Do You Need Visa to Visit Heard and McDonald Islands? Check It Out!

Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Heard and McDonald Islands

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Heard and McDonald Islands

Heard Island and McDonald Islands are a sub-Antarctic island group. They are an Australian territory. Everyone, regardless of their nationality, need a permit to enter and undertake the activities in Heard and McDonald Islands. The permit is issued by the Australian Antarctic Division because the island is a registered nature reserve. For detailed information about Heard and McDonald Islands, you can check their website.



Where are Heard and McDonald Islands?

Heard and McDonald Islands is a subantarctic island group located in the Southern Ocean, about 4,000 kilometers southwest of mainland Australia.

Can I visit Heard and McDonald Islands?

Yes, you can. You need to obtain a permit from Australian Antarctic Division.

How do people get to Heard and McDonald Islands?

People visit Heard and McDonald Islands by boat. People and cargo may be landed on shore by helicopters, inflatable rubber boats (IRBs) or amphibious vehicles supported from a larger vessel.

Who manages Heard Island?

Heard and McDonald Islands (HIMI), and the HIMI Marine Reserve are managed by the Australian Antarctic Division of the Australian Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage, and the Arts.

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