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US Exchange Visitor Visa process

US Exchange Visitor Visa process

The USA is the world’s third-biggest country. It borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The USA is one of the most developed countries on a global scale. Today, most cutting-edge companies and universities shaping the future are USA-based and operate exclusively in the US. It is no coincidence that today the […]

Tamerlan Mehdiyev 21 March 2022
Uganda visitor visa details

Uganda visitor visa details

If you are planning to visit Uganda anytime soon, this article would be very essential for your trip. The official name of this landlocked country located in the east of the African continent is the Republic of Uganda. Neighbours; Kenya to the east, Congo to the west, South Sudan to the north, Lake Victoria and […]

Fatima Mammadova 03 December 2021
How to get visitor visa for Nauru?

How to get visitor visa for Nauru?

Until the 1830s, when whaling ships and other traders began to visit Nauru had little contact with Europeans. The introduction of firearms and alcohol to the island shattered the peaceful coexistence of the island’s 12 tribes. In 1878, a 10-year internal war broke out, reducing the population from 1,400 in 1843 to around 900 in 1878. […]

Tural Musayev 31 August 2021
How to apply for visitor visa for Dubai?

How to apply for visitor visa for Dubai?

The fastest in the world, the biggest in the world, the longest in the world, and more come together just in one place. Do you know which place it is? Yes, today we are going to talk about Dubai. Probably some of you know just Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world), but there […]

Kanan Isazade 31 July 2021
How to apply for Germany visitor visa?

How to apply for Germany visitor visa?

“You can build something beautiful even from stones that are put in front of you to stumble upon.” (Auch aus Steinen, die einem in den Weg gelegt werden, kann man Schones bauen)- famous writer Goethe. It is one of my favorite quotes from Germany. Creating something new and beautiful depends on us entirely. Everyone has […]

Kanan Isazade 19 July 2021
How to apply for France visitor visa?

How to apply for France visitor visa?

Who can ignore visiting the country which has 246 varieties of cheese? Of course, cheese is not the only thing that makes France worth visiting. France is a country of delicious cuisine, art, and romance. Charming cities of the country attract millions of people to the country per year. Being the most visited country in […]

Kanan Isazade 18 July 2021
How to apply for US visitor visa?

How to apply for US visitor visa?

The United States of America has been attractive to people since the first days of discovery. Besides, people like to visit this country as a tourist. History, museums, Hollywood, and more make this country worth visiting for millions of people. It is not surprising that the USA is one of the most visited countries in […]

Kanan Isazade 16 July 2021
How to apply for Australia visitor visa?

How to apply for Australia visitor visa?

Famous Hollywood actor David Wenham: Australia is a phenomenally gorgeous country, and every time I go away and come back, it never ceases to amaze me. In 2019, almost 10 million people visited the country. This number could have increased in 2020, but was not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people want to […]

Kanan Isazade 15 July 2021
Tips to get UK visa for travel and business purposes

Tips to get UK visa for travel and business purposes

To study, work, visit, or join the family in the UK, you may need a visa. There are several visas available depending on where you are from, why you want to visit the UK, and how long you want to stay. You must first determine whether you require a visa and, if so, according to […]

Aytan Akhundova 25 June 2021

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