Farhad Karimli
15 posts

Farhad Karimli

Farhad is the author of a storybook “Intoxicated with poison”, CEO and Founder of “Istiglal” publishing house in Azerbaijan. He has a few partnerships and cooperation in the field of journalism. His lusting after litreary activity and reading propelled him into creating and naming the concept of “Autumn Bookcafe” in Baku city, Azerbaijan. In parallel with this purpose, Farhad made his way in film industry and succeeded to make 20 short movies.  He won nominees at around 10 filmmaking competitions and one of his films was awarded with “The most influential movie” nomination. All together he operated as a cameraman of the documentary called “From Tent Encampments to New Settlements” (2019) which was demonstrated in UK. Farhad also proved himself as a successful photographer and videographer who gained a great fame in competitions. Concurrently, he is working on his upcoming books.

Reading while traveling

Reading while traveling

The way to get to know the world, discover different places, and get familiar with the exciting destinations of our planet is not just through traveling. You can obtain all the listed by reading a book. As the English philosopher, historian, political figure, and writer, founder of empiricism Francis Bacon said that books are the […]

Farhad Karimli 13 January 2020
The Museum of Underwater Art

The Museum of Underwater Art

One day during your trip to Mexico, you will think, "What different places can I see in Mexico?" You think of tequila, guitar, large hats, cactus, and desert, and it does not seem so attractive? What places to visit in Mexico? Let's get to know the most exciting places to visit in Mexico. Places to […]

Farhad Karimli 24 December 2019
The Amazon river

The Amazon river

Amazon, one of the famous rivers in the world, which is the longest river in South America and the most abundant water in the world, is watering one-third part of South America. How did the Amazon River get its name? The name of this giant river was derived from the women warriors of ancient Indian […]

Farhad Karimli 05 December 2019
Travel photographer’s essential equipment

Travel photographer’s essential equipment

How to become a travel photographer? To become a travel photographer is some people's dream, some people's goals, or profession. Hundreds of people become popular in this area. Although this work is easy and straightforward for many, being a skilled travel photographer requires courage, skill, patience, attention, creativity, and perseverance. Nevertheless, these human qualities are […]

Farhad Karimli 22 November 2019
6 small but essential details on the aircraft

6 small but essential details on the aircraft

According to the research, transport with the safest and lowest accident rates is aircraft. Nevertheless, we still cannot keep our fears while travel by airplane. Maybe it is because of the secrets hidden from us. So let's get to you the six small but essential details on planes. Seat number 13 Have you ever sat […]

Farhad Karimli 05 November 2019
The cheapest and magnificent cities

The cheapest and magnificent cities

Do you want to travel more with less money? Do you think you need more money to move around the world? There are lots of beautiful and cheap cities in Europe and the world. What cities are cheap to live in and travel? Let’s look at some cheap travel destinations. Tunis, Tunisia We are starting our cheap cities […]

Farhad Karimli 05 November 2019

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