Visa Types

Visa Types & Categories to Apply for Andorra

The Principality of Andorra does not require any visa.

The Principality of Andorra is not a member of the Schengen Area. Access to the Principality is via France or Spain. Consequently, any third-country national intending to travel to Andorra must obtain information from the Embassies or Consulates of France or Spain (depending on the country through which they arrive) whether they are required to hold a visa to Schengen Area and, if necessary, carry out the necessary procedures to obtain this Schengen visa.

The person concerned will have to apply for a double-entry or multiple-entry Schengen visa to be able to exit and enter the Schengen Area without any problem.

Andorra Short-term Visa

Andorra has no specific short-term visa policy. You can apply for France Schengen Visa or Spain Schengen Visa in order to realize your short-term trip to Andorra.

Reasons to apply for this type of visa can be tourism, visiting family or friends, business trips, short-term education, exchange programs, short-term work, and many other non-permanent nuances. You can check all the required documents for each type of visa application, visa fees, processing time, and where to apply for a visa by clicking the related link above.


Andorra Residence Permits

Andorra Residence Permits

There are two types of residence permits in Andorra:

  • Active residency
  • Passive residency

Active residence permits are designated for people who intend to work and live in Andorra and participate in the Andorran social security and health care systems. Passive residence permits are more suited for those who make a living outside of Andorra but want to live here for part of the year.



Andorra Work Residence Permit

Andorra Work Residence Permit entitles a person to reside and work in Andorra permanently during the term of the authorization.

It can be requested, under current legislation, by any newcomer who:

  • Take advantage of the quota established by regulations
  • Have an indefinite employment contract with a company legally incorporated in the country
  • Establish your permanent residence in the Principality of Andorra

The first authorization is for one year, renewable three times for periods of two years. After seven years, the successive renewals are delivered for periods of ten years except for nationals of the states that have signed and ratified an agreement with the Principality of Andorra.


Required Documents for Andorra Work Residence Permit


1. Application Form

2. Original and Photocopy of Current Passport

  • Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area may, alternatively, present the original and a photocopy of their current national identity document.

3. Certificate of Criminal Record

  • From the country of origin, as well as the countries of residence

4. Affidavit Relating to Criminal Record

5. Photo

  • A color photograph (35 x 45 mm) taken recently, less than 6 months before the application, with the appearance fully visible and the head uncovered

6. Proof of Accommodation

  • Copy of the rental agreement
  • Сopy of the title deed
  • Another certificate accrediting the accommodation in a public establishment
  • If the owner of the home is not the person making the application, a certificate of domicile must also be attached

7. Proof of Civil Status

  • If single: official bachelor's certificate or affidavit signed by the person requesting a bachelor's declaration
  • If married: official marriage certificate
  • If separated: photocopy and the original of the separation sentence
  • If divorced: photocopy and original of the divorce judgment.
  • If widow/widower: photocopy and original of the spouse's death certificate

8. Curriculum Vitae with Original and Photocopy of Diplomas or Other Documents Accrediting the Professional Qualification

9. Signature Document

10. Medical Examination Information and Consent for Medical Tests

11. Diligence of Professional and Salary Conditions

12. Employment Contract

13. Extract of CASS Points of the Applicant if he had previously worked in Andorra

14. Diligence of Registration in the Municipality

15. Sworn Statement Training Plan



Andorra Family Reunification Residence Permit

Andorra Family Reunification Residence Permit authorizes a person to reunite and reside in the Principality of Andorra with a person of Andorran nationality or with the holder of a residence and work permit, as long as they are within the country.

It can be requested, under current legislation, by any newcomer who is:

  • The spouse or member of the stable union of the couple.
  • Their minor children, and the minor children of their spouse who have legal custody.
  • Their adult children and the children of the spouse from previous marriages that are under their protection.
  • A dependent who is at least 65 years old or who are retired.
  • Persons other than those mentioned when the applicant exercises legal protection or has them under his protection within the framework of another similar institution recognized by the Andorran legal system and not contrary to national public order provided that both parents have died or have lost their parental authority.


