Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Sierra Leone

You can apply for Sierra Leone visas in order to realize your travel to Sierra Leone. Foreign nationals can apply for single or multiple entry visas or Visa on Arrival, depending on the purpose of visit and duration of stay.

Sierra Leone Entry Visas vary depending on the duration of stay and number of entries:

  • Single Entry Visa (max 3 months validity)
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 6 months validity)
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 1 year validity)

Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival

Nationals of the below-mentioned countries are eligible for Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival:


All European Union citizens




Saint Kitts and Nevis


Antigua and Barbuda




Saint Lucia

Trinidad and Tobago





Saint Vincent and the Grenadines





New Zealand

Saudi Arabia










South Korea



United Arab Emirates





Solomon Islands

United Kingdom




Papua New Guinea

South Africa

United States





Sri Lanka





















Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival can be obtained by the host, behalf of the applicant from the Immigration Department. For Non-ECOWAS foreign national who plans to come to Sierra Leone, a credible resident/organization must apply for Visa on Arrival through a letter on the applicant’s behalf to the Chief Immigration Officer. Copy of the applicant’s passport should be attached to the application.


Required Documents for Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival


1. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

2. Application Letter (By Host)

       The application letter should contain:

  • Details about Visitor:
    • Name
    • Nationality
    • Passport number
    • Occupation/profession
    • Purpose of visit
    • Chosen point of entry
    • Duration of stay
    • The flight on which the visitor intends to travel to the country
  • Details about Host:
    • Name
    • Address

*Additional documents may be required.


Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival Fee
  • Non-ECOWAS African Union Citizen (single entry visa) – 25 USD
  • Non-ECOWAS African Union Citizen (multiple re-entry visa) – 35 USD
  • Citizens of other countries (single entry visa) – 80 USD
  • Citizens of other countries (multiple re-entry visa) – 120 USD

Sierra Leone Visa on Arrival is free for nationals of the below-mentioned countries because of the agreement between Sierra Leone and these countries not to charge each other’s nationalities for visa on arrival:

  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Bermuda
  • Botswana
  • Eswatini (Swaziland)
  • Fiji
  • Jamaica
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Mauritius
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • St Kitts and Nevis

Sierra Leone Entry Visa

You can obtain your Sierra leone visa for tourism or business purposes. Sierra Leone Single Entry visa is usually valid for 3 months from the date issued, for a stay not exceeding 30 days. Sierra Leone Multiple entry visa is valid for either 6 months or one year from the date of issue for a maximum stay of 30 days on each entry/visit.


Required Documents for Sierra Leone Entry Visa


1.  Application Form

  • Duly completed and signed

2. Photo

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5 x 4.5 coloured, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colours matching the background.

3. Passport and Copy of the Main Page

  • Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the return date.
  • It also must have at least two blank pages.

4. Copy of ID Card

5. Residence Permit/Visa Copy

  • If your country of residence and citizenship are different

6. Vaccination Certificate

  • Yellow Fever Certificate

7. Proof of Sufficient Funds

8. For Tourism:

  • Proof of Accommodation
    • Valid (existing) hotel/accommodation booking/reservation with the full address (name, street, city, zip code, contact information, booking ref.)
    • In case of staying at a private house, submit a copy of the house owner’s resident card (both front and backside) and fill out the address on the application form.

9. For Business:

  • Invitation letter
    • From sponsoring organization/company
    • Indicating reason of trip, nature of business, contacts
  • Introductory Letter
    • From the applicant’s home country
    • Name and address of reference to be visited, nature of the business, a guarantee of return transportation, and sufficient funds

10. For Minors:

  • Copy of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

*Additional documents may be required by the embassy.


Processing Time for Sierra Leone Entry Visa

The average processing time for a Sierra Leone Entry visa is 3-14 working days. It depends on your visa application country.


Sierra Leone Entry Visa Fee
  • Single Entry Visa (max 3 months validity) – 120-150 USD
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 6 months validity) – 185 USD
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 1-year validity) – 220-245 USD
  • For US passport holders, 3-year multiple entry visa – 160 USD

The fee may vary depending on your nationality or your country of submission.


Where to Apply for Sierra Leone Entry Visa?

You will apply for a Sierra Leone Entry visa in Sierra Leone visa application centers, embassies, or consulates, whichever accepts visa applications in your country of residence. If there is none of them in your country, you need to apply to the nearest embassy or consulate to your location.

