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12 Instagrammable places in Xian

12 Instagrammable places in Xian

China is the paradise of passionate Instagrammer. Beautiful people, amazing sights and fascinating wonders of nature do not hide here in secluded corners, but proudly declare their existence, located in locations accessible to the naked eye. One of the largest cities in the world, the capital of thirteen states in the history of China, the […]

Anastasia Ilchenko 03 March 2021
10 reasons why you should travel to Xi’an instead of Beijing

10 reasons why you should travel to Xi’an instead of Beijing

China, the world’s most populous country, is rich in natural and cultural attractions. The history of China is thousands of years old, and the unique thing is that 47 travel destinations of China are included in the World Heritage. It is not surprising that tourists travelling in China are the first to visit popular tourist […]

Abhishek Dwivedi 14 November 2020

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