Required Documents for Andorra Family Reunification Residence Permit


1. Application Form

2. Original and Photocopy of Current Passport

  • Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area may, alternatively, present the original and a photocopy of their current national identity document.

3. Certificate of Criminal Record

  • From the country of origin, as well as the countries of residence.

4. Affidavit Relating to Criminal Record

5. Photo

  • A color photograph (35 x 45 mm) taken recently, less than 6 months before the application, with the appearance fully visible and the head uncovered.

6. Proof of Accommodation

  • Copy of the rental agreement
  • Сopy of the title deed
  • Another certificate accrediting the accommodation in a public establishment
  • If the owner of the home is not the person making the application, a certificate of domicile must also be attached

7. Proof of Civil Status

  • If single: official bachelor's certificate or affidavit signed by the person requesting a bachelor's declaration
  • If married: official marriage certificate
  • If separated: photocopy and the original of the separation sentence
  • If divorced: photocopy and original of the divorce judgment.
  • If widow/widower: photocopy and original of the spouse's death certificate.

8. In the Case of a Stable Marriage:

  • Official certificate issued by the Andorran civil registry issued less than 3 months before the application.

9. Proof of Health Insurance

  • That covers 100% of any medical or health expenses of the person to be regrouped, and that the applicant must undertake to renew by means of an affidavit.

10. If the Person Applying is Andorran: 

  • A copy of the passport and a certificate of conformity is registered in the census of the parish in which they are domiciled.

11. If the Applicant is a Foreigner:

  • A copy of the current passport or identity document and a copy of the immigration authorization.

12. If the Persons Reuniting are the Minor Children of the Applicant or their Spouse

  • A birth certificate issued less than 3 months before the submission of the application, with the indication of the affiliation or, where applicable, a copy conforming to the original of the decision of adoption of the competent authority.

13. If the Applicant has Custody and Custody of the Minor Child

  • A notarial document or, where applicable, a court order proving this, which must be duly legalized in the event that they request foreign authorities.

14. Documents Accrediting the Financial Means of the Applicant

  • These means must represent 100% of the minimum wage in Andorra and must be demonstrated with a copy of the last three salary slips and the points extract of the CASS if it is an employee or with a bank certificate of solvency and sworn statement of income in other cases.
  • You must also prove that the sum of your income represents, for each of the adults living in the same household, an amount equal to or greater than 50% of the minimum wage in Andorra and, for each of the minors, an amount equal to or greater than 30% of the minimum wage in Andorra.

15. Documents Proving the Income of the Person to be Regrouped, if any

16. In Addition, As the Case May Be, Applicants Must Attach the Following Documents to the Official Form:

  • Birth certificate of the person to be regrouped and, if applicable, another document accrediting the family bond with the person requesting.
  • If it is an adult child between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five who is a student and continues to study continuously and without interruption, a certificate attesting that he/she is pursuing secondary, university, postgraduate or similar and that these studies constitute its exclusive activity.
  • In the case of dependents, documents proving that the dependent person does not have sufficient financial means to live.
  • In the case of a person under legal guardianship, a certified copy in accordance with the original of the decision appointing the person requesting the regrouping as guardian, and a certificate of the validity of this appointment, delivered by the competent authority.

17. Signature Document

18. Medical Examination Information and Consent for Medical Tests

19. Diligence of Registration In the Municipality




Authorization to Immigrate for Studies, Training Internships, High-level Sports Training, or Research

Authorization is given for education, training, high-level sports training, scientific research, and it allows a person to reside in the country only for the duration of this education, practice, training, or research.

It can be requested, under current legislation, by any newcomer who:

  • Would like to reside in the Principality to study in an educational establishment based in the Principality of Andorra and recognized by the Government, which provides training aimed at obtaining official degrees or own training that has the approval of the  Ministry of Education and Culture, to do internships training, high-level sports training or scientific research.


Required Documents for the Authorization


1. Application Form

2. Original and Photocopy of Current Passport

  • Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area may, alternatively, present the original and a photocopy of their current national identity document.

3. Certificate of Criminal Record

  • From the country of origin, as well as the countries of residence.

