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10 unusual restaurants in Vancouver

10 unusual restaurants in Vancouver

If you have visited Vancouver at least once, you will probably never be able to forget it. This city from the first minutes fascinates with a pleasant atmosphere, a variety and combination of cultural features, proximity to nature. What to do in Vancouver? However, it has another unforgettable highlight – unusual restaurants and cafes that […]

Alisa Ruda 23 March 2021
5 most extraordinary hotels in Vancouver

5 most extraordinary hotels in Vancouver

Vancouver is known not only for its mountain scenery, theatrical performances and the filming of box-office films. First of all, it is a place where the sea meets the mountains. The mild climate without cold winters and frequent thick fogs are the hallmarks of “North Hollywood“. The annual rankings of the most “livable cities in […]

Aleksey Bashayev 22 February 2021
12 Instagrammable places in Vancouver

12 Instagrammable places in Vancouver

British Columbia of Canada, is an incredibly beautiful and picturesque province in the west of the country. The scenery of this province is so beautiful and striking that the main attractions here are not monuments or palaces, but all kinds of National Parks, the Rocky Mountains, rivers, lakes, and even islands. Today we are not […]

Darya Kiyevskaya 24 October 2020
10 reasons why you should travel to Vancouver instead of Toronto

10 reasons why you should travel to Vancouver instead of Toronto

You have decided to travel to Canada, but have no idea which one to choose – the East or the West coast? Actually many people with no previous knowledge about this big country question which city to start with. In this article, I will try to argue for Vancouver. Why is it better, and why […]

Ieva Miltina 05 October 2020

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