Aytaj Hasanova
38 posts

Aytaj Hasanova

Up to Aytaj, nothing can introduce ourselves as much as our speaking style and writings. That’s why, Aytaj has written short stories, participated in different debate forums and aims to write blogs that would be appreciated by readers. Aytaj, winner and the best speaker of Youth Debate Forum of the Republic of Azerbaijan, loves to explore different cultures over the world. One of her biggest dreams is to explore Africa that has been convicted to bear all the sins of the world. In her leisure time, she also loves to draw. According to her, drawing is the kind of speaking without using sentences.

When will we travel again?

When will we travel again?

The incidence of coronavirus pandemic, which has killed thousands of people around the world, continues to rise. At a time when the number of infections has reached 3 million, and more than two hundred thousand people have died, leaving home has become even riskier. Although staying at home may not seem difficult to many of […]

Aytaj Hasanova 29 April 2020
Positive effects of coronavirus on the environment

Positive effects of coronavirus on the environment

As we all aware, the coronavirus epidemic arose in China continues to affect the world. The coronavirus epidemic, which is found in most countries of the world, has almost stopped a life. Countries around the world are using various methods to prevent it. Many states have restrictions on leaving home. In many parts of the […]

Aytaj Hasanova 27 April 2020

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