4. Affidavit Relating to a Criminal Record

5. Photo

  • A color photograph (35 x 45 mm) taken recently, less than 6 months before the application, with the appearance fully visible and the head uncovered.

6. Proof of Accommodation

  • Copy of the rental agreement
  • Сopy of the title deed
  • Another certificate accrediting the accommodation in a public establishment
  • If the owner of the home is not the person making the application, a certificate of domicile must also be attached

7. Document Accrediting Health Insurance that Covers 100% of Any Medical or Health Expenses During the Planned Period

  • If exceptionally, the policy does not cover the entire period provided, the applicant must submit a sworn statement in which he agrees to renew it until the date of expiry of his authorization.

8. Justification of Sufficient Financial Means to Live in Andorra

  • In the event that the applicant is of legal age, it is necessary to prove that the sum of their financial means is equal to or greater than the minimum wage of the Principality of Andorra during the period of study, of the internship training, high-level sports training or the corresponding research.
  • If you are a minor, your parents or legal guardians must prove it

9. If the Person Applying for the Immigration Authorization for Studies or Training Internships is a Minor

  • The application must be completed and signed by their legal representative or guardian and must be accompanied by:
    • Copy of the passport and/or national identity document of the minor's representative or legal guardian
    • Statement from the legal representative or guardian for the minor to study or carry out training practices or high-level sports training in the Principality of Andorra, with mention of the person of Andorran nationality or resident in the country, or of the Andorran institution or entity to which he entrusts the custody of the minor.
    • Statement of the natural or legal person receiving custody of the minor, accompanied by the original and a photocopy of their passport and/or national identity document, if it is a natural person. In each case, the Immigration Service may bring the natural person or the legal representative of the legal person to appear for the purpose of verifying that it accepts custody.

10. Documentation That You Must Add for Study Authorization:

  • Documents confirming the exceptional status of a student or researcher of scientific research.
  • Admissions documents and a schedule of planned studies or research activities.
  • Documents confirming the content and duration of study or research activities.

11. The Documentation That You Must Add for Immigration Permit for an Internship:

  • The academic or professional degree or accreditation certificate from which the procedures for obtaining it were initiated.
  • A document showing that it is not integrated into the labor market.
  • Documents confirming the calendar of the period of training practices.
  • Agreement between the competent ministry and the training center abroad.

12. Documentation That You Must Add for Immigration Permit for Sports Training:

  • A document that confirms registration and affiliation with the sports federation for which you are requesting training
  • Documents confirming the calendar of the sports training period, with a specific forecast of the end of this period

13. Information About the Medical Examination and Consent to the Medical Examination

14. Signature Document



Andorra Temporary Immigration Permit

It is the permission to work and temporarily reside in the Principality of Andorra while this permission is valid.

It may be requested in accordance with current legislation by any newcomer who:

  • Take advantage of the quota established by the regulations.
  • Have a specific employment contract with a company legally registered in the country.
  • Place his/her temporary residence in the Principality of Andorra.

The period of validity of a temporary immigration permit is adjusted for the previously defined season of the year.

Required Documents for Andorra Temporary Immigration Permit


1. Application Form

2. Original and Photocopy of Current Passport

  • Nationals of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area may, alternatively, present the original and a photocopy of their current national identity document.

3. Certificate of Criminal Record

  • From the country of origin, as well as the countries of residence.

4. Affidavit Relating to Criminal Record

5. Photo

  • A color photograph (35 x 45 mm) taken recently, less than 6 months before the application, with the appearance fully visible and the head uncovered.

6. Proof of Accommodation

  • Copy of the rental agreement, a copy of the certificate of ownership, or another certificate confirming the certification of accommodation in a state institution.
  • If the owner of the house is not the applicant, you must also attach a certificate of domicile

7. Civil Status Document

  • In the case of a bachelor: An official bachelor's certificate or affidavit signed by the person requesting a bachelor's declaration.

8. Curriculum Vitae (CV) 

  • With the original and photocopy of diplomas or other documents confirming their professional qualification.

