard. It can be so hot and tiring. What is the best time to visit? The period between November and April is the best time to realize your trip.

Buy a flight ticket earlier

boarding pass to kuwait

It is not a secret that not all tourists are rich. That is why I need to share some cheap travel tips. One of the ways to make your travel more affordable is booking the flight several weeks or even months earlier. Also, you can make off-season travels.

Accommodation booking beforehand

modern wedding hall design

It is time to share the next cheap travel tips. If you don't have any friends or family members in Kuwait, you will need to find somewhere to stay. Finding a place to stay can be problematic during the following months: November, June, and January. It is known as a high season. That is why it would be better to book your hotel/hostel earlier.

Do not make homosexual activities

woman with homosexual symbol

Each country has rules and laws, and as a guest, we must follow and respect. Yes, some of them may seem unfair or meaningless to you. For example, homosexuality is part of our society. They have the same rights as us, but you can not do homosexual activities in public if you visit Kuwait.

Do not take these on you


Possession of some materials is illegal in Kuwait, and if you have, you can face some problems. You should not carry on you are alcohol, drugs, pork, or pornographic content. Maybe some of them are ordinary in your country, but it is Kuwait.

Do not show your affection publicly

young muslim couple

One of the top travel tips is about showing love publicly. Most people travel with their wife or lover. Of course, sometimes, they may want to kiss or cuddle. It is normal in most parts of the world, but we do not advise doing it in Kuwait. It will not be a serious problem as homosexuality, but still, keep it for another time.

Do not hesitate

shopping alley

Yes, the country has some rules, but local people are so hospitable and warm. That is why do not hesitate to ask something or have a conversation. They will sincerely answer your question and will try to do their best to help.

Travel budget tips


Finally, I would like to give some travel budget tips. Above, I mentioned some tips that can make your journey more affordable. Another thing that you should do is calculate your budget. You must have enough funds to cover all your expenses. How can I estimate the needed budget? The answer is so simple. There are plenty of websites that can be useful for deciding the travel budget. Of course, there will be differences, but at least you will have some A, B, and C plans.