Kanan Isazade
166 posts

Kanan Isazade

Kanan Isazade was born and grew up in Baku, but now he is in Turkey because he is doing a Master's degree in Energy. Kanan loves to travel and meet people from various cultures, races, and beliefs. He travelled to more than 10 cities, and most of them are in Turkey. Kanan's motto is: learn new languages, travel around the world, read as many books as you can, and never forget to put yourself in someone's shoes to understand others.

How to get tourist visa for Cameroon?

How to get tourist visa for Cameroon?

Do you know which country is known as a miniature version of Africa? As you can guess from the name of today’s topic, it is Cameroon. Cameroon got this name because of its geological, linguistic, and cultural diversity. Today, more than 230 languages are spoken in the country. When it comes to geological richness, it […]

Kanan Isazade 09 August 2021
How to get tourist visa for Vanuatu?

How to get tourist visa for Vanuatu?

When we look at the top 10 most visited countries list, we can see that people mostly prefer to visit developed countries. Even when we ask our friends: which country do you want to visit the most? They give the same answers. However, there are 195 countries in the world, and each of them has […]

Kanan Isazade 07 August 2021
What are the conditions of Uganda E-visa?

What are the conditions of Uganda E-visa?

In childhood, almost all of us watched cartoons about Africa and dreamed of being there. Lions, giraffes, and other animals were our heroes. Now those children have grown up, and some are still following their dream, visiting the mesmerizing Africa. There are 54 countries in Africa, but today we will talk only about Uganda. More […]

Kanan Isazade 06 August 2021
How to get tourist visa for Venezuela?

How to get tourist visa for Venezuela?

Fidel Castro said the following words about Venezuela: “Given its remarkable educational, cultural and social progress, tremendous energy and natural resources, Venezuela is called to be a revolutionary model for the world.” Probably, most of you heard about the political situation in Venezuela, but today, we will not talk about it. Our today’s topic is […]

Kanan Isazade 04 August 2021
How to get a tourist visa for Honduras?

How to get a tourist visa for Honduras?

Do you know which country gained a reputation as the Republic of Banana? Probably, some of you know the answer. Honduras is well known as the Republic of Banana worldwide. Such as most other Latin American countries, Honduras has an enormous stock of bananas. But, there are more than bananas in the country, and it […]

Kanan Isazade 02 August 2021
Zimbabwe tourist visa details

Zimbabwe tourist visa details

People who decide to travel to Zimbabwe must ruin taboos. While searching for a Zimbabwe tourist visa and more, you can face negative thoughts about the country. With all my heart, I advise you to ignore all of those negative thoughts. Mountains, prehistoric fossils, wildlife, unique culture, traditions, and more make the country one of […]

Kanan Isazade 01 August 2021
How to apply for visitor visa for Dubai?

How to apply for visitor visa for Dubai?

The fastest in the world, the biggest in the world, the longest in the world, and more come together just in one place. Do you know which place it is? Yes, today we are going to talk about Dubai. Probably some of you know just Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world), but there […]

Kanan Isazade 31 July 2021
What you need to know before applying for a tourist visa to Namibia?

What you need to know before applying for a tourist visa to Namibia?

Today, we will talk about tourist visas of one of the favourite places of photographers and wildlife lovers. The name of that country is Namibia. It is home to more than 100 mammal species, 300 bird species, desert, and more. While travelling in the desert, you will enjoy the beauty of the Atlantic ocean. Millions […]

Kanan Isazade 30 July 2021
Fiji tourist visa guide

Fiji tourist visa guide

White sandy beaches, crystal-pure water of Fiji offer an unforgettable vacation to all guests. Almost a million people travel to Fiji per year. Scuba diving, boat travel, and museum visits are some of the activities that you can enjoy. Year by year, more and more people want to travel to Fiji. Considering this, we decided […]

Kanan Isazade 30 July 2021

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