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10 reasons why you should travel to Solomon Islands right now

10 reasons why you should travel to Solomon Islands right now

When it comes to tropical island destinations, nothing can be different and unique as the Solomon Islands. Rich and extravagant, the Solomon Islands are an archipelago in the south of the Pacific Ocean. Located between Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea, the archipelago is made up of six major and about 992 small islands, though, out […]

Priyam Lahon 15 September 2020
12 reasons why you should travel to Ethiopia right now

12 reasons why you should travel to Ethiopia right now

Why travel to Ethiopia? Ethiopia is one of the oldest independent countries in Africa, with fantastic jaw-dropping landscapes, fascinating ancient African history, and beautiful culture. It is referred to as the “Roof of Africa” for its vast mountains. If you are wondering where is Ethiopia, then worry no more. Ethiopia is landlocked and located in […]

Judith Kamau 10 September 2020
Walking across the Gobi Desert

Walking across the Gobi Desert

Where is the Gobi Desert? Marco Polo, one of the most-known travellers in history, crossed the Gobi Desert from Mongolia to China. After the trip, he said, “I did not tell half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed.” Still, nowadays, one of the biggest dreams of travellers exploring new places […]

Aytaj Hasanova 01 September 2020
Hiking, trekking or just a walk?

Hiking, trekking or just a walk?

Everyone has heard about trekking and hiking activities that have become especially popular in recent years. Although many of us are engaged in this type of activity, sometimes we confuse which term should be used. Thus, we content with calling this activity either a walk or a nature walk.  These terms, widely used in Canada, the USA, and other Western […]

Javid Asadov 10 December 2019
Euphoria, Adrenaline, and Extreme Tourism

Euphoria, Adrenaline, and Extreme Tourism

Are you tired of museums, historical monuments? So dive in the air with the parachute, jump into the deep sea, climb the high rock, and fill your belly with adrenaline. Fearless and brave ones, extreme tourism is for you! Extreme tourism is an active and risky form of travel. Modern extreme tourism was formed in the […]

Arzu Chinarli 08 October 2019

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