Sierra Leone Resident Permits

Sierra Leone Resident Permits are issued to a foreigner who plans to reside in the country for a longer period. Resident permits can be issued for the following purposes:

  • Employment
  • Business including self-employed
  • Student
  • Dependents

The resident permit is issued by the application of an employer, and this application can be from either a national or international organization or business entity doing business in Sierra Leone. The employer must first write a letter to the Immigration Department using the approved letterhead with a full description of the organization/business/company applying for a residence permit on behalf of the employee.


Required Documents for Sierra Leone Resident Permits


1. Request Letter

  • By Employer in Sierra Leone addressed to Immigration Department
  • Description of business/company/organization

2. Application Form

  • By Applicant addressed to Immigration Department

3. Passport

  • Valid passport for a period of resident

4. Two Photos

  • The photo should be of passport format, a recent whole-face capture with a light background.
  • It must be in the size of 3.5 x 4.5 colored, and the head should take 70-80% of the photo.
  • You must be looking straight at the camera with a neutral facial expression (no smile and mouth closed).
  • Try to avoid uniforms or colors matching the background.

5. For Business Registration:

  • The original document of company registration and renewed certificates of the applicant
  • Bank statements as proof of the financial situation

6. For Employment Registration:

  • Appointment letter by the employer in Sierra Leone

7. For Student Registration:

  • Certificates by School/University/Education Institution
  • Acceptance Letter by Educational Institution in Sierra Leone
  • Financial statement from the sponsor as the proof of sponsorship

8. For Dependent Registration:

  • Copy of either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced/death certificate of parent
  • Letter of consent from parent/s or legal guardian/s, if traveling unaccompanied

9. For Spouse/Other Relative Registration:

  • Marriage Certificate or other documents as proof of relationship

*Additional documents may be required by Immigration Department.


Processing Time for Sierra Leone Resident Permits

The average processing time for Sierra Leone Resident Permits is 1-2 weeks.


Sierra Leone Resident Permits Fee

For Business:

  • Employer - 441 USD (Le 4,500,000.00)
  • Employee - 490 USD (Le 5,000,000.00)

For Dependants/Relatives:

  • Adult Dependant – 490 USD (Le 5,000,000.00)
  • Under Age Dependant – 25 USD (Le 250,000.00)
  • Missionary – 50 USD (Le 500,000.00)
  • Housewife – 100 USD (Le 1,000,000.00)

For Students:

  • Teachers/Lecturers - 441 USD (Le 4,500,000.00)
  • Student - 490 USD (Le 5,000,000.00)


Where to Apply for Sierra Leone Resident Permits?

You will apply for Sierra Leone Resident Permits in Sierra Leone Immigration Department.


I am from a country whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Sierra Leone. Can I experience any problems at the border, while entering Sierra Leone?

You must meet certain requirements to enter Sierra Leone, even if you are not required a visa:

  • The purpose of your trip to Sierra Leone must be plausible and comprehensible.
  • Your passport should be valid for at least 6 months beyond your stay in Sierra Leone.
  • You must be able to finance your own living and travel costs.
  • You must not pose a threat to security or public order.

Will my fees be refunded if my visa is refused?

All fees are non-refundable and will not be refunded if your visa application is not successful.

Do I have to participate in the Embassy in person for applying for Sierra Leone Visa?

It depends on your country of residence or the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center’s rules and obligations. In some countries, sending your documents via courier is enough to the embassy/consulate/Visa Administrative Center.

Can the Embassy/Consulate request me to provide additional documents or information?

The embassy may request you to provide additional documents or information, according to your personal situation, even after you have submitted all the required documents mentioned on the official website of the Embassy/Consulate/Visa Application Center.

What do I do if my Sierra Leone Visa application is refused?

If you consider it to be reasonable, you can appeal against the refusal.

What is the duration of the Sierra Leone Entry visa?

Sierra Leone Entry Visas vary depending on the duration of stay and number of entries:

  • Single Entry Visa (max 3 months validity)
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 6 months validity)
  • Multiple Entry Visa (max 1 year validity)

What is the local currency in Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leonean Leone is the local currency in Sierra Leone. 1 USD equals approximately 10.210 Sierra Leonean Leone.

Who should sign the Sierra Leone application form for a minor?

Parents should sign the application form for their child.