9. Employment Contract

10. Notification of the Order to Leave the Territory

11. Signature Document

12. Extract from the Cass Points of the Applicant If He Had Previously Worked in Andorra

13. Information about the Medical Examination and Consent to the Medical Examination


Is it enough to present my passport and Schengen visa when I get to the border control in the Schengen area or any other documents required too?

Having a visa in your passport does not necessarily guarantee that you will be authorized to enter the Schengen area. The border police may refuse your entry. 

If you were granted a short-stay Schengen visa or were exempt from obtaining a short-stay Schengen visa during your arrival in Andorra, you must be able to satisfy all the border police’s requests and be able to show the following:

  • Your passport (with a visa, if this applies to your situation);
  • Supporting documents for the purpose of your trip to Andorra, your means of subsistence during your stay, and the means to return to your country of origin.
  • You must have an insurance certificate covering all medical and hospital expenses for which you may be liable for the duration of your stay in Andorra and medical repatriation costs and expenses in the event of death.

If you hold a multiple-entry Schengen visa, then you must carry a health insurance certificate during every trip.

If you were granted an Andorra long-stay visa, the border police would only ask to see your passport containing the visa. It must have a stamp showing the date of entry into Andorra.

Is it possible to work in Andorra while I study with my Student Visa?

Students from within the EEA and Switzerland are free to pursue work alongside their studies without any restrictions. However, if you are a third-country national, you can work up to 965 hours per year (equivalent to 60% of a full working year) as part of the permissions granted with the VLS-TS visa and residency permit. Internships completed as part of a study program are not counted within this.

If my Andorra visa application is refused, can I apply for an appeal?

Under the provisions of European law, decisions about refusing entry visas to Andorra are justified.

Can I extend my France/Spain Short-Stay Schengen Visa?

Yes, you can extend your France/Spain Schengen visa but only in exceptional cases where new facts and special reasons arise after entry in France/Spain. These special reasons are to continue receiving medical treatment, to take part in the funeral after the sudden death of a family member, to give support to a person close to you who is going through some hardship, no flight connections because of consecutive earthquakes, wars or other reasons, etc.

If I am planning to stay in Andorra and other Schengen countries for three days in each, which country's Schengen visa should I apply for?

Whenever you plan to travel throughout the Schengen Area, you are required to apply for the Schengen visa of the Schengen country where you plan to stay the most of your trip. In your case, the period of stay in each country is the same, so you need to apply for the visa to the one that you plan to enter first.

Can someone else apply for a Schengen visa on my behalf?

Each applicant must come in person to proceed to the biometric data capture.

Personal appearance is mandatory for all visa applicants unless you are exempted from biometric data capturing. If you are exempted from biometric data capture, a representative can apply on your behalf. The representative has to provide a signed letter of authorization and the original and copy of his/her ID card. The representative cannot be a minor.

Personal appearance exemption conditions:

  • Children under 12 years of age. Finger scans are not required;
  • An applicant has a previous Schengen visa delivered within 59 months, and with the remarks, “VIS” is mentioned.

Note that if the applicant’s latest Schengen visa mentions “VIS 0”, the applicant is still required to provide their biometric data, as the “VIS 0” visa means only alphanumeric data and a photograph are provided, but no fingerprint. In addition, if your remarks “VIS” are mentioned on a long-stay visa “Type D”, your personal appearance is still required.

Could the Embassy/Consulate request me to provide additional documents or information?

The embassy may request you to provide additional documents or information, according to your personal situation, even after you have submitted all the required documents mentioned on the official website of the Embassy/Consulate/Visa Application Center.

When should I apply for a visa?

You may only submit your Schengen visa application within 180 days before your date of departure. We recommend that you apply at least 15 working days before the date you intend to travel to Andorra or Schengen Area.

I am a regular visitor to Andorra. Will I have to provide all documentation each time I apply?

Yes. Every time you apply for a visa to Andorra, you must submit all the necessary supporting documents. If you are a frequent traveler to Andorra, you can request a multiple-entry Schengen visa with the validity of three months, six months, one year, two, and five years. However, the decision on whether to grant you such visa depends on the consul.

Do I get my fee refunded in case of my visa refusal?

No. Schengen and Andorra application fee covers the handling of the application, regardless of the result.